h i S f a t a i Water Ltea ■ .V V Ashland’s Greatest Asset L w J f ■ Showers Years w F i/ty (Unttnd Prem Wire ta POUCE SE i HYATT DAM IDEAL SPOT AUTO Julv Fourth Celebration To Have Earmarks Of 20 Tears Ago bond* — Authorities W i t h Insurgente Telephone. LAN8INO, Kan., J u n e l3 .— (U») — For the first time since they blockaded1 - themselves at the bot­ tom of a TSS-foot mine shaft in tho Kansas state penitentiary more than SC hoars ago, the SS8 mn- tinous prisoners showed a desire to communicate with the prison authorities and late yesterday afternoon talked to prison guards over the mine telephone. Tho iasargons, who are bold­ ing fourteen guards with them in their pubterraaran stronghold, de­ clared that some of tho guards wlshsd to talk to their wires, who had been anxiously awaiting word as to their fate. Prison author­ ities are considering the advisabil­ ity of aUowiag tho guard’s wires to attempt a conversation. Because the mutineers hare had no food elhee their srtke Tuesday noon, authorities believe that the men will soon cento to terms, hnt Police "Ape seeking to unravel the mystery which sUrorunds the theft end selling ef an eld ftup- moblle ear owned by O. H. Robin­ son. employed a* Prospect. « T u « Should Be Robert Williams is held in the And Incom « Should atty Jaltt arrested by Night Police­ man C h tfa s Clause, and will prob­ ably be arraigned on charge of auto theft. The ear is missing. According to police, Williams and-' Robinson, who were good friends, were employed at* Pros­ pect. Wednesday morning, they say, Williams stole a travelling bag owned by Robinson and con­ taining aR of the bill of sale and other documents of ownership con­ nected with the Hupmoblle. The ear was held at the Third street garage in this city, where repair work and storage amounted to $14.81. W illiams shorted the paw- era of ownership and, paid the hill sad received the car. He said ho parked U on the street la Ash­ land and was unable to locate It later. The next soon of the car it Was la ths possession of O. J. Btam- men ot Mariposa. California, whoso eld 1 H ( model Chandler was turned la at the Rodney Oar- > J h gild . .revealed unanimity of what demands they wished to make, the convict spokesm an de­ clared ’•Nona.’» Authorities took the reply to indicate that the strikers have not agreed among themselves regarding what conces­ sions they deMre. MADBULLIS FETED YOUTH Winner Of Marathon Bun Sleeps Well After Grilling B a « GRANTS PASS, Ore., June 38. — (IP)— Feted on all sides. Mad Bull, winner of the 472-mile foot race from San Francisco to Grants Pass, Is enjoying more acclaim and praise for a feat of pence than any of his Redskin ancestors ever received for bravery in bat­ tle. The recipient of $1 f t e in prises, Mad Bull also has mads ths cen­ ter of adulation for the largest celebration Southern Oregon has witnessed in years. This clean-limbed youth of 88, whose rent name Is John Weetey Southard, slept well into the morn­ ing after, finishing the unparal­ leled contest nt 18:18 a. m. Wed­ nesday. He then breakfasted with L ittle Fawn, princess ef RM Bull’s Karook tribe, and ’’gassa” of the Redwood highway, l ^ r at­ tending an enthusiastic dinner at which the money awards were pads. > Shy and retiring. Mad Rail tdok his honors with ths stpiciint of his r a r a .\ .< ■•■'’ .• /j.'- ’ Meanwhile the car and Stam­ men are gone, Williams is held, and Robinson has no automobile Victoria b - Presented To : Playground J. E. Angwin has gone to Kln- derful magic,lamp . Mfai Fay Carver, playground supervisor wished for a victroia. In fact it was quite necsesary that sh« »tears a victroia if she were to caadnct folk dance classes for a group of girls who are most anxious to do this work. So she told her need in the Tidings office, and an appeal was pat in the paper. Wednesday morning a play­ ground friend called and said it was with pleasure he would do­ nate his victroia for playground C. P. Talcty of thia city, LlOn- tenant O. O. Nichole of' Medford, and Don Hays, Grants Pam traf­ fic officers, "paced” the MatatAoil runners from the California bord­ er to Grants Pam, from S :l< A St. Tuesday until Wednesday after­ noon nt 1:18 when Meliks, Si- year old Mexican Zunt, reached the city, completing the 488 mite run. J Talent led the caravan, stopping every machine approaching tha tanner In order that thpy might Written Statements SecuredDtadng/ABnight'Oonfere«^sT Of Postal Authorities And Officers With Twins—: Jury Drawn And Sentence Famed At 10:46 This Morning—Brothers Much Deprefad. , 4_? *■ udw" '*j> < & ' * ■ ,/ The mystery of the Siskiyou holdup ia at last c^ear- Roy and Ray D ’Autremdnt a fter'a n a il night con* ference with postal authorities last night, this m oiling Bigned written confessions concerning their part in the Siskiyou train dynamiting on. Ootober 11, 1923. Hugh also admitted his guilt. - U Immediately after these confessions were signed they Ray ’D ’Autremoat (Circle) a ey JPAutromoAt who this morning were taken into court, a jury impaneled, which returned a confessed to parilcpatlon in dynamiting of the man train at Tnnae) IS in the Siskiyou verdict of gnilty of murder in the first degree with a re­ nteiaa on October I I . IS S I, and arger brother, Hugh, sentenced to were Immediately with theli commendation for mercy, which carried with it a sent­ State Penitentiary at Salem. The BOYS HAD A life Imprisonment in the On nvttle, Ohio, Jane S, after a tour ence of life imprisonment. Postal Inspector Walter Riddi­ brothers were captured in 8 These pictures of tho twins and year search by postal inspoc _____. ford as^ed for mercy for the brothers. rea.immediately after the arrant. _ Æ GREAT T Mrs. Ray D’Antromont war Judge (TIT. Thomas immediately pronounced sent­ ence on the three brothers—verdict of the jury making It mandatofy{hat The sehfence lie lff<£ ini^isonmeftt With­ opinion of Jtepubltcaa leaders a s out hope of pardon. to.jn st how taxes should ho re- Sheriff Ralph Jennings will leave Redford at 6:15 fr- Yt -wee a'happy, tired, but hat- First tho corporation tax ahcfttd ' “ When wa saw the a s u ilf a all b lo w to pirns«, and llaffed group of hoys Who relurn- o ’clook this evening for Salem with the three brothers to out from IS IS t per cent to nt |ed from the Y. M. C. A. Younger and they will start immediately upon serving their sent-„ Mtot IS per cent, he raid. Moat realised U fa wu w uuM fat be ahló to gut w ta n wpoetegd I Boy’s three day camp Wednesday fences. ' ./•/$! ttnitance taxes, including taxes on stamp and with two dead man. already on o w hand*—apt levenlng. after spending the three those on admissions and dupe. Contents of the confession of the twins will not bn knowing about the mail «Jerk—Boy yelled to me to shoot I days at Wagner Oap. Should bo repealed outright. The given the press, according to Postal Inspector W alter! They had a fine time, enjoying lower normal taxes on small ln- everybody and run,” Hugh calmly told tho Tidings re­ lout door life to the’ fullest extant Riddiford, who said this was one of the conditions on comes are so small now f l a t they land W P. Walters. Y. M. C. A. j porter following the confession and sentencing. which the twins agreed to make a clean breast of the need not be reduced, he maintain­ I Secretary, who supervised the “ I shot Urn with a 46 and w i l e d , to a cache which I camp aald, " It gras the finest short matter. , ed, and he raw no reason for re­ dactions on the intermediate in­ wo had prepared,” Hugh continuad. The confession was signed at C- r,.. camp I have ever seen.” o’clock this morning? x J comes between 130,900 and |80 ,- Those who were at the camp Thus, ho ended a description of the moat heinous It Is brief, according to postal5 000. were: Byer Putnam, Alex Good-1 authorities. The confession Is saltfe crime which has over b « n \« u H fa fa L in this country, lng, LaiVence Good, Ernest Wal-1 to hare told of tho brothers f llg h ( I lln, Edwin King, Headrick Baugh-I freely admitting the dynamiting f a d shooting ef the four after the holdup— how they stay-« 1 man, Howard Mayberry, Virgil I ed in the mountains for ton days" em ploye« c i Train N oc i s te tito Siskiyou mountains j Counter, Wilbur Hocking, Wilbur I Strange with posses 1 ever coming closer, October 11,1923. j ghiffer, Merldlth Durham, Charles I C o u n ty and closer, how they finally went Walter. Clyde Baker, and Geh I “We went to Mountcrest cabin the day before the. Woodworth. The boys were ac-1 to H ilt, California, how they walk­ TRURO, Mass., Jane 83. — (IP) ed down the Southern Pacific — The Clyde line freighter, crime, coming from Gamp 2 apd made everything ready com pan led by Raymond Stennet) I tracks, and hid in tho brush and “Orark” rammed and sunk the for* the holdup. We had intended to hold up the Shasta and Secretary Walters. Anally separated and successful­ steam trawler ”8arge” In a dense ly for nearly four years eludetf* fog about five miles off Truro limited, but decided Ho. 13 Was carrying the money, so their pursuers in the greatest early this morning. Nineteen changed 0 « plans, they stated. I manhunt ever known— which eoec members of the "Surge” crow & COURT tho government more than half* were rescued by the Osark erew. “ Bay was at the Bast Bortal when the train entered a million hollars. ~ Three seamen are reported miss­ TO BE USED the tunnel Boy and I brought the train to a full stop The brothers, Roy and Ray warn ing. captured la Stuehoarlllo. Ohio, W ith a gaping hole In the box, at the spot wo bad decided upon. I held the fireman sod Juno 8, two days after tha second Judre Thomas Secures Per tho Osark went agronnd. The trial of their brother Hngh was mission From Federal calm sea which prevailed probably engineer in the cab. Boy and Bay wont toward the mail started at Jacksonville. Authorittea prevented large loss of life. oar, the door ef which was open. The dark, when he saw After Hugh was convicted ths^ throe brothers wore permitted to* them coming, slammed thaA oor and would not open hold a conference and tha twins when wo threatened to blow-up the oar unless he did,” agreed to confess providing all L IN D Y VISITS OHIO would bo done to save thorn from Hugh stated. Represented DAYTON, Ohio.. Jnne 33. tho death sentence. “ Then W blew it to hell. We didn't intend to use — (IP) — Colonel Chas Lind­ The brothers appeared mteerah • U N IVER SITY OF OREGON,, bergh, after spending the ly dejected as they wore M l Into Eugene, Jnne . 88 — (Special)— so touch powder. Don’t know which one pushed then night hero ns a guest of Or­ the courtroom at IS o'clock thin Three members or the faculty plunger to the battery—Bay or Boy, but what doms: itL ville W right, Bret famous Will represent the University ot Oregon at the meeting of the American Association tor the Ad­ vancement of Science, to be «son- ducted nt Reno, Nevada, Jngh 88 to 84. They are Dr. W. P. Boyn­ ton, head of the physics depart­ ment, Dr. H. O. Tanner, pro­ fessor of chemistry, and Dr. A. B. Caswell professor of physics. The last-named w ill read a paper oa the election theory of metale, not havo to p a « through tho dust of which he has made an exhaus­ clouds op tho highway. tive studjr. The runners, ho said worn stop­ ped every few miles, their shoes CLUBS MRAN LUCK changed and their fast bathed la alcohol. BALTIMORE, Md.. Juno 88.— It was a wild welooOra the (IO — Richard Lankboth, ÍS . was Grdpti Pam Cavemen game each fosad dead with a ballot wound of tho gallant redWeP ga they In hla hted and a pistol ia hie rracMsd the city completing tha hand at his homa ia FalrSeld. Bo* rase. Tha old lu a i was ip splen­ did physical eeadftton. pa wall as which won written: w f a Mad Bal! and tho younger "OoMhye. Clubs mean good Talent Paces frldiah Runners From California Border To End Of Run "We want to make the July Fourth celebration a.real old fash­ ioned community affair and the hearty response we have received | makes it seem certain that opr plana In the matter will not go awry,’’ says Secretary J. H. Fuller of the Chamber of Commerce. The Hyatt Dam alte la an ideal location tor the affair, and those who hare -visited the place this fprlng says thaUno more desirable Ideation lor a real old-time, get- together Independence day picnic could hare been selected. There will probably be a big dis­ play. of fireworks to end the day and plenty i f entertainment of a carefree sort for those who enjoy It throughout the entire day. The Talent Irrigation District folks are extending the right sort of cooperation and will assist In making the Hyatt celebration one which w ill be worthwhile. morning by their Jailers. Thor haggard and worn after f l» r " M t a t,8 :4 0 o’cloek this matter? I held the engineer in the cab, while one of the J looked morning for Washington, D, other boys .took the fireman to unoouple tho mail oar/’ j O." '* • Hugh continued. J' ~ “ I told ths iMfiaeer to pull ouA Ha said he oouldn’t ' “Mother Of A Hiousand Then I f a l l títe óngineerman down to talk to Bay and i Boy. W n U f a fa ro standing toara, w o saw somebody < eoming from tho r ífa t Aide of tho t n b . It was Johnsen, I ’ and two t f Us shot him white ho wos standing, not Paoking of equipment has a lii >. **Tha Mother of- a Thousand 1000 ready started at the o il court- Girls’’ Is the title given Mira Ida worn« while arputitoto,” Hugh co n fa fa L . > “ I took the engineerman back and told him to pull h hr use at Jacksonville, prepars- Iw ightatan, employee of the Pac- paay. to the move which Is to be Me Telephone A Telegraph com- prohl out or die. He had the engine machinery placed at a full tory ' made July K when Medford of- paay of Portland. ' step, although We dig hot know B la h o t him with a 46 ¡ finally becomes the county seat! Mira Wlghtman was a former and Mica 46 aatettatfft” Hugh confessed. ot Jackson eonnty. . Asklgnd girl. She was the mate « 0 « ■ 1 ......— ' hostess at the formal opealag »M et “Then B f a or Boy shot S t if e knowing the game] BOMB FROM VACATION of t|to beautiful pew home ot \ i e edvlai woe All aginst its, fa d f a flad tota the mountain fasttf J. B. Hoxie and family r e -company la Portland, and her turned Wednesday from an auto picture was carried In a recent trip to thpir old home In the edition of one of the nepapapors state of Washington. „ Mr. Hoxie of that cjty. is employed to maintenance work The tjtle-M iss Wlghtmqa has on tha Pacific highway, a mem-won came about thrpagh hor her of the state highway crow, work with tho appraximatcly Adi and 4 woma led I 8hs ssoot organ Girls” Was