u — * • ¿¿J. Ashland’s Gwatest Atoet ASHLA Ifforried? t/d* Answer ROAD OPEN HONOLULU, T. H., July 1-— As the epochal teat of Lieuten­ ants Lester J. Maitland and Al­ bert Francis Hegenberger, which yesterday stirred these Islands to g fever bent of excitement, enter­ ed the realm of the past today, Hoaolnla >nrned Its eyes toward the daring little stnat • flyer, Dickey Grace, begging for permis­ sion to start his flight alone, ex­ cept fo r a mascot dog. across the Pacific to Los Angeles. And Maitland and Hegenberg- Crater Lake road la open aad automobiles can now reach - the lodge,- according to announce* ment made at the lfedford headquarters of the Crater Lake company. The road la not In good condi­ tion and to make the last three miles over the read it is necessary to use chains on a car, it is said. A big July Fourth crowd is ex­ pected at the lodge in spite of the fact that it can be reached only with difficulty. Employees of the lodge, about Sd in number, hare been prepar­ ing for the last week for the op­ ening. A big force of workmen are working frewledly to drive the big rotary snow plow through the last two miles of drifts on the road. ' Producers Bow to Bank aad Tile of Tilm Colony and Salary Reduction of 10 to 26 Per Cent as Previously Announced Will Hot be Made How. UPTON CLOSE TALKS CHINA ELHART BUYS ROSE STOCK RIFLE CLUB IS POPULAR Frisco H as B ig $750,000 Blaze Daily Tidings through this paper. All yon hare to d o la to write your questions briefly and clearly alga year fall name and addreaa and mall it to Richards In care of the BaUy Tidings and then watch | far yoar answer. Only your inl- 2 Uala w ill appear In the published Medford Today Became Of fidai Headquarter*— Move Torniture f to W A HOLLYWOOD, Cal., July 1.— (LP)—-The war la over. The pro­ ducer has bowed to the rank and file of the film colony. Salaries are not to be reduced 10 to 25 per cent, as previously announced by the Motion Picture Producers’ association. S t a r s , players, extras, technicians, writ­ ers and publicity men w ill get the same high wages to which they are accustomed— and the producer seems badiy beaten, although he left the field with an attempt at nonchalance and with n certain dignity. A statement signed by 12 of Well Known Author Speaks the principal producen, all mam- In their honor were brief. Their Before Students at ben of the Hays organisation, only words were virtually repeti­ admitted the uniform cut was a tions of the short interviews they technical blunder by suspending gave when they arrived yesterday. Upton Close, lecturer, scien­ action on It until at least August “Orders are orders," was the tist and traveler, who spoke at only comment they would make the Southern * Oregon Normal They saved themselves from when word was received from school spoke recently at the Ore­ Washington prohibiting their gon Agriculture college at Cor­ a general rout by saying “ In de­ ference to the view expressed by hoped-for return flight ,40 the vallis. _ _ _ _ _ . you, we are willing to postpone ’’China is In the midst of political the proposed general cut until at revolt bat la combining w ith.' It a cultural revolt aa are other least August 1, as requested by the Academy of Motion Picture A rts ahd Sciences.” ' -Is- Those signing the comim'uhlea- When they went out to Wheel­ erners culturally. They are In­ er field to Inspect their plane, sisting on their right to eat. dress, tlon were Joseph Schenck Pro­ however, they were more like a drink, play and pray as they ductions, Cecil B. DeMllle Pic­ pair of boys returning to a be­ choose rather than having their ture! corporation, W illiam Fox loved posy. They carafwlly went cnltnre dictated to them aa their Studios, Christie Film company, over the entire ship aad even< governments have been,” he said. Metropolitan Pictures, Samuel long after they had completed the Goldwyn, inc., Metro-Gold wyn- inspection they remained in the Mayer, Mack Bennett Comedies, hangar affectionately tinkering Jack White Comedy corporation, abont the great “Bird of Para­ F. B. O. Stndios, Universal Pic­ dise” which carried them across tures and First National, tha longest stretch of open ocean ced Wednesday jilg h t the salary ever spanned by humans. slice would not be put Into effect The day for the heroes waa a.’ Plans to Make Book alive would not be put Into effect continuous round of official via- at that studio, and Paramount Music Store Dis­ its and social functions, and al­ Famous Lasky, first to call for tinctive though at times the young men the cut, stated they would an­ bordered near to a bored appear­ H. H. Elhart ff the beach, floating- sluggishly^ Mrs. McNabb accompanied her George ' white, Terry Talent, Dave Bar- 1 Its wheels were torn oft when It husband to Redding. gent, Joe King, Lee Wallace, I struck the beach before gliding Lawrence Wilson and Chief, Clint I > into the aea. Baughman. I Byrd declared the trip waa harder than his flight to the North Polo, in aa interview with a United Press yepreeentatlve. He laid on the whole he considered *t a auccaas even though it ended 'n the ocean, aa ha had obtained valuable scientific data he set m t to get. Secretary W. P. Walter Re­ The meaeage of the landing re­ ports 20 Boys Bn. lieved the excited tension whieh < rolled had existed for more than five | hoars aa the aviators flew over Elliott MacCracken has bean France making an effort to flat} secured as chat tor the Y. M. C. » landing flOId. A. Boy’s' Camp and everything la The rain poured down in tor* “rosy” , according to thoM la rents. The commander of the' charge. “ Elliott baa had consid­ naval aviation field at Havre, or­ erable experience cooking aad to dered flares be M t ap to guide an excellent cook and everyone to Byrd If he wanted to land there. '. enthusiastic over this,” stated But the flares could not pent Secretary W. P. Walter. Twenty trate tha fog aad darkness. boys have signed up and with One radio message received' tha Camp but five days off much said "Ws are flying around with InterM t to being manifested In i the eamp. Registration w ill eloM at nooq Tuesday aad every thing w ill he packed and read to start early Wednesday morning, it was annonneed at headquarters this morning. Those who have reg­ istered are: David McGarry, Rob-1 art Dodge, Robert Bsc tel, WMtoo 1 Barton, Leverett Davis, Jr.. Rob-1 srt Davis, Rex Werts, Raymont'J Shiffer, Robert Herndon, Chart« I Stennett. Roger Shiffer, Kenneth I Tonner, John Hogg, Gale Wood- 1 worth, Bart Wright, Colver A n- 1 derson, Newell Elliott, Vincent I Sawyer, John Billings and Lonnk I Scroggins W. P. Walter will act I as ehmp director with Lawrsnetj Mltchelmore as aMlatant. - VOLUNTEERS GET WORKOUT ’s Happy CAMP CHEF IS SECURED Save One H ie Daily ' I .*»