Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 09, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Carl Aaae
eeater, and Hubert Mathawa of
ruiemook, pivot wan. are two of
the ro Orange beekMbedd player»
who w ill make the benatoneias
trip through’ the miSdtoweut ■dur-
dhygm 0f South Afiueriea and Europe la hto prime, has
te gaebbised* the famous Waldfrled Stud farm
tort ear Male at the ripe old age of 40. Hla once glossy
■eked with I W , hat Mich still kicks hla heels like a two-
tar-ell ke to believed te be the oldest horse la Oaramny.l
Mp mere the swiahlfcg m allets sing- * -
rs as the rush for the ball la on:
Mo more the chargp and wheel and Wring
Through the chagker’a ntrlfe. All /h a t *• gone
of Bet» Theta Pl, national tag the Chrtetmae holidays, aer
» mem- cording to aaaouaoement by hob
uf the college band and wa« Hagar, Orange »s ank . The other
.1 fraternity. ¿WE »
Júniora, three
four freshmen
itly pladgad tfi Kappa Kapp| eight wSl he picked within
And m uxsle b u tfa Chat once yanked my girth
And watch the auuMght and shadow s pass
Over what tor m b la a peaceful earth.
What? Would I change my pleasant lot
Tor Oto toil and pain I once understood?
Give ap my pence and ease, or not? ,
Don’t make a horse laugh. I surely would!
mihar Of the college,or-
a «em taZ
. «L X t a l S
„ /• .
lta M a b
(MlSifüMLÄt tifttfÁ T S
Ítx/M Jo/»
$1.50 to $&75
Miss EmflU De Prate, e f Retail
San Fraadeea, C allforniA ,;'’
Finalist, representing District
too. 5, in The National Radii Au-
‘dltlon, of The Atwater - K i n V
Foundation, who will, sing to the
National Audition, December 11,
Mtae Emilia Da Prato. 20 f a r
old lyric dbprano of Italian par­
entage, la a nulet reserved girl,
wbosa nativity shows In the dark
hair and her deep brown eyes.
She slags In be! canto style la the
twat Italian tradition.
Her slnphtgt career, began when
she was fie email that her par-
afcla placed her on a table so that
she could be seen. She w a s
t y u f c t to Amarfea, at the age ot
t ^ s . ’ and for the last twelve
y e a r n -ty Uved Sfltk’ bar parents
In Sout&ynui Pmneltco. Next to
slwtng, her hobby is cooking, of
wmek dhw|darned from her moth-
er ashlleAaiping with the care of
honseheid of small children
In the De PT»to heme. Her anti-
■mt eduvatyh '?wa» received In
Amertodtaiphbll? schools. Mias Da
Prates-home w now at 407 Com-
mercM*aven«n'Behth Sail Fran-
clecdf Bah. Matao chant y, Califom-
$5.00 to $30.00
$2.00 to $5.00
S H A V IN O g & V S H E S . .
.. 35c to $5.00
SAFETY RAZOR BLADES . . . . : $3.00 to $5.00
B A f H P O W D E R S ............................... .. 50c to $5.00
RATU MLAT/TR ....................
( X )M PA O T S
PE R FU M E S.....................................
HAIR BRUSHES ...................... .
. 35c to $1.50
.. 50c to $2.50
25c to $4.50
. 30c to $5.00
MEN’S S E T S ........ ........................... .. 50c to $1.50
GREETING CARDS TO . . . . . . . .
McNair Bros
1er« is a Amas u n i ne
Will Welcome.
u Ü»Mleron” Sun Proof Shirt», liwide <if the fineet
Broadcloth, Blue, (IrSy, Tan and W hite. Solid Col­
or* are alwaya correct. Send tlieut to the Jjaundry,
they w on ’t fade. Priée .......................... .
—A l Jordan*! Army Goods Store—
the geverpaHWttoday in the
to ty t h e a r ty <K Harry >
elatr a/td hjs live associate
dosasi the
[ detective#
Jurors coau
The other
The Orangemen have had four
To feel once more my rider’s knee
Guiding my darting sure-footed flight
Churning the turf In a wild melee,
Shoulder to shoulder in slashing fight.
Sinclair trial,
center position la being (ought (or
by Jim Pinkerton npd Jack Savory
bbth lettermen. Patterson, Har-
old Price, and Fain are tbs pivot
man who are trying to clinch the
other keyman position.
Captain Bill Burr, Hart, Cordy,
Ttppery, Young, • and Clegllnger.
are petting np a great battle Tor
the left corner Job with Burr and
Cordy showing the beet stuff nt
preaent. Hartung, Mills. Sbredve,
and O’Bryan are fighting It ont
for the right aide position. Har­
tung and Mills seem to have a
alight edge, Wascher, Ray Price,
Toraon, and Johnson are petting
up a sensational scrap for the left
side with Wascher and Toraon do­
ing the beet work.
Nolhiag W do M t to nibble grata
McNair Bros
leged talkattvi 4 « n * I* « •
Two men*for each position will
be taken on the trip«1. pcetty soft k> the pasture here.
No trhacklag willow or .gagging bits.
No leathered torture pr white-eyed fear
Of the cracking. pain aa the mallet hits.
ttve • ( a d t y t f j . W n *
next few days.
All that remain v la the pasture's fieace;
Long days of browsing beneath the sun;
Long yearn ef- service have won surcease
Prem the service of man, and my work is done.
To know onoe more the painting meh
Ppr the ball through a gauntlet of swishing Wopd: ,
Give up lor that thia peaceful hush
' Think I’m a donkey? I’ll say I wonld.
This famous ax-polo pony, of course, didn’t precisely step
from his last chnhker Into the pleasant vale of Waldfrled And the
roll of poetphHosopher.
tectlve agent felfcad wUM iV
Itloffrapby Of
Ted A. Boy, Corvallis, Oregon
Finalist, representing District
No. 6, Hl The National Radio Au­
dition of The Atwater Kent
Fcundatlon. who will sing In the
Npw you can give the eon or daughter a pinny they
dan enjoy—made for them—made for the heme. An
incentive to study and practice.
A. « to h S i ^ a
fraternity. Lllltaa Bblmer
la ft senior in horn« econom ics
-Andrew p«Weae, Junta» fih gg-
kite a special effort to fee ‘this piano—It will solve
Z; .
’ the Christinaa Problem,
rtcMituip, is A member• of Theta
to a memltar of th^ CW natto“ ’ •ocU1 to ta rn lty
-H etab. L a « m a t she .
Cure of thin tabs - "She lb 1 * pw’ ® * b a Opt-— . ...
The new telephone books fur
---- -
..... 1928 have been* dtatributed to
Miss Myrta Ot-
tlh M V * * * .W J U
terdale, manager of the. Ashland
Pacific Telephone A Telegraph
pempany*« eflee on Oak afreet,
Tequesta 'that all the old*T>ooks
be disposed of. la order tQ ayoid
ilmort is
sd of Or
- i
J *
' t,
A G iftT h a tW ill Keep oh Giving.
1922 Ford Tudor, $ lM
(A Bargain) 5
We cannot-adequately describe i t It is thè result
of a great piano manufacturers conception of the
idéal piano for* the. «h ili
ils&ttan .
t y v . H. T. Mltcbelmore waa s
elecUd president of tbe Wash
Day Bible eebooi board at. a meat-
lng held Thnrsttiay eveatng at th *
Presbyterian church, filling the
position made vacant by the res­
ignation of Rev. M. 8. Weod-
worth, who hat raceatly
ed Me pastoral» of the Baptist
church and Is engaged in Bible
conference work.
Rev. Woodworth was given
greatest'praise for hla failbf*)
neat daring tha time he mrved
aa president of the board, and
many expreailona ef regret ever
bto resignation, were made.
The innate report tndteatea a
realisation on tbe part of snh-
acrlbera of the head of the Bible
school and their Willingness tb
meet Us field with cash subeerlp-
tlofls, »«cording to board mem­
V. O. N. Smith, Rev. c.
Gaffney,» Rev. H. F. Pembertdn,
Rev. P. c. Thatcher, Rey. H. T.
Mltchelmore, Rev. Wm. Barney
and Dr. O. W. Gregg attended the
meeting last evening.
Automotive Shop
MaClenel Afidltlen, December 11,
Ted A. Roy, to 21 years of ngs,
and is known among hla aasocl-
Atafi Hi the Oregon Agricultural
College fit COwatlto, ns the “Sing-
lag Blacksmith” heeanw blaek-
nmKhlng has been hts bdsfaefe
for the lest 11 years, and She bus­
iness of his father for 36 yeari.
Roy spefids bit vactlons at t h e
targe la his father’s chop in Pi­
lot Rock. Oregon.
‘Ted A. Roy comes from a pio­
neer Oregon family, and hte fa­
ther was the possessor of ». high
tenor voice, which pipvlded the
son with hla first Inspiration. At
tha figs of I t he sang a solo part
in a'grammar school guartetta
rendering “Star of tha East” with
such effect that the teachers of
the high school advtaad him to
Study voice. He aang at onoe for
Mm. S. N. Forehaw at Pendleton,
Oregon, With whom be studied
for ftome time before going io
Lltlta Rbck. Ark., where he atud-
junior 1* comlitBrC®, is a
o t B et*
We Are Showing in Oar Window a
Becauic the K obtcr method is
co ptat so Rfhch value into the
set that less selling expense is
heeded. Ihu/m eons that careful
comparison xrf tone, selectivity,
tange^ volume and appearance
w ill do all the selling that the
shrewd purchase needs to put
K o b tcr in his home,
Y o u lite ra lly cannot know
whether .yon are buying well i f
you p atro n ite a store where
Kolster is not present. Compare,
TA sm . .. j h . ui M k .. Aty«wlMnwk
I M Pr, Cotton B tyketa, »
• ■f
' ‘ f **
(IN LOTS 0 » : » SB .)
1 Large Hotel fiange
X-L Electric Station
Oalifomiù Oregon . Power Co.
Couitnwtion Wìwfioosé.
(Old Swift Warehouse, foot of Pioneer St.)
(Biggpnt U ttle Store in Town, Open Evening»)
$■ .*
j *
w * d?
' ■ *•