Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 19, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 71
Ashland High Beats
Mediord at Football
j Interference wont clear through the
Ashland triumphed over her old Ashland primury and secondary de
rlval, Medford, on the high school j fense. Wlnne, who Is the fastest big
football field Saturday afternoon by! man around these parts, saved a
the narrow margin of one point In 'touchdown with a sprint as heretofore
a game which held every variety of recorded. Then Just to show that
thrill which a football game could he didn't Intend to have all that
hold. good effort wasted he drove through
Just as "Who won the war" will the Medford lino three' times in suc
Drobably be (ought out around fire-: cession and nailed the Medford backs
Sams Valley Man ipoa-sH t i nn
Hits Coal in Weill TlIin HFiFhllTI fk JUW "01311 I fDe Way
i :i u mm mm vi mm m rim ai mm mm mm m:m m m mm m mm
Mil. IflMLfilfiM 1
GOLD HILL J. E. Edmiston, res- n?
Ident of Sams Valley for about a je
year, formerly from Los Angeles, In
digging a well recently, uncovered a;
vein of coal of splendid quality and Ej
vast quantity, that promises to turn jc
out to be as good a coal proposition IE
Regain Lost Domain
places for years to come, "Who won
the game" is one of those unan
swerable questions,
for losses, giving Ashland the ball
and a chance to kick out of danger.
This boy, who did not play at tho
Did "Dom" Provost, who battered , Pass or In the Falls game here on
By Using Both tho Duly and Weekly Your Message
as any on the coast if developed, ijcj Qo8 nl0 practically Every Home i:: A'-liland'fl
Six reet below the surface ol the js
ground coal was encountered and E
digging 20 feet further the vein was p
j passed. Whether a recurrence of jQ
: coal would Bhow at a lower level Is ifj
I not known as water was found In
..... c . li - f .., lnlrk. will rarJ"""" ' " '"''in
Ilia w luiuugu 1 11 u tuvuiuiu ...... ....... . . . , - - -. .
Trade Territory Both in the City and Country.
time after time and who caught Bry-talnly make It hot for Crants Pass
ant's long pass and went over for
the score, or "Deek" Bryant, who
certainly used the old bean In a man
tier which would have done credit
next Saturday.
Medford held on their own three
yard line in the last quarter just
to show themselves capable of the
vein and the well was completed.
This 20 foot vein bares coal that
burns well In any stove and Is being
j used in a forge for welding with JQ
good results.
Mr. Edmiston is well A
ploased with his find, but does not !j
know what he will do about the
coal proposition.
Some little time pnat H. Van Ho-
to a veteran college quarterback stone-wall stuff.
and who accurately placed the afore- Ashland's score cnmo as the re-i
mid thirtv-vHttl haul, or did Burton i suit of a pretty combination of
' some nine lime pnai h. van no-ip
Winne who, with Captain Young. , passes Interspersed with enough line-1 dug & mM
.topped the plunging Medfordites In bucks to Keep me me.uorn ueiense of Hplpn())d
two out of every three plays and who guessing. , i of which was brought to Gold Hill
overcame a handicap of twenty yards; Medford scored on straight foot- nm, bnrned by goo;,
In an eighty yard sprint to catch ball with one or two short passes; re.,
a Medford half within six yards of to help along. j Coa)' has b m,e(1 on (bfi o)()
Ashland's goal? Just as the war Captain Young of the home team War(, for wlhoBt
was won by the allies, the game was Injects a world of pep Into his men effort mi gon1 ct
Won by the Aslllana team. ami is nimseu a terror at m-earnim
Assuredly the Ashland team got up plays and blocking punts. In-
1 And Advertising Man Will Tell You About It
The Social Realm
away for the moHt sensational play; cldentally he Is the motst accurate, d t
pass, for their toucnaown. mat a niirn scnooi center, ne usee mo
A large abundance of coal Is evl-
form, to the extinguishment of title
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla. The to lands which were claimed by the
Ic'Hed River boundary dispute, tnvolv- several Indian trihps under aborig-
j lng oil lands worth $200,000,000 ttial occupancy. The one exception
'I may ultimately be settled In such a to this seems to be the case of the
S way that neither of the contesting Wichita Indians
states Texas and Oklahoma will "In ISIS, certain chiefs and war-
get the territory. ,.iors ot lhe Qimpaw tribe, in council
c And the land may revert to its at St. Louis with I'nlted States com-
t true and original owners, the Wich- missinnnn. onto.! i.,t - i,-,i h
f I"1"'"1"- the terms of which they ceded all
At least that will be the decision the lands in Oklahoma and TexHS be
If the supreme court justices follow tween the Arkansas and Canadian
the suggestion of Joseph P. Thoburn,. rivers on the north and Red river on
j secretary of tho Oklahoma Historical the south to the government. The
society, fact that the Quupnws lived In Ar-
T 1.1 i .. ... .
, mo nullum Miuifu several years Kansas ano nan never exercised anv
ago when a Texas judge fined and ownership over lands within 200
1 Jailed Tom Testermnn, an Oklahoma miles of the region occupied by tho
j state senator and oil operator, for Wlehitas did not seem to have enter-
persisting In drilling on the lam: ed the consideration at all. Yet.
i after the court had Issued an injunc- with this as a basis the government
; tion prohibiting It. Tho land Is Just granted these lands to the Choctaw
south of the present Red River, two years later. More than 30 year.
i which has shifted Its course n mile elapsed before the Wirhltag knew
nnd a half north of the original ehan- their country had been sold.
nel In the last century. "Later the Chlckasaws purchased
Oklahoma authorities iimminlml n
and resident who Is visUIng here refov(lr , ak fllilrK0 f , ,ilm,s rh(1(.tinV)) f (h ,an(,
from Portland. About 25 of tho wtlfc.. bv meandering of the later leased to the government for
old-time friends of Mrs. Bethune 8hiftv , ,, bp(,om() (,ip pM of tHbes Qf
were in the guest list, and spent an parelly ToMS y Texas ffreat plains. .Two bands of the
......U.. .,.,, h nroui-'ht suit to prevent Oklahoma Wlehitas lived
af-' river, In Texas.
Bethune, n former well known Ash-
ttiiiliday Sinprlse
Miss Bvoiyn uanioru, living on ai- anolher over their fancv work. Mrs. ...i., ,. ,
i.innm imit hip lann, aim nnaiiy
south of the Red
nn tho Pnrtlpe MMlpr nrnnnrtv1 ,n,l olraat hrt1 n lilrtlwlnv snrnris ti-:..... ..i ....
in football, a beautiful long forward passer the writer has ever seen In nt , hl. nrnnrtv : ,,..,,, tk Nn ,nr l,n "rmf,,1 w:ls threatened. "In 1858 the main village or set
their touchdown. That a hlirh school center. He used tho . . ,lovo.nnmon( ,hll. ,,; .....,, ,,,,, ,ln. htr..l C. . " . . ,lle c,lse w,ls ''" " ,hp t'HH l-"l of the Wichita tribe was lo-
mlght be called "luck." But on the technically difficult spiral pass In ...,...,,....., ...,,., ..,u. ,, . ..,,.. ...,, . ,..i '""Mates supreme court
in okiii uiiiiiiii iuimu, wniii, ui ni;ii- eveill. V.UIIUB tiliu i:tmi: nrii; iich retl'es lllielltS C OSCO tllO Si lei'llOllll'S
other hand, Medford's touchdown sending the ball to the backs from ng MM , whQ 1lC,'oa
came after a measurement had shown scrimmage. t . ..,,,,.,.. . ..,. ,. , ,, 9 in .
In what Is thought to be a solid s o'clock to wish tho little lady
them to have made fourth down and Only two or three penalties for
Kepi possession 01 wie oau ou in i-,..,.. .u ,r rel. Btra)a over (bjs Qf VH,1(ly; h r0(lrns f he Any, A
Indian blanket
Ashland one-foot line, by a margin wns not even a hint of roughness to
of inches. "Dom" Provost booted mar the game although the terrific
Ashland's goal, the ball going about pace set and the battering ram
eight Inches inside the goal posts, sncishes resulted In a number of
The Medford kicker didn't even conio "time outs" while the "batteree" got
close. ! his bearings. "Dom" Provost bore
Probably If a' record of yardage the brunt of the Ashland attack and
point very forcfuliy to future devel-very nice Navajo
opment of valuable coal production. wa8 presented and also other gifts
The quality of the coal has not been finm the following friends: Mes-
tested, but slnple tests nt home bIiow flames Julia Hockelt, William Patrick,
that It certainly will burn and Pro- Miriam Way C. O. .larvls. Marcla
duce plenty of heat without too much Mitchell, Minnie Lane, Denton Bow-
whero It Is rated near Rush Springs. In tho
now pending. autumn a band of Oomanrhes came
But, nccording to Thoburn, nel- to feast nn the farm products which
ther Texas nor Oklahoma has any the Wichitas had raised. While the
claim 011 the l-md. It rightfully bo- Conianches were encamped there a
longs to tho Wichltn Indians, lie says, force of I'nlted States cavalry attnek
because they flirt Inhabited the land ed them and many were killed In the
Ashland (ilil Recent llrldo
Announcements havo reached Ash-
laud of the marriage ot Miss Querlt-
ta Brown, a former Ashland girl, and nnd since being driven from It have battle that followed. The Conianches
Othel, of San Diego. This mar- not been paid for It bv eUlier Okla- accused the Wichitas of betrayfii?
riage is of much interest to many homa, Texas or the federal govern- them. To eseane dire cnnseniience.i
Ashland people among whom the nient. Therefore, Thoburn asserts, the Wichitas abandoned their fields
vntllil? hriiln m:iv rmniit 1iii' frlpmts ilia T,i,ll.,,.a aim :.i.. , 1 1 1 - 1 i...i
nh finmn nntcrnn nt rnnl here c r n,.i ?.,1, ' " " " ' lu """ """ "l"' nun "
had been kent. Medford would be also smashed up things considerably v ' .'. ' ..' by the score. She Is a young woman the country.
1 Hiiuum stfrii iu iiiiiirniK urn mm 11 (:reor iNelson,
of great artistic ability and for tho
Fort Arliuckle for protection.
"The ancestors of the Wichita In- "After the Civil War they went
rri,.i.-i,., n.t.vut
iounti 10 nave earned ine oau iwice u ni uiTiinu:c uini wnn mmm. an . fi. ... .. Unit .nnA..,i . ...
as far as Ashland. The red and in by the last whistle but Is none ' '' ' ... n' , . . .' ')1,st 'e,,r 111,8 UCPn liv' w"h dians have lived on both sides of Red north Into Kansas and settled tem-
' , n Z nlolhor , Klamath Palls. Mr. I,e0 River for a thousand years." said porarily at the mouth of the little
lower strata running more to clenn dianlitor, Myers. Miss Nell Ewan, is nmn,1)(lr nf ,1,.n,lpl nilin T. , .., ,.. .,.,..., ' ,, .. , , ....
lUKll nmlin lapmr mnnlllllK " MH.U.I mi.. II. . ..I.,. T,..., . ' ' .,. ...UNim ,rM n....i.M. , ir ,ir m .mc rirhriii
Bryant outkicked his rival on every center. Neeley nnd Carlon guards,
I U'lunnnioWI'irbahiplrtan CViuormnn - tOtl,
-white, on the other hand, worked a the worse for wear.
dozen passes to Medford's one and Ashland lined no with Young Bt
Sam Ciawson, old time prospec-
is a member of n prominent Ohio Thoburn.
lamiiy. anil is in ine aviation service, they have occupied that part nf the oily of Wichita, Kansas,
stationed at San Diego. As soon as country along Red river where It "It will be seen that the people of
he receives his dlsciiaiTe lie and traverses the Hmkburiiet oil fields, these tribes had left (heir homes,
his bride will leave for West Vir- "The rluht of the Wichita tmllans not from choice hat from direct ne-
Tl,a hlrr Vi . 1 1 1 nt t,n (roma niiniii Mtirl Ttpesnn emts. Brvntit miaWpr-
. 4h ..'.'.,. o M0,,. hclt Prnvnsf fnlthnrli .Tnne, pnrl tor Il"'k8on c0,l,lt'- CiimP! Fl.tertaincd S. S. Class
ford half got away from his own Wolters halves. Small went in for ln, this col,n,,y first in 18!i6 nn'' MrR' J' "' no'(' e""-,"l,"'l, Bt her glnla where Mr. Leo will go Into to these lands has never been extin- .esslly. They w re never permitted
forty-yard line and with excellent , Neeley In the last quarter. ! discovered many of the best known home on Alida street last evening bllHnefl9 rnsh(i( ,)y ,.,,., nhnnw ,. to ,.,,. Thny oypr vHinqulshe.l
where they will mobilize. A speciul
Miss Alia Wlncberger Is clerking order to the local Red Cross Can-,
In the Millltt confectionery on tho teen was sent in here to serve these
mining claims in tha Jacksonville the Bereau class of the Baptist Sun-
district, has returned to this vicinity, day school, at which annul thirty
end Is planning on purchasing prop- young people were in attendance. Iu
erty here and ending his days in keepin'g her gufsts Kue1n'M Mrs. '
Social Circle
otherwise, though slate and federal Iheir hereditary rights to the lands
governments have seemingly proceed- along both banks of .the Red river.
men with refreshments when they
arrived at the station. The soldiers
' Boyd was assisted hy several city
The fjocinl circle of the Christian ed on the theory that there watt no The fact that they were compelled
church was entertained at the homo' such'' right. ' From Jlh time r.'l Its to leave against their own will can-
Mr. Ciawson has many Interesting teachers. Miss Evou Philpot and
tulna In toll nf nlfl tlmua In tills Mnarni. BnVrl nsslstpd ill SpgV-
Royal Cambers has gone to En- were made welcome by the Ashland . psn(1(,ialIy f the dayg wh(in rpri.Hsh,onlfl. The noyd home
gene to witness the football game ladles in the same roval manner as (be minm m (he war was ,)0nlltlf,v ,0coratnd for the
street foundation, the federal government not he construed as voluntary ahan
Fra nk always paid due regard, nt least In dqiimenl."
of .Mrs. Decker on Avery
Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
fiiilslnger assisted in the entertain
ment, and the circle lirst conducted s .$. $ ! . . js t $ $ ,i hlinself as Kitty which results In
between the IT. of O. and O. A. C. to greeted the service men during the
be played there this afternoon. From war.
Eugene he will go on to Coos Bay
where ho will have business Interests Tl'ESDAY'.S XEWS
until Christmas.
path, when he made numerous trips occasion, and t ho tfuests niianimous-
a business meeting In which plans .t.
some confusion and much merriment.
Raymond Long, a well known
Ashland high school boy who Is at-
tending Stanford university this year ma(,e Ae1. rea,
nas signea wun u pruiesmuimi iuui
ball team there.
Into the lava beds, accompanying ly voted Mrs. Boyd a royal hostess.
Lieutenant Sheridan's troops on one
occasion when four of tho men were (iave Dinner
A fifteen acre tract of land In the murdered In their blankest as they Mrs. Willard Vealo entertained a
Bellevlew district belonging to W. slept. This was the starting point of company of friends at her homo on
S. Eastman has been purchased by the so-called Klamath Indian war, Scenic Drive last evening, at tl
J. E. Ross recently. The sale was : which was but of short duration. j o'clock dinner, the occasion being
For the past several years Mr.! the birthday anniversary of her bus-
estate agency. i Ciawson has been prospecting in Sis-; band. After dinner the company
were discussed for the annual bazaar .f 4 f. s
W. t. parrish, with his son and
daughter, are spending a few days
In Ashland from Caldwell, Idaho,
looking after business Interests here.
In California to locate.
Mark Wright, a graduate from
the Ashland high school of the class
of 1911, a Bon of Chester Wright, has
been in Ashland for the past few
days this week visiting with old
time friends. Mr. Wright left Ash-
whlch he entered the O. A. C. and
graduated In 1917. On the United
States entering the war in 1917 Mr.
i klyoit county, California, where he pushed back the rugs and turned the
Mrs. Fred Denny, who has been located a number of promising claims. ! Vlctrola loose for dancing fur a
.. .... .. ... 1 - , 1 TJ nl.n kn n .nn.l. n 1 ...1.1tl. l,n ..I. .,).
visiting in ronianu, sioppeu on in u "m im.ii on mo uni, unci mm-n nn,! iimjcn mm. j I llllaii Masters Mrs Payne,
Ashland yesterday to visit with re.1-: Klamath river. ; until a late hour, j iiim Cochran, Mrs. fleorge
atlves for a short time before re-1 Some months ago he became nf-; im.aiii.i. m... t.-,.un m Prink
Nelson. Mrs. Mabel Jacobs, and Mrs.
Frank Crowson,
4 The tangle is finally straightened
which thoy are giving later. Mrs. (llit to the satisf action of all. even
Mabel, Jacobs entertained the com- "" ,mll,,le l" r"" Aunt Jane who gets a husband. Su-
pany with several fine instrumental "' "' ils "" Z1.,te, the French maid; Ting, the
selections and Mrs. Kelly, a nroml- ""' s,,""" ""SB w"-
nent missionarv worker from Wash- 1"'lt f(,r HOV"n'1 h"",s Monday,
ington was present and gave an in- T1,is i'l'lened before noon mid a
teresting talk, after which refresh- '"'"'I" f"r ,llfi rmt ,,r ,lin ,I,IV Wils
ments were served. The guest list I"'"""'''!. If 'U current failed to be
on at 1 o clorK. Ilut to the chagrin
of the students it came on nt u
quarter to one. This is w hat is called
"punk luck."
hell boy. and Sam, the colored por
ter, come In for their share of fun
also. At the high school gymnasium
Friday, November 21, at 8 p. m.
consisted of Mrs. Frank (liilslngor.
Mrs. J. V. Wright, Mrs. A. H. Peachy,
Mrs. Hattle Smith, Mrs. Roy Halo,
gene. The University of Oregon has
The (Ilea club, having progressed ,Rnn presented hy the Lndd estate
rapidly In Ift work, will make its vvtlh tho valuable plant collection
first public appearand on the night innnerly belonging to the old Port
j of the anniversary play, Friday, Nn- ,m( academy. This' collection con
temner 21. tains many specimens gathered by
I The Senior class has been Increased Professor Louie Henderson, former
ly the entrance or Miss Mary Camp- y of the University of Idaho, on
bell of Sidney, Mont., who expects 0f tho reternn botanists of the
lo llnlsh her course in Ashland. , Northwest. It also Includes miinv
Willi Miss Rcichlinn as coach, tho' Alaskan plants collected by Mr. M.
Ashland High girls have started real H. fiorman. curator of the forestry
basketball practice, and several Inter- hull, ling. Portland. Dr. J. Francis
class games have been played. The Drake, of Portland, nnd Reverend
Juniors defeated tho freshmen learn Mr. Dickson, now a mlssinnary to
and the seniors won from the soph- India, arranged the collection and
more girls. The juniors and seniors also contributed from their private
play sunn to decide Mie class chain- collections.
pionship. Much interest has been When the collection arrives nt the
taken in these inter-class gnnieH and university tho herbarium will he
there Is a promising line-up for n confronted with the problem of snace
snappy first team this yen-. Prac- In which to arrange It. At present
lice has started earlier than usual tho herbarium has the collections
and Ashland may be sure of a win- of Messrs. Howell. Cusick. Llehere.
Wright left for Eugene to wltness s(stnt city librarian. Miss Jones was "Itlle Scout," who also plans to lo-! party. A charming musical program Invitation is extended to strangers , ,,.. Seienil former "stars" Sheldon and Whited. which represent
the big ball game, after which hejnlwayg henful , Kettng the ma- ci'to permanently in this city. j started the evening's pleasure. Nearly , ,0 come all(l K"1 acquainted. ,rk. again. Lena Provost, who the pioneer botanical work of tho
I terial one neeileil end tho memliHrsI all tho guests are musically Inclined , played forward on first team last Northwest. The ndditlon of this
(of the study clubs of the city feel Ashland Red Cross 1920 member- and each one rendered selections Tho Ladies' Auxiliary club held year, will be "right there" when It aluable gift will make a splendid
Mrs. Susie Allen has made tne; that her leaving Is a serious loss to ship drive has been going rather along their special lines lo assist their regular lortnightly meeting In comes to shooting. Dot Tinker, collection of native plants.
Bale through her real estate lc tncm- slowly. It anyone has not already in the entertainment. A delightful Chautauqua Memorial hull last even- lumping center on the last year's .
of the 0. H. Yeo residence on Bush ... ! handed in their dollar for 1920 the' luncheon was served the little Indies. Ine. The iirincloal business trail!--1 team, will si like terror ill the heart Tall Thompson of Portland, a ren-
tnrnlnr to her home In rtnseville. fllcted with rheumatism which S. S. CImnh Met
They will go from here to some point af M,a )g & g9(er Qr crlpI,iert hm s0 Darty that he was! The members of Mrs. Wick's class
Mrs. E. E. Phlpps and Frank Ci ouch unable to walk. At that time he In the Presbyterian Sunday school
of this city. I came to Ashland and took four sul- met In a business session at her
phiir baths and a course of llthln wa-' home on North Main street last
Miss Evangeline Foley, one of the iter, which put him in such good con-j evening. Tho members brought
teachers in the Junior high school, dltlon that he was able to return to their fancy work nnd before ud
was a Medford visitor during the work. j joiirnment the hostess served refresh-
week end. It wag this visit and the favorable ments.
arguments of his son, Alfred "Sambo"!
land with his parents shortly after o aRan egume h(g trajn journev ciawson, an S. P. engineer, which1 Double Party
graduating for Cottage Grove from f Portland to San FranciscoJ induced him to decide to mnkq his! Thursday, November 13, was the
Only an informal reception was held final home here.
i m .1 f t il. ..tu i j i Tin li'il In tha nltlan rl'ivo mnnvl Rumnnu W(un mirl iha t lit rlnmi (U nn
iii rtieuium, hh mo Minn icuuer is " "- ".' ........ .........- ....... v ..... .... prfHH1ti 1)V thofl frieildrt lit
lmillv worn with eiiP.'iLritifr nnrl fiin friends In this section and in the nl versa ry of her little school friend. .
Wright enlisted in the first gas reg-. ., do go Rt hg regu,ar appoint. Jacksonville vicinity, whom he Is Miss Ruby Powell, so the two were "1Pir ll0l,,e Simy evening,
lment, but was stricken with pneu- mentg ; now um,i,ie to locate and with whom beautifully entertained by Mrs. Louis
monla shortly after entering service , , , i he is anxious to again get in touch.! Schwein at her homo on Church The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
and had been an Inmate of a military A bnok ,,,, of Ashialld win Accompany Mr. Ciawson is Georgo! street from 4 to 8. Nine guests wor r'""'c'1 wi" ,lol1 lls f,ociul
hospital In San Francisco for a . mllh . ,or, - ,. i nennett. formerly of Texas, nnd' Invited which with thelhree In the I" I he cUunh parlors tomorrow.
lengthy period. From here Mr. j nntion of Mlgg E8telle JonBa as as' known throughout the country as the, Schwein home n-ade twelve In the Wednesday, afternoon. A special
wngni leri ior Kugen
the big ball game, aft
will go to The Dalles.
Liunb-Siiiitli WcddiiiK
A. L. Lamb, the well known con
tractor of this city, nnd Mrs. Lillian
Smith of Pine street worn married,
Inst Saturday nt Jacksonville, Judge
Gardner performing the ceremony.
The wedding was n very quiet affair,
only tho necessary witnesses being
. il i, . i . present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lamb w 11 re-
twelfth birthday anniversary of Miss i"rm-
sine HI ma I tin; min-i. i m-v i-m-
street to William Wehrli of Condon.
Mr. Wehrli and family spent Inst
winter here and after returning to
Miss Emily Kaiser Is In Oakland Ashland Banks, the Public Library,! nt which n handsome birthday cako acted was the election of officers for of her opponent once more by her resentatlve of the London A Lnnca
vlsitlng with her sister, Miss Arme- Rose Bros., and McNalr Bros. Willi surrounded wllh twelve candles nnd the coming, and those selected were ;wlft plavlng; she Is sure to get that shire Fire Insurance company, was
da Kaiser, a teacher In the public be glad to receive siibscrintlons. The! two in the center graced the table.las follows: President, Mrs. S. B.,lmll. "Tuihie," Tucker, who was a business visitor In Ashland this
his home for the summer his health! schools, and niece. Miss Lillian Kai- Red Cross has done most efficient; A prize was offered for tho fortu-! McNalr: vice-president, Mrs. A. C.:stiboii first team, Is "out" again this week.
failed him. Ho decided that he ser, -a student in the University of service and Its program for honielnate girl who succeeded In extlwg- Briggs: secretary, Miss Emma Jen-! season. Several new players from ...
would be compelled to leave that California.- i service needs your continued inter- uishlng a candle on a stick, and this kins; treuBiirer. Mrs. E. H. Bush; ; other schools are unking good and K. E. Corson was In Grants Pass
section and his inclinations directed l . ' est an( support. fell to one of the honor guests, Mi' house committee, Mrs. H. G. Enders.j will probably mekn rirst team. Nel- ever Sunday paying n visit to his
him Immediately to Ashland, so he) Mrs. Joseph Toley has gone to AI-' ! nuhy Powell. Both girls wore the Jr. The social peiiod following was' He Hake's and Nellie fjuinn's team- brother. C. H. Corson and family.
came on here and remained until he hambra, CaliL, to join her son, W. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Briggs of Yak-j recipients of ninny boaiitirul gifts, greatly enjoyed, with fine refresh- work as forwards for Hie juniors is
could find a home. He will go back H. Poley. who with his family is ima, Wash., are visiting nt the home The guest list Included Ruby Powell, ments served by the hostesses, Mrs. thrilling. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. F. Cyester, well
to Condon In the near future and re- spending the winter there. Mrs. Po- of Mrs. Briggs' parents. Mr. and Mildred Humphreys. Margaret Walter L. Maxey, Misses Norton, Lee, Final rehearsals nre being held known residents of Ashland, will
main there only long enough to close ley expects to remain in California Mrs. O. B. Turner on Sixth street, i Dougherty, Flora Welters, Leona Coshow and Clark.
out his affairs, arter which he will for several months. ! They expect to leave shortly for A hist mm, Bertha Dean, Eleanor
return to Ashland to live permanent-, 'Southern California to snend the i Hovt. Alice nnd Louise Ruger. Wanda Young Couple Wedded
Eamonn d'Valern, president of the winter.
j "Republic of Ireland," who has been
The business block on East Main; touring the coast for the past week.: Mrs. Vul Snyder and two sons nre
street owned by Mrs. A. Schuerman pa8sed through this section yester- home from Hinevale, III., where they
and occupied Dy Orres tailor shop day forenoon. He left train 1J at were called three weeks ago by thei
Schwein, Rosnlind and Ramona The marriage of Miss Lrace M ir
Wiso. : gnret Spencer :.nd Clarence Morrh
! was solemnized last evening at the
Evenlnif Willi Ilridge i home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dobbin Irwin ! Winkler, a jolly business man. who ceded them
for the anniversary play, "The Ar- lento this evening on train No. 51
rival of Kitty." It is a clever com- for Frankfort, Intl.. where they will
edy in three arts nnd promises an make their future home. They will
evening of pleasant entertainment, join their son-in-law and daughter.
The setting is ut a summer resort .
In the Catskill mountains. William Mr. nnd Mrs' D. D. Norris. who pre-
there several months
Mr. H. H. Gillette entertained n on North Main street. Rev. C. A. likes a giaal time better than husi- ago.
and Jordan's electric store is under- Medford where he was met by a del- illness of Mrs. Snyder's father. The' smull company of friends at her! Edwards, pastor of the Methodist ffess, Is to get ten thousand dollars
going a new coat of paint on the out- egation who brought him by auto to latter died before his daughter! home on Gresham street lust Sat- church, performed the ceremony in if be marries hlr. niece Jane, to Ben-' Miss Jean Anderson Is In the pnh
Slde which Is vastly Improving to that Ashland over the Pacific highway reached his home. i nrdav evening. Brldun was the form the presence of the family. Hubert Janiin Moore, friend of Jane's father, lie library assisting in the work
; of entertainment. n,.,n ..niml tha l'rniim Mr. Winkler's sister-ill-law. Aunt Jane, there. She etnerta tn ncoeA,! via.
. . . ... ... ..... I I .. ..........I., n ,I.a -(....A ..nrt I.... . 1 1 . 1 I , .
- , Morris is well Known in tins city .in mm n m-.h i-iiwii i wi..- uw r.nit'ue joiim. wno nns resignea ner
KiiK'rinlnetl for Krlend ! Is employed as driver for the Ice Winkler In trying to conceal his lik-' position In that Institution.
Mrs. C. Winter and Mrs. 0. 8. Mr- and Storage company, while the ing for Kitty Benders, a pretty ur- .
jnent passed through Ashland yes- day inspired a number of others to!wns accompanied by Miss Harter.' Connell' entertained at the home of bride is s popular young woman of tress, gets into many difficulties. William B Morris, a well Vmwn
terday afternoon on Its way from come up and get their admittance ' one of the teachers In the grades of the forhcr on the Boulevard last Sat- Diiiisnniir. The young people will i Bobbie Baxter is the real lover of citizen of Hilts. Calif., was a business
Camp Tevis. Texas, to Camp Lewis tickets at the door. ! the Cold Hill schools. ' urdey afternoon In honor of Mrs. ' live in this city. ( Jane. He has occasion to disguise caller In Ashland this morning.
!"nd 'ifty tickets were sold at Palm-1 Miss Nellie Beaver, teacher in thej
A troop train containing upwards er's music store during the week.! Gold Hill schools, was an over Sun-1
of 400 regular soldiers and equip- then the beautiful weather of that day visitor at her home here. She