for Over Fifty Years (V alta* Premi W ir« l a uto») AY, JUNE 30, 1927 H 1 Ì I f U i i J 1 L3 FARMERS LIKE OREGON STATE Visit in Willamette Valley and Lower Columbia River Region Toung A r m y Lieutenants Disappointed Whan War Department Reíase» to G r a n t Permission f o r Homs Flight—fete d by Islanders. WASHINGTON, J u te SO. — War deportment affidato HONOLULU, Jana SO.-— — Lieutenants Lester J. ffaltlead sad Albert Hegenberger, frat aviators to croes the broad Pa­ cific sad heroes were at pooa today ready to m a w their re- "Rogue River valley orchard- lata should conserve their water supply sad not waste it,*' says B. B. Newell. Irrigation engineer of the Hood River district who to making a tour ot the valley. The new low pressure Irriga­ tion system was thrown into op­ eration at the Hillcrest orchard Wednesday and Newell was en­ thusiastic over the result. This system of percolation and econ­ omic distribution of water will net. the growers an Increase of thousands of dollars a year and conserve the water supply for surrounding orchards he said. Under some systems of irrigation more than 'one third the water supply to wasted, he said. VIOLATED FOUR LAWS Guilty to Many Traffic Violations A. L. Rice, chief building lu- c specter of Klamath Falls was ar- t rested by State Traffic Officer C. P. Talent Wednesday evening, i with four traffic violations charg­ ed against him. g •Btot.w as driving a Buiek coupe with inadequate brakes, driving in a reckless manner by passing L M i r on curves, driving 42 miles an hour withla the city limits and oparntota U- Acclaims* as no human I haH been feted siuw Mi Fein eheee these totonds ft home, two young American army aviators Wednesday afternoop slept soundly after conquering th* elements in the first non-stop flight ever made between the mainland and Hawaii. Lieut. Lester J. Maitland and Lient. Albert Hegenberger, proud, happy and tired, were secluded In the luxurious roof suite of the R o y a l Hawaiian hotel while thonaaads of men and Woman, pouring .out their enthnaiaam in the most Spontaneous outburst Honolulu h is seen, elamored for a sight of these men who had de­ sired fate and won. After slightly leas the» 1« hoara of flying, through fair weather and storm, light and darknaaa, at speeds ranging from 7» to 130 miles an hoar, the fliers who left the Oakland airport at 7:10 a. m. Tuesday, landed nt Wheeler field, Honolulu at 3:6» a. m. Wednesday, Pack fle standard time. They had conquered the Pa­ cific easily. As If making a last frenzied attempt to retain its age- dld domination of the air, the ocean kicked up a storm around Hawaii Just before the fliers arrived. Message« Home The United Prom delivered m essages from the parents of both men. (Please Turn TO Pag« Five) In response to a widespread de­ mand the Woodrow Wllaon Foundation has Increased the scope of the prise essay contest by adding to the two 315,00» Wises offered »3 smaller prtoee totalling 17,000, according to a communi­ cation received by J. ft. FuUSv, local Chamber ot Commerce sec­ retary. The purpose ot th« Foundation, according to tho offtoer, 1a to In­ duce young people to understand the Ideals and principles Of Wood- row Wilson. Man and . ’womStt who have passed their twehtleth birthday are eligible for nfitrance In the contest. Articles are to he of no more than 1400 words, an* »re to ba written on th« subject "What Woodrow Wllaon Manns to Me.” PLAN NEW ORDINANCE Within Limita is ( Problem Disposal of city garbage to oc- cnpylng the attention of city eouncllmen and members of the sanitary committee at the present time. With City Solicitor Wm. Briggs, eouncllmen are working on an ordinance which will pro­ vide for city regulations. A num­ ber of propositions are under con­ sideration. Tho sanitary commit­ tee will probably report at the council meeting next Tuesday eve­ ning with a recommendation that an ordinance which is being worked oat be accepted. GAR STOLEN • Report of the theft of an auto­ mobile frojn Dunsmuir, Califor­ nia at midnight Wednesday was received by Night Police Chas. Clause early Thursday morning, A lookout was kept in this city for the stolen machine. Enthusiasm In connection with the Aohland-Talent Irri­ gation District July Fourth celebration la increasing all the time and a big crowd will undoubtedly attefid th« cele­ bration according to those in charge. The old-fashioned picnic Idea has appealed to many folks and they are planning to spend at’ least the morn­ ing hours at the Hyatt Dam where the festivities are scheduled to take plaoe. Among the youngsters Sec­ retary W. P. Walters finds a lot ot enthusiasm and Inter­ est In the gam es which are being planned for their pleasure. The Talent District folks are displaying as equal am onnt o t attention an d to- t er Set in the affair. Damp Life Was Much En­ joyed by 47 Enlisted Men and Officers Composing Battery B Unit — Troops Entrained for Home at 5:30 a. m. Wednesday. Bronzed and sunburned, it was a healthy looking lot of aoldiers who arrived in Ashland this morning gfter spending 1* days at Fort Stevens, at the regular.O. N. G. summer .training camp. Forty-aeven enlisted men of Battery B 24»th Coaet Artillery, together with their three offic­ ers, Captain L. G. Slack, Lieuten­ ant Clyde Young and Lieuteaant J. Q. Adams reached Ashland this morning. The troops were entrained from camp at S:SO o’clock yesterday morning and went as far as Port­ land In day- coaches, reaching that city at 0:80 a. m. Wednesday night at 11:30 the Roseburg, Grants Pass. Medford and Ash­ land companies were entrained on a special train and the home­ ward. trip alerted. » Every detail of the camp at Fort Stevens this year was most desirable according to Lieutenant Clyde Young. Buttery B did ex­ ceptionally uraU in target work, making three hits out of a pos­ "Señora X" to in the market fur Lady Bountiful offers to hash fij •▼UOor sible eight. Bain was owe of the wnAttr- race ter Oto |Xt.6e highway and light raids planned are a part of tho concentrated ac­ tion of traffic officers to put a step to the light menace. west. * c The paper to the second leans of the first volame of the Sacra­ mento News Letters. Qua interesting Item found to the paper concerns the founding of "California City" net* hnoWn as Oakland. Oregon and Which V*ek P T elile Roek « a »hart Um«