ft Lhv 1 I ASHLAND HAS IT L • " 4 w ì L à Ì A, A shland ’ s L eading for • 1 V FINE MAIL SERVICE O ver F ifty Y ears ASHLAND? OREGON, STREET SCENE IS EXPLAINED»1 Screen Club members Hare Interesting Sessions ~V- Yesterday > Instructions In the taking of a. street scene, demonstration* o< the taking of "closeups” w e r e shown members of the Screen club who met in the Legion ball Sunday afternoon. Purposes an9a In his overcoat pocket was nn*. Percy Bray, Medford, ’Oc­ Couched, according to officers, cupies Pulpit nf and four buUets, passed through Church his arms and leg, none of them directed toward a vital spot ap­ Percy Bhay yesterday occupied the pulpit of Rev. Wm. Ray, pas­ Medford Man Ends Life parently, indicating he waa not Sunday—Ho Reason tor of the Methodist Church shot for either robbery or re­ for Deed Given South, Medford, who was recent­ venge and leaving officers at sea Appreciation of Sui ly arrested on a c h a r g e of regarding motive lor the crime, Basil Tyre, CO. well known ScVubs Also of drunkeness and is at present according to Sheriff Ralph Jen­ in thè sanitarium at Jackson­ Medford man, committee suicide nings who with Medford and Expressed Sunday morning by discharging a ville, recuperating, It is said, from Ashland officers is working on “nervousness.” . Local o f f e r s bullet from a 38 calibre old style Harry May, the lightest man oft the case. are holding evidence in the form revolver into hia brain. the Sons football squad, was paid ' According to Sheri* Ralph He was found In bis room la of a half pint of alleged moon­ a beautiful tribute by Coach Mac- Jennings, W. R. Peck, Medford the Imperial rooming bouse at shine liquor taken from the Pord Neal ip an assembly meeting a« police officer, said he heard two Medford, shortly afternoon Ban- the school today. He waa de^ Olmstead Loses Another Ap- car- in which the minister w a s day. He had apparently b e e n shots • fired and harried to the sitting in tin alleged drunken Scribed by the coaen as “the mom eal Case to the United dead for .about two bourn accord­ scene. He saw a man riding an sleep. A test made by officers Inspirational man pn the team.”! tates Supreme Court To- Appreciation for the splendid I day With Ruling on Man­ showed the alcoholic contents ing to officers who were notified. S. P. box car as he rushed up No reasons for bis act could be the street and found the Jap 110 pef cent, it is said. Ray will support, which is being given by ner in Which Information appear ascribed by relatives. Numerous lying there In a great pool of before Judge L. A.. Rob­ the boys o f the school was p’g | May be Obtained. erts of this city when he h a s letters which he had apparently blood. expressed hr the coach who s;.i» recovered sufficiently to return to read and torn Into bits Juat before \ Sheriff Jennings said a physi­ the 10 scrubs, faithful in p ^ c- committing the deed were found WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.— (IP) Ashland for hearing. cian was called, and said he- tlce, and furnishing the oppe i$j( ' Immediately after ‘ his arjast lying about the room. died from loss of blood, probably ttonfor the first string men, a* t — The United States. Supreme District Attorney Newton C. necetsary in football practice, wourt today sanctioned the tap­ he waa taken before Judge Heb­ Chaney said be waa not certain two «m utes after the bw»e 8 GRANTS P A SS GIRL TO SING Eliza Eludes The Hounds class, has annonnead the fa tag program: DemoriratfcM retail selling. SeUlag na orri kitchen pain, R. M. Pt r a r a r t 1 ing a house, U S. Braw n; « nn automobile battery. B . O. Ina; selling nn u g f a i a t K fij Kay. For the tm-pronaganft Daisy McGarry wUl apeak « extra measure o f valae; W , Herbert on the m atter o f ehr In stock merchnadtaa r a whh profit is asador R- W . P a rti ing the ¿mods no salespeople can te ll when they ware fitared ha stock; Ted Fleming w ill spook oa the m atter of hnadHag eastern- era who “ knock” year city. * The first division o f psychology la selling w ill bo represented In tho fifteen mtaate talk by B. G. H a rla n . W h a tta a s e a a t by psy­ chology in «riling and why should a ll salespeople he fam il­ iar w ith the essential facta as to how tho mtad_works w m be presented. M r. H arlan wUl dto- cum the nve roads la ta a maa’a mind; how wo got Mean a n * the tools w ith which tha mtad.works. This elase Is open tg a ll Jao- ple connected w ith local ataara or others who darire training la meeting the public. E N D E D T 0D À Y PEDAGOGUES IN SESSION LIQUOR R A ID RULING M A D E Oregea Dentai T ax R eduction Work