Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, June 08, 1927, Image 1

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    Show er»,
i» a potential pay roti for
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M la n d
X d A ío m T í
(United Mews W ir« Servio«)
“Swede" And “1
Spectators 1
Of Life
id Rehearsal.
G a r b a g e , Sewers, Park,
Streets, All Discussed At
Meeting Last Night—Bills
Allows Matters Referred
To Committee For Invest­
— City dads held a busy and im­
portant session Tuesday evening
considering several
Acceptance of a gift of >6 acres
of park land— gift of the late C.
W. Root, was made.
An ordinance providing for the
allowing of a franchise to a local
concern to place the*city supply of
Llthla water on the market, was
considered and held over for fu r­
ther discussion.
Disposition of the city garbage
question was discussed and re­
ferred to the sanitary committee
for a report in the near future.
Reduction of the 815 license
for each pool table to 67 was ad-
vised, and the city solicitor order­
ed to amend the present ordin­
ance, making the one-half reduc­
tion. ,
Use of the city’s forces in ar-
mngitfk for the Spring Festival In
Llthla Park next Sathrday evening
was granted at the request of
President J. A. Churchill of the
President C.
school, Miss Virginia Hales, and
W alter Radford, faculty members,
explained the Spring Festival to
council members and asked the
support of the city In granting the
nse of city equipment and em­
ployees in arranging for the af­
fair next Saturday evening. Conn-
oilmen were unanimous’ In plac­
ing the disposal of city property
In tbe hands of those in charge of
the affair. Clyde Malone w ill
have charge of the electric light­
Deeds Presented
W . J. Moore, representing the
trustees of the estate of the late
C. W . Root, made formal presen­
tation of the deeds to 85 acres of
land now in the Lithia Park.
Trustees are J. P. Dodge, W . J.
Moore and Mr. Carter.
An additional 17 acres was re­
cently purchased from the Mc­
Cormick estate.
Mr. Moord stressed tbe hope of
tbe trustees that the city would
always keep tbe grounds beauti­
fied and in the finest condition i s
an expression of appreciation of
the gifts.
He talked at length on tbe plans
(Please Torn to Pate 8)
A ll members of the Ashland
Band, anyone in the volley playing
a hpnd Instrument, ts requested
by O. H. Y oq to meet Monday
evening at 8 o’clock In the city
hall for re-organisation.
“Sharkey” Moore who w ill di*
rect the hand this simmer, one of
the best known musicians on^the
Pacific, coast, and who will bring
a couple .of fine band musicians
with him in an orchestra which
he wll direct this summer, will be
present and assist in the reorgan*
I t is very necessary that all
members be present at the or.
ganisatlon meeting, and every
man who plays a band instru-
mnt should attend this first re­
W o r k O f Laying New
Wajer Mains Practically
Finished, Says Holser
Near five miles of water main
have been laid by city employees
since March 1, according to Earl
Hosier, superintendent of the
city water department.
The work to near completion
with ”jast a few odds and ends
to be taken care of” according
to Mr. Hosier.
The tWo and Tour Inch mains
carrying capacity and should aid
In preventing any shortage of
water. Regulating valves install­
ed oa tbe new mains win relieve
the intense water pressure.
A ll cement has been poured in
the Crowson reservoir and the
contractor w ill probably turn It
over for tbe o'. k. of- the city
before July 1, Mr. Hosier says.
Forms are all removed.
Tbe task of laying the new
water mains has been a difficult
one. Practically three quarters
of a mile of new mains were
laid under paved streets, and re­
moving of this paving sad re­
placing It was a difficult task.
Work Of Cleaning Orator
Lake Road With Plow
Progresses Slowly
Work of clearing the road to
Crater Lake Lodge is progressing
slowly, according to Paul Wright,
Inventor o f the snow plow which
to being used. The five ton trac­
tor used to drive the recently pat­
ented plow to too small, according
to Wright. Tbe drifts are still 18
feet high in places.
School Of Art Classes Will
Start In July - Good Coarse
Eleven’ Jurors Now In Box
Tentatively Accepted —
Interest Lags As Dull
Routine Of Questioning
Continues — Hugh Shows
Little Concern. .
- The tentatively selected
Jurymen in the D’Autremont
case thia afternoon were:
J. Nf Dennis, retired mer­
chant. Ashland.
M. P. Kearney, retired mer­
chant, Medford.
Henry W. Frans. Phoenix.
W . J». Dunlap Copco em
ploye, Medford.
W . H. HIttle, OoljLHIll.
James B. Saunders, barber,
Fred P, • Dutton, farmer,
Wm. Darby,
Weaver, * Centra]
J urymen were m
the box this
morning when the third day’s
session of the D Awtretaont trial
The State challenged O. M.
Wilson, Medford realtor, and
again the grind started in ques­
tioning the prospective Jurymen.
Because of the number of pre-
emptory challenges still unexer-
cised by both defense and pro­
secution, Indications this morn­
ing were that unless some agree­
ment was reached between tbe
attorneys or Unless tbe counsel
did not report t qthe maximum
of challenges, the procuring of a
permanent Jury would require
considerable more time.
Attendance at tbe trial was
smaller this morning than dur­
ing the two previous days, many
in the crowd prevlonaly havelng
been veniremen.
A new panel of 60 was called
last night,-including the follow­
ing from Ashland:
George L. Clark, O. D. Lowe,
L. L. Norcross, James H . Cook,
Ben Bowers, Jr. Wm. E. Sanford,
Levi Johnson, Jas T. Roberta, H.
K. Tomlinson, C. A. Saunders, R.
J. Shaw, Nathan Bates, James E.
Welch, H. J. Carter. Henry J.
Carter, Robert J. Lake, John B.
Plttinger, Chas. Fitsgerald and
Orren D. Payne.»
T'hose from Medford in the new
panel are; E. M. White, W. J.
Currier, H. J. Buchter, H. L.
Mills, B. J. Trowbridge, Wm.
Budge, F. P. Salter, W. C. Hook«-
(Please Turn to Page 8)
The Ashland Oregon Summer
School o | A rt, established h«re
In 1884 by the Pratt Institute
for the purpose of broadening the
art spirit In the country by bring­
ing together widely separated
field of activity, w ill be conduct­
ed from July 6 to August 8, this
year according to announcement
made by the local committee.
Instructors from the Pratt In ­
stitute w ill be In charge of the
Special arrangements
are being made in order that
students of the Southern Oregon
Normal school, may gain benefit
from the institution. Credits tor
the work wlil ,be given by the
school- ■
Members of the faculty In­
clude: ,
Belle Cady White director,
landscape, still life, oil and water
colors. Felix Payant wll instruct
la dealgn, Industriil aria and
crafts. Margaret Loutoe Murphy
will instruct In poster work and
methods, including A rt Apprecia­
tion. Emily Grace Hanga w ill be
in charge of the classes In head
construction and figura/drawing.
Misa W hite and Mias Hanks
are Instructors at the Pratt 'in ­
stitute; Mr. Payant to noted for
hto series of articles, “Teaching
of Design” and other contribu­
tions to magasines as well as bis
work In craftmansblp. .
An especially fine courts to of­
fered by Miss Morphy for the
are work in grades, la o r d e r
tkat grade teacher may have this
iastruction whieh fits them to
better teach this special snbject.
In the east many classes are ar­
ranged for grade teachers to en­
able them to their work without
having strict supervision of aa
art superviser, according to tht
local committee.
M b . Victor Mills, Snpt. Geo.
A Brisco, J. H. Falter, and J. A.
Churchill are Ashland folks inter­
ested in the A rt school.
Unusual Soap
Display Made
In connection with an intro­
ductory sale /of Rojjal Cutlcsl
Toilet soap the Enders company
has put in one of the largest and
most elaborate window displays
ever seen in Ashland, in the form
of a fascimile of the Capitol
building at Washington, JD. C.
The model to about 10 feet high
and 80 feet long. I t w m con­
structed by Ralph Burt, Pacific
sone manager of the Royal Soap
Company and three skilled assist­
Thousands of eakes of soap
wars used in the construction.
It required practically all day
Tuesday to erect the display
whioh • torn “ unveiled” at 8
o'clock this afternoon and at­
tracted much attention.
Whllo two daring fire laddbgA
"Toughy” and “Swede”, members
of the fire prevention caravtt,
apparently took their Uvea la their
hands, more than 600 people
watched the hair-raising, breath­
taking lifesaving stunts at
o’clock Tuesday evening.
Scaling the Llthla Springe ho­
tel wall with a “ pompier” ladder,
one fireman “hooking” the ladder
on a window ledge and climbing
to the top while another holds it,
then the other climbing while the
man at the top holds it, and con­
tinuing this until their destination
to reached, was the first “atunf.*
The two fire «aptalns from the
Corvallis department, trained by
genial Tom Graham, moved with
the agility of steeple Jacks up the
ladder, until they reached the ho­
tel roof.
Thursday Cloudy.
per for Over Fifty Years
(United Prem Wir« Servie«)
IDNE8DAT, J uto 8, 1927
hy» Thrill
ing Stunts Tuesday
Fire Chiefs
Go Swimmin’
At Helmans
A life line was shot from equip­
ment the caravan carries and then
it. “Toughy” Dav.s “saved” his
pal “Swede” Halstrome, by sliding
down the ll{e line and taking
“Swede” out a window.
Chief Clint Baughman accom­
panied the fire prevention caravan
which visited here yesterday to'
Medford today — from Medford
they plan to visit Roseburg and
from Roseburg. Marshfield.
Clare A. Lee, state fire marsh­
al has practically "drafted” the
fire chiefs along the way to keep
the caravan complete.
While visitors In this city, mem­
bers of the fire prevention “Bri­
gade” had a great tlmo.
expressed great admiration for the
beauties of the city.
In the afternoon they went tor
Hel man Baths where they had a
fine time swimming.
The response pf Ashland folks
in Turning out for the life saving
demonstration, according to Mr.
Lee, was one of the best responses
they have had, and was much ap-
The local departmentmen, Law­
rence Wilson and Lee Wallace, as­
sisted in the demonstration by
shooting a stream of water from
the tv^t. types of hose the local
department carries.
“Cap” Geo. W. Stokes', deputy
state fire marshal gave a sh<>rt
talk on fire prevention to the big
crowd which had gathered.fnr the
demonstration. .
Bounding the recently
fire siren attracted the
o f every resident in the
announcd the starting
city and
of the
Machinery Of Olay Pro, Survey Shows All City Rest
ducts, Company W ill Ar*
dents W ill Not Use
rive Within Few Days
Irrigation Water
Ace Pilot Says He Will Fly
To Vienna, Paris, London
And Moscow Before His
Return—Offered $100,000
For Flight To Roosevelt
Copyright by U. P.
BERLIN, June 8.— (IP)—
Clarence D. Chamberlin and
Charles'Levine may fly back
to the United States, Cham­
berlin told the United Press
in an interview today.
“An American organisation
has offered us >100,000 if we
fly back to Roosevelt Field,”
he said, “and the offer is so
attractive that we are again
considering the possibility of
returning home by airplane.”
Chamberlin Raid he would
likely leave Berlin In five or
six days to fly to Vienna as
he had accepted an invitation
to visit that government. He
will go by air. He also planB
to fly to Rome, Paris, Lon­
don and Moscow.
Health Officer
Sounds Warning
Matter Referred To Water
Committee — D. Pedossi
And 0 . W. Batter Form
Company Offering $10,000
To City For Bottling And
And Gag Rights.
The proposed 15-year franchise
asked for by O. S. Butler and D.
Perozzi, for bottling, sale and dis­
tribution of Lithia water from the
city springs, after Informal dis­
cussion at a half hour informal
council meeting, held previous to
the regular session, \ra s referred
to the water committee composed
of 8. A. Peters, chairman, O. T.
Bergner and Of. E. A. Woods.
Mr Perrosl presented the terms
of the franchise, and asked the
council to take action as soon a«
possible as he planned to leave
soon for San Francisco, and de­
sired the matter to be settled be­
fore be left
The council adjourned subject
to special call and will probably
within the next few days meet for
final decision In the matter.
County Health Officer Inskeep
has sounded a warning to picnic
and camping parties, to remember
that the summer season Is here,
Excavating for the foundation
“There are quite a number of
and as a precautionary measure
for the erection of the first bnlld- Ashland folks who w ill leave
water taken from the Rogue river
ing of the Ashland Clay Prodncts their lawns dry thia summer,”
should be boiled before using.
company, is started according to according to G. M. Frost, who
One case of typhoid fever in
C. H. Miller. California man who recently completed a checkup of
the county is said to be directly
Tentative Terms
came to Ashland to be in charge all land In the city for the pur­
1,000,000 residents of Berlin traceable to the patient drinking
of the agreement provide
of the work. The building 1« be­ pose of, lining up water users
craned their necks and cheered, water from the river.
consideration of 810,-
ing erected near the old Normal for the summer.
the cllxls business was at a stand-
of the oet.
BCnOoI groUnaB.
"W r. Ffo rt' Bi'hUChh F S H S R S F g still Tuesday during the tremen­
profit, to be determined later, and
The new building, a 80 by* 80 irrigation while m a k i n g his
other minor terms?the city grant
dous welcome given Charles D.
frame structure will heuae. -the
Chamim r lln and A. L e vin e.-----------
the exclusive rights and prlvlTegee
preeaing machine,
and other owner in Ashland
Completing the third hop of
of bottling, sale and distribution
equipment of the new concern, t
their New Y or\ to Berlin flight,
of Llthla water
from the city
Dies for the tile and brick h a w
Chamberlin and Levine? in- their Hopkins Lateral Ranchers springs, the right to manufacture
not yet been received. C .,'E .
Bellanca monoplane Columbia, ar­
and engage In the distribution and
Broudisch, manager of the new
Form Organisation To
rived at Tempelhof airfield at
sale of gasses of every nature
plant la expected to return from
Get Reduction
6:67 p. m. German time (18:57
which may be m t r a c l e d t h e
California completing arrange­
New York daylight saving time.
Lithia water supply lima, to the)
ments for the shipment of ma­
Water users , of the Hopkins Butler-Perossl cotopany.
The American monoplane cir­
chinery to the new Ashland plnn.
Miss Berna Hight, local piano cled over Tempelhoy field as one Lateral, which includes a large
The rights of the city for the
teacher will present a number of unit -in a veritable flying circus area In Jacksonxounty, farmed by use of Lithia water fqr public
her pupils In recital Thursday of 20 planes in formation.
more than 200 ranchers, pirn to drinking purposes, and rights fo£
evening Julie 8 at her home on
United States Ambassador Ja­ fight a recently proposed increase the use of the water, to be grant­
A “moral degenerate” who was 526 East Main street. Pupils to cob Gould Schurman embraced in rates from 82.60 per acre to ed for any sanitarium purposes,
reported to have bothered a num­ be presented will he: Ellen Fran­ Chamberlin and handed him the >6.60 per acre, according to plans are reserved.
ber of Ashland women by follow­ co, Bernice Illtchock, Francis cabled congratulations of Presi­ made at a recent meeting.
Rights To Renew
ing tbem about, was escorted In­ Spindler, Viola Mayberry, Paul dent Coolidge. He shook bands
Financing the action Jagalnst
Mr. Perossi and Mr. Butler, ac­
to Colifornia by local officers. an<l Arthur Icenhour, Jessie Bush,
the Mt. Pitt irrigation company cording to the terms of the fran­
The man said California was his Lily dale and Marjorie Baugh­
which controls the water on the chise, would be given first rig h t
(Please Turn To Page Three) Hopkins Lateral, is the pres- and option to • renewal at the
sent consideration of the ranchers. expiration of the 15 year contract.
John H. Carkln was named temp­
Actual work of constructlag the
orary chairman io ascertain the plant for bottling and distribution,
extent of the support to be avail­ must be started before October 1,
able from the users.
1887, according to the contract
It Is said that water users of the terms, else the city council " « y
lateral will have cooperation of cancel the franchise..
the Medford Irrigation district In
Distribution of copies of the
their coming fght.
proposed franchise to members ef
Miss Hight To
Present Pupils
Another Ascension
(IP)— Charles Lindbergh de­
clined with thanks today, a
private offer to raise a trust
fund for himself and his
the council and Mayor Plekcq, was
made and councilman will study
the franchise thoroughly before
the final decision to reached. ■;’*
Baker— Miners of Eastern Or
gon will meet June 6 to form mil
Ing association.
Former Ashland Folks Send
Regards By Mrs. MacCracken
.. .Mrs. Edith MacCracken of this
city who to making an extended
visit 'In the east recen tl/ visited
w ith,the Gruells family, former
residents of Ashland, now re­
siding kt Norwalk, Conn, and has
the following interesting com­
ments to make ta a letter recent­
ly received in this city.
“It was a very great pleasure
to spend a day w ith.the Oruelle
family, former residents of Ash­
land, and who have many friends
there. I was spending a week In
Greenwich, Conn, and inadver-
tentantly discovered that Nor­
walk was only a short distant
away and so I was glad to ac­
cept the Invitation of the family
to visit with them. The two
Oruelle . boys have grown consl-
derly, Worth being taller than nto
mother and Dickie teaching her
“ We took a long drive Into
the country which to rolling and
very beautiful. Silver Min«, a
noted artists colony, where ¿the
Gruells family lived for many
years, we thoroughly explorad.
It was very beautiful with Its
large trees. Its beautiful streams
and many artistic home«.
“I also visited th« Gntella's
summer home on the water front.
This to a very complete eetablteh-
ment with Its own beach. Mr.
Gruell« recently purchased a mo­
tor launch of some stoe and the
family to anticipating mueh en­
joyment thia summer.