Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1927)
l«eft This Morning— Mias Velta Ackley on Gresham street left this morning by train, for. McCloud, Calif., to make her future home with her parents, who reside there. Miss Ackley has keen employed tor the past two years as bookkeeper at the Clay-, eomb Motof company in the Plaaa. ' • »•' Hera Y e s te rd a y - “Duke” W allington,, southern Oregon manager ol the Twentieth Century grocery stores, spent yesterday morning la Ashland visiting friend» and transacting business. Mr. Wellington makes bis home in Medford- W. R. ( Darla on street, who has spent I months visiting with and looking after be fairs In Kamloops, Ci turned .last l< JÁ ditto eAr, a ' > Hep« e a r e tet lr c Mere ■■ „• ■ker and G. W, Bur- Frank B. Lacy of R edford, ts of Roseburg, Ore- southern Oregon representative White Rotary sewing sdiag the day In Aah- for the Oakland Motor ear com- as good as new foPleas ting business. *jp«ny, »peat this nprfciag Ash- regular price at Pell's I ■ ‘ % Freak F-Nnt Brittle. Pduàd. 86c, The Plata. 25 per g e n ito 50 per cent off qn all framed pictures. Darling I Ed-tf Ward Beeney and Richard Studiò. Payne of Medford spent last eve- Get yoar giàsa. Jordan’s M il ntdg In thia city attending the LRhtan Indoor Circus and Fies _ < ta * t the Armory. Mr. Beeaey Is Cara Bey^ptU ffd- - employed In the Jackson County baafe at Medford and Mr. Payne i egi^erM ^Thursday, QphMnber A, at the local branch of the state la the Medford National bank. traffic ’bureau, located in t b • ,A large and complete assort Chamber of Cotnfheree 1 building ent of Xmas cards. Darling Stu on the Plasa. Registrations each fe. 84-tf day have remained about t h e same for the paat tWo or three eleven time for Xmas portraits, weeks, that la. between ‘ d*lly. arling Studio. - 82-tl and IS ears' stopping >......... . »-» i ’ All -wool salt«, 526, with extra Af* The ¿Jfi»1* Springs Hotel— The following named out-of- trousers a t Paulserad'a. 80-tf toWa visitors spent last evening at the Llthla Springs hotel In this Finishing, Studio Ashland c l» : dfr. and Mrs. M Edwards of Pah) Alto.* Calif.; M r. add Mrs. S. MOTICB' Y. Uihger of Vancouver, B. C.r Those having articles foi Mra. Carrie McFarland of Leban Basaar and cooked food sale on^ Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mc Ladies of Christies church Sat Farland of Calgary, Canada; Miss Dec. 19th, phone 447L or 46W Alice Murphy, Mrs. E. M. Brown and W. J. McFarland of Lewiston. Moving to Medford— Idaho, and .Mr. and Mrs. E. W. •« Mra. Jesqie Coss on B street ac-' Shelley of Loa Angelas. Calif. compelled by her lather, a r e moving todajT to Medford, where Home groara spinach, 15c lb., they will inske their future home, huerman’s Grocery. 72-tf and where Mrs. Coss w ill be em ployed. She has been working partment of ‘Enders* store. Specials-on Xmaa at Darling Studio. ■ Tap» UcnuM« l e an ed ; . di. » ’ i Two marriage licenses were is sued Thursday, December 8, at the Jgskson couaty clerk's officq. One was Issued t M Bennet G. Boyd of Medford and Pearl Alice Carr of Bennington, Wash.; and the other to George E. Grider at LaGrande, Ore., and Hasel Neal Of Seattle, Wash. M la*le Brown Osier of Medford filed suit for Jut- nulment of he» marriage to Christopher C. Osier In Roseburg. Basaar y sad oooked food sals -—Ladles of the Christian church. Sat Die. 15.— Batter Bldg.. 25 Main 8t. S 2-lt Buy your Christmas presents at the basaar by ladles of the Breth ren church at Hardy Bros, store Sa<pMa>, Dmr: 19. tT-FrL portraits 82-tf S Jay Walker Is Also Pugilist ¿topped at the Oregon Hotel— ; Among the guests who’ stopped Tbtrraday evening, December 8, At the Oregon hotel in thW city « •r e the following named; Mr. And Mra. C. A. Good of Sacra- — , mento; N. O> Brown and L. S. Fuller brusksa, phene 890-Y. lo n i of Oakland; Ml*, and Mrs. E. £ ( , M t H Shelby of-Tacoma. J^lippew Ate Always useful Gifts and many folks will receive a pair bought at. T ^E SHOE DEN this year. The stock is still good fot your^'seleftipn. Plenty for the children too.’ Have Plenty of Galoshes and Rubbers for This Wet Weather. ANNOVXOBMtalT ÒF ‘ . A IM E R ’S V IS IT H E R E According Jo announcement made today Aimee Semple Mc Pherson, who la to speak In this city., {iovember 14. may remain for services on December 15. ac cording to H . O .U u ftertteld , Dr. Gobep, her business > manager said if such arrangements were possible they wo«l(t be made« It is said she plans te organise, ,^ U < S J lW ; DòSpeÌ idkùrches In At McGee’s . SHOES OP MERIT ONLY SIIJC3TEP-ÎNS And Step-in Combinations s.h,e ISAACS SILK GÒWN8 *■ Made of Non-Pilled Stow REMARKABLE PRE-HOLIDAY SELLING OF Womens’ Coatsand. Dresses Tp ■-} Gathering— , j(. Seventy-eight members of the Oregon Chapter <8l. . T»lephose Pioneers of America, .wtth avem age telephone service of 26 years and total telephone service 2038 years, gathered M the Mnltnomalt hotel in Portland last nigbt fdk the fourth annaai banquet gath ering, including memberd ’ 1 fro tf all over Oregon. Charles Lounifr bury was elected president > F. 4ft Sea, vice-president j Floyd James' secretary, and A. J Andersoni treasurer. SH O E D E N *rtT h e 'C b rh tm A 8 Those delicious Washington Pies— Saturday only, special^ 10 cento eaphi 2 tor. 15: peats. This is .pne pf opr best specials. Frank lin ’s Bakery,............. g4-i Fourth fn a u a l Banquet Additional SAle's Help Will Now Enable us to Give Better Service. Stella street, MM» York VlMfs School*— ; •« Miss Floeetfee York, Jacksbn q-» >. county korte demonstration ag Bell Ringern Led— . • The Swedish American Qell ent, spent Thursday visiting the. Reese Creek, Laurehurat a n d ' Rldgers who' played an engage T rail schools. Miss York qpent ment last evening, Thursday, De cember 8. In the audlterltota of A o Normal rohooi in this elty, left this morning wy a«to: for Bkn Those " dellcloas Washington Francisco. The following nathed Plea— Saturday only, special, 10 ware Included In the company; 'M. cqate bach, { for 16 cents. This ‘Hokanson. N, Lind, P. <C. Sohi It end of odr best speciale. FVank- lin, A. Ayallng, O. B. dwaatiSn lln’a Bakefy. ' - Í4-1 and John Beck, of Seattle, Wash. 1 | 1 *' Values to $8.00 for . . . . . $185 P Akeraon detected Mrs. jaywalking on Market n< held np traffic -Tnom- wkfle he Instructed he| fo go' back to the other side of the etreqt. Instead, Mrs. Stollmeyer doubl ed up her hand and struck the of ficer smartly on the Jaw. More surprised than hurt Akerson de cided to le tth e law take its course at the Hall *of .Justice. The condition of. Hows ley, eon of Mr. and Mrs. ton W iley of this city, wl been confined to his son several days with Illness, reported today to ha pra Good sewnlg machlnea . for the same. rent by iba month at Pell’s Cer- ner*' 4 J J ' Craabwxiea, 2 lbs, Schuerman’s. Have y*u seen the fine display Toy trucks, express waj of Christmas Cards at The Tld- 'nga Office? Remember the stock dump wagons and many a is complete now and order your cheap tools and uton Christinas presents tor n cards early. , erybody at Pali’s Corner. i ll I H < T * , oOOOl>OOCHCHCH5H>rHfiHCHOHiHOHCHeCHOWHOHj<HCiO Many people came from long distances to take advantage of this sale (luring the first two tlayB. So great are'the values that ninny’of oi»r customers bought two pairs. 1 f i SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 9.— <IR — If Mrs. Stollmeyer could hit a little harder, ahe probably would not hake had to accompany Offic er A. J. Akeraon to the eity ja il - of <“ -t«rbing t h a Those delicious Washington P ies— Saturday only, special, 10 emits each. »‘ for 15 cents. This is one of our best specials. Frank- Un’s Bakery. 54-1 phono- ■ Sweet onions, 8 lbs. Schnerman’s Grocery. W ill Play Flret Gamr— J The Central Point high spho^l will piny .• its t in t bash»tha|l Ksme gf the Mason thia evadin', Friday December I , with the Ta|- ent high school team. The gan|i WU|, be p lay»| la Odptral Point. The Central-point «ram wore tls champions of Abe Secondary higj school conference last year, thl conference ■ Including Jacksou vllle, Phoenix, Talent, Bnttl Falls, Rogue River, Eagle Pofni Sams Valley end Prospect.’ ! A ’ r- W alter Jones Here— tf W alter Jones, who Is employed by the Southern Pacific company I , , at Dunsmuir, California, spent a J Thursday In this city visiting* with s i his sister and husband, M r. and 1 . Mrs. Blwood Hedberg oa Moqn- \ tain, Avenue. Mr. Jones is well '■ known In Ashland, where he at tended the local grammar a n d *• high tatkpola. jlis parental Mr. e and Mrs. C. R.' D. Jones, w h o h formerly resided here, now make >ta their home in Dunsmuir. machines Engraved or printed than half Corner. • with real yuletlde sendm * ’ M - t f display aatt sale at The office. Order yours now. Everything that farmers need in tools. Implements and machin ery a t Pell’s Corner. . 77-tf M- A- Morud end V. G- equipment supervisors f«? At The Ashland Hotel —■ Pacific Telephone A Tele Amqng the osUoi-town visit- company, with headquarter era who registered last evening Portland, are spending a < the Ashland hotel were the of days la this city makiak, Ito wing Knamed:' H. P. Bur repairs at the local office di roughs of Seattle, Wash.; Mr. and street. Mrs. J. H. Hansen of Torrence, Calif.; Ray Pullman 'and family Xmas cards. Darling of Wenatchee,, Wash.; Mrs. D. J. Wright pf' I«os Angeles and M. VanN atti d r San Francisco. Amaiso Core or gloss 10c pek. Schuerman's. -, You'll need one of Paulsernd’a salts oç top coats dnrlhg the hol idays. ' ' >• ? ’ 80-tf Harnesses Sad their accessor ies is advanolag SO perpeat after January first » Oupply,yourself for what you need before then at Pell'a Corner. 77-tf S FIRST SALE ; '¥onr G iff Money,Mak6s- 4 i> ExeeUent Showing When You Give | ; Pcrf ulries and > ’ i Toileit Waters Our Stocks. Include the . ( Prefered. Qualities. A A WINTER C’OA^S of Finest Fabrics and Für«, lined with heavy Silk Crepe^F^"®- ” ^ shades of Tons Browns and Black. Values up to ¿65.00. - So Charmingly Bottled k' H , and Boxed. Pharmacy ’Hab-a-dash Ina1 Ladies ,— i1 .V Agent for Owl Products. AA FINE WINTER COAT^i of newest [materials, all with large Fur Collars. Good assortment o f sires and colors. Values np to $49.75. « .^ ■ 1 See these wonder, vaines in WINTER COATS—new materials, new colors, new furs. Values up> to $35.00. jé A* Free Tie Folders ¡X -a ? ;: -Wait ’tiU You See Them! their brightness. A freshness about their mstaAtly. ^Wonderful values. $22.50 ! GLAD TO HELP YOU WRAP YOUR XMAS PACKAGE FOR HIM IÊ PICK OF GIFTS Box Of Society un The Plaza. The Men’s Wear Gift Shop M ILLER ’S delicious to the taste, lesoma, and attran- »ely boxed in the Christmas Way. WRAP FREE OF IRGE i FOR MAIL- 50 Silk, Dresses in this sale, made of Crepe Satin, Georgette Crepe, Velvet and Velvet Combination» Values up to $22.50. Sàie price, :. > ■ Cl R Ail* ditcfyell Dresses All IES-SÄT.E PRICE .............. IES-SALE PRICE . ............ EH—SALE PRICE . . . . . . . . D« YbUf Oiristnta» Shopping Here. V