Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1927)
1 plenty of , X à 1 <.* T -• 1 ) »- "'■’î Í .. I ‘C ;.' a »Ä & *13 Oregon—Unsettled v ..k tonight and ßgtUTday. for O ver F ifty : Y ears ASHLAND, 'AY» DECEMBER 9, 1927 te—If in Jail PEACE PACT IS AGREED Resolution introduced ¡by Senator Read is * oath of offlca to 8anator Elect W m . 8. Va$*e, Republican, of Pennsylvania who spent M a rly 890.990 primary eleaMon campaign. The resolution Intro duced by Senator David Reed of Pennsylvania to adm it Vara waa defeated. Thirty-Fire Students Re main Out of Newport School N E W PORT. Ore., Dec. 9 — UP) -r-A slight break In fa rirr of Mrs. Daisy H alleck, woman' principal was apparent in the high school controversy where students struck (because they w a ited a man principal and because they charged the woman principal was old-fashioned. Tw enty students are attending classes now. Two entered other high schools. T h ir ty-five supported by their parents arb still on s|Mke. § ’ K? . Irregularity Is Fashionable LaFollette Pledgee Support to Regulars After Pact Studebaker Touring Oar am Big Cargo of Moomhin TaMn by Tederal Office Terry A. Talent in Bari; Morning Arrest — Tw Weed Men Heavily Pina by Taylor. Friday of Bach Week in Ashland Conferring-With F a r m e r s Interested in Livestock, Dairying, Poul try Raising, Etc. ing car was confiscated by Feder- „ al Officer T arry A. Talent a t 7 o’clock this morning. W . B. McLeod, Weed. C alif., , driver of the car, pleaded gntlty - to a charge of possession when „ arraigned before Justice of the . Pence Glenn O. Taylor of Medford* . and waa ordered to pay a fine of i j 1600 and serve SO days in the county Jail. ( John Kollaia, an nnnaturalised ' Greek, companion oft McLeod, pleaded guilty to a sim ilar charge and was fined >259 and costs * and sentenced to serve SO days In r the coanty Jail. Heed of Parents to bo Pals Of Children Stressed By Speaker ‘ The arrest was made on East * M ain street at I o’clock - t h i s mornlag. , The car was heavily loaded,* and a blanket which had bean thrown over the cargo, had blown off, revealing the kegs In .the rear end of the car, according to Officer Talent. The driver of the car refused to stop at thq ai- r ran signal and It was necessary i for the o f fle e r'to atop the big Studebaker by hooking the rear ■ fender en.Jbts own ear Into the » I front bumper on the boose car. I 1 1 ’ f ' , , The rum runners were armed , w ith a .88 special six-shooter. H i. Th.e moonshine, which wak eaid ; In have bean destined fo r Med fo rd trade by the two man. waa o f a low-grade quality officers •eld. I t was contained in a $6 gallon kag, two tan n l l o . top. , veterans Who 'have Ignored this na^Mf-1< Alddford in their own , ooponnwlty, for IntonM ta'; <cal>: and -im m ediately entered a t themselves, o r relatives e f de piqn of guilty to the charges ceased atadlcrd gnd this 'egbrt fcaU is made to impress- upon, .The Studebaker par which is to these veterans tho importance e f be confiscated by the federal gov-' immediate action. ,r ‘ erhment Is the fifth booze car to The number of days d f domes ba takeh by Officer Talent In the tic service and the number g t last two weeks. The car .was in foreign service are 9a*en gOOd condition. into adeonw'i and That sum.! phis 4 per cent compounded a aw n g lil Multnomah tjonnty’s share of for turfepty years determines .the TorwilUger* Boulevard to Oswego- amount of insurance <that can be will cost 8188,628. . \ bonjgbt for the veteran. Any veteran or relative who Champoeg — Butterville boule does not apply f o r the insur ¡vard to Portland proposed. ance before January 1, 1928— his dependents can get go mere than 1600.00 1C ha saw domestic ser vice alone, o r 8826.90 If ho had maximum foreign Service, where as i f the application for tho ad justed compensation certificate is Uod before January 1. 1928, the same veteran o r relative would be entitled to more than twloa those amongta. H appli- < Pienne, tu rn Growth Aflflv Rnain/iaa ctiuj iFttBiitvso *tary Harlan Reports information.- Prospective settlors are Inquiring about our Normal not listed in the figures above have located bore for relief of asthma. Another encouraging aspect Is the number of store buildings be ing rented.* The large building previously occupied by McGee’s has been rented and w ill be Im proved and put into cendltion for occupancy by the first of next month. Provost hardwarde com- psay baa taken the empty build ing adjoining their store and •quipped it in splendid style for their- sporting goods department. Lamktn and Daria have opened Lest We Forgetvn to . page three) COACH GOES TO PORTLAND W A S H IN G TO N , Dec. 9.— <LP>— The Senate today adopted a reso lution providing tor Igvestlga- tlon of aa article printed la the Washington HaeeM ’ b»ar»taf President CaHea of 'M egleq, o r dered more than 81,000,900 paid toz four {Tnlted States . Senators. BELL RINGERS. , ARE POPULAR Splendid Program Pl ed by Entertainer» S. 0. H. School Although la« work of clubs and leaders Is very commendable, the outstanding influence on the youth of 13 to 18 years of age is whether or not the parent la a pal to the son, V. V. Caldwell, of the Southern Oregon Normal school faculty, saM in hia talk to the KIWanig club today at noon. Th<» youth, brimming over with primitive instincts to play and run wild, must have his energy restrained and properly guided or it will develop into a case of vag rancy or truancy. Hia own w ill, as one w riter stated, is like the wind, and it is necessary for the parent to extend a guiding hand or he w ill go wrong. O re a tea t of tact sad skill la necessary in the sabatitntion of healthful and uplifting games and recreations, .such. as hunting trips, hikes and other amuse ments, or the boy w ill have hia best Instincts submerged in fig h t ing and misconduct. W hile not Inherently bad: boys’ gangs re quire leadership and the Inspira tion of parents’ palship. M r, Caldwell apld Ashland waa fortunate hi not having gaudy and guttaring, ■~>ar»wtrt . halls »■d taker gtaees to entice the youths Into , wrong channels, e^b,' in that It has such, elube as the H l-Y i, Y. M.- C. A.,. Boy . Beouts and others, as well as such cap able beys’ leader as Sec., W. P. W alter of the Y. M. Q. A. • However, parents shpuld not foal they can shift their respon sibility of their sons to these clubs or leader«. They must re num ber that Boys’ Week will not suWlce, but that they should re- msin a,pal to their sons through out the year, U r. Caldwell stated. He quoted Judge Lindsey, who said that ''‘skillful leadership will eltmirfate 98 per cent of delin Marvelous melody? Unique and enchanting, a distinctly different type of musical etitartalntaént, —as presented by the Swedish Bell Ringers who* -appeared id concert Thursday'etagtfag at the Southern Òre^oa, Normal School auditorium. * # »i Bach member o f this 'nhusual musical organisation habdle'd the quency in youths of this age.” bells w ith re m arka b le' dexterity < k A . Briscoe reminded the club and the program presented was Kiwanis bad contributed toward d e fic ie n tly varied to please ev the rental of the Campfire ery taste. G irls' cabin this last year a n d A group of southern melodies was òhe of (he Most "popular num bers on the progrqm. I The company received the some genereus appiana* f t f H them On their appearance here tFo. years -age at the Christian cjiurch. the company at that time smaller than at the preadnt timd. v T h ».a a d lfo rig *i w a »)ào re than half filled for the program last e re s ia r. . (PJeagf tura. to .page three) O’GRADY ON B0XINGCARD JUNIOR ED-Y CLUB MEETS L o c a 1 Battling Irishman Furnieheg Hto»d!ine At Initial S m M mi of Club Mom- tractiona t Bold,H ill ber» Hold Lagt Gene Q’Okady bfc thia city, the Hight > Coach Mac McNeal of t h e Sbuthben Oregon N orm al' School Investigatimi W ASHING TO N, D « . » .- .0 " A peace pact to protect tact the elender R epublic^ ma jo rity in the aenata was. entered into today by Senator 'Curtis, Re publican floor leader and the Re publican independente. Curtis made the announce ment and Senator LaFollete on behalf of the independente eon- firmed it. Snow at Siskiyou. Summit 14 Inches Deep—Highway Dangerous—Blixaard Ap proaching According to Weather Bureau Predict, ions—38 Perish in Middle- west States. Ashland was blanketed with « “BOY” TALK snow covering and was a city of beauty Thursday evening. BY CALDWELL snowy According to Louis Dodge, lo I *• F ifty gallons of moonshine liq- " nor, and a Studebaker Six tour A band concert between 8 and 9 o’clock thia evening, given by tbs Ashland Municipal band la the outstanding feature of the program for the L ith lan Carni val, according to Clyde Young, H igh F is t of the organization. Ac a special feature, four grand prises ,are to be offered, each 26 vo.tee on the Mow Ford, which w in be awarded tomorrow evening. Numbers w ill be, given each person attending the car nival, and the holders of the four chosen numbers w ill be awarded each 26 votes on the Ford. . Attendance at the circus fast night was not so large as be. thb preceding nights— the a n o w storm evidently keeping many folks at home. Booths ware gen erally well patronised howeter. Circes acta, new and original are to feature the program t}iis evening. The trapeze performers who have furnished entertain ment each evening o f the carniv a l are hbadflners in their profes sion and sufficient comedy Is In termingled w ith th e ir daring ac robatic stunts to keep the crowd keenly alive to th e ir work. W ith the three big attractions listed, the band concert, special prises, and circus acta, the crowd a t the carnival tonight should be greater than, that of any other night this week. * • i fnow s* left ..Thursday wreuing for Port land to nttehd a meeting of the Pacific Coast ami Northwest Ath letic Conference which te being held ln Joint session a t the Port« lead H otel Friday end Saturday. Friday evening the conch w ill attend « meeting oft the baaket- ball ruing committee. A t t h i n meeting officials w ill discuss and Interpret naw provisions 1b Its mien and coma to an agreement as to the. standard o f interpreta tions. r , W h ile 1 ^ the qerth M»c w ill opmplete a schedule for t h a. SOM». Holiday games w ith the K lam ath Cardinals, hecember 11; Pelicans. December 88; Dunsmuir and W illam ette, December 11, ere I already eahdulad but dafee with Albany Collage, M « « a e e th Nor mal, Pacific University. Linfield College and o th er northern teams are yet fo bs derided. r e in in g pugUMtic sensation of southern Oregon fdeeb oi»e o f thé I hardest battles of ¡his fighting career to dale when he boxes with Joe Jewett, Portland. Tuesday e tén ln r, December 18, a t the Gold K m pavlUion Jn t)w fjiu t of a e d ita of Winter boxieg a n d wrestling smoker. 7 Junior High Y club members held th e ir in itial senrion last evening w ith th e ir ■ leader, Don Spencer. Officers of the new elub are: Donhld Cnrrey, - peerident: Law r ence OMI, vioe-presMent; Kenneth Schiftet*, secretary: Neal Fay, Thia bout Is A haadllper and treasurer and Eugh Carter, re- pramtoet 0 be ^ h /IU j’ng'. Jewett Is '■alii to hard1 a mule-kick punch, but O’Grady w ill must him with the same* A r t of a wallbp plus a •peed end el «mi venase-which has old tim er» of the ring puasled and which puts the battling trlsbAan far above the average run of box- tas. ; •' . A wreqtljtog match wUI ba fnr- nished with' Stanley Rogers and Bill Donovan grappllqg for the heat two out of three falls. / cal weather observer, four and g half inches ow snow fa ll were re corded— the greatest single snow fall since the "big snow" of De cember 1924, when an equal amount fell. A nrynimum tempera ture of 22 degrees was recorded. W eather Bureau predictions are for a continuance of the snow tonight. The streets, which today were,» sea of aluah, during the fait oft the snow which started about 5 o'clock, were Excellent for coast ing and many sleds were brought out and put-to us« by the boys and girls who enjoyed the snow with unbounded enthusiasm. Snow at the summit of tl)« Slsklyous waa 14 inches in dep(h according to highway officers and the mountain highways were in an exceedingly dangerous con dition. Several minor accidenta were reported as a,' result of the slip pery, snqw and aluah coveted highways. PO RTLAND, Dee. 9.— (ip) _ Real winter weather w ith enow Jg due In the Pacific northwest to night the W eather Bureau an nounced today. The s t o r m reached Puget 8ound from Alas ka last night had by tomorrow should be general over tho north» west. * ■ - •'SB I <ta « - THlRTY- E IG H T P E R IH H CHICAGO, Dae. .9.— (IP)— Re- R *, lief from the cold wave which le tripping the qottntry. can he en- pected today the weather bureau here announced. Dqrlng, tpe night the frig id blast had steadily advanced un til shorGy before dawn It reach« ed the Atlantic ad Pacific sea« boards and gulf of Mexico. Around 38 person», eight o f them in Chicago. .died of expo« sure. Hew Jersey Judge WU1 Page Sentence on Convicted Pair Saturday MAYS LA N D IN G , N. J., Dee. j. — (IP)— Facing the possibility f t 10 years Imprisonment, Mrs. Map- garet Lilllendahl and WU1M Beach today awarded sentence Saturday, on conviction of volun tary manala/ughtar, which grew out of tlp ru ea th of the womaW» husband, Dr. W illia m Lllliendah). The Jury returned a. verdict af ter 88 hours deliberation. â 1