Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1927)
' AgartAwp war j r , PLENTY OP pHHTRTMAS Oregon—Cloudy, locai snow». TBEES A shland ’ s L eaping später por O ver F ifty Y ears ASHLAND, OHFÍ g OX? Volarne 41 DOCTOR HOLT IS PRESIDENT As Seven Medical Man of Meeting at C. O. Heunahalch qf Central Poiiit wjuj ' nam®d leader of the recently organized Hl-T club in the high school (fears, ad's meet- [ Jng held lam evening, ^Attended by W. P. Walter1 of this city, who has assistbd la the iWMsait- zatlon. Wm. K. Aberle, w ho-hls been In mission work In Nicaragua * delivered a splendid talk on the Work being " doneT In Southern America, and outlined the recent i fevolatJoh, ip th* country In which ha* was looted. The Central Point boys have i Invited the Ashland club to meet with 'them soon did Install the officers of the organization. e Being Mannfactur- Detroit Factories at of Few «Hundred a Bnt Production Will creased by January .DEARBORN, Michigan, Dec. 8. — (LP>— Henry Ford r e a c h e d down Into tl>e pants pocket of bis ngptor company for $100,000,- 000 to makh bis new model Ford ear. \, ’ . • Today he is producing a few hundred each 24 hours. He ex pects by January 1 to manufac ture the new Fords at the rate of a thousand every turn of the clock. ;■ After the first 1,000 production wilt be speeded np he said. I> an exclusive Interview given at the office here he said he bad $260,000,00.0 when he started working out plans for the n e w Funeral services for Mrs. 3. L. machine and that, he now has but Greenwood, whose death occurred $250,00»;000 left. Tuesday evening are to be held at i o'clock Friday efternoen a| the Stock Chapel. Intertaent »111 J>e made in Mountain View ceme tery. . ...» •• » • QUvt* Elisabeth Fraftr, was horn in Knox coffifity, i .Illinois, January- 47, 1887, and' dhme to Dr. E . . A. Woods Gives U n fi county, Oregon, near Har- Statement Ra/rarHino- Mnt^Regarding Hsbtrtfc w j£ per parents In 1893. She was united In marylage with C. H. Paynfc In 1M7. iFire Chll “I do not believe there la any dren M ie horn to this union, reason for alarm because of the one survtplngt In lfifi® she was oae case of infantile paralysis married to J. L. Greenwood of which exists in Ashland. The Grant county mfcere she made ease la isolated. All families her home u t i l moving to Asfc- who have had any contact with bfcd 30 years agdt> , * the case are under quarantine re- A wqyaa < 1<” r*tole qwajities. atrlettosy People may attend public functions without any fear ot contact, I believe,” Dr number of relatives sod friends E. S.A. Woods, chairman of the Mr«. Greenwood 1» snrvivad by health committed of the city her ege^ hwthand, fe e sOn, Laat council ibid today in connection Payne, and thtoe stop-daughters, artth the development of the case fcfrs^. Gaosfee Storrtett,» Mrs. O. ot' Infantile paralysis in this P. Reward,and Mr®. Henfy Cox. city. * * “y gjranfehildrea and great The statement made by Dr. grand fetldren also survive. Wofcds is practically the same as that made by Dr. F. G. Sweden- bnrg, city health doctor, who said every precaution was taken to prevent the spread of the disease, and that other restrict ions were unnecessary. Lithiaa« Have Big Crowd Howard WUey, high school student, suffering from the dis at Carnival Last ease remains In practically the Night same condition. Plenty of fun for everybody is provided at the Lithian Circus and the busy committee is com pleting arrangements for the en tertainment thld evening. Last night those who patron ized the circus had an unusual run of luck* and many of the beautiful blhnkets, door lamps, X W -Y B B \ and other merchandise of value HOCS3K. was carried away. TßöEC!<Tößl£ Dancing continues to be among the most popular gporta, with 46 AB0ÖSDSOI mlnutey of free dancing followed by “Jitney” dancing. The circus Acts are grownlg hatter each evening, as the gen erous applause indicates the popularity of these numbers. The circus comes to an end Saturday night when the big prise— the Ford sedan to to be awarded to the holder of the lucky ’ticket. * FUNERAL SET « FOR FRIDAY FOURSQUARE CHURCH MOVE - » COMPLETE The member® of the Four Square Gospel bongregation, -qrho have held services in what was formerly ksown as the “Truth Temple," on the Boulevard tor the last two years, have purchas ed the old 8ton^ church, formerly the Church-tor the Brethren at the corner of Fifthdhad Mast Mala street, according to' •made today byRev. J. » . Mnrphy, pastor. j The ehurch Wa sphrehased from Mrs. Lew Reeder, who secured the property from the Brethren cond gregatlon. Extensive rerjhdellqg has been done, a Juraace Install ed, some redecorating, and the church is to be inreadtoem tor occupation next Sunday morning, Rev. Murphy stated today. Win dows which have been broken are to'be replaced ^pfore Sunday. The Four Square Gospel con gregation consists of about raO members at the present tip s, hav ing grown extensively since It was first ' established herg^ several years ago. Rev. Murphy said, Ser vices Were first held in the Park, and as the congregation grew more permanent quarters were secured. The securing of the new quarters by the congregation Is looked upon as a step which defi nitely establishes the Four Square Gospel work In this city. MANY CHARGES ARE RECORDED Charges of bribery and counter charges of perjury featured the trial of Michael Murphy, Klam ath sheep man, who*!« charged with manslaughter for the killing ot Love Chandler. A life of ease, and all the home brew he could drink was offered PhiUMbCanna, Malin raneher, by Horace Manning, defense attor ney, If McCanna wonld give false testimony at the trfel, McCanna’ declared from the witness stand yesterday. Manning answered the' charge by filing a .charge of per jury against the witness. McCanna also testified he had given false evidence at the Coron er’s inquest after he bad taken several drtnk.s PLAY POSTPONED BUSINESS IS INCORPORATED NO REASON FOR ALARM .uS CIRCUS ACTS ARE POPULAR AUTO WRECK ON SISKIYOUS Raising the flag preparatory to the opening of the Seventieth Con gress of the United States is Mctured above. Below the .capitol dome are s h ow n Young Bob La nsllette (left) of Wisconsin, young est senator, greeting George H. Combs, 28, new congressman from Missouri who is the yoangest member of the House. In the group below them are Senator-eleet William Vare and his family. Vare Li Confident of winning the dispute over his right to a Senate seat. Left to right In the group are his daughter, Miss Beatrice Vare, Mrs. William Vare, Vare and Mlldr&d Vare, another daughter. TRAINS LA TE at the' Southern Oregon Normal Delay of 8. P. Trains -which school. The concert Is unique >re running off schedule today. and pleasing,, according to ad 18 not due to weather condi vance reports on the company. ma, but dne to a general delay, cording to a report received Many loads of-Christmas trees BELL RINGERS TONIGHT are being taken from the hills, The Swedish Bell» ringers will and offered for sale on city mar present fi concert this evening kets. Why Confine License Plates to Untos? J. B. Hlgley. who Is said to be a bootlegger of many months ex perience. is In the county jail at Medford, and according to Fed eral Officer Terry A. Talent, a federal charge of possession may be -lodged against him. * . The Hlgley home-was raided Wednesday evening 'by Officer Talent, Deputy Sheriff Paul Jennings, Policeman Joe Cave and Police Chief Cletus McCred- ie of Medford. According to officers m o r e than a gallon of alleged ’moon shine was found and empty car tons sufficient to hold 8*8 Jugs. .i CITRANGE IS - ON DISPLAY f T Fruit at NSHINE RAID MADE Federal Charge After Arrest f M ax Pracht Dr. Wm. V . \ ..t of Medford was elected president of the Jack- eon County Medical Society at a meètlng held Wednesday evening Death ot 12 Persons Said Pt the home of Dr. L. D. Inskeep, barring Against Purchas . to Have Been Directly Medford. ing Merchandise From Dr. Mattie Shaw, Ashland was Due to Storm ThatStart- ‘‘Bell Ringers” is Issued vice president; Dr. Shipley ed 'in Alberta Last Mon named by Chamber of Commerce secretary, and Dr. Wm. day—Communications and Medford, Secretary Who Has In Heckman, retiring president was Traffic Paralysed. vestigated Numerous Re named delegate to the state con ports Recently. vention. » (B y u . P .) The regular meeting was pre A check o f the storm area The chamber of commerce has ceded by a banquet at (: SO o’ nuule this afternoon by the issued another warning to local clock at the Medford hotel« 'Dr. R. United Press revealed the J. Conroy, Medford, prominent people to be on tl lookout for v fact that IK luul perished. surgeon gave the main number door-beU ringers who have .been No relief from the in on the evening’s program, a paper visiting the city with most every tense zero tem perature is on surgery, a general discussion conceivable sort of scheme aimed * promised by the weather to separate the unwary from his following. bureau. The M kldlewest and Dr. Brunk, who is conducting money. Rocky Mountain states w ill A few days ago a lady called the dental survey in the county, continue in the grasp of the gave a talk illustrating his re the chamber office and said she raging storm. marks with three reels of pictures, had just paid an agent $7.00 .one on diphtheria and two on den for pictures to be taken of her A blizsard accompanied by tal work . children which the local company sub-zero temperatures raged over Interested in starting a film the middlewest today causing studio had .agreed to use in the much suffering, partial paralysis selection of their “stars.” The of traffic and communications. local folks interested in the pro The death of 12 persons were motion of a movie studio for ascribed to the, storm, sines it Ashland, of course, knew noth first struck Alberts, Canada on Stock Selling Campaign Will ing of these photographers and Monday. disclaimed any connection with be Started by Movie The entire Rocky Mountain them. The chamber office sug Boosters Region and Middlewest is affect gested that payment be stopped ed and predictions are that the on the check bnt was Informed, V. C. Carter of Eugene has ar storm wlH go as far south as Lou that It had already been cashed. rived in Ashland to become busi isiana. Today another group of ex- ness manager of the recently In corporated Carl A. Theobold college students are in the city Productions Inc., company. soliciting subscriptions from busi V. O. N. Smtth, E. G. Harlan, ness people on the claim that J. N. Dennis, Fred A. Smith, Fred they are -earning their way 1 S. Schuerman, J. E. Enders and through college by selling these Car| A. Theobold arp named in- magaataee. This may be true, | Two Corvallis Women Are corporators of the company which but .the solicitors show no state la to bs organized for the purpose ments from their colleges that Injured When Essex of producing motion pictures. Indicate that they ever trod the Sedan Skids “As soon as we get our stock college green. The chamber df selling permit, which will reach commerce wishes again to call , here within a few days, we will attention to the . arrangements start a stock selling campaign in which It makes with such parties this city,” Mr. Carter said today. whereby thefc qualVfchUoaa and. Mr. CarterAwho has bean -eon- representations are examined neceted with the business end of and If found true the statement the movie, business, associated with companies in the Hollywood which the chamber is glad to put and Los Angeles community, ex oh paper'and which should first pressed himself as well pleased be shown to prospective cnstom- with the prospects for organisa ers. Business people are urged to protect themselves by asking tlon hers. “ Iq. addition to be ideally situ for the chamber of commerce ated for picture productions, Ash recommendation, the supposition land is certainly the ideal play being that any legitimate per ground of the Pacific coast. This son can get anch a letter without I city certainly has psoslbilitlea for any embarsssment whatever and devflopment and I’m, glad to es the fact that the agent has np tablish myself here," Mr. Carter .letter Is an Indication that he Is x said. Mr. Carter will maintain not reliable. The final warning of the cham his headquarters for the present at the Chamber of Commerce of ber Is NEVER to pay In ad fice. vance. IT payment la made In According to present plans the advance, experience shows that Kelley Color company of Holly few complaints can be success wood has contracted 2® pictures fully righted. Ask for the cham a year to be produced by the local ber’s recommendation and If the company, the Hollywood company same cannot be produced, keep standing half the cost of pro your money in the bank. duction. Details dt the production tlon and distribution are In the Medford ‘‘Salesman’* Faces hands of Mr. Theobold. OH-1 BOuaHT Kf MM APCOBi ftE O O T seua. NUNBCL AN’ THESE WTNE5SK felOCEC, ITEUtW, W CKMEUf Anniversary Of Fire Disaster AIMEE STARTS FALLS MEET Famous Evangelist is to Ap pear in This City Deoember 14 Almee Semple McPherson-has been definitely engaged to hold an evening service in thia city at the Armory Wednesday, Decem ber 14, according to Rev. J. E. Murphy,, pastor of the F o u r Square Gospel church in this city. Mrs. McPherson comes to this city Independontly, her service sponsored by nq, local church. The famous evangelist last evening started a séries of five sermons which are to be deliver ed at Klgmath, assuming what she termed as an unusual roll, that ot calling loggers and lum bermen into lier fold. Services are being* held In the exhibit build ing at the Klamath county fair grounds, the largest building In the city which might be convert ed Into a temporary tabernacle. On December 1®, 11 and 12 she will be In Eugene, and return to this city to? a one night en gagement. A8TORIA, Dec. 8.—-OP)-—Aq- toria today observed the fifth an niversary of the fire disaster which December 8, 1222 wiped out 32 city Mocha, comprising 40 acres In the heart of the business district. Cltlgens generally are looking back to the red letter day five years ago when $11,000,000 property wag destroyed in 11 BETTER HOMER WEEK hours. Since Astoria has com A large crowd attended the pletely recovered, spending mil Medford Good Homes Weak ex lions on new streets, .sewers. position which started In that city yaAerday evaolngr Be Candidate WASHINGTON, Dec. 2— <lpK- If the Republicans of Ohio feel that I can credibaly represent them as their egndjdata in the forthcoming national convention, I shall feel it a great honor to do so,” qenat rFrank B. Willis of Ohio, republican, said after Cool idge made his defialta statement refusing the nomination.