In Mineral Water lie s * A shland’s Greatest A sset r fy on—F a ir But Foggy W anner. Ashland’» (Batted Wsva Wire I A S H L A N D , Q1 ►AY JU N E 29, 1927 saporow SALARY CUT IS ACCEPT ON DASH A M ovie F olks Organi ; E ffo r t T o Brim A b o rt Solution BEARS LIKE CAMP LIFE Tame Bruins Of Crater Lake Park Made Snow bound L ife Interesting H O LLY W O O D . C *l.. June 29— A fte r spending five weeks in (IP)— A battle that may rip the the snow-bound regions of Crater entire screen world asunder was National Park, Jesse Smith, Fred presaged here Tuesday night Patton, and Marvin 3haw, of this when the newly-formed Motion city have returned home. They Picture A eadeay of A rts and ‘«SffSP* Brtttrns were part of the crew w ith Prof. All • Money Mo a s n » • * Sciences took a band in H olly­ J. E. Patterson. U. S. entomolo­ Slapped With Decisive wood's “economy w are." gist, who did research work in No By Oregon Voten In a resolution submitted to all that region. Testeras?—Fish BUI For motion picture producers, the The first camp established was Overwhelming D efeat Of School Standardisation In E very Nsrtnoea7 Bay Canteé. academy asked suspension o f the on a snow bank, according to announced 1« to 25 per cent cat Section Of The County Returns Show—Fair Financ­ Jesse Smith, who was camp cook. P O R TLA N D . Jane »».— (LP>— in salaries of a ll studio employes in g Tax Loses B y Sm all Margin—General Tendency After the long trip over the snow Slapping a ll money measures with until August 1. I t fu rth e r recom­ with bob-sleds the crew was glad Of Voters W as To Say “ N o ” On AU Measures. a decisive no, Oregon voters re­ mended- that in the»lnterlm a plan when camp was pitched. The first jected the proposal fo r a state be worked out whereby the re­ kitchen was built on top of the Income tux at the special election duction w ill become unnecessary. With a decisive “ No” Jackson county voters Tuesday snow bank but later the crew Tuesday. “The board o f directors o f the defeated the measure to uitize rural schools of the county burrowed down through a ' seven F a irly complete returns indi­ academy do not sympathise w ith foot d rift to find “ bottom“- and by a vote of almost seven to one. cated a big m ajority against the the movement recently instituted I established the permanent camp. measure. Voters in Ashland precincts, according to inofficial to decrease a ll wages w ithout spe­ W hile the leader and the crew Returns from 1011 precincts cific consideration^ o f the .mérito totals defeated the measure more than two to one, 112 boys were busy with their work gave a vote of 22,422 in favor and demerits of each individual of preserving the trees of the na­ votes in favor of the. measure compared to 276 against. of the income tax b ill and 42,- case." the resolution rqad. “Ways tional forest, the cook found plea-, In rural distriets the vote against the measure was 470 against it. and means can be devised which ty of time for becoming friend­ Ito companion measure to raise w ill result in great economies and I overwhelming. ly with the black bears. A fter a tax levying base was defeated w ill make unnecessary the uni-1 In a less decisive manner, the special levy of one these animals learned there were by a vote of 12,417 for to 57,- form salary reductions.“ friends in the camp they made mill to carry on the building program, the special fair Among those who signed the I » •« against. ' regular trips for food. They en­ was defeated. The vote on this issue was closee. Prenant returns Indicate the fol­ resolution were Douglas P air-1 joyed stick candy immensely, and lowing measures were defeated: banks. Conrad Nagel, M ary Pick- Voters of Ashland disapproved the mill levy by 159 many clever pictures of the bears Income tax. increased tax base, ford, Louis B. M ayer'and Joseph I “doing their stuff“ for the crew votes in favor to 291 against. legislators pay Increase, public Schenck. . . in payment for food they receiv­ officers salaries, property reassess­ Ashland voters approved the In­ ed were brought back. The bears ment, city-county consolidation, come tax measure, eight of the are very tame and proved to be veterans mem orial, P o r t l a n d Here's the largest party ever to attem pt the A tlan tic crossing by 9 nine precincts showing a major­ entertaining and interestlbg visl- school tax. bis compqpiona waa taken while they were prepUrilng the Mg tr ity of (0 votes .in, favor of tke tors to the crew working is the < The M ils whieh earrtod w ire (above) for th e ocean ja u n t, w ith Europe the g o a l. Left to rig) measure. 242 votes ware east la cold snowbound region. the negro suffrage. Nestncca fish mender Richard E . Byrd, Lletenant George N orvID« and favor of the tax while l f i t bul- G ENEVA . June 2». — (IP) — bill, crim inal. Inform ation amend- ~ Disagreement on actton to be m eat and YOtars registration. Other county retam s showed taken regarding cruisers threat- Governor Patterson (n u phone that the people of the county ap- sued Tuesd*y4 to ooigpljcatc tur- conversation from Salem «44 4hat ’ “ B T Y H. FULDER ■ * — (IP f ^ * f < f l p i h appidr’hnrf’ I 1 ther the wort of the tk'IWSSWer he did not expect an extra session “ F or years July Fourth has peppier than usual,“ penned* naval disarmament conference. of the legislature and Secretary bean regarded as 'Ashland Day' John Rogers, I I , as be was W ith Great Britain and Japan of State koser had refused to Sm all V ote Is Oast l a Bach and many times celebrations have dying from the effects of gas, already signed against America by worry shout t i e fa lla ry of the fin ­ Precinct W ith L ittle been staged o f a character reflect­ locked 'in a cloned closet. favoring discussion of battleships, «ns Memorial and army amanff- ance plana which were submitted ing credit on the community. A t Interest Shown The body of the youth was the British members of tbs tech­ ment, city sad county consolida­ to the* people. one tim e a rodeo was started and Ashland vote on -the four out­ found by a neighbor today. nical commission Insisted that tion. state and county officer's He said that he would continue thia bid fa ir to become greater standing Issues of the election oreatlon of two classes of cruis­ salary, voters registration amend­ He was the son of Prof. F. to issue warranto and if some of than the Pendleton Roundup. yesterday, collected from eight ers — large and small — be plac­ ment, amendment to raine pay of J. Rogers of Stanford Unlver- the warranto were outstanding be­ W onderful parades have been legislators, crim inal information precincts was as follows: iity , and Mrs. Josephine Rand ed on the agenda for future dis­ cause of Inability of paying im ­ staged ydar a fter year, and thous­ Precinct 1— County unit, 28 cussion. I t was admitted that this amendment, and the P ortland Rogers, form er candidate for mediately, it would be the first ands of people have visited LI thia yes, 68 no; income tax, 69 yes, 87 question ranked next to that of tax levy were all defeated la the the C alifornia assembly, who time. State Treasurer Kay says Park to listen to band concerto Tired Of D elay F lig h t Is . no; fair tax levy, 37 yes and 69 capital ships among the critical eouaty. were absent at Carmel. The it means that the state must go In and enjoy a display of fireworks Started W ith Minor A t­ Defeat of the county school boy had passed a rubber gas O f P a cific Ocean Com­ , no; Nestucca Bay fish bill, 66 yes, problems before the conference. unit was expected as much agi­ debt for the activities as be con­ in the evening. I t has required m ospheric D isturbances r 19 no. tube through * hole he bored Discussion of cruisers over­ pleted A fter 25 Honrs B y sidered the acts of the legislature much effort on the part of the And Storm s B r e w i n g [ Precinct 2— County unit, 17 shadowed that of capital ships tation against the p r o p o s e d in .a door. ; T w o T ired Y o u t h f u l providing certain operations and people and a considerable expendi­ Over The A tlan tic—Four change, which would have placed A t the end of the not, w rit­ A m y P ilots—G reat Ova­ yes, 46 no; income tax, 16 yes, after Great Britain and Japan had the administration of county the acts o f the people voting for ture of money to carry on these In Plane. 13 no; county fair tax, 12 yes, 19 ten while Rogers was dying, signified a desire to reopen this tio n Given Pliers. a new Normal school and a Tuber­ programs and to devise something no; Nestucca Bay fish bill, 17 yes, latter question, which had been rural Schools under one head, waa were the dryly humorous ROOSEVELT F IE L D , Jane 29. culosis ' hospital as mandatory, ndw from time to time. This year words: • « regarded as settled by the Wash­ waged in the last few- days be­ W H E E L E R F IE L D , Honolulu, seven no. w ith 12,066 complete precincts In the Chamber of Commerce com­ — (IP) — » Commander Richard fore the election. Precinct 3 — Connty unit, 17 ington conference. “ Come on John, yonr time June 20. — (IP) — The United the vote. The Income tax was mittee, on celebrations presented Byrd and three companions In Defeat of the proposed one-mill yes, 46 no; Income tax, 41 yes, approaches. Do you think State« A m y great monoplane 20,165 yoe and (7,0 22 no. The a plan for a three day celebration their cruiser of the a ir le ft here levy to 'provide funda for the 34 nh; county fair tax, 33 yea, angel food eake would be ap­ “ B ird o f Paradise’’ roared out of new U x base was yes 1 (,S S (, no continuing during Saturday, Sun­ for Paris at 5:24 a. m. and head­ building program at the county propriate for yon to eat?” . the semi-tropical dawn and came 43*no; Nestucca Bay fish bill, 40 ed straight Into the north into the 62,047. fa ir grounds, was unexpected, » M day and Monday bnt the board of to rest on H aw aiian soil at 6:21 yes. 19 no. directors qf the organisation vot­ fog and m urky weather. places the continuance of the fa ir Precinct 4 — County unit 17 toddy, or 2:01 coast time. Tired of repeated delaya, Byrd in a doubtful position. ed against any program which con­ Lieutenant Lester J. Maitland yes, 41 no; income tax, 36 yea, took a chance on the minor atmos­ tem plated more than a one day The levy faired better la Ash­ a j tjie controls made a perfect 3 6 no; county fair tax, 16 yes, pheric disturbances. A two months old baby girl celebration. land and Medford than in the 49 no; Nestucca Bay, 33 yes, 13 landing. The giant monoplane W ith Byrd went Lieutenant abandoned June 12 at a Medford “ In the meantime an opportun­ rural districts. taxied to the reviewing stand no. Precinct 6 — County unit, 9 | residence has been adopted by Mr. ity presented Itself to stage an en. George O. Novella as navigator, amid cheers of thousands. Bert Acosta, pilot and Lieutenant and Mrs. Bert Thleroff of that Securing a conviction of murder tirely different type of program The spie dash over 2,480 miles yes, 24 no; Income tax, 29 yes, city. The babe waa placed in the . Bernt Batchem as general U tility LO N S B to L F T A K E N on finger p rint evidence has been and give the people of Ashland an of ope« ocean waa 'achieved In 11 no; county fa ir levy, 16 yes, care of Mrs. J. B. B arrett of,Med­ man. BEND, June 22. — (Ip) — The opportunity to join w ith our made in T u lia, Texas, according 26 hours and 51 minutes. The 31 no; Nestucca Bay flah bill, 16 ford by a young man, apparently lone w olf of the Sycan timber. Mg The plane wobbled a little un­ neighbors and friends o f the T a l­ to a communication received by plana le ft the Oakland airport at yes, 19 no. der the heavy load and then the about 25 years of age, who then w ild creature weighing 20 ponada Precinct 6 — County unit, four Chief of Police George McNabb. ent Irrig atio n District In visiting ,7 a . m. yesterday. wings caught the a ir and skimmed left and failed to return. She and k ille r of 210,006 worth of A year ago local police received the great reservoir at w hat was Its arrival waa a complete and yes, 29 no; income tax, 17 yes, w ill he given the name of “V ir­ stock la tke past five years, haa away beautifully. form erly known as the H ya tt latest finger p rint copy taken tremendous surprise. The plane 19 no; county tax levy, nine ye«, ginia” by M r. and Mrs. Thleroff, been trapped by Elm ar W illiam s from the car of J. Fred Conner, P rairie, but which is now covered eluded a’ squadron of scout planes 29 no; Nestucca Bay flah bill, 19 who Tuesday took legal atepsrfor of the United States biological HOBOKEN, June 2 9 .— (IP) — TuHa, murdered July 16, 1226 w ith a beautiful body of water which were watching for Its ar­ yes, 9 no. her adoption. survey, It waa learned here today. Commander Byrd intends to fly Precinct 7 — County unit 21 and have since kept them on file. which is destined to make this rival.. homo from Europe if practical, district o f the Rogue R iver val- Robert F . Blake, according to the The ship was 60 feet frqm the yes, 38 no; Income tax, 24 ysa, message received, was arrested In luy one of the most productive Howard Kincaid, mechanic said ground before spectators saw It. 29 no; county fa ir levy, 21 yea, A m a r i l l o , , Texas, a n d con sections on the Pacific coast. So as h e . boarded the President I t appeared suddenly from the 43 no; Nestucca Bay, 19 yea, 9 no. vlcted of the murder on the fing­ the directors o f the Chamber of Roosevelt for the trip to Europe. curtain of clouds. He was Instructed before pre­ Bellview Precinct— Connty unit er p rin t evidence.' Batallion troops Immediately paring to sale to prepare the mo­ surrounded the plane. Lieu tenants 6 yes, 21 no; income tax, 16 yes, tors for the return trip he said. Ashland ministers and their river, where the Congregatta4St dgltland and Albert Hegenberger, 16 no; connty fa ir tax, 16 yes, two very weary young heroes step- 12 no; Nestucca Bay fish bill, 10 1 families era planning to spend Young People’« conference la be­ yes, 10 no. their vacations out o f town thia ing held. In the latter part a f J. M. W atkins, who w ill act as a j pad out without assistance. summer, the m ajority of them August they w ill spend 'mutter They told Governor Farrington (Continued On P » g i F ive) making arrangements to be away 10 days at Turner, Oregon, at­ they were “glad to he here.” approximately two or three tending the State Christian En­ M aitland said although he had W eary, heart broken because etic eyes of my old friends w ill weeks. deavor summer sen(sre«es. ppy. been In bad weather part of . the o f the realisation of the dastard­ be hard to hear. Bnt I owe It Rev. and Mrs. H . F. Pember­ and Mrs. P. K. Hammoad of E m tim e the ship behaved beautlful- ly crime which her three s o n BO8TON, .Tune 20. — (IP) — ton of the Methodist Episcopal T rin ity Episcopal ehnrnh. aeOtUS committed, M rs.' Belle D’A atre- to Verae to keep up,” she said. Nicolo Sacco and Bartholmeo Van- v 't te th ' young men wars tired. church expeeto to spend three panted by their daughter ttMa Folks were kind to her during mont, mother of Hugh, Ray aad settl today were granted a 26-day weeks during the latter part of Marguerite Hammond, W tn ’lii- They were literally smothered Roy, le ft Medford last night for the tria l, aha eaid. Up to the respite by Governor F u lle r who la w ith leie donated by the enthused July at Bandon by the Sea or tnrned recently from Honofalla Lakewood, N ew Mexico, to join very lest Mrs. D ’A utrem ont said making a personal Investigation Salt A ir, on the coast. Rev. aad crowd. her oldest and only remaining she believed her eons Innocent. of the cases. The pair were con­ Mrs. Hugh T. Mltchelmors of the eon Verne. Mrs. D ’Autrem ont said she might demned to death. The execution Presbyterian church w ill attend LEAHKS O IL STATION More than 2,000 miles of try to dispose o f her store In was set for the week of July 10, the Presbyterian Synod at weary travel lay ahead of bar, Lakewood and go to Salem to but the stay was made to permit Eugene, Oregon, some tim e la The Standard Oil station at the “ I f It weren't for Verne I d e a l be near the boye. the governor to complete inquiries July aad w ill ba gone tor about corner of Church and Main streets believe I could go keek. The Should she locate in Salem she iti the ease. 10 days. Rev. aad Mrs. Charles has been leased by J. C. W olf of long trip over the desert where said she would ask Hasel (R a y ’s p . Gaffney of the Congregational M id fo rd . Local men win ha la 1 have lived aad worked for so w ife ) and baby to live w ith her. Sutherlin —- Belfonr - Guthrie church are now spending a 16 charge of the ptatien. A tire and many yanre w ill ba terrible. Bnt She had never oeen her danghter- sawmill, • miles southeast, w ill days vacation at Jennings Lodge accessory business w ill,b e carried Vefne neede me. T he sympath­ employ 16 men. on. near Portland on the W illam ette Cruisers Are B iggest Issue TALK JULY 4 CELEBRATION PRECINCT VOTE CAST. DI Q T Y I Abandoned Babe Gets Good Home Convicted On Finger Prints Ashland Ministers Make Vacation Plan - Many Leave City For Time Mrs. D’Autremont Leaves County For Home In Lakewood, New Mexico Respite Given Condemned Men Will Speak At Y. P. M eeting