THÈ WKATHXK - *■' ¡ V - '. t f 11 y r •“ . Oregon—Cloudy Tonight (Unite* Isa d ASHLAND, 0Ï — m»— aS55ÜS! W* r;;: 1 Warmer Interior. per for Over Fifty Years (United Prom Wire Service) RSPAY, June 9, 1927 I ■ " ■ 1 3J| ■ '.-•¿•I 1 ( F it É lives B. A. Wiedeman, Jackson­ ville. „ M. P. Carney, Horticultural- 1st, Central Poipt. R. 8. Daniels, Engineer, Medford. Henry W. Frame, Farmer, Talent. L. L. Norcross, Ashland . Paul Martin, Farmer, Cen­ tral Point. Bari W. Weaver, Merchant, Central Point. H. H. Hittle, Farmer, Gold Parents Of Suspected Trio Are Reticent Belative To Cap­ ture Of Elder Sons-rMother Says If They Are Able To Clear Hugh Other Boy* May Be Cleared—Ho Change In Trial. An undercurrent of excitement prevadeg the atmos­ phere short the Jackson county courthouse where the trial of Hngh D'Autremont was continued today—in spite of sensational developments of lest night. z The lethargy of the three first day* of the second! trial is gone. pective juror* « e Frank P. Dutton, Farm Medford. Frank Nutter, Ashland. Gordon Stont, Medford. P. L. Fallow, Luke Creek. POLICE CHIEF IS INDICTED FOR MURDER ADMIT Town LT TODAY (By U n ited * Tew Dispatch) The twine admitted their idenUy and guilt today, aocording to a message ^ o tt Jackson county authorities by Edward Conroy of the department o< Justice. Their testimony is to I f used against Hugh and their trials will follow, according to D istric t A ttorney N ew ton D. Chaney. id extradition proceedings The brothers have ' ted to Oregon to stand trial and will be immediately i n committed in 1923. in Jackson county for th Bay was married in child a year old. His D'Autremont thinking he was Clarence Winston, has been hysterical since the arrest. 8 8 8 8 EXTRADITION HTARTU d 8TUEVENVILLE,' Ohio, The D'Autremont brother! will p/obably be returned to Oregon tomorrow. Dep- ty United States marshals arrived today and postal officials are enroute from Cincinnati to aid the de­ partment of Justice agents and local officials .in guarding the prisoners. Oregon authorities wir­ ed instructions to separate the brothers and h o l d them, under heaviest pos- sible guard. Extradition proceedings are to be rushed through immed- lately, MEMPHIS IS . THIEVES LOOT AUTO STRIKES DECORATED WALKING MAN F O R “SLIM” Police Investigate Reported Accident B n t Injured Pedestrian Hot Located Daring Airman Has Been Invited To Visit Hun- . dreds Of U. 8. Cities 8 8 8 Fédéral Officers and Stevenville Police Locate "Win­ ston" Brothers And Effect Confession By Buse—Fire Arms Were Hidden In Home—"Big Began! For Someone" Says Bay. . ‘ . Theft Of 21 Plymouth Bock And Rhode Island Red Hens Reported questiond—dismissed—challenged— The tria l w ill oontimie-the only new development in CANTON, a , June S—~- this being the probable introduction of the tdrtbnony of Former Pollen .Chief 8. A- Lengel of the Canton police department the ty o old b ra tiu ft hy tiw Hate, i t waa said today. At noon today the defence had exhausted eight of its was Indicted for first degree mur­ the six allowed the proeecul The D’Antremont trial continu­ ed this morning, stolidly Ignoring the sensational news which came from Ohio last night, indicating that the defendant’s two brothers, who are Jointly charged with the defendant in this ease as conspira­ tors in the Southern Pacific train robbery in October, 1923, had been apprehended In Steubenville, Ohio. The capture of the two* other D’Autremont boys created con­ siderable more interest in the case, which had become extremely uninteresting, although the at­ tendance was still very email. - Hngh Is Bothered The defendant plainly showed this morning that the news of the capture of his two brothers in Ohio had affected him. Whea he entered the court room, he seemed more nervous than usual, and the conversation between him and his parents were more frequent dur­ ing the day’s sessions. Jury Selected Interest of short duration was created when the defense re­ quested the privilege of re-ques- tloiflng one of Ihosp tentatlyely selected as a Juryman, Robert J. Luke, of Ashland. The prosecu­ tion protested, bnt the ' privilege was granted. The defense asked h,tt relative to a conversation he was alleged to have had with a Mr. Payne yes­ terday following his tentative se­ lection as a Jnryssaa. Whan asked if he had stated a fixed opinion to Mr. Payne yesterday, Mr. Luke replied he had not. He admitted he had expressed opin­ ions, but contended he still felt he equid act fairly as a Juror. The defense challenged him tor cause, which the prosecution resisted. Luke was questioned by Judge Thomas, who later ruled he was rtlll eligible. In this short tilt, the attorneys showed plainly that tha strain of selecting a Jury was e\pctlng th,m - The D’Autrefaonto were reti­ cent rotativo to the capture of Ray end Roy D’Autremoat. Mr. tremont mid he did not have any- Levine Says He Will Invest $2,000,000 In Establishing Trans-Atlantic Passenger Air Service — Hon-Stop Globe Flight Is Other Project • BERLIN. Jane ».— ((^ —Clar­ ence Chamberlin and Charles Le­ vine will leave here by air Sunday morning for Vienna, they an­ nounced this afternoon after high German -officials had paid tribute to them for their trans - Atlantic flight. They also have been Invited by the Caecho-SIovakian government to visit Prague and are Inclined to accept, it was learned. Move Rerorde Bought A non-stop flight around the globe and a trans-Atlanttc com­ mercial alrplahe, two projects in­ volving mêlions were proposed today by Chamberlin and Levine. Levine said he had formulated plans to Invest »2,000,000 in es­ tablishing trans-Atlantic air ser­ vice, which he,hoped to start with­ in a year. CHANEY SAYS la connection with the cap­ ture of the twins in Stueben­ ville, District Attorney Cha­ ney, said he had wired offic­ ers to ho|d them there, hut that ha believed tha federal officers would ba responsible for their return to Oregon, bnt all precautions in the preparation tor extradition ora being Made. Whether or not they would testify In Hugh’s trial, fa un­ certain, ha said. der by the eonnty grand1 Jury late today in connection with the killing of Don R. Mellett. The indictment was based largely on the testimony of Lloyd Streltenherger, former detective and confidential friend o f Lengel. The Indictment brings to a cli­ max one of the longest and most persistent’ 1 nvestigations of a crime in Ohio whici* started after Mellett, militant Canton publisher and arch toe of Lengel, had been assassinated. Lengel is the fifth man to be indicted for the mnrder. Pst McDermott, "trigger mdn,” Ben Rudner, "pay off man," and Floyd Streltenherger, former de­ tective, were vonvlcted and are serving life terms in the Ohio penitentiary. Name Committee For Playground ROUTE TO WASHINGTON, June 9.— (By Radio to (LR) — Charles Lindbergh and the USS Memphia- rot ready today to make a good n ew etetofs whea they arrive St I Washington to receive the official greeting of the United States. The decks and boats of the Memphis were being painted and the whole ship made smart. Lindbergh, inundated by scores of invitations to visit cities in ev­ ery state in the country, was put ting into shape and packng the I 1 numerous belongings he acquired 1 in France, Belgium and England. Th» ship was well over half Marshfield—Coos County buys way home and was right on sched , another public ¿ark at Gravel Ule, making Its arrival at Wash Canby— Site selected ] Ford. union school here. Ington Saturday virtually- certain. W ant A Lift M ister? * Bay was arrested first and Boy was drawn to of­ ficers when told his brother was injured- •" * ‘Looks like somsbody wW gpt A <*! luwwrd" Bey to- alleged to have said. Officers said Bay was defiant and taM.ttffMla th ey ; would shoot them like dogs if they had guns. The men checked with the description of the D'Aut- • remont brothers, even to fillings in their teeth. j P I P B I ft ftA f t l / r O !"||*|u || I I |L ||U for U flllg L U ApTRFW WITH (lU I i I l OO I v I I 11 f t l " J f t f t f t l JL f t r k A / I I k l l f l f IJII WASHINGTON-*—Proa. Coolidge today approved Recommendations of the War Department ‘ far ap­ pointment of. Charles A. Lind­ bergh to Colonel of the Air Corps reserve corps. SAN FRANCISCO— Lieutenant Leigh Wade and Linton Wells will start around the world* flight from San Francisco next month according to announcement teday. The flyers w ill. attempt to en­ circle the globe In IS days. The Winston brothers came un­ der suspicion. Last night one of then4> wbo *■ **,d t0 have admit/ n l fllli ted he WM WM t0,d ,f h* U L o U L . *ould apply at an employment of-. flee of a steel company, .he would be given a better Job. Police Search For Gorilla- He was met by like Beast Who AtUcked ’ ”11« *nd ’ °“ *1 Aetrees AAWWOTO la AU Her Appsrt He was then taken to a physl- ment This Morning—Body clan.g offlce Bnd B mBn thOIlgi,t to Marked With Letter "K" be Roy. was notified that his ______ Mrs. G. W. Batter, Dr. Mattle Shaw, Mrs. O. G. Eubanks, Dr. R. L. Bardic and V. D. Miller, have been named as members of the Chamber of Commerce Play­ ground advisory committee. They will co-operate with Mise Fay Carter, playground supervisor, in outlining the Chamber support for the playground. The boys and girls continue to be wildly enthused about the playground ‘and Miss Carver each day is fcept busy directing the play activities of more than. 200 children. There were a fair number of girls at the swimming classes Wednesday morning^ and the ‘boys turned out Thursday morn­ ing for the first swimming in­ struction. The trail of tke D’Autremont brothers, which has led postal and railroad authorities to Canada. Australia, to Europe and to South HOLLYWOOD, June 9.—(IP) — Her body marked with the letter K in seven places, with a rasor >lade in the hands of a maniacie ’ield, Doris Dore, 91, actress of (ow York, was found In her apart- nent today. The younf woman in a hysteric- tl condition was removed to a loepltal, and police began a learch for a man of gorrilla-llke iroportions who broke Into her partment early this morning and lutcSing her with a powerful :rlp, slashed thp crude letters on ifer body. - DIHCt HH FRANCHISE Members of the Finance com­ mittee of the city council, were la conference this .afternoon with ('tty Holicttor Wm. Briggs, dls- cuMtng'the proposed sale of Llth- la water from the city springs, to D. PeTossl and G. 8. Batter, for rt /onrtderatloh or and other provisions, according to the pro- posed franchise. Members of the committed are O. T. Bergaer, 8. A. Peters and J. Thornton. Much Interest la the granting of the pro. posed franchtee fa shown by the people of Ashland. No derision for rscnmmsndntiims wao reache* at BtSO thio afternoon, arcordlag to Solicitor Briggs. brother was Injured. He came Immediately and was arrested.** • The Winston home was aearch- »“<* officers said they found Kuns and rounds of arnmunl-* t,0D- "If you had tried to arrest as at home we would hsvq killed you *11.” officers quote Ray to have aa,d- Oregon officers were notified and asked to come here to oom- plete identity. Both at first de­ nied they were the D’Autromoats but after cheek with descriptions are said to have admitted their Identity. NEWHYDRAN IS INSTALL C’ty water deparigteat employ­ ees. under qie direction at Super­ intendent Earl Hosier, Wednes­ day, put la a new feeder for the fire hydrant near tha Fork street garage. Tha hydrant fantahaa fire protection tor the community house and other hnlldlngn In that vielnlty. The hydrant wm ter- mary a dead end of the water males which have boon tileadaS. and a double feed plaaad at tha hydrant In order that A larsu volume of water stay ho mearad.