Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, June 16, 1927, Image 1

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    « b
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if a potential pay roll for
(United News Wir« Service)
ashl Æ voheqon ,
Big Community
Feature De<
Golf Cot
Giri Interprets
. Mex Testimony
NEW YORK, June I t . — The
famous Colonel Charles Lind­
bergh and the Ryan monoplane,
"Spirit of St. Louis” were reunit­
ed today while. New* York and
Washington slept.
Leaving the
Curtiss Field la New York at
2:48 a. . m., Lindbergh. flew to
Washington in an army plane. He
landed at 4:27, and left iq the
"Spirit of St. LouiJ” at eight min­
ute« after five and returned to
Mitchell Field in New York,
where he lande» at 7:14. -
— He returned to New York in
plenty of time' to begin the last
day there with a busy program of
six engagements.
The New York reception will be
climaxed at a tea this afternoon
when he will receive the 226,000
prise offered by Raymond Oreteig
for the first trip from New York
to Paris.
m ' A A S ATalent
' mean. Of flnane
vine and Ashand Methodist, to- .emporary orgBn
“ of director, na.
nearly 1000 being on the groumlz
throughout the day, for an si' \ Dur,nt thia or
southern Oregon picnifc.
several speaker!
Dr. 8. O. Chaney, district sup ------------------------
erlntendent Of the Southern Ore-
gon method 1st. gave a short talk
during the afternoon session, bul
the remainder of the day wa
devoted to a get-acqnalnted and I
get-together session.
a a tu e U lT
At the noon hour a bountoout
cipal Speak
picnic dinner, wsa served afte
which contests, including sect
races, dashes, relays and a tu:
Miss Mildred
of war were held for Juniors and tral Point was
intermediates under the direc- of the Jackson
tion of O. J. Kunsmar Bi Med- Association at I
ness meeting hel
The remainder of the after- Judge and Mrs.
noon was spent enjoying base- o f Jacksonville,
ball and volley ball conteetr'
Mrs. Hose Ro
This evening 'Another picnic
named vie«
dinner ia to be Served for the Louis Ulrlb, set
member of the Epworth Leagues Nobit, treasurer,
gf the district churches.
Mrs. Ulrich art
Miss Dora Sparks of Ashland denta
w ill be In charge of the game.
Membwi| of tl
and sapper to be served.
m |tUe are;
t J i OMw ^ ChC t o r ^ J h M ± : r r ™
w er e.
River t l i sportsmen a n d ' com­
mercial stream is to ba under­
takes hy the state Fish and Game
A survey
stream, which w ill include a study
of the question of propagation of
fish best adapted to the stream,
and protection from toes through
irrigation ditches and power tur­
bines and from pollution is to be
Tentative plans provide for a
warden to take charge of the
river l/b entire length. The Fish
and Game commissioners a re ' to
share the expense of the survey,
the expense of the work not to
exceed more than 2600 a month.
UKIAH. Calif., June 16.— OP)
— Mad Bull, a Karook Indian,
representative of the Grants Pass
Cavemen today was leading the
Held by three miles when he pass­
ed through here enroute from San
Francisco to Grants P au in the
great Indian Redwood Highway
Marathon. He had tvavellsd 118
Second came Flying Cloud, an­
other Karook, who led the field
during the first two days run —
leading the field when 86 miles
of the race was done.
Third came Rushing Water,
also a Karook, " *
,__ - T " "
At each town along the route,
the Indians are greeted by civic
organisation« which assisted iir
sponsoring the affair.
«--Mech^of the race ia being run
nailer a blistering sun, but the
feet of the flying Karooks, are
unblistered and their wind seems
good. Their bronze bodies, glisten
with perspiration.
ila r e n c e iweBKcr,
_ . . . zv
« C arpenter. iiursf
A ""
Crawford, publl,
,R ^ p Billings of Ashland.
Favored by an ideal day the
visitors from out-of-town were .
o^ m
s m n » wi w e
where the affair was held.
Believe T he; Have Taken
Ptenirtiah flrfaninal
W IN N IPEG , Manitoba, Canada,
June i f . — (i_p) —. The man sus­
pected of being the “atraagler” D irt; Linen Of Household
To Be Air In Angust­
for which more than one thoufc-
iata Is Bead;
searched all n ljh t was taken to­
day near Killarney, Manitoba. The
LOS ANGELES, June 16,— (U*)
suspected was arrested yesterday — The dirty linen in the Charles
about escaped from jail within 16 Spencer Chaplin household will
minutes of being locked np.
be aired before the public on
August 22.
Trial of the contested divorce
suit of the comedian and his
girl-wife, Lita Grey Chaplin, was
set for that date in Superior
Judge Walter Guerin’s court by
TULSA, Okla., June 16— (IP)— an order Wednesday^ of Presid­
Armed men from every city In ing Judge Walton J. Wood.
Attorneys for both parties ex­
northern Oklahoma today sought
Mathew Kimes, Oklahoma out­ pressed satisfaction ' with t h e
law whose major crimes probab­ schedule.
ly number more than a score.
Judging by the documents now
Kimes was believed to have on file, the case w ill be the
stolen an automobile in Drum- most bitter and sensational of all
wright last night in which an Hollywood divorce cases.
Infant slept
The infant was
found crying in a pasture hours
Diamond Lake
Road N ot Open Famous Outlaw
Fishermen, anxious to wet lines
Being Sought
In Diamond Lake are warned by
Marion J. Barnes, of Klamath
Falls, deputy game warden, to
seek another trout pool tor a week
or two, unless they want to hike
some seven miles.
Barnes re­
cently made the trip to the lake
with Matt Rickman, state superin­
tendent of hatcheries. The road
is open wlhin s mile of the sum­
mit, seven miles from the lake
he «aid. A crew is cutting through
the deep snowbanks.
Later he was believed to have
driven through Jennings, stopp­
ing long enough to kidnap the
PORTLAND, ORB., June 16— chief of police.
(IP)— C. A. Vermillion, 68, for
The Officer was found tied to
eight years assistant to the pre­ a tree early this morning in the
sident of the 8. P.
8. rail­ O«age hills.
road here, died last night fol­
One of the latest crimes at­
lowing eight months tttness of tributed to the Kimes gang was
heart disease.
the doable bank robbery at
A dative of Missouri, Verm ill­ Beggs, Okla., several weeks ago.
ion began as a call hoy add rose The town marshal was killed and
from the ranks to a position a woman wounded daring the
of responsibility.
it Grasshoppers
e District, Kian
Twenty men against millions of
grasshoppers are waging a strange
w a r jn the flat fertile tracts of
the southeastern Tnle lake hear
Klamath Falls. >
• .
Swarming out of their fetching
beds, like bee« ont of a hive, th«
hoppers sweep over, the green
fields stripping them hare. The
Insects have confined their dam­
age to forage erope and a small
loss In rye to date, and the 86
meh are seekinf to keep them
ont of the wheat, oats and bar­
Mad Bull, Fl;ing Cloud And
JLushing Water Paas
118 Mile Mark
? ’a T .
ley fields.
Polson Is the moot effective
manner in wW h the warfare
against the hoppers can be car-
rldd op.
Hatching of the hoppers. Is said
to be one of the biggest troubles.
Epge, laid from one to one and a
half inches deep and are hatched
With the warmth of tha sun, thus
the first batch cemes from the top
layer, and by the time these are
controlled a second swarm comee.
Tennis Champs
- In Tournament
Ralph Church was the winner
of the Round Robbln tennis
match conducted at the Southern
Oregon Normal School, Church
defeated Robert Chamberlain in
the finajs in the men’s Single
Helen Detrick won the girls
finals when «he defeated Iola
Brooks in a hard fought match.
No finals for the doubles were
There were about 80 of the
students of the school who par-
tiepated in the Round Robbln.
L O N D O N , June 12. —
“Sherlock Holmes” famous
story hook detective, who
confounded criminals, died to­
day, according to 8lr Conan
Doyle, In whose fertile brain
the famous detective was
born. Doyle’s.stories of Doyle
have been! read by millions.
“Sherlock mast go the way
of all flesh,” said Doyle in
explaining the death of. hie
fictional hero.
(Pleaae Turn To Page Three)
Fire Lookouts
■ Are Assigned
Summer Posts
lebration To
tion Of Ashland
i To Be Held June 22
I T ’S , ,
RSDAY, JUNE 16, 1927
(Please Turn to Page 8)
ff KAT j 1
O. R. Redfern, U. 8. super­
visor of radio for the Ninth Ra­
dio District, has announced that
examinations for all classes of ,
radio operator licenses will be
held in the United States Civil
Service exaimnation rooms at the
Medford Post Office, June 26,
starting at 2 A. M.
Applicants desiring to take
these examinations must appear
at the examination rooms early
and bring with them, drawing
materials, pencils, pen, ink, ruler
and head, phones.
Similar examinations are to be
held in Astdria, June 21; Port­
lo a a y
land, June 22/E u g en e, June 23. __
(United Prsaa wir« Se
fact that golf courses in this age
are not luxuries, but necessities
to every city located on the high­
ways, that caters to a traveling
A golf course ia a splendid at­
traction to recreation seekers, and
evidence of the desire of Ashland
rolks to bring visitors to the city,
was given in the building of Ldthla
Springs hotel.
All agreed that
a golf course, was necessary and
should prove a strong asset to
make the hotel a success. ''The
fact was also brought out that
many small towns have golf
courses, successfully financed.
Several sites were considered
before the present location at the
interfeection of the Dead Indian
road, three miles east of town on
Visitors From S o u t h e r n
Oregon Gather In Ash­
land Today For All Meth­
odist Picnic—Fine Speak-*
' ere—Picnic Dinner—Med­
ford Assistant Hosts.
Ace And Famous “ Spirit Of
St. Louis“ Were Beunited
This Morning—Hew York
Beception To Be Climaxed
W i t h Presentation of
Late rains and heavy snows
hare kept the mountains moist
thia year, and fire lookouts are
Just being assigned to their posts
tor the summer months.
District State Fire Warden
placed a lookout at the Buck
Eleven Witnesses 0 a i l e d Rock lookout station above Trail, Handwriting On Arms Cer­
T u e s d a y Afternoon To for the season. W. C. Nevy,
tificate Is That Of Bay
Establish Indentit; Of started hla summer, duties at Wag­ D ’Autregnoat^ Expert Cri-
Hugh As One Of Trio ner Butte. D. Peterson of Med­
minologist Testified —
ford, l«|ves this week for Old
Suspected—Pretty Inter­ Baldy station In Klamath county,
Hugh Is Bored By Test,
preter Called.
imony—Crowd Small.
a post which he has held for
many years. Chris Beal will be
Handwriting, and the reeembl-
in charge of the Rutler Peak
a nee of varioua signatures alleg­
tremont with the Siskiyou tunnel station for the summer.
ed to have been those of certain
outrage, through positive identi­
the D'Autremont boys, featured
fication, featured the trial Tues­
this morning's session, with Prof.
day afternoon.
E. O. Heinrich, of Berkeley, as
Judge C. M. Thomas became
the star witness. His testimony
quite angry at one time during
also covered phases in connection
the afternoon session when the
with the overalls, handbag and
spectators who crowded the" court
theories, deduced from facts,
room, laughed aB some testimony
in connection therewith.
of a ridiculous nature was pre­
—More Needed
Hugh .was brought Into this
Identification through
Distribution of the 266,633.67,
“This is a trial, not a circus or
of B. E. James
place of amusement, and those representing the county fair fund
which were signed to checks re­
who cannot conduct themselves
ceived at the 8ilVerton lumber
accordingly had better leave the levy of one-twentieth o f a mill,
camp and to an application for a
he said with biting has been completed by Secretary
of State Sam Koser and ’Jackson motor vehicle litbnse. Had been
previously identified as E. E.
Testimony of Robert Craddock, county will receive 21,602.68.
and Ashland garage men
Josephine county received but
expert from the Portland police
him as the person
force, in whioh he with posltive- 2499.53 while Klamath county who had Just previous to the
nesr, identified the bullets, the gets 21418,17,
Jackson county folks will be holdup brought the car for which
D’Autremont’s were seen to shoot
this license was Issued to the local
in the Sisklyous and those at the called on to pass on a proposed
mouth of the tunnel as fired from extra tax levy on June 28, for
Ray D’Autremoat was definite­
the Bame gun, was an outstand­ the upkeep of the local fair ly linked with the “murder gun**
ing feature of the afternoon.
found near the scene of the Sis­
TestWnony of Charles Gonzales,
kiyou tunnel train dynamiting to­
Mexican, given through interpreta­
day. in the trtal of his brother,
tion added human Interest to the
Hugh when Dr. B. O. Heinrich,
criminal expert of Berkeley, Cali­
Ashland Men Testify
John Barr, mechanic a t. the
Park street garage in Ashland was
the first Tuesday afternoon wit­
ness. to be called. He testified
Hugh came Into the Park garage
about 10 days before the holdup
to have his Nash car repaired,
and when asked what his name
was u id he was E. E. James.
Barr testified the defendant wore
denim clothes end boots the first
time he came and returned Sa
second time wearing a brown cap.
ORDER 820,000,000
He testified, Hugh told them he
had run into a cow or a steer up
on Nell Creek about five miles
16. — The Interstate Cham­
south of Ashland on the Pacific
ber of Commerce commission
highway. He did not positively
today authorized the. South­
Identify the cap presented as a
ern Pacific to iefeue 220,000,-
state exhibit, but said It was the
000 bonds on the Oregon
same color. In cross/examination
Line, first mortgage bonds
Barr testified that the defendant
and to sell them at not less
than 98 per cent of par.
(Please Turn To Page Five)
Our Next N u m b e r W i l l B e
p y io u e s
,p er for Over Fifty Years
z Ashland's Leading
tqb A
D U tT
fornia. took tha stand and testi­
fied the automatic pistol found
pistol was Identified ns having
been purchased Is Albany. Ore­
gon and was brought by Ray D’-
M YRTLE-POINT. Ore., June 16
Aotsamont. According , to Dr.
— (tp — Gleen W«wMy, 8«, well Heinrich, the. same h k a l that
known in this' section *of Coo«
signed the name “William E llio tt''
county, was instantly killed yes­
to the arms certificate. Wrote Ray
terday afternoon at the AragO
D’Autremoat ,te. / M d a . M I * *
landing when a large log roiled checks amtathbr psMpw. .
off the truck which he had been
Before Heinrich was called to:
driving and crushed him. Weekly, the witness stand Judge Thomas
accompanied by a • helper had gave a lengthy talk
driven the truck loaded with logs
everyone in the room to refrain
from his brothers logging camp from whispering o f causing a dis­
to the landing, where the timber turbance.
Hs was quite severe
was to be dumped into the river. In his waralngs.
During Hein­
rich’s testimony Hugh appeared
bored, stretching, looking nt the
coiling, seemingly not nt nil in­
The courtroom was not crowded ■
The Rlnky Dinks, playing ball this morning. It was quiet, cool
each morning on the high school and psaeeful. The windows were
grounds are having a fins time, open and the birds could be heard
according to W, P. Walters, sec­ singing. Everything was ia qnlta
retary of the Y. M. C. A., who is striking contrast to the grim bat­
tle which is being waged ia th»
promoting the sport.
The Rinkey Dinks are supple­
Blanche Rhinebarger'r
menting the playground work.
Many of the boys spent the after­ little son, son of E. Dougherty,
noon at the playground and the one of the murdered trainman,
morning on the ball grounds, thus sat beside his mother drawing pic­
being under supervision through­ tures on a card, obviously un­
aware of the serioushesa of the
out the entire day.
The Hogan Alley gang, and the tragic drama.
Defease attorneys thia morning
Oaa House Gang compete dally.
objected when the.
After the “League” schedule is
state’s witness, W. W. Tans, hand­
over a tennis tournament will be
promoted for thé same group of writing expert of Seattle, identi­
fied several exhibits of writlag
that of Ray D’Autremont, stat­
'Twenty boys report each day
for play, with approximately 32 ing this had nothing to do with
having been signed up for the present trial. Neuner explained
this wee pert of their plan to
prove a conspiracy between the
three brothers.
Prof E. O. Heinrich, internat­
PARIS, June 16— (lp>— France ionally
paid the United States 210,000,-
handwriting expert and calllatlc«
000 Wednesday on her war debt, student, was an. interesting w it-
premier Poincare informed the
finance commission of the French
Play Daily
Good In H ie World Balances
Evil, Says Mrs. D’Autremont
“There is enough good in the
world to balance the evil’’ Mrs.
Belle D’Antremoat, mother of the
youthfal Siskiyou outlaw sus­
pects, M id, ia explaining way the
was reading “Unity, Christian
Word." daring the progress of
the trial of her son.
" I have received many rack
pamphlets such as this, sine»
thia trouble and I have never
thrown them away because 1
find so much comfort ia rending
them," she u id .
While Mrs. D’Antremoat was
reading the book, Hugh lyaMd
over, smiled as ke took R from
her hand, turned the pages In
an uninterested, abstract manner,
then returned It to hie mother.
Mrs. D’AatremsaR, dressed kt