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About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1927)
ft. ■ tum N gs GEORGE MA: y Williams ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS iâ H E D B Y T H E ASHLAND PRINTING Ò0< Managing Editor The Tidings p y rT ffD < G v f ON I H t M ’ fcC A L tS À Ì X VyANTA L W l IGrR VOO I OrOtM‘ O U T ? T K m o \ a 4 / NA/HAf WÓU VWElGMtO / I VJfcN y o ü COM E »N • ¿S r r toorffi» ^ P i s H o s h X , €¡E ARCHÍN SpUR O w Njjáfek By Rodney Dutcher N B A Service W rite r a ' Cbpÿrtcht. 1MT, Werner Broc, F te tu n * toe,. Jl 1 fl Dolores Costello h» -OLD SAM FRANCISCO” Is a Warner Rosa. fis*.--. . picturixstion of thia novel. n W A S H IN G TO N — There io soft of • half-belief over the country BYV0P8JB BnckweU fumbled. He found th m e rosoh 0 / Don Nemondee Tse- fragrance of bar sweet ntaoono that Washington office buildings D ecem ber 9 , 1 0 9 7 «ses and M» beasli/sl prenddauph- IntoktcnUag end bad as «stars. V arfe tOeming with reform societies T H E E T E R N A L W O R D :— F o r ever, O Lord, thy word is pet- ter Doioree it coveted bg BnckweU, harry. ,././■ « / * whose firs t name is “ A n ti-.” S^RCLAIT o n ^ » n a Bon Frenofooo bote. H it lawyer, “Sit here.** bo Invited. tadleattai tied in heaven. Thy faithfulness Is onto a ll generations: thou fa s t AO a m atter of fact, there are Brandon, can't make Vaeoscs, «en. the couch before the mw. ?A P® established the earth, and it abldeth. Psalm I I P : 8P,$0. Brondo»’« nepAew, Tenry. Joe« Do- low at your back/perhape? AM oaiy twoi the pow erful. Anti-Sa- P R A Y E R W e believe that in the beginning was the W ord, lore«. Deefcwen plane ta void Toe- soother fo r ypuw feet?" He week* loofi League and the not bo pow oses land proaf. Terry toam e V « - busily m o u n t her comfortable. - and the Word was with God, ancT th e Word was God. erfu l A nti-Cigarette Alliance, to guet and offert aid. Tatguet tgum n She. drear {book oooeeQr as M i him and ta y t '.bat Dolopet ra u tl hand lig h tly grasped ho« ankles U be found in th e . Ideal telephone ynarry y o u n g Bpaniptt. Heart- eUde an enonaena velvet pillow be book. 'broken. T e r m trie» fo raet her h er Sv - broken, Terry trite to forget by mmlh her feet. S h e eoulfl n o t h svi .A new one w ill be found In the wild night .along Borbarg Ooaet. next ’ telephone book, however.* Doloret eeekt T errfe aid to Having ; This is the newly organized A nti-, ranch, bnt retuyne hotga ditUht- tioned bg finding hie» an dfnnltan Monopoly Jbeague, which proposes The gang warfare now raging in Chicago and partg. BnckweU w iinetted her trtstt to lighten the burden on the fam and, intrigued, goee to Vetguea which hAi boen duplicated at various'* timer in other ily pocketbppk and upon -business ranch. Under gniea of aiding, M large American cities, is similar to the conditions turet Doloret to Ban Prandtoo, in general by forcing down the which prevailed in a small scale in Canton prior prices of gasoline and oil. elec CHAPTER X —Continued ** tricity and anthracite coal. to the crusade of Don Mellet. It siihply indicates “W e will stop a t the Crystal Pal The league’s program to ac ace and enjoy a cup of tea before th |t the forces of law and order are either unable complish that happy end is one of transacting our business. I t is one or unwilling to take the steps necessary to break-up the most ambitious to appear on of the more respectable haunts the gangs of criminals. along the Cocktail Route and— I the legislativa horizon since the think you will find It more Inter In Canton it was found that the police depart erstwhge Greek dictator Pánga esting than the Poodle Dog,” He M01ES los undertook to regulate by law ment was in league with the underworld and once smiled directly at her. the length of women’s skirts. , Dolores turned crimson la eoe- tlie condition was exposed the finish of the leaders fuslon. “I have read'about all of I t win inject bills into t h e terestlngly. "W hat Is W of the criminal element came quickly. In Chicago Seventieth Congress providing for them**7~ehe lied uneasily, "hut do "Can’t yoa guess?" and ha reach not really know about any of the the problem is naturally ijpore difficult, but the government ownership and opera town cafe»—yoa forget that 1 said ed tot her hand. Dolores shrank task. B a r lu a t io n - - or lease under control— of I have never been to Baa Francis principle is probably about the same. If the Chi troos, startled eyes eeavuhed Ma co." Bhe spoke haughtily. i water power and electric, tran s cago police are not in league with the gangsters "M y mistake—” apologized Buck- taM in amassment. mission lines, anthracite c o a l " I want to co hornet" Tremhllas well and began talking oL other they are probably lukewarm in law enforcement or lands and oil pipe lines which It things. He wisely felt it would not w ith nirvoesesee Dolores tried to possibly so handicapped by higher-up interference regards as the weapon e f monop be wall to antagonise hdr so early rise, hat the pillow was to the way and before she ooold cata her feet p m r ■»wzXaafe-’cc.iwS that they cannot act efficiently. * ' oly In the oil industry. - Bnckvell polled her oadt to tha ‘ The officers are ..President Officers of the law cannot protect some forms conch. ‘ "Don't worry," ha rapsaTkad t George L. Record, a prominent of vioe and law breaking and then count upon habi suavely, smllto« a t'her obviom Oh* ( Republican lawyer of Jersey CRy; easiness. " l am coins to save yonr tual criminals so protected confining their efforts to Treasurer W . Jett LAuck, form er those particular lines of endeavor. If bootlegging, secretary of the .W ar Labor Board moch—t know I atom some time ha ’ and one-time professor xpf econ gambling and ‘ prostitution are permitted certain M aking currency sm aller in amply rapal&" Tha aaaniaao of her omías and politics at Washington favored opes from political dr financial’ consider»* else saves millions of dollars. I f f childish presence, sweet and s ta rt i and Lee University and Executive t ie big silver dollar were reduced led, made BockveU cast discretion tin s , these men and others will proceed to great Secretary Bengamin C. Marsh, the to the winds. "Ton are sotos to In size it would save wearing o ut j er lengths and they often know so much about the be the one to repay me and I will Mays Landing, K J., makes IndefaUpcble veteran polltical pockets. — Woodburn Independ- > take the first payment now !" officers that the latter dare not antagonize them for 5 and social welfare worker. Its the newspapers pay fo r extra fa Dolores* Sneers pressed ecatast ■? executive committee includes cilities at the L illlen d ahl m ur fear of exposure. ‘; her month Apt too lato to restrain presidents of most of the railw ay der tria l. ' And a ll th a t wonder a frichtened scream that ended In ’ £ Occasionally someone comes along and cleans a etjfled sob. labor unions, o f the telegraph- fu l publicity, too! . up the festering spots in the cities and it doesn’t You may feel down-hearted/’ 1 erz’, glass blowers' anA electrical , Dark eyes wenrswlfid to antJdpa. (A t I f you w ill just stop and eotfnt prove such a hard job when it ift dpDe’energetically unions; o f some of' the farpier or- & tiie many gopd things you haye ganlzatlona. Fripfc P. Walsh, for- and without f e a / or favor. armed into action by hie obvious The friend who shot the m an find during the year you w ill be » nker M ayor''H ettry T.' H unt of attitude of possession she menaced It is only when officers are compelled to dis wfiose fsp t looked to \ him lik e surprised at how mueh yon <an to cat to her feat, hot, bewildered CJnctnnatl, Jackson H. Ralston, criminate for fear f o ' offending ward bossejg or in- rabbits should go hunting w ith find to be than kfu l fo r.— A m ity and terrified. ooUided with the table the international lawyer, and oth- to an effort to reach the door. a f policeman and get some big Standard. flnential underworld leaders that they find it im er denizens of W ho’s Who. BnckweU was at her aide to a 'w » 1 Recor<L the president, is a bit possible to break np gangs and open defiance, of game. ment and both arms were about her body to eager deatyu t e r anti-Socialist, but the league law. ft Some of these laws w ith teeth H er straggles were fotlle. She p la tfo r m begins w ith the asser In them occasionally <Hr>l4> ah It does not speak well for American machinery i Her ttm ggtei werg fotlle. fe lt suffoeatod and m at this first / * tio n 'th a t "private m onopoly.,of NeW T o rk ’e “ladder ooptact with burning p>— Tha liche.— Rosebdrg News-Review1. of law when the only chance of breaking up gang is being overettttfiéslfced, .* Natural resources Is unjust" and to the game. "Perhaps I wfll have palms of both hands covemd her f&hting in Chicago is that the gangsters get to i'to b ab ly Jnst some Tot , “ means high prices to consum to be careful." he thought "She face and team feU from between is crafty for one so young." her fingers.. / I t would be a fine thing fo r ev gether in a peace conference and settle the .claims trying to g q t . t i ¿ke top. ers.” . When they entered the tea room H is ardor flam ed-by her dasto* ery bey In Crane if they conld be "P rivate monopoly of three Dolores was reminded of story of rivals in the business of law breaking. abfe nearness BuokweU buried Ms tpade to understand that w eil dig great natural resources ••— water book descriptions o f an Oriental face In the warm soft curve of her ging is about the only business in power, anathraette coal and oil, deljere, from which ft probably de-' peck and literally became. totosl> The burglar who stole a type rated by Its sweetness. H U eager 1 through pipe* lines— is extorting Which you can begin a t the top.— rived Its bam», sparkled with lights Ups and long moustache braised w rite r must have been reading Grape American. , ,, . r hundreds of millions ;of dollars even to the day time. The rotunda Dolores's tender skin. I t was an so som e. of the reporters’ stories from consumers every year In ex v u ^ i spacious circular hallway hideous she could not believe she aboet the "w in ter crime wave.’” reached from wide heavily carpeted was alive. H er struggles were J n t cessive prices,” says the league. stajrs. The curving walls o f ’ the Remember the good old days “ The modernist-fundamentalist controversy has “ ‘Dissolution’ and ‘regulation’. unueoal robm. were hung with lus as futile as If she were trying to tbefore they discovered germs and Now i f some one would r h iv e proven • futile. Government trous draperies that concealed a escape a monster to a nightmare. petered out,” says Dr. Harry Emerson Fo«dick, Senator Jim Reed says you you conld go swlmmlhg in the BnckweU finally succeeded to in v e n t a m e th o d to in flate ’ ownership and operation or devel- maze of doors leading Into public pulling her hands from her taoe end writing in the New Age. Which should be joyful can’t make man good by law. riv e r without worrying a b o u t and private rooms of vfiriouh de that tveed It and deflate was bending over her desirable ’ o p m e n t/o f development of opera scriptions. j Maybe not, senator, bnt th a t’s qtream pollution?— JefTSrson Re- others? ” .................... news. .... - • - lips when the door unceremonious- tion -by-lease under strict cntrol, This was all Dolores saw. until on» way o f making them more ly burst open. He whirled quickly ‘‘No problems have been solved by it,” he adds, is essential to protect const» m- half way np the stairs, tbeu a gal to curse the waiter for an natlmely interesting. • lery of node pictures met her gaze. entrance. ‘‘•s is generally the case in such controversies. • They were hung on a level w ith .the -, H ea Heck says:. “The tack Hence, It Would have Congress Terry stood to the open door They are uniformly a lamentable waste of time and /.j I t is easy to find fau lt because eyes between the draped doorways. "Oh!” she gasped to startled mok- way. He was breathless from hur The trouble w ith most upllfters nobody -wants It. —- Vernonia a in ’ t to blazne i t th e t ir e runs create a W ater Power Board eBergy for all people concerned. After this recent rying and Ms eyes flashed angrily which could construct' and oper jtlflcatlpa and stood s fllt I t was « at over it .” Bagjq. -‘f . ' s > is that they're so depressing. the scene before Mm. "**** . outburst will come‘as usual an epoch during which ate water power developments, shook to know that sack pictures "W hat the devil brings yon existed. She Wasted to run down both conservatives and liberals will recognize that, generafe and transm it electrical the stairs and back to the peaceful here?" stormed BnckweU releasing whatever may be the truth about theology, good will energy and declare transmission digplty of the rancho. Bnt as«h « Dolores from unsatisfied arms. She staggered and clutched at lines to be public carriers.- I t turned her eyes met the suave, is religion. the tablerior support Then dread* leering countenance of the Captain Would create a commission em S* nnyone'd eyes buried ‘‘There will, of course, be die-hards in both of waiters. powered to "condemn or acquire” "Right this way, MlSa,"J»e said her face in her hands. parties who will wish to keep up their vehemence. anthracite coal lands and lease and ppahtag past led the w»y to . BnckweU shot hie stiff onffp tato- « ^ e h lr straightened Ms t . In general, however, alike the militant fundamen them for 'development on a roy ward a curtained .recess. i large tie ta d gave the ends of hle: .• ‘ ■" ** / ' . X » i':' Buokwell end other hfterneta alty basis. I t would provide for talist and the supercilious liberal will meet with frequenters of the place were eom-, condemnation of pipe lines of the tag np the stairs. The rotunda wee scant sympathy from the Christian public.” Standard OH and pther compan- gpy with strollers end Dolores de That is the way it should be, at auy rate. What pOratlon to own t h e m , . ' cided that she had bettor dose her eyes to the paintings and gn qp. , the world needs today is more real Christianity, for She proceeded up the s ta in hut . T h e fam ily of Mr, Among the pleasant society - One of the heat f illin g songs basic human needs, and less brawling between the ASKS A N N U L M E N T » could not .Ignore them. A Hto stand events of tho Christmas season Is “ M y Childhood’s Home.’* There E.jfc. Chrisman who 1 M n . Minnie Osler, Medford, ; of a nods w ology and science. Was the • o’clock dinner ^at tho 4g now on aale nt F rank Jordan’s frame betide has filed proceedings' asking fo r home o f M r. and Mrs. V . O. N. Music Hones “ Love’s Dream” by settle^ to Seattle. M t. Chrisman ann n llheA ' of her « marriage ' t o same composer. Mies Sllaby is wngaged In th» grocery husf- Christopher Osler at Roseburg^ It isn’t often that you can bny Christinas pres S m ith on Church street. "Mrs. the Sm ith, Mrs. Chester Stevenson while at San Francisco bad tbe ness,. Arable has employment in .September 30, of this year. She ents just prior to the Holidays at sale prices but and Mrs. C lark Bnsh being tho opportunity of placing this, song a U rg e Shpfe concern and Roy la charges her husband did not have of relief—there wqre no ob- you can in Ashland. Now if they would just announce .the Orpheum Circuit thronfih-M r. onU4g*d' la i n furnitn re store. hostesses o f. the occastbn. a fin al decree of divorce from a sigh JectlonaMe p le tn rta It resembled M. Rosner of the Orpheum the sale prices on gas, electric light, coal, water and form er wffe, when he m inded an attractive apartment There was h er. -■ X. ‘ ater, San Francisco, who pro taxes, dad might view approach of Christinas with h small dining table, chalra, « buf nounced these soaks firs t class f e t cofich and firepisoe to wMoh some ’composure. glowed s well pocked bed of coals. R . Koehler, manager o f the still uqeasy Dolores Walked to the. firepisoe while BneMreU gffre S. R. lines In Oregon, arrived to B dwln M . Koenig and Mica If you are seeking big headlines, it is advisable his orders to Ufa waiter to an u»- There to not likely to be a Ashland by spoetai c^r from Lorena B. Rlggens were married dertone. She started nervooaly aa to get killed in a railroad accident rather than by wood famine 1b Ashland this P o rte n d . F riday, -accompanied by She heard tbe door dick. The wait at the residence of Jeese Rig- w inter, Judging from \ the num M r. Green ef the Crocker estate auto. The wreck at Dayton in which there was one e r had departed and BnckweU was gene near Derby, Oregon. Tbe coming toward her. < - ¿ K" ’ ber of teems leaded w ith fuel and f it s capitalista. fatality aroused more interest than would a half happy couple w ill make th e ir “Would you like to remove yoor that dally ro ll Into the city from dozen unfortunate motorists knocked into eternity. wrap?" An Inquired solidtlously, heme In Ashland. sTO NB vs. JOSEPHS . every direction. ■ - - "the room to worifo" end .wWhont L i ' ' -1*' . - r V " F ive years ego today, H arry welting for her'honeOnt, he lifted Kentucky mob lynches negro accused of slaying Stone, American mifidleweight o f the shawl frdm hershoulderm- Doloree t h o « M he waa a little Mr. W . H. Snrith. ths H e n le f New Y o rk City, gained a, hard mine foreman. Here, at least is a ease where there dumsy. hut th fil was notxhe riasmi C. Haskett, an. enterprising piatier miner, and one of the well earned dcciaion. at tbe end •< 20 will be no opportunity for an insanity plea. I . N. Bnshorr, who spent the young bpalneva man from Loa known ptoneem of this section, rounds of furious fighting with Angetan,' hue purchased the Ash nudfi»tbe TMlpga as plsaeknt call Jack Josephs, globe trotting terwefgbt champion of England, grew the class nhd vied fo rb h M - Headline says ‘‘smallpox breaks o u t” We’re year i l l « In Ashland w ith hto land «team laundpr frd m -B akfir B ngllih hauler, nt Melbourne,' while Stone w « a claimant of ths dlewetght beaore Ip A uetrtUa, fam ily, Is eertoeely 111 nt Ofitena, A Woodson; taking posseesloa glad of iM lt has caused plenty of people to break placar welterweight' title to Atoertoa fit which country both fighters now Australia. K an., where they are now living. Monday of this week. Josephs was th e one tim e wbl- the same time. Both men on|- claim an their permanent hotoea. rtCSm», Gang Warfare Scissored Sentiment Another Brawl Ends THE PAGES BACK ASHLAND 30 Tears Ago i