Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 02, 1927, Image 1

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Il Solve
Readers’ Problems
A run-away Chevrolet on Nur-
I aery street Friday afternoon per-
' formed soma feats which might
have mystified even Richards, the
magicfau, and which threw terror
I into the hearts of those who
I .watched the affair.
Occupants of the car when It
I started on Its downhill “stroll”
► from jn front of the 8. C. Cluth
residence, two blocks from Main
street was eight year old Virginia
Ayleeworth, granddaughter
PARIS, July 8 — (IP>— Com­ Mrs. Maggie Beagle, owner of
mander Richard B. Byrd and the coupe.
In company with her three year
craw of three, Navigator George
Moville. Pilot Bert Acosta and old cousin, John Larkin Grubb,
Lieutenant Herat Balchea, reach­ Jr., little Virginia was playing
ed Paris, their real destination to­ about the car, which was In front
of the home of their grandmoth­
They were greeted with loud er. Little John knocked a block
acclaim by huge crowd* who did from beneath the wheel of the
not hold against them the fact oar which started downhill be­
that they arrived by train rather fore he could Join his cousin—
and which he appeared to regret.
than plane.
The ear rolled slowly downhill,
The huge and' enthusiastic
throng massed behind the French gathering momentum as- It fol­
and American official reception. lowed a si*-*ag course, passing
The committee* were waiting to between a sweet "pea bed, and a
greet the fliers when they arrived telephone post, narrowly missing
an old cow that strolled onto the
in that city.
Story of the heart-breaking road, striking a ladder which In
Atlantic flight was told by Com­ turn struck a man knocking him
mander Byrd after hg had rested to the ground, and finally end­
from the strenuous 60-hour Jour- ing Its wild journey when It came
in contact with a tree on the
The four daring airmen are boulevard. The radiator of the
safe and absolutely uninjured ex­ car was crashed in and the body
was badly dented.
cept for their jangled nerves.
As the car started d e lta down­
Commander Byrd and Bert
Acosta,, pilot, were ordered to hill course Mrs. Bmma Svenson
bed for the week-end, and will of Berkeley. California, aunt of
follow the advice of Commander the two children, rushed toward
Wm. 8. Bainbridge, physician. the machine and snatched the
They went to the American hos­ 'little girl out of the car,* tearing
her clothing from her body as
Both were suffering from nerve she did so.
shock and an examination made
late today- revealed Aaaste M®"'
fared from a fractured right eol-
tar bene, Fhynjelans said both
were badly In need of rest.1'
Suicide a n d M u r d e r of
B rother and Sister-in-Law
o f fo r m e r H eavyw eight
.C ham pion B r i n g s Him
fr o m Training Camp -r-
T r a g e d y Occurred in
— Schenectady.
the south pale starting from the
loe flblds of southern New Zeal­
and. It was definitely announced
today. Lieut. Neville and Bernt
Balchen will accompany him. He
said he would probably take two
machines, but circumstances will
decide the date of the start.
Straight as a bullet on It*
course compiling valuable data
for future trans-Atlantic flight*,
sending out radio call every half­
minute to inform the world df Its
progress, talking to the world by
radio, the giant Fokker flew to
Parts only to be balked there by
that most dangerous enemy of
aerial navigation— fog.
“Four hours we circled the
plane over Paris and the man­
made inventions which guided
and protected - it, tailed. Only
the giant ship Itself worked per­
fectly. Light* of the landing
field we could not see. The com­
pass went wrong. Signals giv­
ing u* our position, we did not
receive. To have attempted a
landing there would have meant
risking death with the odds high­
ly in favor of t£e grim reaper,"
Byrd said in telling ef the last
few hours of the flight.
Then Byrd pointed his land-
geared plane for the seacoast to
land la water.
He refused to
abandon It In mid-air for . the
Commander Byrd’s e x c i t e d
state of mind is said to be re­
flected In his statement that he
knew nothing about the time he
landed In the English «hannel.
He said he had not looked at his
watch for hours and had no idea
of the time landing was made.
Local B o g n l a r s to P lay
California Sunday and
Two Held On
Liquor Charge
All Ashland business tnen have
been asks« by members ot the
trade relation committee Com­
mittee of the Chamber of Com­
merce to assist In the J u l y
Fourth celebration which la to be
held at Hyatt Dam. Everything
la lq readiness tor tha affair.
Safe $1.00
Water was turned in the new
of. Cropraon equalisation dam Friday,
ir- according to Bari Hosier,* snperia-
nt tendent of the city water system.
Workmen have completed the re­
in- moral of the wooden frame from
lit the big eemeat dam. and are on­
es gaged In “scrubbing” It and
if- cleaning the big cement “tank”
before water Is tamed la for use.
is- About one foot of water was
he-turned te tth q d a w ftwr ik e first
ay time Friday, and the filling pro­
to grass will be slow, according to
id- Mr. Heeler, who states that the
or “tgr taste” and all dirt aquqt be
raaaevad before the «Sun win fee
Ashland baseball fans wben
they see Ike Boas clash »Uh the
Yrejte team on Sunday and Mon-
day will see a c o u p le of former
Boas player* in aetioB.
Mike Cassidy and C h a r l e s
Kearns, who played with the Ash-
toad team last year, are pteylag
Wte. B r im Ori, Bom of with Yreka and will accompany
thq Californians- to this city.
w— fai Anto
• Bait
' - : Everything points toward some
A Ford automobile, grand prise of the finqst exhibition baseball
awarded at the American Legion of the season for these holiday
automobile show last spring, and games. The Yreka team playing
bone of contention in a suit for the Boa* on Memorial Day ad­
ownership between Clifford Yar­ ministered a good drubbing to
brough and Thomas Grigsby, both the locals who at that time'' had
of Ashfand, is now the property not perfected their playing or­
ganisation and lost the game
of Wm. Briggs, local attorney.
Yarbrough was given 8100 for through a flock of error* which
his interest In the car. Grigsby were chalked Up against them
then turned the car over to Wm. while the Californians bad a
Briggs, who represented him In smboth-playlng, bard bitting ma­
chine which tallied up a good
the esse.
Yarbrough was suing Grigsby number of runs.
The July Fourth and Sunday
for possession of the car alleging
will show an entirely dif­
that ha was owner of the ticket
which was in the possession of ferent brand of baseball. The
Grigsby when the car was award­ Ashland regulars will be on the
ed. The case was scheduled to be field end will plsy% the same sort
up at the fall term of circuit of errorless baseball which won
court, but was settled out of for them the second place in* the
Southern Oregon League and saw
them close the first season as the
strongest team in tha field.
The games are to be played at
the Jackson Hot Springs diamond,
and will ba called promptly at
2:80 Sunday afternoon and Mon­
Ray Mitts and Bari Nelson, of
Weed, California, were arrested
by Federal Prohibition Officer
Terry Talent and Night police­
man Chas.
W. Clause early
Thursday morning with one-half
pint of moonshine liquor and
three bottles of beer In their poo-
Mitts and Nelson were travel­
ling south in a Hudson coach
when arrested by the officers.
Four men were occupants ot tha
ear. Bach posted 860 cash bond
Municipal Judge C l i n t
The big plane was so badly
Baughman to assure hie* appear-
(Continued On Pago Three)
auoe.ou a charge of Illegal zpos-
seestoh. ?
D evotion
Commander Byrd’s next aerial
adventure w ill be a ‘flight serose
Lithians Ask 0 . 0 . A ssist­
ance in Sponsoring
Entertainm ent
Hove yoa sent yoarqueattop tthi
Richard*t Dosens of other« bave.1
Richard* will be buey answarfam*
them for Tuesday’* edition of the i
Tidings. He will he here t)tM» i
day* starting next Tuesday 'aSk '
unless your querry reaches him <
promptly he may not have time
to write hts.answer..
. ■'
Richards will answer queries I
about business and 10ve affairs, l
Journeys, plans,, changes, raql «
estate, health, most anything to
fact if the writer sends the tp* 1
quiry addressed to “Richards, i
Magician, care of The Dally -TldM <
ings.” All of his replies will «0, <
printed, provided you sign your 1
name and address as an evidence *
of good faith. Only your Initial* 1
will be published.
Questions are answered by th e 1
magician in the Tidings or during* 1
the regular performance at thd «
Vining theatre. He dees not give» i
private interviews or readings: (
In addition to answering qaee>-
tions through The Tidings. Mr,, 1
Richards brings his big mystgry. 8
8, — (y»> — Police and the cor­
oner here are striving today to
find the motive for the murder
of Edna Dempsey, by her hus­
band, John Dempsey, 28, brother
of Jack Dempsey, former heavy­
weight champion.
Dempsey shot and killed his
wife, then committed suicide.
The couple were married four
years but were separated. Demp­
sey threatened his wife last night,
police said.
Jack Dempsey accompanied by
members of the training Camp
staff arrived from S a r a t o g a
Springs» at noon today. The fight­
Answ ers Cross P etition of
er was visibly affected by the
C o iszlia n , D eclaring
tragedy but refused to talk.
California Girl D efeats AU
Comers a t W imbledop
WIMBLEDON. Bug., July 8.— ,
(IP)— Helen Wills of California,
today won tha All-England Tennis,
championship In the Wimbledon
Miss Wills defeated Ella D Al-
veres la the finals. The score
was 0-8, 8-4.
WASHINGTON, July 8 ^ -
the world St the equator has
been recommended to Secre­
tary Wilbur whb Is consider­
ing Its feasibility.
(LP>— A navy flight
The ball-busting Rbscs of Med­
Business will be suspended to
ford today started to a bus for
Marshfield to play July 8 and 4 Ashland. July Fourth.
-The postoMlce, hanks
games with the Marshfield Veneer
plant baseball team.
business houses will ba dosed. >
DlscusTfbn of the advisability
of sponsoring open air dances at
} the Lithla Park pavilion during
thè summer months occupied at­
tention of Lithians who held their
monthly session Friday evening
Carload of f r u it Shipped to at the Plasa cafe.
New York M arkets F ri­ 't A committee authorised to in­
day E vening and A nother vestigate the situation reported
Today — Crop is Much “ on conditions as they had found
Larger This Y ear Than ' them. Figuring a ten-dance pro­
Had been E xpected.
gram for the summer months the
approximate cost would be $880,
and this would barely cover ex­
The cherry crap in this district penses involved, it was found.
is exceeding all expectations ac­
The Lithla park dances have
cording to 8. A. Taylor, manager been one of the most popular en­
of the Ashland Fruit and Pro­ tertainments. for summer months
duce company. One carload of in this city and Lithians are con­
cherries were packed at the com­ sidering every means of conduct­
pany packing house this week and ing them without Involving heavy
started for New York Friday eve­ financial loss.
ning, and another will be ready
The Chamber of Commerce will
for shipments Saturday evening, be requested to cooperate with
according to Mr. Taylor.
the Lithians in furnishing funds
It was thought that the crop for starting the dances and as­
this year would not exceed one sisting in sponsoring them with
car for shipment to eastern mar­ an understanding that any pro­
kets but there .will probably be fits which might be made from
tour carlokds shipped from the the dances be divided equally be­
local plant he said.
tween the two organisations.
The Royal Ann and Bing varie­ -This plan was considered ad­
ties are said to be better this visable after much, discussion.
year than the Lambert*. Most Much regret was expressed by
of the cherry orchards, however, many Ashland folks when it was
ire well laden with fruit of the feared that the popular out-door
most choice variety.
dances might be discontinued.
There are approximately 60 Definite action on the matter will
people employed at the Ashland be taken at a later date.
Fruit and Produce company as­
sisting in caring for the crop this
year, Mr. Taylor states.
U. S. Deputy
Now In Medford
L. H. Hanhon, member of the
entertalnthent committee which
will receive the Shanadoah Valley
delegation hero ■ tomorrow an­
nounces he has made arrange­
ments for the visitors to enjoy
bathing at Jackson Hot Springs
if they care to and alsq with tha
Elks who will extend the hospi­
tality of their club rooms to the
visitora in this city.
Lake of the Woods will be
of the most popular holiday
sorts this year.
The city ambulance has been
purchased and Councilman O. H.
Bergner, and G. H. dllft are en­
route to Ashland from Long
Beach, California, according to a
massage received here.
City counctlmen authorised the
purchase of. the ambulance at a
meeting held June 21.
He Too Served
Following an annual cus­
tom there will be no Issue of
the Dully Tidings published
Monday, July Fourth.
The Things force, along
with others of this city, will
have a full holiday.
Handsome Young A c t o r
s ta n a Serving at San
— In company with 14 criminals,
and shsckeled between two of
them, Psnl Kelly, athletic young
screen actor, left Friday night for
San Quentin to begin serving the
sentence of from one to 10 ears
for manslaughter, given him in
connection with the death of Ray
Rsmond, musical comedy star.
Handcuffed to Phillip Edwards,
who stabbed to death an usher,
at a prise fight, and John Sproslc
who shot and killed Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Ranes in * neighborhood
feud, Kelly bid a tearful good­
bye to a small group of friends.
Hie sister Doris and May Ayers,
motion picture actress, kissed
him. He did not get to see his
former sweetheart, Dorothy Mac-
Kaye, widow of Raymond, also
sentenced to prison for connect­
ion with the death of her hus­
Curiosity o f Anim als Leads
Them to In vesti­
Curiosity of deor In the hills
near tha city is causing residents
In the vicinity ot the Croweon
equalsatlon dam much trouble,
according to complaints which
have been received by local po­
Ona complaint said tha dear ware
tramping over and feeding in gar­
dens near the dam.
Frequently the deer come to
Ufa edge of the dam, and when
driven away by dogs become en­
tangled In tha fanes about tha
place. ,
T ’J
Arterial Signs
Installed Soon
Traffic signals,
which the
American Legion Post ot this etty
two months ago, agreed to pur­
chase -and place at main artery
Intersections have been ordered
and N»1 t>« Installed within the
next few weeks, according to Mtl-
The Phlllips-Csrter signals, to­
lar« Grubb, post commander,
vented by Mrs. Nick Carter,
daughter of Mrs. L. A. Philips,
North Main street this city,- will
Five hundred of these Phllltpe-
Carter Illuminated arterial sig­
nals have been recently purchas­
ed by tha city of Saa Francisco.
E verything is in Beadiness
for Homecoming Pienfe
Monday W ith Plenty of
Barbegned M eat en d le e
Cream and Entertainm ent
for AIL
Everything is In readiness for
the Hyatt Dam July Fourth cele­
A road crew Is busy today put­
ting the finishing touches on, the
Hyatt Dam road and the grounds
will be Inspected this afternoon
by Olin R. Arnsplger, manager of
the Talent Irrigation District and
J. H. Fuller, preparatory for the
July Fourth homecoming picnic.
The work of the road crew in,
the last week has been produc-’
tive of fine results and the en-.
trance to the dam will be easy. J
“Barbecued meat, a tug of war,»
ice cream, whether there will bej
a crowd of BOO or 6,000” are the*
problems occupying the mind* ofj
these in charge of the celebration^
W. P. Walters Is busy at hla'
Job of outlining . a program of,
games for the entertainment of<
the croWd and plenty of fun fori
everyone attending is an assured'
There will be baseball, tug ef
war, potato race, and all sorts of
real plcnie games for the enter­
tainment of both young and old.
“We have a whole beef and ev­
erything Is set for the barbecue.”
Mr. Arnsplger say* speaking for
the Talent District folks, while
Mr. Fuller says hla attention . Is
occupied by a colder proposition
—that of getting plenty of lee
cream on the grounds tor thq
„ The committee In charge eas-
pbasise the fast that this Is not
to be a "blood end thunder” cele­
bration but a real heme picnic,
get-together, old fashioned, every
body forgetting ekery-day worries
and cares and abandoning them<
selves to the enjoyment of a pic­
The Hyatt Dam Is an Ideal,
place for the celebration, and
boats will be one of the attrae-'
Is Rejected
A proposed fruit marketing in­
formation merger was rejected at
a meeting ot the Rogue River
fruit traffic association hold Fri­
The proposed plan is known as
the “Kipp Plan” and has been
presented to a number of fruit
districts. According to the plan
as presented, each eeater Is to
supply the other with information
regarding the fruit situation la
their territory, prices paid, where
the fruit Is sold, storage reports,
Doctor Dies