Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, November 05, 1919, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
NO. 6S
Middleburgh Editor
Praises Ashland Eats
The "No Accident Two Weeks," j
that had been In progress on all the j . Ashland Post, No. 1 4, American
railroads .throughout the country Legion, has been Invited to take part
Wellington E. Bassler, editor of
Rince October 18. closed Friday night, in the parade to be held in Sleurora the Middleburgh, N. Y News, has
October 31 Prom the report re- on Armistice Day, November 11, attne following to say of Ashland In
ceived by Station Agent 0. N. Kramer 2:30 p. m. A military ball will alto describing hiB western trip with the I
Shasta division of the Southern Pa- be given in the Natatorium of that National Editorial Association, at'
cific, came out with an absolutely City to which every one will be al-;tne time they visited the Northwest)
clear record- During the entire lowed to attend. If the crowd is ln August: j
period this division (lid not have a too large for this building Medford The men of Southern Oregon whoj
single accident of any description, Post baa given out that they will nav nad tne National Editorial Asso-j Dr'0l.ay an(l Dr Wnjte nave just
which considering tne mountainous open up ."6 elation party unner meir cuu.B mDlete(i tlleir Bible conference at famnv will
Mr. 0. C. Griffin, who has been,
for some two years mid a half the
missionary of tho American Sunday;
School Union for the southwest Ore-
At a special meeting of Ashland
Post, No. 14, American Legion, held
gon counties with headquarters at i,ist Thursday evening the proposl
Medford, has tendered his resignation ti()I)B p,t 1)of().e e vurioug p09U
which will take effect November 1.1 n, . m.,:,.
Ul 11IU UCftllll. 111 vn-h"", VM.i
expressions to go before the national
Within a few weeks a successor to
Mr. Griffin will be locuted at Med
ford to carry on the rural mission
ary work of tho society In this sec
tion of the stale. Mr. Griffin and
continue to reside in
country through which the road oicny. tnis wn. o i... uu., ...-. tne ,aBt two days on ine trip to Sal alld the report is that they Medford.
this division passes, Is really extra-, ance of the day for Jackson countv,tnever to be forgotten Crater Lake' ,.., nM tn tho can.
... . tn V.a nnim tr ha. 1 , . . . .i 4i . .1 l! , ....vV..-. o- ----- 1
ordinary and speaKS wen tor tne care er, ." - w...... - n.snea tneir snare wneu tne, ue.i.- conference in Ash- -rh. rn,n,rc. a sheet nubllsl.ed
land begins Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. j weekly by the Portland Chamber of j
The session will last during Wednes-1 commerce, contains in a recent;
and attention the railroad employes ing expected to be in Medford and ere( ug nt0 this beautiful little city
irlve tn their work on the railroad. take part in the" parade. While the 0( Ashland which nestles confidingly
- , day has been set aside as a legal hoi- gainst the bosom of the green Siski-j
At a meeting held In Ashland be-(lday by Governor Olcott, It will not you range. Here we are in the hands
.. . n..u,i- l. P,n.mi..ann l.a nhuorviirl In nnv nnprial manner . l. . 1.H., nf Aaktnn ln,l mnat
iween me ru, . - :Z'S'"7 a " i ference is free to all.
and the municipal oinciais recently , m iiiiiii"v" capaoie nanus tney uave
the railroad crossing on Helman all people here deferring to Medford Slightly tired and more than
convention for legislation were voted
upon, Twenty members were pres
ent, and nil votes were unanimous as
Universal military training. Re
quiring a man to devote a certain
timo exclusively to military training,
no. (a ) Universal military train
ing in connection with educational
lr.tlt, vea
The evening: issue the following in regard to the. i ,, 8tand-
30. The con-j southern Oregon trade excursion! , ,b) Small standing
. which ninety members participated in; ,.!, rt eouli-
No one who has any interest what-' the week of October 12: i'vii r.,Ur,i ve lei Re-
day and Thursday.
n.M. was decked to designate this store, may close here during the af- tr,D Lm crater Lake, we found Sc'ipttnes on to miss '"'M with Southern Oregon She th ough () prererenM , ex,(,rvlce me
practical Ashland awaiting. us with, J
i hot bath tubs for all and swims in
the soft sulphur water of the two
the trade excursion fathered by the
The place of meeting is the Pres- Chamber, has almost literally taken.
! Klamath Kalis, Ashland, Medford,
'Grants Pass and Roseburg by the
byterian church.
In acquiring public lands, yes. (b)
Financial assistance to exiervieo
men In form of long term loans on
k, iil i ,i t mwl mi,.hiiuii fit farm.
. Mrs. A. DePeatt, an aged resident, hand, and what Is more pleasing, the;
of Ashland, died at her home on Har- pressure of friendship met with ,"teS,'mmlRrnon (n) Restrictive pol
gadtne street at 3 o'clock this morn-. wholesome, response which is lwH , M t() mmgnllon, yea. (b)
Ing. While Mrs. DePeatt had been .jar to Oregonlans. The Southern ! A,i(ic
declining In health for some time she Oregon people found that Portland a"! (a) Strict nntur
waa not bedfaRt until Sunday even-, business men were Just ns human as; ' . . i.lliniei.,lllta
wear the same, - .
had rapidly increased. She had language, eat the same food and nave limited time nf-
been a resident of Ashland for over the same ideals and aspirations fori BrrlVH, yes
40 years and was wen Known amoiiK Ktle development as nave ... rm.rll,,iv. m)licv aml ,mmedl-
disabled service?
as a "stop" crossing, and erect an ternoon.
illuminated sign over It. This street
Is much used, and it was decided KHITISH FIGHTERS
that a bell, which was first talked of WERE GOOD FARMERS Nutitoriums of the city.
at this crossing, would be a nuisance LONDON. The British army was Then from the regreshing baths we
as it would easily be confused with doing something other than fight in Were taken through the tree line.l
the switch engines. The Ilfumlnated the last -ear of the war, according streets to Lithia park, a park which
sign will be arranged so that it will to the army agricultural committee na8 become one of the prides of Ore-
not be confused with other lights report made public today. It culti- gon. Here nature has been given
, . . I ...111 anM.ra aa VataA R A fi affOB tt InnH ftl MlR ..11 .. J Il.a A.nnnvnHn
alOng Ine rillHUail Ullll Will bci,o ao ,bich ....n mil OIIU IIU tlio w-v iiiiu.iui. , ,..ln,l., , , .. i
. ,n.n of the annroaoh of trains, country occupied by the home force, 0f the hand of man sixty acres of an1 8 nc9 that time. her nal he Portlanders
Ashland will have the privilege alone, and made a profit of about over huge granite boulders from the
of hearing an orator of national fame $50 an acre. very heart of the city. In the back-
in the person of Dr. Louis Albert In France thousands of acres were ground loom the lofty SiskiyoiiB and
Banks, D. D., who will speak In the cultivated by the soldiers, and rege- Mount Ashland, capped with perpet
Methodist church Tuesday evening, ! tables worth no less than $2,500,- ua) snows towering above Ashland
November 4. on the subject, "World- 000 were produced. creek, a sizeable stream of pure
Tide Prohibition Coming and Amer-, By irrigation the army In Meso- snow and spring water, tumbling
ica Leads the Way." Dr. B-inks is potamia became self-supporting so 0Ver huge graniteb oulders from the
known from the Atlantic to the Pa- far as vegetables were concerned mountain above down through 12
cific as a great pastor and successful and the grain crop was valued at tnlles of canyon which opens Into
,1... TV- 1 I. l.n huV. tIR finll HILL 1. T . - n .. b tuhrh
eVangeiWL. JIB HUH lUUKIU HID wc- v,vvv,uuU. I Ijllllltt JJtllll, ll. ID a. ijii .........
.. . . . . , t ... . V. T U C .. 1 ..,.:!. t ..,,. lun .I- ri i. kllnu ... ,L. -.1. V. ..... ,
pruee nauor traiiic irom ine ery uo- iuo oniuinni mm mw "o u..DJ i nas a way into me ibiiui a ucon. i . . . . . .. . .,.,,i....i -i..
" - i . ., , - . spoke of trances L.. uage, or waoiu sky unner tne most iihiikiuiui m-;
ginning of his ministry, and at last his cultivating the soil back of Its lines Many c t es have larger parks, many 1 . -,..i, ni,i . ,,in.,,wi thamnnlveii P61"8, na
opposition to the traffic that destroys and in addition to harvesting crops dtlM hBve beaufu. vistas of shade ? the T'llTt T?1 ' 11 1 . ,, 1 1 War risk Insurance be amended
men became such a consuming pas- worth some $300,000 saved 52,000; and gre(,n, but nowhere has old"1" " ,,.", ... " Tho . , ' Z' ,, ,lpi.nniiv beneficiary may have option
of receiving principal In lump sum
or monthly pnymeuts, yes.
' A liberal constructive and efficient
mi.Iq,ii nf vn.!ttti,mil triilllinir fur npr-'
rnis noten nussionHry whmh hih oie to presume iiiui
, tile older residents of the city. Fu- 0f the most distant sections of thi
neral arrangements have not been state.
made at this writing. The deceased n was a week well spent; It was,
is survived by two daughters and the most profitable expenditure of i
one son. time and money the business men of
! : ! Portland have undertaken for many:
ate relief towards
men, yes.
Opening of Klamath Lake lands
to settlement Instead of lease to
corporation', yes.
Parallel paragraph translations
During the lecture given by Rev years, not fro mthe material re- BeWBpBperg prlnted ,n tor.
J. J. Handsaker at the Sunday school turns, but from the standpoint of
convention last Saturday night, he getting together under the same blue
eign language, yes. i
Abolition of all foreign nawspa
, . . . , ,, -,..,1.1 nllifl-wliill .. . . Cllllf-U a Brtllll H rtao .uio ....... HUHB Wl nvi.v., , -
mon wnn mm mat n guve up uib lunn m buiiib whii.ii wumu uvucinino joiner aiiure presenieu it iiiuib yei- , -
.....i. i.. wn,.i i., .nii. in,.... . , i,ji.i, reference to Frances L.
,u, B ....... - broll!ht a flood of recollections to cial and development matters.
,-,.r .... .a... .. " imriiv i ........ o. P". Billings of this fUy. who knew
MlltftUtt tin c uccii urru it. . .. hub y.M iv wc luuini c.i t..
Gage meeting those who lead In commer-
tal and development matters.
On the other hand, It is reasona-
of prohibition all over the United El'GEXE IS NOW OX THE whe,re. from the springs, gushing
States. ESTABLISHED AIR ROUTE from some subterranean stream
The lecture platform contain; EUGENE. Eusene is comine to which hns found outlet on a granite
no more able, popular and successful the front in airplane matters. It ll cliff, pnd tumbling and falling over
speaker. He ranks wiih Young. Hob- one of the five airplane stations on moss-grown boulders,
son, Stearns and other great proh!-. the Pacific coast, according to a map jn a (iark cavern, aptly nnmed
bitlon lecturers, and Ashland is most recently published by the North "Satan's Sulphur Grotto." is found a
fortunate to be able to hear him American Air Line association. Those gnjphur spring. Soda water boils up
the visit was
a little flaxen-haired girl in Maino. equally profitable, and for the same
She also visited Ashland in lltll reasons, to the business men of thn:
when she had charge of the Rose cjtjcg ,,, Becllons visited. It gave
Conference Chautauqua that sum- (,e people of Southern Oregon even
. CM.n l.,lnH want hifr tn TllrkPV 1.. ...... .I..!. ... n.l.lh in llvn
.lie. . our min n.jni ........ ... . a utru.'r Bi.iio ill "in." ..-v. ,, , , ....(..., ,....
... u . u i,. . . ., those responsible for u u hist treat-
and was befriended by Ambassador Ve ,qve heard for generations of( ' .
Ain.irnniiuiii iniiiiv times from the ,na hnuniiiiiiiv nf din neiniln nt Mm 1lfin' V3-
vice men, yes.
Immediate deportation for
anti-government aliens, yes.
Complete investigation of all army '
orison camps m.d punishment ot
ranking with Eugene for air service n big spring under a rustic shel-
are Seattle. Portland, San Francisco tPr anf under a like shelter is found
and Los Angeles. the famous Ashland Lithia spring
This association which is boosting for which the park Is named. This
airplane landings everywhere, will Lithia wi ter is said to equal in me-
imspeakable Turk.
NEW YORK i-ractic:l nnHlcv
tion of the "love your neighbor"
While House, Washington, D. C.
which is signed by J. P. Tumulty, pri
vate secretary to President Wilson
R. H. Turner, receiver of the Rose
burg U. S. land office, has received
hold a meeting at Kansas City No- (irjni"l value that of the faT-ious spas a letter dated October 20, from Iho
vember 15, to discuss airplane sta- 0f the European irsorts. Everybody
principle by Americans Is necessary tions and due to ine spirit snown in mixed their m-niKs rreeiy witnout
to restore normal trade conditions this city, Eugene is entitled to a rep- di-notrons results.
with Eii'-ope, Edward Filene of Bos- resentntlon of 15 delegates. Air- After our ramble over the park we thanking him for "his thoughtful
ton. director of the United States plane routes are now under consid- were directed to tables laden with all C0Urtesy" in sending to the presl
Chamher of Commerce, told the New eration and the letter announcing ;raunner of good things. Great bus- (lullt during his Illness some of his
York Clerical conference. the meeting states that cities showing kets of fruit peaches, plums, pears cnoice grapes taken from his vine
Granting credits, particularly to the greatest interest In airplane mat- Hn( apples took the place of flowers yar( at Grants Pass. Mr. Turner
small European nations. In order to ters will be placed on tie route. . 0n the tables which were set on ent ,ie B,.apeg a few weeks ago and
bolster up exchange rates until the ; green lawns amid flower beds ga- ..yoll may be BUre ymlr good will Is
enormous trade balance in favor of Ilhtlidity Party lore. great appreciated," the letter con-
this country is lessened, Is necessary yesterday little fcinuy timore cei- Tnat dinner: Alter tne long riKi!.clu,cs
south, having always in nilud
section of the country south, of Ma
son and Dixie, but the expression
must have a new meaning for Port
landers. Whenever again they hear
of southern hospitality, they surely
will think the expression must have
reference to tho 1 f 1 ! trade excur
sion to Southern Oregon, and thou1
friendly spirits who left no stone
unturned to make every minute of
the journey a happy one. The hos
pitality of the old South has nothing
on that dispensed in Southern Ore
gon. Almost ninety of Portland's prom
inent business men, under the lead
ership of Messrs Strauss and Honey-
man made the grand tour. Everv
n l.,,lu.Kir t,A l.nultmoa Wild
money lu "" "
The expression of this Post wit U
nil others In the state will be taken
by the Oregon delegates to the na
tional convention held in Minii";i'.Mlis
November 10, 11 and 12.
to save weaker countries, he said. ebrated her fourth birthday anfi in fr0m the lcke appetites were enor-
i , a nn a hnnnr nf this creat event she was mnna hut there neemed to be an in-. Who savs there is no
It onnKITB Hie lururu .u nnniiin - - - . - --- - - - --- -- - .,,. ., ... ,, U,
the entire burden of credits, Filene hostess at a party which included exhaustible oven somewhere from raising nuts? A citizen of Asnlunu mi'.-.. '
said, they must demand absolute se-. three other little friends.' A perfect- whence an unending stream of plat- who recently bought a new home on el " Wls discovered that npproxi
CHriiy. and nations that are In most'ly delightful afternoon was spent by tors of chicken, mashed potatoes and one of the hill streets made $8.'. mutely thirty million dollars or bus
need and consequently have least the little ones playing games gravy. string beans, hot biscuits, and from two trees of English walnuts, ''"n"1 111S bBe" llia ypj"''
credit will suffer. themselves, after which a really other good things poured forth. Sal- This was cleared over the home con- f I11" amount probably eighty per
. ' blrthduy luncheon was served at ads. relishes. Jams, marmalade,, tumption ot which no account was ent was represented in trade Willi
' .. . . . ....... .k u..ii... n 1.1-0. .o --r. ....... y.., n....,o,i n, ...t !.. tki. n,,,.,iv . Portland manufacturers and Job-
The Uilile conterence unner .ne mi. ..imu..c .. .nutn uu. hhj ... mncn. hci, .mn
leadership of James M. Gray of the ried out with yellow and white dec- g0od things? No wonder the men chased by the new owner she was
Moody Bible Institute of Chicago and orations. Beside the voting hostess 0f Ashland wore that look of pride told that the proceeds from the nut
Rev W. P White D. D.. of Albany, 'he guests present were Marjorie when they said, "The ladies are tak- trees on the place would pay the
will have its first session at 2:30 Briggs. Ceorge Francis Smith and ing care of a dinner for us." We are taxes, but the statement was taken
..j , ... i c n-i ...ill MuririiprltA Trwln o.lH fhut Mverv Item nerved hv the u-llh n trrnln nf nnlt. However. (WO
TTeCllieSClUJ .MJ.IIHIWI H. lll'Tir will r. - " .!.. .... 1.,n.,.l llunuulnll
pretty girls of Ashland was a pro- trees of English walnuts have much 6"""" """
Word was received in Ashland this duct grown or manufactured In Ash- more than paid the taxes and f the situation, as It developed diir-
week that Ray Clary, a well known land. there are other valuable nut trees ' "'f ' . . .
A large nuipbcr of mourning
friends and neighbors nlteiided tho
funeral services held over the re
mains of H. F. Pohland, one of Ash
land', prominent business men,
which were held in the Elks Tempi"
yesterday afternoon. The ritualistic
service of the Elks was read over the
casket, after which Mayor C. B.
Lainkln made u brief address. Jluri'i!
was made in Mountain View ceme
tery. The pallbearer:! were rhoseu
from Mr. Pohland's close business
associates and were J. (1. Walker,
I). 11. Barneburg, (I. A. Briscoe, G.
G. Eubanks, .1. W. McCoy, V. O. N.
Smith, O. Winter and T. H. Simpson.
bers. California gets the bulk of
the balance, due to geographic and
transportation conditions.
On the trip "home" Chairman
Strauss called the excursionists to-
also be a session at 7:30 in the even
ing, and the same hours Thursday
November 6
also on the property.
These men' sre both .expert Bible young man of this city who has been
students and interpreters To the working In the lumber woods at Mist, FORMER ROSEBURO MAX
religion, public Dr. Gray needs no near Astoria, was badly hurt Inst is AOAIX A CAITIVK II RATTLER PAYS
in..i...iini. mi. hnnk. m-ritii.H Monday. It is not known here how ROSE BURG. Wa Iter J. Scott' MiMIXXVILLK MSIT;
niki. ....!., his iniuries occurred, but It was twice tried In the courts of Dnus- CROWDS VIEW SKIN
u.u.c niuiij upui nrn ., i a nu'mncu . --
in nearly every religious periodical, siuieo. mat no was in ine uoou m- ias county on a cnarge oi attempt-
of the discussion was the nppoint-
SALEM, Ore. Duplication of en
ergy and expense in patrolling tho
Oregon forests Is to be eliminated
through the co-operation of state,
federal, Indian and private agencies,
according to F. A. Elliott, state for
ester, Just returned from Klamath
Falls, where he attended a confer
ence of the fire patrol Interests.
Under the new plan of operation,
the several ugencles will be kept ad-
ment of a committee headed by Mr. vised of what the other Is doing
along 1118 Jim nu nw. umir;
tluciiiK the exm'nHfl and inrn'iiufnjc
' Strauss with Instructions to praps ra
i , nimr. ,.f the rhiuiiber tho efficiency of the-several depart-
' ai d "Ju ce rommendatlons ns n I. -rk
. . . ..... It Is Mr. E olts opinion that next
, A.hij M rf.,..i.,i maritan hosriltal In Portland suffer- In to extort from Antone Gallaeher. McMINNVILLE. Ore. A ratue- and suggestions, ine .f"... . . ,h. .,.! nf
IUC ;wiiio ut nniiiniiu nu. iiuumtn " ... ., Il..., hlllllllici win rn
a rare opportunity to sit under the in? with a broken arm and Jaw and former well known rancher of the snake with seven rattle, irom wnicii lunu is as .....u. .
Instruction of these men and It Is h his skull fractured. His condl- Deer creek district, a sum of $250, two were gone, was discovered at "It was the sense of our meeting,
sincerely hoped that the building "on was considered critical from last who proved a' sensation in local court the corner of one of the down town In view of the great need Tor Nor-
will be thronged at all the service,. "rt- :! t " "11. -wh.n the al- residence street, in IMcMlnnvllle the mal 1 schools, that we use every ef for
lesed extortion Is alleged to have other day, and was quicm.v ui- to na.e ... ........... m ,
EXAMIXATIOX DATE FIXED been made. Is finally under arrest patched. This is a new occurrence and at the same time call attention
November 1? is the tentative date aRa after eluding the officers for In McMlnnvllle. Old timers who to the need of a Normal school In
est of Bible study with a motive to e' examination of the offi- over four years. Scott was arrested have never seen rattlesnakes In this the eastern pan oi .ne
eet neonle to understand their Bl- cen r Th"d Oregon Infantry, n North Dakota In 1915 for horse vicinity Detore say n must nave .E.i r.,,,,.,,, ....
' j National Guard, in a telegram re-
The city of Ashland has finally ceived by Colonel Creed C. Ham
been released from the claims of the mond. commanding. Colonel C. E.
the airplane forest fire patrol to an
sections of the PaciHc coast, as well
as to some of the most heavily tim
bered districts of the middle west.
These men come as the represen
tatives of no creed or dogma or de-,
nomination, but solely in the inter-
I'lin-iit-TeiicliiT. MivlliiK
Owing to the many sctivities thlsr
week the regular meeting of the
hauled In from the mountain, with tee be appointed to take up this .
I BIXF'LOWER ENSILAGE. Dies netter ana to.stuay iiiein humo. ih.i.i -
George Chapman finished filling a load of wood. The snake wa nx land. and 'promise onr support to a
Cameron Septic Tank company which Dentler. Inspector-Instructor, proba- hls silo a few days ago. Among hiblted In one or tne store winnows, otn n u unusual Interest will be presented at "
has been pending the supreme bly will be the president of the ex- other kinds of forage he put In a i-1 opening of their Norm ul school, It
court for a long time. This, company amlnlng board. All officers who did qnantity of sunflower, which he Marshfield Mountain States Initiated by them. i n n 1 1 t t
claimed that Ashland, when the city not hold commissioned rank during . raised this year. It Is said this plant Power company closes "contract' for "It Is recommended, also, In view . . .
the wsr in federal service or who ), frennentlv used In Kansu for en- fnrnlshlni 200 horsepower electric or me siatemeni mane iui . .
a Joint meeting will be held in ther
Junior High school. A program of
senile tanks were Installed, had In- the war in federal service or who. Is frequently used In Kansas for en
. . . . . v.u ii-i i i ... . ... . ... . . , . . . ... ....... t ..... .u- Mil .Tfii rxinn rates are '
irtngeo on ine company s ngnta. i nis. now uuiu uigner run inn iku nun on Mil n tin nm inn weinirn;; w m ni " - ... fn-tlunn Ilk. i-nn
.. K..11. h.n ..ttll fnr th. ...m dluhar.ed ar. reonlred to uka the h. hrd of It. h.lni nud In Or-- Mannfscturlng comDany. which plant Southern Paelfl. between Ra Fran- ter of secnrlng for I ortiann
of $70 and AthlaBd tot Its relsasa. 1 examlnatloa. . j gon. The Florence West. la starting douhlo h!ft operations. ;
1 i I
made by the with this railroad company the mat-
Cisco and Ashland, that a special slderatlon.