Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1927)
FR ID A g. Bateaawber e tn è S E g. t - ■-1 - te a? or four onion« la flower pots and M t ip the kltohea wjnttew. Wke* •»sonlng soup** salads at rtft- tflag, cut off the green shooter The flavoc 1« delicious and the cnlons wilt keep growing for an entire season. ■ > ' J - te Proper Cooking of Protstn roods The first 25 years of our Ilfs Is usually designated ae » h a growth period. During thia time the body Increases in weight. If It Is "in- a healthy condition, from fifteen to twenty times.-In order this this can be made possible the model of. thfe Velvet hag a double bdk jaeafedr rtlrt vttk the pleats stitched down six .or seven Inches bslowt the belt. The skirt and short, straight Jacket are, 1» a lovely shade of cate an lait brown and worn with It is a beige and her faflfor offers her ban* . to gold Jumper. *■ J *M W . « f t . te— Lteeofb school circle e f ♦ . A. w ill asset a t 8:80 p. m. in the sutemt v riutldlng On »tech street. tTWap. Ote. The high school • circle of the F. T. A. will give I a pah»» card party la tb« CfVie ♦ OltflAoMe on Wlnburn Way. Everyone invited to attend. Meader, Doe, IS.—¿ft« Ashland Art elab wlll hold their toga- M aronnd the world have S on peach .avenue. Joun(| ,t impossible to tell too » s m particularly mnefc abo4t „ thte ai®®Gng. Tho ,„0* protents an outline , 2 ^ 3 5 ® ° l Ltadb* < * ’' »neM fy. »«1 cov- boy-i **°d Several chap- **r* ar* 1° h,s activities AS, Stunt flyar, arffiy avlater .and “flyin g ’«sell man," and fully half «¿ -—The WrfC. T. the book describes In detail the Ptenlar meet- preparations of the trans-Atlan- « ‘T . “* t,e fUght’ the machIn’ «We«. * Bd the rAeptlon which awaited him * » * t .. lB Fnrope. M ic h of the mater- isl Is fam iliar to those who have followed In the daily press his painted doll recent activities, but in this vol- the face of ma; Qme, with facte assembled in ac- and send her out cessible and perpianent form, oik tq tea. there 1« no opportpnity to study the great amount of biographical to apeak and smile data that have already been eol- !e do— z tected concerning this idol of two aackera Saaodalton Srs important steps In hi* Oh. ay behind locked me, 1 stay doom bahjnd loched ’ And how yorf'laofced yesterday— WHh what yon said, aad you meant, what And what my answer told. I h id e y o u r w ord s a g a in st h ea rt— A miser, hugging gold! my Everything In Readiness for Operette " Y m H San" wbSmso*vsr w ill slay the Wolf Witch and brew Ha oharm Prince Oto, the good son OT th, Mlkato, slay, tel W o ! f < H c h and carries Ysffikl » H btek to OJd Japan as his bride. .. Cast bi Character«: ( ’ ' - '. tank! San, the Princess. Max ine BmertV nan »an. m ite to Tnakl ‘fe n , Opal Blaker;v R tece Toto, fathdf of Yanki 'San, D«r- wotfd Cass; Princess Toto, xapther a f Yanki San, M a ry Po w ell¡H ig h Chancellor of the court of Man, Robert Beck tai; P flffeijh o. Son of the Mlkato, Arthter Mebt Prlhce Ton Ton, BertvWr<gfcti**lx Maids: Beth Joy, LoffiJfWMke. Doris Gass, Gaylq , Hamaber, Gladys Hanson, Marie RtgdAn; Seven Roses: Naomi Loadom, Beverly Young, Nancy Lou Gill. Francis Spindlgr, Maxine STOler. Jean Cadxow, tele A itertu fy: Ambassadors: Robert Dunn, W al lace Stearns, Edwin Crowly, Chora« of Japanese people: Keller Mabbat, Rachel Forsyth«- W ilbur Durham, Frank Jokanbn Jeanette Stearns, GilMa Fleener, June Wolcott, David Jornspn, Isabelle. Gaffney, A rthur Most. ,Helen Kanasto, Hrford Poole, Beulah tytfrtoy,. H arry Hpgie, Sylna Martin, Newell ElMtftt Francis' 'Cooper, Earl, Yartam. Luoille ' Reeder, Carrol Olson Edna Dahford, Grant Mmibn. Betty Moat, Milton Shrum, Ruth Billings, Joe Finigan, Lomse Sherdlrater, Mil borne Mont, EJ|en Merryman,* David McGarryi Ann Jean Van Hardenburg, S t e le Ftackns, Lonnie SrrdRgfn», Ken nlth Darling, Viola 'Wood, The Senior High School art class with the jseistance of. some Junior high sehooi pnpHs have just completed making over .five doxen paper chrysanthemums and are now working on rose wreaths continents. tt tt tt and stage decorations .for the three - act operetta "Yankl-Saft’V Dr. Drunk’s Talk Much f given next Thursday eyening >n EnJoyetF— ‘ The English woman has alWSys tMe Senior high gymnasium. * , Due to inclement weather dhn- been noted fOV her successful Tickets are being sold by the dltions there was not as large a simrtd and country 'clothe* and School Children a n d 'dii sects'/are | crowded had been' dxpected at the She J M n cIr HntenM«* W **, , meeting of thb' Befcio'r H I r b A delightful coifttemtlen o f bbth Rchool ‘circle hf the lojal P. T.* A. yesterday afternoon, Thnrsday, has been effected In a new Sports shop in London, and both English Decembtfa 8, In the Senior high school building. - ; ' ' and American women are flock . Dr. Brunk of Salem, Oregon, ing there for the new ideas In sports setts. who recently conducted a dental' At thia sliop Is helng sponsored Hurtey lb the Ashladd schools from the First to the WlntBf with great success a new material for sports suits. This Is’ a wash grades,- gave a most Interesting and f»»tractive talk, which was able velvet which rate does not spot Sad which can hd pressed on greatly eppojred by all those pres the right stde aftep a soaking and ent. The usual business routine come 0«t like new. A charming was also carried out at yester day’s meeting, -- -<* * “ ’ Agd dreaaf aiy life s w a y - y * J* ‘ * * * * * Another of these sports suits basta circular skirt of dark blue washable velvet worn with an an gora wool Jumper, vary'soft and pilable, and also very warm- The Mae of the Jumper is quite pale, and ita only trimming la stitched bands forming a large plaid de sign. Box pleats of the eamib Width from the shoulder giv« r bft of fullness, and it has a soft turnover collar, A black suedtf leather belt is shown with this Jumper, and It adds not only a swagger touch In colors bat'also gives an excellent line to the hips. Angora wool suits are very popolar, as they are Very warm and still aot heavy. This shop is showing a model which is scal loped, ani^ th etw p -tler skirt has shallow scalfth»» around, both hems. These come In soft greens, blue, beige and red. Rough tweeds in mown mix tures are also shown. One prac tical and charming suit has ■ a tweed skirt, pleated in the front only, and worn with a long, straight coat with deep pocket». The Jumper to this salt is In- a light weight angers beige wool, with a turn-over Collar and piece down the front of the t w e e d . Three small pockets em each side of the front were also bound In tweed, as well as the. cuffs, ’ » • 'ì l i » . \ » » » Znlolma ULtfT TÍMB8 TODAY W l i W ill .three followers of a cult tea center e t’strUe la the courts;. Daniel ¡Brown, a follower ot the Israelite faith, refuses to permit these two sons to be vaccinated a t sehooLt County health officials have toileted him for failure to eomply -with' state laws and Mr. Brown declares they violate the Constitution o t the United States, which gtvee'Mte freedom ot religious teUebfcTothe l e f t » Ziaiu9, a a C t e tlt e t t s f i e o t o t e A - ^ i i 3 M t » T e h ;yeai^ l4 CaJvtoF.. o’clock a. m.> at the Masonic Temple In Grants Pass for the purpose ot practice ter the com ing ceremonial. W* Is dgelred that a large percentage of members attend tomorrow’s meeting, as important business, matters will be discussed. x tt tt » Remember Music Teachers’ ' Luaclteon— when the hostesses, Mrs. 0 . Rn.ioyaMe Meeting of Elks Ladles Card Club — The Elks Ladles Card club of this city enjoyed fttelr regular meeting in the Elks clubrooms on Main street yesterday afternoon, Thursday, December 8, with- a, fairly good attendance. | , Bridge and *600" occupied the houfs until late in the afternoon, Egg« seam (A rank next to m il* among t^o protein foods for e*M and oompleteness of diges tibility. The same point mutt bo b an» h i mind «hen rooking all dtahes which contain, eggs, avoid cook log them at high tempera tures for that,cabana the protein of the egg io to ng hen had make« H teee dlgeetible. MtAD TIDINGS fLIHSIFIfin Herbert’s Grocery 19 I . MAIN ■ PH O Ñ 1 1 Xmas Candy, Pound, 15c, 20c, 25c Mixed Nuts, Pound ................ ,30c A. Shutts and Mrs. J. D. McRae, served delicious refreshments. Mrs.- Harris Dean held high score in *‘500’’ and Mrs. Earl Jones of Talent held h(gh score In Bridge. Both ladles received lovely prizes. - * Market Day Raising, 4 Pounds Puffed Rasins> 2 for ___ Cluster Basins .............................. e N ew M acaroni 3 for 25c Some Cookjng Hints Members of the Jackson Coun ty Music Teachers’ Association In this city are reminded again of the luncheon, which will be serv ed Monday, December 12, at Uso for a Magnet. A child’s twelve o'clock noon, In the din magnet tied to a sewing machine, ing room of the Llthia Springs Is a wonderful help; If a needle hotel. , Is dropped on the floor simply s Reservations may be made -with Mrs. Harold Aiklns, phouef 441-J. swing .the string and the magnet w ill pick up the needle Immed tt tt tt - Deiphian Board Met Yesterday— iately. , Prevents Curdling. To k e e p The members of the board of scalloped dishes containing milk the local Delphian Society met Thursday afternoon, December 8, and cheese froth curdling, the ov In regular session at the hdme of en slfould never be hotter than Mrsa. Walter Redford, 437* Palm 225 degrees F. If yon haven’t a regulator on your stove; Just avenue’. j * place yonr <Msh In a Fan of hot After a short busiacse Session the following members delivered an excellent. program: Liturgy Dramatized, Mrs. A. H. Bracht; Guild Pageant, M ri. F. G! SWed-’ enburg; ‘‘Every Man," a moral ity play, Dr. Mattie B. Shaw; A Commedla del’Arte Play, Mrs. G., H, Yeo. Mrs. Redford served dainty re freshments at the, close of, fhe af ternoon’s program. tt tt tt proper kind of food must be r*T- •n. Tfco moot Important food« ffi body batldtns 'are protein« dfeAmrthte aah eoastitutsnte. water. WE DELIVER w Cutting Marshmallow** Whan cutting marshmallows for a sal ad, the marshmallows w ill not stick to the scissors if the 'scis sors* are slightly buttered. DEER HEAD MOUNTING A SPECIALTY ..... The latest paper .method. Do not experiment with your hard carded trophy by hav ing tt mounted by any one but an expert. The largest head of the season w ill be mounted tree. Wardwell Fur Co. > Cooley Building. Cooley-Bull ding MEDFORD Offend for the Holiday Trade NEW CANDIES- It will pay you to get otti price«—Special prices in quantity. N U T S- ■ New Georgia PeCRrts, Nftitiis, Filbffrts, Almotids, BLfick tyfrtnutfi, finglisli Walnuts—alt, juiced vflry CANDIED FRUITS AND P E E L - M Citron, Orange, Lelrtòù, Pineapple and Cherries. Meet— '*"* •* ' ¿ulelma Temple No. 13, Daugh ters of the Nite, Will hold their regular meeting for December In Grants Pass, on Saturday, Decem ber 10. A luncbeoh w ill be serv ed at the flotel Del Rogue In thaf city. • Officers of the organization are requested to meet at ten New Crop, Bulk at 2 Pounds fog GRAPEFRUIT- BICHABD BARTHELMES8 Large’, Juicy, Rn.sset Floridas at 3 for “THE DROP KICK’ ORANG] E n jo y the delicious richness o f double cream in y o u r coflfee b y using B o rd en ’s E vap o rated M i l k u n d ilu te d — ju s t as i t COÜZNO TOMOBKOW comes t o n th e cad. A g en u in e ¿ » lig h t fo r th e m ost particular coffee lo v e r. New N ivels in large sizes at rertiarkably low prices. OLIVES, (In Bulk)— firm and delicious. A new shipment A n d i t costs m u ch less th a n b o td ed creafli, to o . B u t to he sure o f g iv in g y o u r coffee th a t ric h cream y taste a t « a p p e t& n g color, insist o n B o rd en ’s. VEGETABLES- ,v . New California lettuce and cole parsnips, cahbugo, Oregon crai pumpkins and carrots. Trado Here and Watch Your Bank Account tm r iiic i rotw conredy fumane©. B»be as & shebA w ho gets bei ÿrtWAg Treats ’©m » e ft áttd< fells them nothing. Sperry FlourOhildFeft’s HdnTÇl t'„.ittiA . — d c tde !n the Orthw«*