m poultky nroosmx Oregon — Fair Tonight ia a p o tu tisi pay n i l for Unsettled Tuesday. AsAland’a Leading N Ashland ir Fifty Years (United Prosa Wire Sarvtco) A8ÖLAN», OREOOS. > ' Steel Head Trout Start Summa* Run Game Replete W ith Thrills —Davis Holds Klamath Aggregation Sooreless Until Eighth Inning—Nu­ merous Errors Mads By Both Teams fit Contest Ashland Boas, 6; Klamath, 4 Medford, «; Grants Paas, 6. Dope was all upset In the Southern Oregon League ball games Sunday when the Ashland Boas defeated thq Pelicans from Klamath Falla, in a fast, thrill­ ing 10-lnning game, while /the Poarplckers frjm Medford won their second victory when they de­ feated fhe Cavqmen from Grants Pass on their home ground. First Inning— - — The summer 'run of steel hand trout has started In the Bogue River according to Game Warden Roy Parr who was along the stream Sunday checking up on fishermen's licenses Sunday. The1* stream should be a verit­ able angler’e paradise, Parr says, and hundreds of fishermen were out Sunday indulging in the sport. Few violations of game laws are found hy .the warden. Humor Found On Fairways There Is no monotony about .golf. New situations are to encoun­ tered on every round of the course. A player never covers the same territory twice« One minute he Is playing through the woods, or up along a hill. eThese'situations all lend themselves to the crea­ tion of many odd occurrences. Much Traffic Over Sunday Says Officer Another Sea "Thera was heavy traffic on all highways Sunday but no violat­ ing," according to Traffic Officer C. P. Talent. Officer Talent travel­ led more than 130 miles Sunday without making a single arrest. Federal Men Locate What Is Believed To Be South- • ern Oregon Liquor Sounce —170 Gallons Of Moon­ shine Liquor Taken — Two Men Arrested. Crew Of Monoplane “ Amer­ ica” anxiously Await Clearing Storms To Hop Off On Long Ocean Flight —Byrd Gets Honorary Degree Today. ROOSEVELT FIELD. N. Y., June 20— (LP)— Commander Rich­ ard E. Byrd waa in Boston today and his trans-Atlantic flight in his monoplané “America" was de­ finitely postponed until tomorrow as the earliest time for .hopping off. Stormfc over the Atlantic forced the impatient crew to delay their flight further and Byrd took ad­ vantage of the wait to go to Boston to receive an honorary degree of Master of Science from Tufts College. Ashland scored two runs in the first inning of the game with Klamath. Marlow at bat first hit s two bagger. Hughes followed with a hit, advancing Marlow and while the Pelicans fumbled and fought over the hall, both LUh- Ashland Boas will give a base­ ianr run In home scoring two ball Ueneflt dance Wednesday COMMANDER runs. Menyon, the crack pitched ; evening, June 22 at the Jackson R.E.BVMD for Klamath, then fanned Core, ' Hot Springs pavlllion, according Robbins and Gray. | to announcemeut made today. The first two Pelicans at hat The Merry Macks, directed by wont out at first, the next batter, “Sharkey” Moore will furnish the Powell, hit a clean two-bagger. truste ior tho trttafc-— < Dnbac followed with a hit but Big attendance from Medford, Commander R. E. Byrd. North Pole conqueror, who awaits favorable Powell wae caught at third mak­ Gold HUI and other valley towqs weyther before he hops off on a trans-Atlantic flight tor Europe, ing three outs. Is expected at the affair. _ ^Miller was Hint up for the B om in the seeoad inning and strnel out. Morgan went ont nt first. Force imitated Morgan, making the third out. Prater for the Pelicans struck Klamath County School Loss of »126 worth" of. travel­ Several Ashland merchants out, Foss went out at flrst, and ' Superintendent To Aid have reported receiving counter­ ers’ checks In Ashland Sunday was Brunn struck out. In the last halt Guarantee Of $200 Expenses feit half dollars, according to reported Sunday evening by Miss .Proposed Measure nt the second, with two strikeouts Made By Postponment Chief of Police George McNabb. Ann Windberg of Oakland, Cali­ to Davis* credit. One counterfeit piece received fornia, by telephone from Yreka. Committee Davis went straight from the Miss Windberg said she passed at the W. D Jackson, Palace pitcher’s box to the plate in the through Llthia Park while here, lunch Sunday, Is of a light third and struck out. Marlow fob weight metal, with the year mark and was in a local restaurdnt. lowed with a two bagger. Hughes Later it was learned another 1920, barely discernible. The wont out at flrst, while MarloW casting is very poor and the imi Jour 1st had found the checks ahd stole to third on an error. Core tatlon is so bad that the plccer attempted .to locate the women by went out on a fly, making the calling st local hotels. may be easily detected. third out. With the Pelicans at bat, Pet­ erson, Henyon and Heath each went out at first. In the four inning, Robbins, first up for the Lithisns, went out on s fly. Gray singled. Miller got to flrst on an error and Gray trot­ ted to second. Morgan batted the ball for two bases, while Miller touched the home plate, making the third tally for Ashland. iN SO iaiE D • Force, next at bat went out at flrst. Klamath at bat aaw Powell go out at flrat, while Dubac popped ------ — a fly from Davis, and Prater went | meeting, TÏÀPD1Y out at first. . I According Davis went straight from the 1# or 11 st pitcher’s box to bat In the fifth land under J m T&VYÖNE ouajrr Inning and struck out. Marlow Oregon has T&fcNJOWDT hit a loag one, but It went in the advantage - well. Then Hughes struck out. this system THHTIMBTH ä E Foss was then up for the Pell- counties no HB’s i K S o t n j r cans and went out at first; Brunn system, Cro . p À k c /îÀ 7 went to first on a nice single, coin. Resii Petersoh struck out and Henyon, have been Companion Slightly Wound struck out a pretty fly trying to that their sc ed—Inquest Is To hit one of Davis’ spinners. to bring the Be Held Core, first »y» for the Llthians flta te other In the sixth struck out. arc passln LEAVENWORTH, W A S H ., June 26-»(LP)—Hsrry Smith Is dead and Noah McCleary slightly wounded as the result of a shoot­ ing scrape here Sunday. The W illi men witty tour companions, all laborers from the Berne and Cas­ * Sheriff Fraqk Jennings / ir lntll Judge O. M. Thomas of this cade tunnel engaged in a drunk­ scheduled to reach Portland to- llstrict oats a date for the ar­ en flight. The shooting occursd n’ght with Ray and Roy D’Autre­ raignment whan they will be as an attempt Was made to arrest ment, according to Chas. B. Raddl- brought to this oonnty. It Is not the* men. An Inqneet to be held. ford, of Spokane, Washington, likely they will ba tried until chief postal Inspector for the September, however, as court ad­ At The Ashland Hotel— Northwestern division. Rlddlford journs during July and August. B. Bunting of San Francisco, Tha twins have caused Sheriff received a telegram from Sheriff Cal., C. W. World and F. G. Jannlnga Saturday atoning giv­ Jennings and his sen. Deputy Springstun of Salt Lake City, ing the time ot arrival In Oregon Shari* Lewis Jennings no tronhle, Utah and Mrs. Grace Andrews with the long sought brothers. aocerdlng to the message receiv­ and (laughter of Snsanvllle, Cal., The twins aye to ba held in are among these who spent last the Multnomah county Jail at ed. A day sad night guard is evening at the Ashland Hotel. maintained over lha two brothers. Portland, according to authorities, B enefit Dance SYSTEMiVOTEONDAM T $92.50 Bogus 4-Bits Is Circulated Woman Loses $125 In City What Is believed v to bo the source of liquor supply of southern Oregon was tapped Sunday hy Federal Prohibition Officers Terry Talent and O. W.. Shirley, assist­ ed by Deputy Sheriff Louis Miller of Klamath county, when they raided the Chris "McHawley and B. R. Meamber places In Siskiyou county, California. Two stills were taken, one a 90 gallon, thoroughly equipped ap­ paratus In operation, and a 60 gallon capacity 'still which had been dismantled. Officers also located 171 gal­ lons of boose In various types of containers about the place. McHawley and Meamber were taken before a Justice of the peace and released under bond to appear Monday to answer to the charge of illegal manufacturing of In­ toxicating liquors. They will be tried under federal laws. Tho stills were located In Seotts’ Valley near Fort Jones, and were known to officers for A ‘Chevrolet ca rfilled with boose from this source of supply was confiscated last winter by lo­ cal officers. The federal men had little trouble in '/eating the still and Mamber and McHawley, surprised at their work, offered no resist­ ance. HAY FEVER PREVALENT Hay fever victims for the last week have had a lot of trouble. Ashland Is said to be a poor place for thee© unfortunate victims dur- 'ng the rose season. ASHLAND — Normal school re-opens this week. Lonesome Days At The White House MAN KILLED IN GUN FRAY Sheriff Jennings Reaches Portland Tonight D’Autremont Brothers Arrea» TC& D ö B S i c ’r <5A öt VBTÛHT ü N: “There is a tendency on the part of Sunday drivers, many of them out for enjoyment, to take their time and drive carefully," Talent, says. No accidents were reported in this district Sunday. RENO DANCE HALL CLOSED Federal Officer« And County Authorities Silence Objectors Federal Prohibition Officers Terry Talent and G. W. Shirley assisted by county authorities of Klamath county Saturday evening closed the danee hall at Keno at midnight; Considerable drinking was said to have been going on st the dance hall and several of those present objected to the activities of the officers in closing the place— but these objections were soon silen­ ced when several of thoce speak­ ing most loudly felt the “strong arm of the law" flatten them to the floor. * Keno residents said they would take steps to incorporate the town and continue their S o'clock dances. FL0W ER SH 0W OPENS TODAY Hugh Shows Mo. Emotion As Lawyers Review Evi­ dence Before Jury In Ef­ fort To Put Moose About * His Neck—Gory Details Of Crime Belated. The State has sever put a gun la the hands of Hugh D'Aatremont, nor did they ever see him shooting at even an Innocent tree. Attorney John Collier, for the defense said in his opening argu­ ments this afternoon. , He added that the state had not In any way indicat­ ed Hugh was directly con­ nected with the dynamiting or did be directly- fire the shot that U le d Coyle John- He saM the Nash car had never been connected with the holdup. The defense be ■aid, might admit Hugh had had an auto accident and had taken the ear to Ashland for repairs, but said thia had no more connection with the crime than with many other accidents which occurred dar­ ing the same period of time, referring to the over- woods when the state claim­ ed that the hoys fled from the tunnel immediately after * the dynamiting. * Some Ashland Flowers En­ “Ms sheddeth blood and la.* lunlshment lyaWpogrsBanld be* tered In Big Medford shed." Special ProcatOr George* Exhibit Roberta, told the Jury la a low ,' A number of Ashland flower growers have entered blooms In tho Rose and 8weet Pea show be­ ing held today and tomorrow at the Medford Hotel In Medford, un- 'der the nusplces of the Floral Society of that city. The exhibit was opened to ' the public at noon today and will re­ main open until late Tuesday evening. The Medford Chamber of Com­ merce, Merchant’s Association, ' Real * Estate Association and churches are aiding the floral so­ ciety in making the show an ex­ tensive one. Seven class prises Age offered. Special attention is being given to the rose exhibit, class prises for tea and hybrid tea 'roses, hybrid perpetuate, climbers, being offer­ ed. A special prise Is being of­ fered to children for artistic bas­ ket or vases of sweet peas of any variety. S. L. Brown and Walter Fraser llrown are general chairmen in chargo ot the sljow. Audrey McVherson, who at­ tended the Normal school during the first two terms It was open, then taught school st Topsy, has rotusned to Ashland to attend summer school. Visited la Ashland— Nellie Shephard and Vera Rlusson of Marshfield, Ore., are spending a couple of days ip this city visiting friends. -aim voice in concluding th e» Hate’s opening argument in the * Hugh D'Autremont trial this morning. Mr. Roberta started his speech U the opening of court at 9:16 ind spoke for two and a half 1 hours, finishing Just at I t o’clock when he asked the Jary to retnrp^ h verdict for the death penalty^ dating the prosecution had aula mitted a mass of evidence a n ! inhibits which he thought could not be denied or refuted. While his voice was low and ialm at the end. frequently throughout his argument, his voice roared, much to the delight of the large audience which was unable to gain standing joom in the 9>urtroom. Especially vibrant was his. voles when reading at length from the opening statement of the* defense In which Attorney Smith had challenged the state to show any connection between the defendant ind the heinous crime in the Siski­ you tunnel and In which attorney Smith had stated they would clear­ ly outlie the movements sad ac- tlons of the defendant to the sat­ isfaction of the Jury, Roberta thundered that the state bad ac­ cepted the challenge end ha& proved that Hugh was connected with the death of the fear men In the holdup and dynamiting of the Southern Pacific train. In addition, he asked the do- Southern Oregon Scenery 2 AB Other, Says Hollyw Approximately 20 men are em­ ployed at tha present time con­ structing the first unit of the Rogue River studios on the Crater Lake highway, according to Game Warden Roy Parr. The object ot the movie studio, according to E. R. Boyce of Hollywood. Is to capitalise on tho beautify! scenery of this sec­ tion. The scenery of southern Oregon cannot be surpassed la tha United States and Is something Which a director esa usa without lestroylng. Inasmuch as ha eaa- tot taka it with him. With the ilctures shown tha country over, -he studios should do much In tha way of publicity for tha taller, Mr. Boyca said.