Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, October 01, 1919, Image 1

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    . l!torlura
1 i-i .
VOL X LI 1 1
m ebi
Rev. A. A. Abbott, arcndeacon of
the Episcopal church of Oliin, with
headquarters at Cleveland, Ohio, ar- J
rived in the city Monday to spend
this week visiting with relatives in
this part of the atnto.
Rev. Abbott lift Clevolsnd Sep
tember 6, and Iris Hpent the time
since then traveling pihI visiting with
relatives onrniito. After spendin.'
the week in Ashland he will loae
for California and then return home
going through Colorado und Utah
where he will visit with relatives win',
live in those states. He estimate;
that he will have visited with 100
relatives before he returns to hi:;
home at Cleveland.
The visitor is b brother of the late
John Abbott, one of the earliest set
tiers of Jackson county, who set
tled on a farm on Winner creek, neai
Talent, whore he lived until a few
years prior to his dentil when he
moved to Ashland residing on Oi.'t
Two nieces from Klamath count?
are In Ashland thin week to attend
the reunion and ninny relatives th
ing near Talent are visiting In lb'
city to be with Ttcv. Abbott. dutim
his stay here. Those from Klnmati.
county are: Mrs. Tom Cnr-ett, o1
Bly, and Mr. and Mrs. .lack Ilorton
of Dairy.
Rev. Abbott. was the true -t of hon
or at a picnic held In Lilhki park
this noon given by relatives. Thos
present were: Mrs. Tfo"n Lowe on-;
son Ronald; Mr. and M'-s. H V.
Sackett; Mr. and Mrs.' A F. Abbot
son Lelth and Jiumliter Etna, all rf
Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. Jick Fortor
and Mrs. Tom Carrett of Klamath
county; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ab'tot'
and family; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brit
nett and family, all of Talent, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ioin, gun-ds from
(Iiy tlio I'niled Press.)
LONDON,. (By Mail.) Tcxnrmv
officers are joining the London po
lice force in conhMerable number
since the raise in rates of 'pay. A
good number of ex-policemen wo:
commissions in the war, and i:ua'
of them have returned to the forte
but since the police strike, there h-.vt
been many new-comers on Out y
wea'ring decorations o:c!:tsHely re
served for army and navy officers
An ex-colonel can be seen on tva
flc duty In tbe Wept Knd, and on
day's list of recruits included an ex
naval commander, two artillery lieu
tenants, and air force captain, am'
three infantry lieutenants.
A guard for trou;:r watch pock
ets to prevent theft of their contents
has been invented.
J School News f
School X'cws
Has Ashland a hlch school? Ha;
she? From nil npjien ranees it looks
as though she has", for when school
started September 8 the assembly
room was well packed with old and
new students, fresh for real hard
work and with plenty of vim for the
coming athletic season.
Already a glee club and literary
society have been organised and with
the help of our well trained direc
tors we expect to uccomuplish some
thing worth while.
The literary society will take up
the study of dramatics, debating and
public speaking, in weekly meeting!'
under the direction of Miss Pau.
The glee club litis a particular
bright outlook owing to the enthusi
asm the students have shown in get
ting their voices tested. A good
many of last yoar's members depart
ed with the uluinnl, leaving their
places to be filled by lyrical, voiced
freshmen and more subdued sopho
mores. The club is under the direc
tion ol Miss Bay, Its president being
Miss Pauline Clift.
We have had a series of visits
from a good ninny of our last year's
students this week. We nro partic
nlarlv Interested in them, bocaur.t
they are very essential to our ath
letic and hope soon to see them oc
cupy the old familiar coveted back
seats in assembly.
Wednesday morning a very inter
esting and enthusiastic talk was gi
en by Lelth Abbott one of Ashland
High's finished products, who is now
having a splendid career at V. of 0.
He finished his talk with rheers for
the university and n short yell rally.
It made us all feel glad to hear the
assembly room ring with the familiar
cry of "With a ,vee voo!"
We hear that our old enemy, Med
ford, has o hundred and sixty-five
pound line for football this season.
Are we worryin'? I .1't guess not!
For with a "jazzy" turnout for prac
tice every night it looks as thmirh
.even if ' Medford lias the weight.
Ashland has the punch that will put
ihe ball ovor the goal.
Some Ouiiit
This Divisiow
Among the meinhers of the First
division who have been returning to
Camp Lewis during the pint two
or tiiive d iyn will be nt least one
Ashiiiiil man. This is Private J.M. ,
Heath, who has ent a number of'
letters and papers from time to lime
to the Tidings. Mr. Heath's last';
coinmunlention was a card sent from :
Camp Meade, Md., wliero the rliviw
ion had landed n this country..
These are designated ns the first j
American 'troops to land In France;
and Hie last to go home. Their tec-j
onl during the war in which they;
weve first is as follows: In fertor; j
to shoot nt Hermans; to attank; tO
conduct a rtid; -to be ral.!:;!; to cap-
turc prisoners; to sutler casualties; i
to be cited singly In goenrai orders;
in number of division, corps a:i(!
army commanders und g-eneral stuff
officers prod need from its person
nel. '
This division was in the find linei
L20 days, and captured 1 f1 officers
md light 111111, llf nieces of field
artillery, 0? trench mortars and 1 !
machine guns. They nulTered 21,f!12
casualties . The killed "I'd wounded
were 4111. Km; p cements receded,
t',2i; distinguished p.trviee crosses
won,, The. .division rc'rescnt
ome fii-hteis from this report. :a.vs
The Jackson County r-undavi
fhool (otivintion will be held this'
.ear in Ashland on (ictoner 1 , z'.i
md 2'!. 'li interestin'-' end wort'
while proaram has been fn:purc-d.
'a , liditioii to the reruler nonveii
I'on woik tlvie will he iield n, school
of method.; for several periods each
day. Harold F. Humbert, the state
iecn.tary, who Iroi row utly i tt. nd
od the .National C'ou Terence of Sun
lay t'chool Workers at Iwko (leue
va, Wis., will be pr smmu i-nd awti. t
two oilier Si n. lay school bwii i.-li'U
in the work. Friday ni-iit vill bo
Young 1'eople's niplit. It Is expect
ed that thi.a part of the program
will bo a wide, wake, enth'J.:ii.s(ic
The year .:u-l r! ii;g in the Meth- J jg life sui" aod cha.ii ..lid tiuecnl.
idi-t K;d tiopal rbnr!i niui.i that, or-, on:; i.f the le. tuios of llio cm ' ii
;,iii;.iion is n iD vi'iii'ti i oniliii 'D. , (,on ran he made ti.e inosi i d
.V goodiy number U-inf-d ihe. . n,-;,,ii .e is Hih par de on Taur.- iay u i
foiulh quarterly conf-'ienre he'd in i erhnoii. VenoiM tJund " seliotds.
ihe chijiah !',.lrVi' rwi 'is ..ail'! , t...d ji-g..niii lions iiVj .,aimiiu .in... s
dosed the bu .
manner. Ota r
s in a .-..'iffa! ,!;. ml j le s to bo (.niiid tut in tl. :
'ilO have bceu roil--, irurcli which will shov,- ti e nirltius
'.ailiute'l to i'ur"i:.u missions from ihis
;!;uiah clurii"; the past year, beaido;
'le other bonevol'.ms'S and expenses
itti.r lied lo the cliiii' h. The presWI
a.o-lor. Kef. C. A. Kd-.vaiaks. lias Ixe.'i
sl.i.'d by the uararo action to r. ti;M
''or.a third with an ir.rroa e in
salaVy, which will sum i:; to ?!;e)n
i year and 11. o ''"I'-aiiaae. .Kd
'.vards is ton' i h::"-'! one of ae laea!
oaiil T and e!tm'iei-t 1 1 1 - lei's that
lias ever liii'd liiis f it!;.jl aw! the
e'ipi'Oasion of the cougi ion in aak
ing for his return is only voa'ina the
entimi.lits and d. aires of the entire
population of A.-hl.aiid, L;8 ho and his
wife and little sou have endeared
Iheniselves to all, in the church and
anion:: oilier deno:niiiati"ns. Mr.
Edwards leaves tonight for t lie meet
ing of general conference in Salem,
and it is and sincerely
hoped that he will be returned to
Ibis ell uge.
An inquiry held Saturday af
ternoon regarding the death of A.
I). Moore, whose body was round
in his homo on the Iioulevard Satur
day morning, resulted in a finding
of suicide. Neighborhood trouble:-,
aio ultrihtiled to be the cause of
Moore's taking his own life. A let
ter hat to Ms parents revealed a pit
iful tale of remorse nu& ;.:iguisli' of
mind, and it is thought be had
brooded over bis troubles until his
mind was mentally affected, so that
ileaih appeared 'to he the only outlet
for his difficulties. Funeral ser
vices will bo. bold tomorrow after
noon at the Dodge undertaking par
lors at 3 o'clock und burial will be
made in Mountain View cc.iiclory.
nii"ene Walrod, a well known and
highly respected citjxen of this city,
died suddenly last ni lit after on
illness that lasted only a few hours.
During the ' afternoon Mr. Walrod
came in from his work suffering
from a severe pain. Home remedies
weve applied, but to no avail, and
medical assistance was. Called iui
short, time before his ileatli, but bis
'trouble was too serious to nflord re
lief, and death occurred nt about
8: ill) last night. Angina is t'aoughl
to be the cause of bis demise..
. Mr. Walrod bad been a resident o'
Ashland practicaijy all his life, and
had boon closely Identified with tlm
growth of die city. For many years
ha h ul 'served as ca a taker of the
cemeteries of Ashland, and his
was one of ihe most, familiar pren
nwes about to-vii. Funeral servicer
have not vet been arranged. ns r.icni-
' hers of the family at it distune are
! buiug coinmunigatcd v illi, lie I"
. ,,..iaLi i. i,; x,.n.. iat rliil-1
'rtren. These are Mrs Elinor Pat rick
. of Corv.allif. Walter Walrod, of New -
port; Mrs., fjcurpe Churchman of
Tacomn; -Mrs. Walter Frnl-in ami
I Mrs. Kugeno Holmes of Ashland,
At III.ANl),
ni- -nni'oaiiiS' a us
I I I I 1 . - 1 j . . i , . t .. . ii i , i , II I 1 Iii '' - ' M I Ainu
k'.'.r"-;"v -..s c jit . i ;::-..ij 1 rr '. !;! iM ,
For Tempers
fW. C. T. V.)
Ashland is going to receive t ho
stale convenlioii in bur usual he.liiy
way. Visitors from Tin; lX-llen,
Portland, Pi-ielli-tuii md Wi'laiiieiU
valley me to go home pr.iihin,' Asli
l,.ntl wei.ciy, Hir, water, husiitaliiy
and tailerpiise. Thrk' ar" also, lo y
homo filled with pev lii-as of Chris
tian cltiensliip, new zeal for Aa.itii
c animation, lor cl'.iid vtli'ava, h t ei1
hoine lift., purity in liteiat'i:j a-vi
life. A new vision ol' tho worl I's
need of Cinisl; t',1' Amei ica's pw;
and among tha net ions -in;-
foi ana ol. work to
i ho 'lifiiiocr.iey
tai'j for the world."
Sund iy Rcl.ools nro isked lo m !''
this a psirt of the rally work to s'Wiw
ihe ii.tlif.'erent. tlio si ion.".' ii of our
foioe.s mid the power
wank. We par '('."! (":
ii ra
for our gove'.aiiii'.iit, let lis
'for tbe great viato y o:' nati"
hioit- n. for the ho; e of :
d PI
pre.hii.-aiiiu, for tli" enailaa" mi'
more pen 'le in tar' Wiidy of the ili
i do, and for tlio 'kit it the liingdieii
of Are you too busy to do a
liulo for your King?
mommvs m:vs
V. 0. N. Smith, cashier of Ihe Cit
iers' bank, in back from Crater
Lak't wliero with his wife and little
.-on. George Traccis, ho '-pent sev -
oral days ramping, 'the Umiih laiu-
i'y had a ph'asai-t ou'.mg tin t was
not without its thrills. During the
nigh's while ill camp they slept on
a bed made up in (heir car. One
night Mr. Smith wis awakened
about i o'clock in the morning by
tlio sound of a marauder near v.
Picking iri a ila shli dd as he 1, y in
w-;..f f. ur; ;. :::--c
-r. , ry' . - :rv y:;-f
hx;-. jr.; A' - -' - '
bed ho tinned the lays directly upon. Wi-coiisin is perhaps the lii'Ht to (. !.
a huge black heir standing about the lead jimtuv educilion inst'iiii
eigbl feet fiom 1 li o automobile. Mi'v turns to aid the nation 111 ill fi lit
Ainith attempted to scare I Ho animal against reelirrence of Hie inlliin;:a
away without alarming Mrs. Smith, eaiilaaic this fall lyid winter. Tiiis
but the hear paid no altoution. l'i- woik will he dona through the ex
nally he dropped the fi ishliglil. tli- tension division o: the uniiersity.
roctly in front of the animal and. To e'lulo the veneii .of the sta'e
that proved to be Fiillicient to start, with the jn im 1 1 y ( ." entials of .lisease
him out of that pro'.i'iiity. Mr. prevention and care of the sick, sine.'
Smith thou fired an empty tin can a return of the ' flu" is predicted
after him. and had ti.e satisfaction by medical authonliei, a course is
of hearing the inli uder crash down offered on "Pievi ritkni of Disease
throuuli Hie briisli and leave the end Home Care of the Sick." The.
ca.ifip. The hear had been attracted ido: in In the comso Is that "Sofie
to the camp by tho food which thai body" in every hoine should kno'V
Smith's bad in a box covered witli'pv to care for a peison sluuvii'!'
a f.iiitcase. It was making the ;A- the earlie-l Myin-to'iis of Influeiiza. .
tempt to rant away tlio suilca.-.o when A teMhook of 300 pagea Is 'urnished
the bear was first discovered.
Mrs. 0. C. Hinds and lille dsuali
ter Marion ami ?!. MiUon Fllis
warn alailloril visitors ye terd-y af
Pl l'n.S I'Ol! HMivl'ST
M FPKOIID. S""t. :'0. Accoidi!!'
to (he gai'snnt ouilook (te re will not
be ennnrli apple pickers In the or
chards of the llogue Piccr valP'V to
gather Hie crop. I'h!s week wo-'i
will be liecu.n in many of Ihe or-
chorda If sufficient., help can lie ko- ertcmih animal eonveu'ion of tho
cuv"d. .American In-dilute of 'limiting, to
To inert the hoi' ape of p'hnr two. he held at' New OH" ins o.'tohor 7-0.
are contemplated. One is to
r,inn,mi tho efhonl a u' hoi it a s lo ad-
; jonrn the school" for t-o week to
j nllow the r-'ipi'-i to la-la. If this
j Men fails the merrh-in'a and'himl -
' noas men will close (heir sjoivs, so
jtboy can go to tho orchards.
OlIKiMN, WKUNK1)Y, OiV;BKU 1, 101!),
,.ru hi
A. -
:o::d In
Word was recii'
Aaiaias yosle.dny t
Acuiins, had won f
nittiiiiul iililivitlu::,
held at C.'ldaell, .'
to tliese nn. tab.,
bi.iiu lies of the a;
1 :1ioi tool! .
d by
t la i
.-"ir fr...
ami navy,
. In Hie
,i thirl'
at the f
as lac f"
i iiinr a.
Ih" tv
! ei"'.'!.
i .. , a;1,
l all
(ri il
Mr. Adams
an I really i
.'Hi a
i l'a,
Pi 'a
i'li 1
Cos Je 1 1
llvtll a
- a t .-1 I l.
Vll la.ll-''
i ffi
' I
: I
.1 !
h i 1 1 '"I r" ' '
nh 1
11.1 N-1V
ll I !" Fi:
Klamath i
id w
I r,'"':' . ti
i' th t ile; o
on l're.-!,y;
ai of tie
rn 0'
lo iV-
m: addies
e llin..
e "Tae Ob
M. ilooa:
C'.a.'Si Of the l)ey,"
iiid "The New lOra
.. rioiitliiiot Seeley.
' by
Vision," by P.
1 Ms cf' n fere ma
fell iiifei ir. t.
Pichytcy wi'
1 rei'edi s lie
'i meats in
) ungual
o lo
y and lone
ii row:.
i i fj'tt.t , tit lU I .-.H
MAnlSO.V,- Wis., Sept. 23.
T'niied t're s. ) 'Pile I'nivursity
freo with
eiieia e o'
the course which is in
a nhj sii" n hnib u t rained
muse. hni twf ty or more per
sons in one co:om:i;:i!y enroll for tho
course, provision Is mnde for ro
opei.illoll with th" local pbysiei in
iu te-ching the cU'se. The course
is divided into olah'' sub-topics: di -ease
prevention renae, tranaaii ion
nril car.-: colds and thm'r il au,.cr.s.
yyevcnlivo treat:", pt : ' persoc tl
;.e ae; first aid, "iitl Home nan
s tug.
poin t. A:'TIH VP I,
a pt n covi !:yno
PORTLAND. So'l. .in. Portland
i:s to be well re iii-e"teil at the set-'
A jiiiadier of prominent I seal bankiii r
men an alre-idv en Ilia w.iv to N"
O-leins. and others- Kill p-ortod
t lt-re from St. t.rttis. wboro, tlify .ire
nttimding the ni'iiual cunvenlioi of
tho American Hankers' association,;
j now !n session.
i i. W I" W I I 1(1
. vm ..',:
..V ?
r if
ills Big
i r&3r Medtord
Fi-'l Charl raw, v. h i lo hunting
Willi ;-o',ii.
up tha ri
laiilh ft.
his rancl
altrui-lc'l lo a ti
gar si'liii'a to Hi
.-si i"a tion shn'.1:
j li t U i! : d :: la.-.
.a by
: Iowa
ang a coil- 1
limbs. In-i
"I Hi :t
Ih- lio'i h id '
i ml was pre- I
ll wlK-n dis- I
j a air, : to ih.
l.e h
t II ',iei
-n'. s
to J'e
I .1
.i it i
im hen 'ni, out 1 ml
i!;e. tih' ainnial's
o i
In" cat
Ml. II,
in ail e a
ille and
If. and r
to dri
o alO'.'M
aale, h
all lo ll
f; 1'"! la:
1 11!
fa a
(a r,(
a r I
(,-ii-K li
ea lai'
rmvl.iia ! d'"l',
la, hut
a- hai..l-i
01 I lies !
F." ; 1;
"Co-, l
Ti 1
I lull
i ::l
en to
poor hi; "is til
, In'
th" L'.ime," s 'id James
Wilhlllletle V'll'V growers who re-
co'i'lv asaeiah;".! at the rollcro to'
le rn tl!" why . ml the how of cn'l-'
ana. "All pniw.'m ii'ii d cull or lore
I money on their fln'-Ks. lOvrn (he
la I load yoiilii; flocks- of the coun
try have a'aiiit l.'.a per c nt of
' money-losers lhal miisl ho lali-m on;
or lose as lunch as Ihe eood byeis
ical.e. The cm e:-i"i( nt si it ions
Itive dm eloped a met boil iiickius on:
th" niill-layms Peaauae Ih" Head ol
culling' la unie.asal."
Tlaio of a "'t, yellow coliM- and '
condition of aoaili and .ibdour'n, are
the !,v tviia h. I'ao . akah-l
i;,nivi i' call t"ii:ii':itii Hie goo I IVimi
the i.aor I. : etj, (lie poiillrymeu
were told Ci lle;:e reeoids show lhal1
Ihe pens tlid were (hp goml layers'
ill Sepioi'-ber and Ocloher ere' Hie
;.oo ', I : " s I ho re at of the yinr. I hi;
n-'crih of Ihe 'ood. poor and medi
um I; Y is were .ih'irted, and the
lines of oag pio lie Hon by the croups
nev,"' c'o aa"l. IPan-e if th"- owner
i, a,.,. I ( ti,,, (jimis , at lay well In ,
those-two in n him months ho has1
picked the heavy layers, j
Tim good fall layers moult 1-le
and soon coii'i'lale the moult. Ki'ly
md liar -tiiao nioiillors are
1 .ye.
.;,m la;
breed : la.
shank . e:
and vent.
villow skinii"
lit yellow beak:
inner eve Hug.
r 1"
Cool k.yeis keen the
J'.gs. low I iid out in tlm yolks of Hid
laid. .
Hood layers lime a k it'," comb for
Hie litiad. .soil, blight ndwiy and
warm.. Noll hivms the reverse.-
Hood 1 lyen; have ft aildo abdo
men, rather wide and deep, Willi
Fail, v "II a ''ail ichie boniM Tbe
il; a 'las'' la 1 H ell the pelvic holies ! i 1: of lo'i I Pane is wide. At
le e I two tin o's s'amU lie between
'he pelt ic hem s ai d thro.' fingers
bet v (-ii the ; !,a: ml ke.d hones.
"!!y olia.-ftinr ileaai points you
ill be able lo r.i ei me and luck
en! a -ood I'd he" ftir .voi.r Simd.iv
'a-'i er n. lu.'p t'ele i '. cae Hi it hac,
p-cs iu lo r." said l-iofes or Diydeu.
Sui'ar S'arci'y oa Pni'ic c.ia.'-t
ma..- close soii-'of Ike luge caiidv
fictories. Scarcity of farm labor
holds dowu sugar beet production.
Anv.ele.; ;airer
quotes fume timri ,r
have been orcrhe I'aclfir
v and claim; tie l" )1!oa ::i5 tun
ions prevail, in Or.;n: j
"' tit-ally i.ll O.'e- mails aie;
!. .aa'.l ol tuvai are me.iMy cou
"Krnm Los Ar
tlie ivad.i arc
From Yosemito to
e,-. IP 'it hlghw.r.
e, ay w ith t!ie e
Hill, where tlie
the roads are ret
"From Merced
are ece!ltfiit ('
He I ISIiilio Cr a
wiili the eipeij, i
"e.s to Yasenii'e
pa rl ieal'irly gijoil.
'lorei d t ilei'e is an
and driving is
M.eplion of Si.,11,.1
....Hie is bid ami
o ld lihnf there
' lor'ii i Ilig.r.v ;. .:.
lis I'asH is eteellelit
n of some rouali
Travel roada. (;r ml s p.,ss tt ,-tshlnnd
has lh not's'l roi ls In the country. I
There ;im niuiaf.ias detours and
lough, r.ieky roi.i'ii full of holes. Ash- j
bind to Poiclena is praciic.Hy In'
the, fame condition with 111 miles
ii'' terrible roads. There are crushed
i rock roads which cut and kill tirer,
ninkiii!; the grades practically Im
possible. In.C'o'.v Creek canyon and
on Roberts Hill, practically no err
but ojir Paige gut threuah, the roads
i we'e in suc'i a 'terrible condition."
' Tourists passing through this sec
! I urn every d iv state that the roadr
; are in remarl; ihly good' condition.
Willi the exteptien of some stretches
1 who e paving is being done and do
tours are necessary the roads are
passable and are traveled over el'ory
; day. t
Ycrk QMcial
YJars On Diseased
Food Handlers
.' the I i:ied Pre :
I'OltK, Sept.. "II
.N !C 1
If the
liiit thumb in the sou;).
K it may bo linealcd'id
it I a
i do. '.tlm have dii
i'o in the loud hie.i S. ('op"l,iia!.
boa 11 1) fin" New
Ji.'i...!i.t a i.alloaal
deeia r
a. ii e a gto" a-s ami all oth
a'.i e loou, lo umie' j.'c
' l ,ai
i he
n nil ic. 1 i:v.i,iiii,itioii bel'oi',
,.llo veil to 'unit with food
Com ai
ready I'll
isaitaier Co. eland has ill-
uaa a reaiilalion in elleci
111 N'av,
i ft- ar
'to li city, v. lieie ei ta y w
' r 1 1 ii, t l.e examined,
i.e.v hi-: card, issued, by
it .M
i CUV 1:11..
iei an iv
o m 'k(
s the ev.'ini
to do so.
lout-lied by
1 iii.i ion, v. h n
',. r asked
iiiiald be
vt !m li
e ..,.
s mil peon eam
frv of dis.M'i','
land told the 1'nit
! ,;
led P
Vin tiiis taiihiectioii, I can-
iiol "iiiph.riie Inn miii.h tho imperi
al! o ol fle.iii hands. Hi'ery board o!
lie llh i hoilld see that stores and
rest 'ii:ans are amply equipped with
I Inilel s and wash-rooms. , '
"K'.'ciy foo l handler In. New York
h :s lo pa-a. oiauiinarioii by the board
of Ilea II h. lie is giM'ii a c ird. If lie
has tall ';, eliios s, tlll.V Clllll 11 - ItllH lli.'i-
, or akin or blood di'sc nms, M'liich
, in P" "isilv spre.d by l'oods, bec.iii-
isit woik In a rest tiiiant. This re
I 'ea to t aitc'-s, bal-'ers. biitche'S and
ill i,l hers working, wliero food Is
Dr. Copelinil said Hint statistics
: how an enormous decrease in tu-l'i"-ciilosis
and other diseases since
the law regarding food handlers was
put Into eCcct 111 New York city. II"
strongly. alimented a similar nalional
The "colon bacillus." which cause:
diarrhoea, is a disease that Is mod
readily npreid by unclean waiters.
Slid Dr. Cope!, mil, while "other genus
more s"iioiis. such as Rypbilli.s and
ringworm, are almost, eiiually dan
gerous., since tiny no quickly affect
lie Moniaeh.
"Hand coiilaiiiinatlon Is coming to
be looked upon us the. most danger
oils that healt hoffleii'ls have to
combat," docliri"! Dr. Copelaipl, "i:
is cnrlali'ly Ihn (inty of every estah
lishnient handling food to e:,cliiile
from employment anyone Inning dis
eases." fi i
Kevii. C. K Ko'.'hler and J. W.
Hoyt left ye.sli'iil.iy al'tcruoon for
Klamath Falls by iiulomoliile (o ul
(Mid tha p.i .'-I'll -h toi i 1 New Mrs
coi.l't'.rt.'iieo Ill scsi ion there last night,
it ml the ij-nd stated mclim; of the
Soiiiln.rn Ore ton IMosblci-y which
meets in Merrill today and tomor
row, pot. Koa'il.a- will piv'i'li .it
.Merrill Wednesday m sill as ih" iui
tial urn it-p of nil (' .nselLdic can -paia.n
in the Iherrill tlm roll. On
Thursday bo anil Ilcv. lloyt will con
duct a Suud.iv school conference at
Hie Klamaih Falls
cbaii li similar lo the .one held at the
Ashland and Medford cliuruhos ro-
n rr
i mil
NO. 64
; beginning with October the bird
I hurting season will start in the
various counties of the state. Fol-
lowing is the open hunting season
all dates inclusive for district No. 1,
comprising all counties west of Cas
cade mountains:
Ducks, geeso, rails, coots. Wilson '
or jack sni,)e and greater or lesser
.Mdlowlegs October 16 to February
li of the following, the open season
is September 1 ti to December 31.
Chinese pheasants October 1 to
October .11; open season in Jackson
county. October 1 to October 10.
Uu.til Open reason in Coos, Cur
ry. .I.ii ksou and Josephine counties,
October 1 to October 31. Closed at
nil limes in oilier counties.
District No. 2, - comprising all
counties east of Cascade mountains.
Ducks, geese, rails, coots, Wilson
snipe or jack snipe, and greater 0"
lesser yellow-logs October 1 to Jan
uary IT,.
Prairie chickens Wasco and Sher
man counties only, October l'to Oc
tober 13.
Pino or sooty grouse, ruffed
giom-9 or native phoasants August
IS to October 31, except ill Union
mid Wallowa counties open season
In August 1 to November 10.
Mountain or plumed, California or
valley quail, Klamath county only .
October 1 to October 10.
Doves September 1 to October
Chinese pheasants I'nlon, Uma
tilla, linker, Crant and Malheur
counties, first Sunday In October tt
second Sunday in October; Hood
Kiver and Wasco counties, last Mon
day in October to first Monday in
November. Closed ill nil other
counties ii; eastern Oregon.
Sportsmeu are warned to observ
the bag limits on all birds. Twenty
'ho ducks, geese, rails, coots, Wilso"
snipes or jack snipes, and greate.
or lessor yellowlegs may in taken In
one day, and not to exceea 10 iu'any
seven consecutive days. ,
Five Chinese pheasants may be
bagged in ono day and mHo -puffed ';
Ion iu any seven consecutive day.i,
villi nut more than thWfjMlt:,;
pheasants In any bag of tSi.T)iuo or
sooty grouse, ruffed r"ft)lfft fttljW
pheasants, 5 during any 1 day or 10
during any 7 consecutive days; quail, .
10 in any 7 consecutive days; doves
and wild pigeons, 10 In Ifjfduy or 20
in any 7 consecutive days;' sago hens,
fi In 1 day or 10 iu uny 7 consecutive
days; prairio chickens, 5 In any 1
day or 10 in any 7 consecutive days.
No More Baseball
Until Next Spring
The baseball season seems to he
ovor. Weed wanted Ashland to come
to Weed for another game and would
consider no other kind of proposition.
Nat urally the Weed gang seems to
think they have the right to demand
anytliin;: they want of Aslilund but
tho locals couldn't sen a trip to
Weed, as the expense of the trip Is
prohibitive both for playors and fnns.
Ashland enthusiasts made up a big
purse and challenged Wee"d to an
other game nt Yreka but Weed
wouldn't take a chance. Illlt James
Is reported to have told the Weed
fans that they wore lucky to have,
cot away with the last gamo. Ash
land was willing to back Jud Peraoll
to the limit but evidently Ihe lumber
town fans agree with the famous gen
eral who decided that discretion was
the better part of valor.
So It's all over until next year. Joe
Unult and John Kndcrs have given
Ashland some fino ball aad helped
a lot to make (he past summer an
entertaining Bcason. It has cost them
close to a thousand dollars lo finance
the team, owing to the fact that the
funs did. not' wake un and support
the team properly until near the close
of the season, bill they are game
losers 'and will charge up the deficit
to profit und loss widi a smile.
Next year Medford probably will
havo a team, roads will be : paved
from Ashland to Cranta Pass ami
over the mountain while the Green
spring road to Klamath Falls will be
Iu good shape. With the thousands
of aiilomoblles in this territory and
an early start on the right basis Im
mense crowds und some real ball Is
anticipated. The ball funs will get
together early in the new year to
organize and go at the thing" right.
A good ball team la a first class ad
vertisement for a town. Wtth the
nt tractions of Lithiu park and the
sulphur hat lis Ashland should be the
best ball team town in this section.
linker Gold and silver mines at
Similiter will soon open. Eureka and
Excelsior properties leased by Oregon-Idaho
Investment company ot
Kollock company Incorporated to
manufacture furniture at Portland.
Corvallls Poulirymen making ex
tensive additions to their plants.