Dregon—Fair Tn East. Vo ia a potentUl j*y Ashland’s Leat (tatted Maw* Wir« Service) ASHLAND, In West. Cooler. perta and the course who in September, 1923, turn June 19tb. to District Attorney Newton C. will he thrown open to all for that brought a Xaah car to the Local American Leglonaires Enroute north this special will Chaney. Park garage in this elty for « I afternoon. -- ’ "T '* will discontinue meetings during 'be added to by Infantry units at No date of arraignment of the repairs. They testified he In order to create Interest in July. August and September, ac­ Medford, Roseburg, Grant« Pass twins has yet been set, but the told them he had ran Into a the g»»e the dnb is arranging to cording to a decision reached ,akd Cottage . Grave. The letter tentative date has been fixed foii row oa Neil Creek, damaging have a large number o f golf at a meeting held Tuesday even­ w illg e to Gearhart. Wketo they some time in August. They w ill the machine. The men were equipment and balle for those who ing In the armory building. w ill eater camp. - / Snpertdadent flee. A. Brisco probablyMeave Columbus the la t­ have no outfits to use in their employed nt the garage at Only fair attendance featured The hoys .Were Joyous upon has mad« official announcement ter part, .of this week in custody that time, and were positive practice that afternoon — with departing yesterday and antici­ Awaiting hearing in federal court for removal to Oregon of Sheriff Ralph Jennings and hla the meeting, a number of the lo­ the Ashland Summer school in theta- identification of the the understanding of coarse that cal World W ar men, as mem­ pated a riotous vacation. Which 1« to bp conducted by the defendant. the players will have to person­ on charges o t robbing the mails and killing four men, son, Lewis. bers of Battery B. having left The personell of the company •tat«' Normal at the Lincoln Fu rth er questioning o f the ally chase the bells. Everything Ray D ’Autremont (circle) and his brother, Roy, were Tuesday afternoon for Fort • Introducing witnesses Tuesday when leaving here yeeterdaf af­ school for grades one to eight, furnished except the detective held under close guard in jiiil at Steubenville, 0., where twins, captured at Stuebenville, Stevens. afternoon and today who had not ternoon was as follow«; Major C. toelustva. TJila . term of school Ohio last week. Is being continued work In finding the halls, Louis A. Malone, ba t tai Hon commander; la to start Tuesday." June SI and they were captured. These pictures of “ the boys’’ and by federal officers, it is reported? , Captain. Lynn Slack, battery com­ continue until July IS. Fornoon Dodge stated this morning. Captain C. R. B. Long, San The recreation and sports com­ Mrs. Ray D ’Autremont and her baby were taken after mander; First L t Hanford, head­ session only ¿will he held. mittee o f the chamber of com­ ,the twins had been arrested by postal inspectors after a Francisco postal inspector, has quarters staff; 1st Lt. Young, Bxplataatiou of the course Is merce w ill meet this evening with interviewed the brothers and re­ ' '' four-year hunt. 2nd Lt. J. Q. Adams. ' mpd«, by Mr. Briscoe as follows: the golf committee of the club 9 ports tpat he Will do so again First Sgt. Hubert Bentley; Tomorrow night .la the night •'The tegular teachers and sup­ later in the week. The brothers arrange details for the celebra­ Sergeant« J. B. Clary, Dave Sar- ervisors at . the. Lincoln school of- nights, so say the Lithiana, have said they w ill not fig h t ex­ tion. * T h e chamber of commerce g e n to 'W . R. C lary,. Leslie L. will be la* charge of this work, 4t>r a t 9 9». XT. sharp w ill com­ tradition, it is said. at a meeting of the directors vot­ Wert«; C. V. Carey, « . D. Hut- thus assuring the people of Ash­ No arrangements have as yet mence the Lithlan Society Cab­ ed to cooperate with the club In land of an except tonally high been made by their parents for aret, i t the Ashland Armory, says every way possible to make the Corporals Phil Bryant. K. J. grade of work tor ant of the Jack Kentaoheler Held lb M e d f o r d And ( providing counsel for them, It la attorney W m . Brigg«. No labor opening a success and also tn Madden, K . E. W atte», J- L. children who care to attqad. Thl» or expense has bean, spared to reported. Tusoon, ArlxoUa On Bad Churches ' Sponsoi work with the club la the mem­ H axlay. .A. C .M U es. D. J. W ol­ make the evening one of fun and bership drive. , , Check Charge ' creational Affi wtertalnttoent. .______ _ Z ’___ ,__ cott, C. W . Clary. iye„. |n. which tha-etob Pylvato First Claes; J. H. The nine piece Merry Mack une Several h u n d re d , Methodists I Jack Rentscbeler, former Ash­ orchestra,"seven acts of fine van- take Collina, A. B. Cooper. E. J. land youth. Who wStt Ijto te i to from Grants Paas, Medford, Tal­ Daniela. K. U Ganda«. H . C. - deviile, Wngttrg and daAcing sum- St. Mary's Orphanage at Beaver­ ent, idasaMlx Vdlls and Ashland, berg, 'decorations and electrical ® ton, after his father -was impris­ w ill congregate In L lth la P>rk to­ effects, unite to make the enter- M H oned on a charge of haring ia hla morrow fo r an A ll Southern Ora- ; Former Local Minister Hon tain ment one of th^ biggest Pl 5 2 E E > M ’ L t e ^ A r i . t e I goa Methodist picnic, held under Jghthgrn oref f » h a, evi ; r seep. ■ > » -the ansptces~of ■ the • Medford and* m r edtejnantfife ^nvuusa- TB University charggd ' with leaning worthless Ashland churches. tion ia going, tojburn out tonight ,tre ’ Frtvatu»n W . cheekR;.- i ; Plans for the picnic have been B y te s ..^ B .C opW y.l at the Armory to give their time According to a message received under way for several weeks, and T, G *« « » . H -jlT - and energy to the final »pepaqk- by Chtef o f Polios McNabb, the everything Is now in readiness for tion for Mays occasion. , mon 3 K. HUh« K U Í j t í matohera will have yontk.ypna in trouble in bos An­ the big event which w ill be one 1 toejtesf krtd»«proomK,- tyfcàe lite rs 'a re m tey fine table« *n H o r w U'r W t e # to-gether meeting at gela! *B|t« r leaving Ashland, then l left, and Ashland people should * * * * * of the most outstanding in Metho- • J o h n s o n . M .. Jo» Friday evening from moved - tb. Tuaoon. Tuscon au- dist meetings for the year in this • « o e b d t e r t e f c Ln». te » .* «Vte Ians play .to a crowded building r* ,w Moot«, C. W.-Pasks,. S^ccens and the.mem- before making disposition of the Pemberton of this city. 1 tomorrow night for every cent pw,rÎ C. H: Redford. J). I r i ia ^nother picnic t o I *, r? of profit goes to community wel- Ho Sewell and C R Is ’’ su Rev. 8. J. Chaney, district snp- H • ■ aew* Q rip ltr toter;-: 5^.^.- ! The hoy was in t r o u b le d thl^i erintendent, and A L. Howarth, fare work. •. . » ed th fi city before he was placed'in the Liberal prisea arranged are be- k * d , h *;k is ' htoki'*wd;«ert'- t t e t o e r ’» Portland District superintendent n orphanage, and Is said to hfcvp sire expected to speak at the pro- r > teqstess- ^WAV utodeers, a«A lt ing given for the heat decorated °*S*I made htupwlf so obnoxious there eram which is planned for the . table«,, and the Lithiana have- *,ed nh ta S fh ir. t o * *U « r« Tuegday’s th a t authorities were relieved A ami stoeflyj qaden T0«f. ?a»d to; arranged to hare the Armory, (Please Turn to( Pa^e 4 ) When he le ft the state. open tomorrow in order that <*>ntl , W ie -Uky dawped . ooM and wpt L t f ü r grew beider And’ to tter.*; everyone may have an opportun*. ®d ’ Ity U> g e t. their tablea reedy. whjh t -Dtadhefgh* anU kW tnotber had notHIng o» to e lr psogrnm hat Some mlssapprehfnslon, boa a- 8tate S Full House At Cabaret ASHLAND BOY ? M E. PICNIC AFOUL LAW TOMOR BI4MTB CHANEY GETS = D .D . DEGREE SOUTH Can You Imagine That Native Southerners of BeutkerA Oregon wlU he aikod by th* to&fl chamber of eemmerte to get te hosts to the large dOtsgatieu of Shenandoah Valley, Vn., visit­ ors who win come to Ashland July tvd in their special train for a five-hour viSit-Vn ear ¿Ity. This is a good-will t r i* In order to acquaint th« Pacrtto «Past states with the wonders of the Sheag** doah valley. T ie delegation will consist of about 180 of the tod- lug cttlsens ot that area. Chamber of commereg attlcla|e thought it would be fitting tegt native Southevnefe who ate llv- (Plea«« Tnrn te Twenty, f i and 6« Mg«, of etrawfiurri««, packed by the Grants fields by emplogote « ley canning company < according to Itilp h Koosspr said tha berry growvto ealee wefe averaging neat tfifO a week, and tt is sxprttte this will M matertqlly la c te to d *■ the seasoa advahrtd. ’ The berrtei gre kall«d by the growers after which tM y bra thotedghly wasted aad toteteliy inspected-kafore heWH 0 0 teto tka barrels. A aesf jtote Of to* chtaery was added id“ ( t e te n jte equlpmeat this ygar t o ' t o j t o » t t for tka sdrtlag to he mot* qtetoly done. To every 100 *ad M 0 t l i v ». M .; *whan the im v u scheduled tb pppear to the Cen­ tral Park Sheep meadow and ad dtesa 'lee.ete sehool children- th e rain «earthed this and gn inforiaal luncheon at tpa news­ paper club was sirhetituted. This luncheon had been frowned up­ on by Groter A".« Whalen, ehaft- mhn "of the - mayor's reception committee, 't Mrs. Lindbergh at­ tended It, hut h«r Illustrious Son failed to show up. Then It #as discovered that la' had gohe nut to Curtiss P M d to try out Jonas’ racing plan«- ft was' raining* at Curitss Field, to«, but (dadbergh took a >6 Wlnute flight. Ho took it elope. _■ : All Students at the Southern Oregon Mormal sehool this morn­ ing completed their semester Work, with the completion of all final examinations. The students, other than seniors who took ex- amiUatioPs last'weak, ware given examinations this week, and the normal school was a busy place with . Commencement activities ahd examinations “in session” at i The next semester work starts at the school next Monday, and already there 1% a large registra­ tion for this work — many teach­ er« coming to the Ashland school for six ang IS weeks summer school courses, required by state legislation. The collage campus was the scene of many farewells as the students sSld goodbye after spend­ ing happy days together at the school. ' r „ re|s, l i e pounds of sngkr Is add- ej-* ^h« h o rtto .are than ¿laced to celd Storage'for id- days? wkgn they ate readytor shipment, flagy qf tlte kterlte are aped, by )«e «ream? taetorito lq making * the Publisher WIU Visit IS ¿rash fruit strawberry cream. Countries On 10,000 .terries pecked ’in this faaaapr W le Journey keep’ lateftnlieiy. according |o AMSTEBDAM? Juno IS.— (IP) ilr . KoOser, who said th at's year age they had flao strawberry — Accompanied by hie valet and » •fte d k e sad" «ttewherrt«s ' and two pilots. Van Lear Black, pub­ lisher of the Baltimore Sun, left today oa his Fofckar air yacht on ¿ 1 0 , «00 mile trip to Batavia, Dutch East ladies. Before leev- lng, Blaog told the United Prora his frlst stop weald he Budapest or Constaatlnoaie. Ha planned to viMt 1C oountrie*. He may be la Australia la 10 days, Black said. STARTS TRIP IN AIR YACHT lOOKAI TC] Î T Î 3 Ö U T E K I2 . .B À IL 'n ü Œ 'Q A E E Ç ü T H -H IS S E L f A utogkäetted T tR M E , ! risen over the fact,; that many people seem to believe it- noces- aary to reserve a whale table; Thia la not necessary and query- one need only buy .what, tickets they need, although by making up a party th e y .a re certain to get a lively congenial group of- th e ir own friends. i The tablea reservation hoard ia at “The Rose," sad orders should ba given without delay. .Tablée for say number of people have been provided,. dot81 Prevl te wee ,OB 1 1,7 8 ,hejr lumb ° •■#pl at s » • WILHITE RRLEA8KD A. C. W ilhite, former, Ashland auto dealer, who was confined In the Jail at Jacksonville several weeks ago on a charge of driving a car with Improper auto tags, has been reldased on parole. His eon waS confined to the Jail at the same time o p ,« liquor OMrge. . Pear Crop In This Valley To Be Far Above Average, Pr Pear growers of the. Rogue collent in quality, profita are ea- River Valley should have a moat surred for the growers ot tho profitable season this year, ac­ valley, ha saya. cording to Ted Baker, secretory . The apple crap to too valluy. as ot the Medford Chamber of Com­ merce who recently completed an Investigation of the condition of the fru it Industry la the valley. Competitive pear districts la the Northwest have only 40 to JdO per cent of a normal ero» while the pear crag la the val­ ley here will be an 80 to 90 per seat normal trap. Prices for p te ri 'a « a result should he high, adl .with j the Rogue River Valley products sx-