Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1927)
TID IN G S » ' i1' reetdd I^.W. 0. Ida. Portland spring tia r e wtti he t h e , cation is made,, the fa ll amount <Jf» the policy in payable t© the bepsf lelerlee. . M r. Applewhite pointed out that tbe lo n g e rth » veteran waits i to apply, the lees insurance he w ill he «ablq |e get. because hill ago w ill work agatnet the amount of insurance that may he obtain ed fo r hUn, j ■' »7 ’ ¿ 'M r . Applewhite strongly urgps PARTY Quite a number of vWfltors In cluding the practice teacher» of Normal school students will en the Itincoin school were, at the joy a ' Christmas party this eve- assembly today. nlag, the party to he sponsored h / the K lam ath county group and social committee. Mary H u nt, rep L IN D Y W IL L F L Y resenting the Klam ath- group to M exico c m made announcement of the party WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 —<IP>— Deschutes F all sPower Com In d extended the invitation to all Chas. Lindbergh has accepted an ay proposes a big power plant to attend at an asseifcbly held to invitation to fly from N ed York day.' ■ . to- Mexico City on what Is reported Sherman county. W IL L H O L D jRicrltlas. - The murderous trio is are said ¡to be model prisoners. The twins db a tre a t deal of reading, but .Hugh is more sociable and m|n- gl«H with -his fellow prisoners ¡whenever at leisure, reports show. greatest influx of new settlers thia district ever witnessed, ac cording to E. 0 . H arlan, who hhs tfceg noting the gradual Increase In the nnmher of Inquiries being' received dally. Local real estate men has* given excellent cooper ation in showing our district to people looking for new homes. The chamber also appreciates the interest taken by our citisene in th a t a ll -Word W a r Veterans who assisting newcomer» in getting es >n o w of any veteran ’whq la en tablished in oar dty^pnd district. titled to this compensation, to appeal to h im /to take immediate action before the opportunity in u « t. r < T o k e /v « li4 , applications must be filed o n 'oF before'January 1, BY CALDW ELL (Continued Prom Page One) Ladles N ight would be Tuesday, December 13th, and that the program would start at T o'clock. Ifjbnby could write. It Ip fair te AM llAxI» MA KRS STEADY ’ The guests included M r. and suppose that Banta Claus would be , f 1 BUSINESS G R O W TH M r*. Leonard P e ttit and -Wise deluged with letters saying, “Please, M ary Galey and M r. P e ttit, with deap old Nick, bring me a nice little (Continued from pa^e ,onP) Mtsg Galey nt the*piano, enter not-water bottle to make me comfy.” a miniature hot-water hot tained the club w ith two violin thely real egtn(y iffle e «¿Joining tie in a beflowered satin charts a solos. ’ cunning g if t I t doubles the me#- the BlIHfcs Agency, E d efr Com »age of comfort if a bit of talcum pany la remodeling the' sweet powder be Include! H ie nursery ■hqp la tb e trb lu c k which w ill be W H IT E M A N W IL L BROADCAST ccqttUltes are obtainable la matched opened soon. The Addis company ' C L E V E L A N D . Dec. 9.— (IF ) t - sets, beentlfled with flower craft Paul W hiteman, nationally know: which creates such wonderfntty are putting in modern fixtures l«ne|y posies oaf of satin ribbon. and a new stqok Ta the room for orchestra lead er,, announced- to day he had signed a eontract tt j!F&«n J eras Was a Boy; merly occupied by. the Heath con broadcast over the radio ' ebsin fectionery. / - ' Loved by Hie Playmate» M any Inquiries to the local January 4 at a compensation A id i V 1 7 H EN it Is candle-lighting time chamber are a result of the extan- to be 330.090. J V V on Christinas Eve, and mother has read the “Night Before Christ mas,’’ and told you the story of ftbe Christ Cblid, of ithe Wise Men 'whd came on their soft-stepping camels across the desert; of tfle shepherds who followed the Star; of the angel song, and of the man F üKBjfl gey cradle, have you ever thought: j. “I wonder wliut sort of a boy Jesus was when He was-as eld as K a r / . j The Bible doesn’t tell nint h about H is boyhood, hut tliere are two 1 1 1« legends which you may like to re- fnieuiber while the berries are red on the holly and the wliote house la stueiling of evergreen. One tells o f . ,a little lame boy who followed the shepherds on the first Christmas night. While he was kneeling bo- forh the Christ-Child, be felt the tiny hands touch him. When be i arose, he no longer needed Ids crutch. He who had always hob-« bled slowly and i*albfnlly hag been ilicnied, and eoolg 13m with the 19«, SILVER 'sw iftest AooQter legend tells qf the time when tlie boy Jesus' was playing ¡with. Hla eomrades sad held a lifer. I less bird. One touch, nnd it flew away np, up, up into the blue sky. singing a long of ttranksgiring. -. These aiw>«nly - legends. They ,mpy not be true, but of this we mny bp pare: the boy.,Jesus was well lovaid by His playmates, and .H e was always kind and thought- ¡ful. Suppose you take one of the can dles from tlie tree and tie it lip In a knot of holly berries where you can see It often. As often ns you see it remember that Christmas Is the birthday of the Christ Child. So try to he like W in fay doing some kind deed every day.—Frank II. Sweet. The soft, scintillating sheen of Silver has a beauty possessed by ho otheK metal. ' «■’ The prices we are- asking during our sale puts articles of the loveliest netals within the reach of everyone. Well and Tree Platters, $8.75 .Water P itch ers........ . $8.00 ¿-Piece Tea Bets . . . . $18.50 Silvef Coftfpotes \ ........ $5.25 Gravy Bowl and T ja y ... $7.75 « Q IG N on (he dotted line. Indy.” “But a re , you sure thia is for we?” " It says, ’Miss Martha Brent, 220 ‘Cnssland’ ; ain’t that yont There’s no mistake; it's yours all right” Miss Brent drew the box Into the house and upened it with trembling 1 O hands. And there stood n box Ailed ¡with mistletoe, lovely white berries like peqrls. “What in the world f” ejaculated Miss Brent , “Mistletoe Tor an old maid I It roust be a JOko!” But she took It out and decorated her tiny home. That night her door ’ bell rang. When she went to the door there stood a prosperous, mkldle-nged man. His hair was beginning to turn gray and he had a vaguely familiar look. “Miss Martha,” he said, “thirty years ago tonight we were attend ing a pgrty at Mary Holland's. I kissed you under the mistletoe nnd you boxed my^ears soundly. I said, / T thought girts liked to be kissed.* You replied, 'Not by a good-for- nothing Fltxgerald.’ i' " I’m no longer good-for-nothing. May I try again, Martha T”—Jane Roth. r*- -1 ■■----- I » « h h w 26-Piece Sets of 1847 Rogers, Community' Stratford, Rock ford Hdlmes arid Edwards and Gorham from ---- $14.50 up.. VERY SPECIAL Extra H e a v y Plate Table spoons per Set of 3 ..'., $2.00 Regular 33.50 Chas. A. White ENDÈBR BLOCK S a le B argains:-- COASTER WAGON ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR ELECTRIC TOASTER very* Extra fine construction with-dependable long-life heating element. Toasts two slices at once. Finished in polished nickel. Com Body is made of fyigh f.rgile heavy gauge plete with six-foot cord, and plug. For any , , aluminum m bhed to a nii^or-like finish. 105 io 120-volt current. Ebonized handle. Fihi .1 feet. Complete with six-foot cord and phig, For any 105 to 120-volt current? CHRISTMAS CANDY Gift Price 5 4 -1 9 All steel con struct I o n — d U e ! t u c 1 wheels with e x t r a large size t o u g h rubbà? tires. Roller bear- Fitted with two. high >gnrd|o cutlery steel blades—stag handle—crest! shield—brass lined—a knife that can he used for every purpose^to which Sturdy jacket knife can beautiful rad. ALARM CLOCK Mahogany finished nbre hoard top covered with green leatherette. ¿ ’ ’W plated cernees. ftae T30#fl inches. Height Folds flat. 3® in c h « This nickel plated one day alarm clock is depend- |^>le and accurate. I t haa a whits dial with plain Ug- ifle i-^ A great bargain at this lew prlae. playmate. They will cry fo p y o u . Sonic |hat go to sleep, too. Heads arid hands are carefully moulded of prac tically unbreakable composition. Well fashioned clothes. Gift Price, Choice, 9 8 c Gift Price 4 9 c . FOCUSING FLASHLIGHT A compact size of the very popular fo cusing type flashlight—adjustable from a OUTING AXE broad flodtl ray for closeup use to a nar Widely used by Hunters,‘Autoists, Boys row far reaching beam for distance. Has and Campers. Drop forged, steel—jet black shock absorber feature—a most conven finished. Correctly fitted high g r a d e ient all-rouRd flashlight—complete with handle. Complete with first grade leather regular size standard 2-cell battery—nn sheath. The ideal gift for th e outdoor man. ideal gift for Him. FOOTBALL Made of good quality peb ble grained-cow hide— full reg ulation else— etrongly sewed w ltli linen thread and is well made — recommended highly for playground use— -complete with good rubber bladder leather lace and lacing needle. Gift Price $ 1 .2 3 Gift Price $ 1 .6 0 FOR FATHER SAFEGUARD YOUR VALU ABLES WITHIN WALLS Otegon Winchestcs Rifles flashlights Radiò Batteries Radio Tubes “ B ” Batteries Coleman Lanterns Hot and Cold Jugs Vacuum Bottles Screw Driveta Hammers Pliers Gun Cases - Winchester Shot ( 1 Winchester Shells Fishiftg Tackle Camp Staves Pocket Knives Safety Razors t Razors and Strops * Camper’s Axes Hand Saws Auto Tool Kits Hunting Knived Watches Tool Chests Auto Horns ‘ t Roasters Bird Cages Ice Cream 1 Percolators Coleman I j « Electric Toi Electric Pe Clocks Casseroles Scissors am Stainless St Stainless Si Stainless Steel Cutleries Nut Picks and Cracks . Pyrex Cooking Ware Aluminum Wares O’Cedar. Mops Dazey Churna Flashlights Electric Irons ' Food Choppers Mixing. $owlfl Electric Curlers Ranges FOR THE CHILDREN Roller Skates Velocipedes Kiddie Kars Scooter Ylikes Lunch K its Boxing Gloves Striking Bags Footballs SooOtcrs Saws Pop Guns Air Rifles Basketballs » Special $ 2 .0 9 Just the kind for the holiday fes tivities. Hard pillowa, wafers and fancy filled candy. You will be de lighted with the shape3, tlie colqp and the taste. It Js wholesome and you will enjoy the flavors. Packed in one pint glass jar with scruw cover. POCKET KNIFE ' Slse o f body 14 8-4x10 3-1 Enameled a M any o f O ur C hristm as Gift S u g g estio n s WITH A DEPOSIT BOX IN OUR VAULT, YOU HAVE THE SCIENTIFIC SECURITY OF THE MOST ELABORATE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM THAT HAS YET BEEN DEVISED. “I'm afraid, child, you a w asking old Rantn'Clflns for to« mueb this yc:;r." “Weil. 41 is a good bU, motbw, but with all the toys h«*» »W ha’ll never miss >9»." ' In the hope of beipg of service to you we you herewith a few suggestions to help you in selecting your Christmas Gifts—We are in better position this year than we have ever been before to give you this assistance — Our stocks are larger'and more complete — We have hundreds of items that are suitable for Gifts that are not shown \>n this ad—We invite you to call at our store and see the array of Gift Goods as well as the most complete stock of Hardware and Housefurnishing goods to be found in this -city—YoU will be pleased with our high quality merchandise and our extremely low prices—May we have the pleasure of your visit. FOR CHRISTMAS IPX I t n . W «tm Nvwepapcr Valaa.t Sent a Box of Mistletoe to Recall a First Kiss ttractive Christmas SPECIALS! Scroll Saws Flashlights Scout Axes B oy’s Wagons The Winchester Store Scout Knivea Diets Sport L Hammers