■■ L < • . 1 THANKS "W e w ant Io thaak yen fo r the « ttra last night" was the frequent .message tocetv- ed at the Tiding» office Wed­ nesday mbralag. Immediate! yaftar the Tut- GRANTS PASS. 6 re .. Jeed 38, — (IP) — . M um bling tato towj>. footsore,. and weary, bat never the leae to good physical condi­ tion. Mad B all, champion rahner of the Red mea completed • the 471 . mile marathon . fro m San Francisco to Grants P ace., j ’ HO arriVeff~henrst lS r « - a .* m . Plying Cloud, another Kam ok. «as bat nine miles behind , the vailed as the >ardy Indian, bis' bronce bod# glistening w ith per- splrattoa nmtor the bright Hght the mato street, raa through toe business section Of the town. The Oregon Cavemen seised him and carried him to L ittle F a « a , the Indian miss who to queen e f the celebration for hto first reward— a ktoe.--- *« » expectadfy earty verdict «as brought to In the Hugh IX- Autrem ent case, tka fares of tka Tiding« office was called back aad w ithin a vary short time the extra edition, giving a complate aaeonat of tka verdict was ont. To q r e r y . subscriber la Ashland the newsboys carried the extra edition, fa order th a t la a ll homes la the city the verdict m ight be known. '• I t was real 'service you gave 1« the cnee,” was the re­ m ark made by several who called toe Tidings office to express their thanks. A .i, N. Novrad, forager Ashland man. hectored by hto w ife. « resi­ dent o f Indiana street, to have been drowned nt Loa Angeles lest Janakry, has been located-la F lorida, according to word re­ ceived by local .authorities. Mrs. Nerved and bar four chil­ dren, w ere to deetitute rivenm- Otaaeee last * January whan the m other received word from polics a t Lee Angeles that h er husband was drowned, hto clothing fouffd ,aleBg Che bench, bnt hie body not recovered. The father had gone to Los Angeles, according..to Mrs» Norred, to secure employment. * Recent developments, at the present tim e uncertain as to de­ ta il, Indicate Norred went to Florida, Instead of to the bot­ tom o f the ocean. His where- aboufs was revealed when he ap­ plied .fa r a pension. He is a world war veteran. Councihnen Avthorize Purchase Of New Ambulance fo r City Use Ashland to to have a new elty to table the proposition nnttl funds ambulenCe. in the hospital fu n d would war­ City councilman last night au­ rant th e purch ase. T here wa» thorised the purchase o f 0* find IS IS Ta the hospital fund, the machine from a Long Beach, Cai- «undent allowed fo r the old am- iforatff, concern, m e acceptance hulaaoe when it wae traded to oa • h i ,' M subjects to the approvel of too R H sttf i r u « h ^ - - city representative who w ill be. W a t Dodge aad D r, Sweden­ sent a fter the machine. borg both advised the purchase of The purchase price to 11, Mfi. toe C alifornia ear. The machine is said to be. Iff qfi- Thq need fo r the ambulance, cellent condition, and well fitted according to D r. Swedenbnrg to to care tor the needs of this etty. urgent. Patients are taken to and The purchase wae authorised from the Ashland community hos­ a fter touch discussion between pital to trucks, which to scarcely councilman and D r. F . G. Sweden- a desirable mode of transportation burg, who presented the needs ef for aa InvellB. be .«aid. the hospital lh the case, aad offer­ The atoohtoe wiU to maintained ed to load the city flO O for the with fuada secured from ambul­ purchase price, this money to be ance rqas. The paeehaM Wae authorised by paid hack from the rental« of the w ire last night, and the amhnl- Community hospital. donnetlmea la s t Friday eveai«g knee w ill probably be brought to held a special session aad decided this city w ithin the nest week. V - M With the same stoical compos­ would be reached Within several ure which marked his demeanor hours. during the 14 days of the tria l, ion n m 'vz *» w vw h MW »»» il as at ma untomi 0|ZWVJ\I hia HIP if Coyle O. Johnson of Im o n tw a s constantly at W gr v"U lilt? Vv*WiTV.v to saXz ATORSTO VISIT HERE CITY DADS IN , BUSY SEASON ‘ ' - •' . .—wMNBM-»ei»s' * ~ s4-' ' f Tee Boxes, Flags, And Other P a r a j i h e n a l i a Ready At Course And Business Ceases At 4 O’Clock This Afternoon. —Flags Displayed • fcrfual Of Authorities To . Allow Them Cigarette« AAsr Anti-Cigarette Law < 2n Kansas Was Repealed i^Bringa Rebellion Among Worker. Today to no| a national holiday, but its Golf Day in Ashland and in recognition of this event, every­ body placed their flags out front this morning and practically all stores closed at 4 o’clock so that everybody could attend the cele­ bration at the new golf course. Golf club officials were bnsy all morning, placing pie 'tee boxes, flags and other paraphernalia on the course and attar lunch many journeyed out to the beautiful course, where many were playing all afternoon. Mayor and Mrs. Pierce were to officially open the coarse nt 4:80 o'clock and la the evening at 7 o’clock everybody were to Join to. a basket picnic on the course. > L A N 8 IN G , Kan., June 22. — (IP) — .T h e mutiny of 328 miner- prisoners In the Kansas state peni- tantlary took on a more serious aspect at 7:20 o clock Tuesday I. night, .when eight prisoners, on t h e ir . way .from recreation hour to their cells, attacked guards who were armed only with clubs. In lt th e melee, J. F : Thomas, Leaven- w erth, Kan., a guard, was stabbed in t,he aide, hut was not seriously a Injured. B i The rioters seised a bunch of is J ke n from one of the guards, lock- ed themselves in a cell house, and n threatened arid ridiculed the e guards on the outside, refusing r. to surrender. Deputy Warden I Hudspeth fired several shots Into the group of prisoners, wounding H a rry Baird, a lifer, from W lct» „ I t * , la tfie leg. Baird, considered j a hardeaed criminal, pleaded with Hudspeth to spare the lives of hlmhelf aad his comrades and un loeked the cell house door to ad- A N O T H R R F IS H STO U T R A P ID C IT Y . 8. D„ June 22. CLP) — President aad Mrs. Coolidge went fishing together Tuesday afternoon in the waters of fiqnaw creek and caught eight trout for their evening meal, to which they had invited guests. M r. Coolidge caught six aad Mrs. C O o l i d g e , two, rainbow beauties. • I t was the first time they had been fishing together. d 4 y n mtt ih e guards. g -• h l- i. ■ eording to Prison officials. BOSTON — Babe Ruth today knocked hie, twenty-third- homhr fa r tbs season in ths firs t ganje w ith ths Boston Red Sox. He k it it in the fifth inning w ith the bases empty. -r -J Senator Fred Stiwer and Sena­ tor C. F. McNary will visit in Ashland Friday evening and have dinner at the Llthla Springs while visiting Southern Oregon on a tour of Investigation of the Irrigation projects of the district, according to plans made by the committee members of the South­ ern Oregon Irrigation District, which met Tuesday evening at Medford. The congressional delegation will reach Grants Pass Thursday and will spend the day In that territory. Friday the committee will be 1n Medford, coming to Ashland for dinner in the evening. Sat­ urday they will visit the Talent Irrigation district and Hyatt dam. Saturday evening the Medford Chamber of Commerce will en­ tertain the visitors at the Amer­ ican Legion hall In that city. There may be a number of Oregon representatives accom­ pany McNary and Stiwer on the trip to southern Oregon, but this has not yet been determined. "I have no comment to make on the verdlcf o f thè Jury» ether than to say that the recommenda­ tion of life imprisonment under the law of Oregon is discretionary with the Jury. Of course I felt that the state, undeT the evidence was entitled to the death penalty, yet I have absolutely no Criticism to offer" said Georgs N usher, U. S. District attorney comment­ ing on the verdict. ' Then Hugh was brought to the courtroom. I t was stuffy-hot. The mother, Mrs. Bello D ’Autremont. eat with bowed head. The strain of tt^ tria l and the arraignment of her tw in sops, bad tried her to almost the breaking point. There wae a dead silence about the court room aa thq form ality of the legal procedure of paqalpg sentence was gone through. * Then, the verdict was read. '*We find thé. defendant guilty of first degree murder, w ith a recommendation og m ercy.* The youth had escaped the hangman's noose which the M ate and* federal government «peat near half million dollars to put about hto nock. There was no outburst to the courtroom, following the verdict. Roy and Ray D'Autrem out. In their cells in the ja il Tuesday could hear the booming voice of District Attorney Nuener as he sought to place the hangman's As the words of the fatal sent­ noose about the neck of their ences were rend by County Clerk, brother. . D rills Stevens Myers, Paul D '- Antrsmont, the. father stiffened Jurors, because of his youth, slightly, bnt looked straight eaid they believed Hugh should ahead. No word passed between not pay the supreme penalty. Hugh and his parents ns he arose to go to the Jail, which was the Ray D’Afitremont was wear­ first step in what the law decree« ing a light gray - suit whsa he sha|l,be a .Ilfs sentence behind the reached Jacheonville, and hie hair bars. was p a rte # o p the rifie tastead o f A fter the court inquired of the being worn pompadour fashion as 1 « Jurors if the verdict was cor­ he is pictured in his latest photo­ rect, they were excused, and with, graphs, Roy wore a dark suit aad looked rather glum. Old Dwelling Is Remodeled Roy And Ray Present Sharp Coni To Debonair Hugh When In Com The dwelling standing on the ■; McCormick tract near the city Shortly after the anti-cigaret.e t f if .l k X s n s a s was repealed the Inmates of the state prison de atanded permission to receive ci.r arettee and cigarette papers ir.m i friends eutside. This permissive was refused by prison authorities. There has been an undercurrour e f mutiny brewing since then, ac- E i Arraignment of hto tw in broth­ tha youth received his sentebce. ers Ray and Roy D'Autremoat, on A flush which overspread7 his the same charge on which he haq face», then passed leavingTH pale, Jnst been tried, was In progress was the only sign of emotion he when the court bailiff reported the Jury had reached a verdict. . showed. He had been taken to the Jail Intense excitement prevailed. adjoining the old courthouse Im­ The early verdict could mena bnt mediately after the Jury was in­ one thing— conviction. structed by Judge Thomas and re­ Arraignment proceedings were tired for deliberations. It was continued and seemed to drag to little expected that a verdict the excited throng about the court­ house. Congressional Delegation To Spend Three Days In Southern Oregon Streets, Lands. And Special Trial Ended J. W. Pottos, who returned to Ashland recently a fter living in California, has opened a service station and grocery store a t «44 N. Main street. M r. Potter, who form erly pub­ lished The Ashland Tribune and whose wlfq is a daughter o l Syl­ vester Patterson of this city, has eonstracted an attractive tan stueco service station building which to certain to attract those passing that way. The place w ill be known as the Neighborhood Grocery and Service S ta te n . , * .> Hugh D ’Autremont must spend his life behind prison bars. It required hut 40 minutes and one ballot for a jury of his peers to convict him of the murder of Coyle 0 . Johnson, Ashland man who on October 11, 1983, was one of the four Southern Pacific trainmen who lost their lives when bandits attempted to rob the mail train at Tunnel 13 in the Siskiyous. Evidence in the case was entirely circumstantial. Judge C. A. Thomas, who presided in the case will pronounce sentence at 10 o ’clock Friday morning; and the verdict, of the jury makes it possible for b^t one- sentwuto —life behind the prison bars without hope o f pardon« s H Hugh D ’Autremont is hat 23 years of age new—was bnt 19 when the dastardly crime of which he stands con­ victed, was committed. '■ “DEAD” MAN J IS LOC AT > Hugh D'Autrem out never ex­ hibited the slightest emotion dur­ ing the entire progress o f the tria l, so fa r aa the Jury was concerned, except when hto mother went on toe witness stand, according to W m . F . Darby o f Ashland, one of the Jurors io the ease. ' I t . was genuine relief to the Jurors when a verdict was reached on the flrst b illo t cant, according lug to Darby. "Hugh would watch the witness an they testified and look them squarely la the eyes, be never would Indicate that he was In any way affected by the testi­ mony. H e would simply ‘out- stare' anyone," Darby said. .. I ’m Not Supposed To Think” Says Convicted Tooth In' Regard To Sentence—“ Wo Are Satisfied” Says At­ torney Newton E. Chaney — Father And Mother Show Little Emotion—Sentence Set For Friday Morning At 10 O’Olook. 1 ... ; : C ity fioitocllmeh.' held a busy session , Tuesday eyealtff, actlr.g on numerous m&ttsrs of city busi- Builds New Gas Station x ... TWere are ' no milllonairs in N orth Dakota, according to In­ dem« ta* figeres. Idaho, Nevada, N ew Menico, and South Dakota each has on«; V tourist camp, on the land recent­ ly purchased by the Root commit­ tee, 1s being remodeled aad will soon be in fine shape to be used as a "tourist apartment”, accord­ ing to F ran k Jordan, park super­ intendent. The building has two apartments and w ill be a part of tbeecamp fascllltiee and In a small measure a id ,ln solving the prob­ lem of accommodating the tour­ ists. " In the last month we hate turned away more than 100 cars because there wae no possibility of accommodating tbs tourists” , Jordan, M id . Arraigned before Judge C. Mi Thomas Tuesday afMruoon, charg­ ed with the murder o f four South­ ern Faclfic trainmen in the Sis­ kiyou tunnel hofaup, October 11, 1«28, Ro> D ’Autremont and Ray walked with a D’Autremont pleaded not guilty lurching movs to each of the four murder Indict­ they were 1 ments against them. * T h eir father and mother were lfiijthe court room with them When they, were arraigned. They an­ swered Clearly and distinctly "Not d u llty " when • the Indictments against thOm ware read. They appeared In sharp sen*