Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, June 07, 1927, Image 1

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Oregon—Fair In E ast
\W eet Cooler.
No. 236
Préy ^itatives
school and the old Normal school
Visiting Qar&vaa Quart Of
Local Oivic OrgaftUrtton
* At Noonday Lnacheon—
Splendid Talks Hade By
Tom Graham And Glair
t Lao.
Fire prevention,apd the saving
ot human life is the most import­
ant duty of a fippman. State M ar­
shal Clair Las, principal speaker
at the Chamber of Commerce
luncheon said today»
“We are making this t o u r
through the state to Inspect fire
departments, and I have with me
men skilled In fire prevention and
fire fighting and I shall rely .on
I their Judgment in making recom­
mendations far bettering every de­
partment I visit," Mr. Lee said.
Advocating a building code for
each city, stringent enough to pre­
vent the erection of fire traps,
w ith ' walls that are good only tq
“ fall on firemen and crush theta,”
Mr. Lee said that the east was tar
in advance of the west in this par­
ticular restriction.
Included in the caravan were:
Mr. Lee, George W. Stokes, and E.
A. Taylor, deputy state fire mar­
shal; T. R. Graham, fire chief at
Corvallis; Roy ^Jliott, fire chief at
Medford; K L. Tllson, Lebanon
and A. C. Kellblock, Albany; E.
Emerson fireman from Medford,
and Elmer Holstrome and R. Da-
vta. both captains o f the Corvallis
__ J B S liS A r t r t r o t a e are two of
the most outstanding firemen is
ths state through their profisieacy
in fire drill work, and are to pro-
•ent some hair ndstag starts la
Ashland at T i f t this evettl'hi.
Chief Baughman said the siren
would he sounded when shortly
before ths firemen “do their
stuff” at the Llthia hotel j>plld-
President V. V. Mills presided
at the meeting this noon and in­
troduced the speakers.
Clint Baughman of this city Intro­
duced Thomas Graham, Corvallis
chief who in turn introduced each
member of the caravan.
Will Ask Lithia
Water Franchise
Plan To Bottle City Supply
And Place It On
Pacific Market
Forming a company for the
purpose of bottling ths city sup­
ply of Lithia water and placing
it on the market as a five eent
drink, O. W. Butler and D. Per-
o » l, will ask the city conndl thia
evening for a franchise on, the
Surplus supply at the city springs.
i t ' w i l l require at .least 311,-
000 for the Installation o f mach­
inery and building a plant for
bottling and labelling of the sup­
ply, Mr. B u tler'said ‘ Tuesday.
Thé waste water from * the
springs will be utilised according
to plans formulated by Mr. But­
ler 'and Mr. Peroui.
Placing the Lithla ‘water on
the market has been nndsr con­
sideration for a number of years.
<t Ik considered one of the best
ways ot advertising the, mineral
waters of the community.
day evening to make final ar­
rangements for the affairs.
‘From graduates who now te-
nlds in all sections of Oregon
California. Idaho and Washing­
ton, the committee members hdve
R e iv e d replies to, invitations,
and* the reunion,— the first to he
held by the joint association ot
the old and new schools.— pbould
bring several hundred visitors to
the city for the day.
The program starts at 10: SO
Saturday morning, June 11 at
the old Normal school grounds,
and w ill end in the evening with
the presentation of the Spring
Festival in Lithla Park.
The committee la charge of
for Alumni Day of
Southern Oregon Normal school
has endeavored to reach every
former student or faculty mem*
her o f the institution. Realising
that there may be some whom we
have not reached by letter we are
taking this means of
you with the fact that all fi
studenfs are expected to attend
as well as graduates. Meet at the
old Normal school grounds, Jnne
1 0 :3 0 an d b rin g a basket
lunch. The a fte rn o o n program
w ill he in the auditorium of the
new Normal school at 2:80.
We taritu you all.
Symbolic Danesa Saturday
Night In Natural
Selection of the sits for, the
Spring-Festival to be given in
Lithla Park next Saturday evening
June f j , was made this morning
by President J. A. Churchill,
Marion A dj, Leona Marston,
Virginia Hale and Walter Red­
ford of the Normal school faculty.
A natural ampbl-theatre by the
Lithia Springs, was chosen . and
work in transporting a miaiature
forest to the place and installing
colored light, flood lights, spot
lights, was immediately started by
Clyde Malone, of the city light de-
* '
The symbolic dances will be
presented in the little grove, and
there will be sufficient room on
the hillside overlooking the chosen
spot, to accommodate several hun­
dred persons.
Rehearsals for the spectacle arq
held daily this week and are* pro­
gressing nicely. The magnlflcient
costuming will be completed with­
in the next couple of days, and
harmonsing with the spirit of the
varlou dances, w ill never before
have been equalled in any spec­
tacle in this city, according to
those in charge of ths pageant.
The sale of tickets was'lnaugur-
stsd at noon today at the Cham­
ber of Commerce forum.
« *
Pierre Viokoff Shot By Rus­
sian Monarchist Stu­
dent Today
(IPXIP)— Pierre Volkoff, soviet
minister to Poland, died today
a few hoars after being shot at
the Warsaw railway station by
a Russian monarchist student,
Boris Kowsrday.
RICHMOND. CAL., Tuea.. June
.7— (IP) -r- Harold Pnrvianqe a
pneumonia victim, today entered
the ninth day of artificial rhepir-
ation through am oxygen inhgla-
' - • i.
Although his recovery la be­
lieved to be certain an . attempt
to atQp the oxygen was unsuccess­ ISSUES INVITATIONS
ful because of his weakened con­
, «;
SALEM, Jnne 7— (IP)—.Invi­
.P E K IN (United Press., — tations to attend the execution of
Canned goods, cigarette« and Butchok, Portland wife murderer
towel« heve been chosen by Mar­ sentenced to hang Friday, June
shal Chang TM -lin as suitable 10 at 1 :30 a. m. were issued to-
rewards for soldier* fighting on dayeby H. W. Myers, prison sup-
the HOnan fronts. He is spend­ erfntendent. Invitations ars lim­
ing U. S. 811,000 for these ar­ ited to penes officers and news­
paper men.*
¿ • h l a i i A , Medford And
Yreka Stores Owned By
Whillock Estate Go To
Chain Store Company —
Consideration Of $150,000
Deal Closed In New York
etlatlons for the purchase
of ik e Golden Rue stores of Med­
ford, Ashland and Yreka, by the
J. C. Penny Company of New
York, are udder way according to
C. B. Evans, manager of the Ash­
land stores.
The sale w ill he
completed within a short time.
Exact consideration in the deal
Is hot knpwn but is said to be in
the vicinity of 1110,000.
The Golden Rule stores in­
cluded In the deal are owned by
ths estate of the late C. W. W ll­
lock. Stores at Butts Falls, and
Dunsmlur, also owned by the
Wlllock estate are not included
In the sale.
C. A. and H. W. Wlllock re­
turned Monday from New York
where they spent several days
negotiating with the J. C. Penny
company for the consumation of
the deal.
Mr. Evans, son-in-law of the
Ute C. * W. Wlllock, has been
manager of the Ashland store
for the last fits years. The Med-
fbrd store has been managed by
C. - A. Whillock since the death
of hip father in March. H. W
W illo e k ’ was manager of tbe
Yreka store.
—T W J — 6 - Penny company is
one of the largest chain- depart­
ment institutions in the United
States, owning several hundred
stores In all .sections of the
dounty. They have been nfegbtla
ting for the southern Oregon Gol-
dSn rule /tores for several years
Mr. Penny was one of the ori­
ginal organisers of the Oolden
Rule stores on ths Pacific coast.
graduated from the Southern Ore­
gon Normal school -nt the ooto-
mencement exorcises to be held it\
the school auditorium Tuesday.
June I t .
From all points, of southern
Oregon these students have come
to the Ashland school for the
normal training offered.
Dr. .Geo. Rebeck, dean of th e
college pf education nt the Uni­
versity of Oregon nt Eugene is, to
be the commencement speakr. i j
Th list of graduates who min
receive their diplomas anno«
today by President J. A. Cb
is as follow«:, r
Eva* Huldah Ackert, Roseburg;
James Q. Adams, Ruth A. Aitken,
Ashland; Emily Isabelle Alfei
Drain; Lilith Buford Allen,
or; Bessie Thompson Arnold, T ill­
amook; and Allegro Auslnnd.
Grants Pam.
Loy J. Barker, Drain; Eleanor
J. Btalr, Newport; Stella Beek;
Grace Bowmaa, Doris E. Brophy.
Medford; Minnie E. Beaver,
Louise B illings, Anderson, Cali­
fornia; Ellen Rjorqqtst, Marsh­
field, Oregon, Ruth Ghormley Bol­
ton, Albany, l*ila ^ )u n ra n Robblt,
Woodland, C alifornia, Reta C.
Running, Cornelius. *
NJna Carlon, M edford; Marie
Calllck, Chico, C alifornia; Rob­
ert D. Chamberlain. Vancouver,
Washington; Ethel Chastain. Ash­
land, Oregon; Nannie M. pple, A l­
bany, Oregon; Mona L. Gonlopue,
Theodore S. Easton, Letts C.
Eastburn, Ashland: Stella Hazel
Edmlston, Springfield; Mildred
Edwards, Grants Pass.
Plain Todd Davis, Klam ath
Falla: Edith R. Deuel,' Medford;
Clara Forest, D ltsworth Murphy.
Edyth Clarinda Finley. Med­
ford; Margaret Wallace Galllger,
Rogue R iver; Eileen G. Gamwell,
Eva Lovely H arris, Verna Beryl
Ashland: M yrtle E. H all, M yrtle
Point; Frances Dorothy H llleary.
(Please Turn to Page 3)
Stock Market
Has Big Day
250 Periih When Brooder
House Is Burned On
Helms Ranch
NEW YORK, Tues.r June 7—
(IP)....The Texas Land Trust stock
is the highest prioed issue In the
New York exchange, having made
a gain of 3801 In a single odd-
lot transaction fo r 11 shares this
afternoon and is selling fo r 83501
a share.
This is the greatest one-day
advance in the history " of “ the
M a rket» - x
." ■ 'i;L. ;<■
Two hundred and fifty Rhode
Island Red baby chicks wei*e
burned to death Monday mornlQg
whan fire destroyed a large
brooder house on the ranch of Mr.
and Mrs. George Heims In the
Bellview dWtrfct, south of town.
The chicks were several weeks
old and the loss la a heavy one.
The brooder was all ablate before
the fire was discovered by Mr.
Rotarians Name
New President
(IP)— A rth Supp o f Huntington,
-« - *
Indiana was today unanimously
Me'dford summer school opened nominated fo r 1927 president o f
Mopday with an attendance of the R otary National being held
84. The school Is about equally there.
divided between high school and
grade school pupils. Five teach­
ers are in charge. The school is
conducted for pupils who have
failed In a branch of study and
(IP)— Lieut. Oakley G; K elly, took
desire to make up the work.
o ff shortly before noon for Wash­
ington. D. C., where he w ill wel­
“ I Am Not Yet Out** He
come his pal, Charles Lindbergh.
S&yt—Hidn&pped Pretty
Before leaving K elly said he
U. Of U. Graduate
City councilman will meet in' would try to fly across the Paci­
regular seeslon this evening with fic i f he could get financial back­
LOS ANGELES, June 7.— (IP)—
routine business to be transacted. ing.
Charles LaJjitte, “aerial Locta-
var,” whose love fo r Miss Norene
Burke of San Diego, knew no
earthly bounds, has not given up
hope, although the young lady was,
enroute home today In custody of
an Irate brother-in-law.
The young aviate/, who flew
out of the eouth with hie fair
cargo yesterday, allegedly because
she refused to marry him, was In
custody of the sheriff’s office fol­
lowing his arrival *from Twenty-
Nine Palms. He was expected to
be released following report that
the g irl’s mother, Mrs. T. T.
Sprague, had decided nql to prose­
_ .. ,4r
When asked If he had' been;
cured of bis Infatuation through
failure of his spectacular attempt
to persuade Miss Bprke to marry
him, the husky young alrm«n an­
“That remains to . be
seen. I am not out ye).**
Mins Burkta Is a former Uni­
versity of Oregon co-ed.
Mrs. Chamberlin And Mrs.
Levine Sail On Board
German Liner For Berlin
To Join Their Husbands
In German Capitol-jGer-
mans Plan Ovation.
I t Is not d iffic u lt fo r anyone
to he careful w ith fire while In
èfooded areas. Here are a few
simple rules which If observed
W ill go fa r toward reducing the
appalling number of man-caused
forest fires reported every year.
1. Matches— Be sure y o u r
match is out. Break it In two
before you throw It away.
2. Tobacco-—Be sure that pipe
ashes and cigar or cigarette stubs
are dead before throw ing them
«way. Never throw them Into
brush, leaves, or needles.
3. Making camp — Before
building a fire scrape away all
inflammable material from a spot
five feet In diameter. Dig a hole
in the center and In It build your
camp fire. Keep your fire small
Never build It against trees or
logs or near brush.
4. Breaking c a m p — Never
break camp u n til your fire is out
— dead out.
5. Brush burning— Never burn
slash or brush In windy weather
or w hile there is the slightest
danger that the fire w ill get
6. How to put out a camp fire
— S tir the coals while soaking
them with water. Turn small
sticks and drench both sides. Wet
the ground around the fire . If
you can't get water s tir in d irt
and trè s / it down u n til It 1
packed tight over and artoind the
fire. Be sure the last spark ii
dead.— Oregon Highway News.
Opposition To Capital Pun­
ishment And Firmly In­
trenched Opinions Cause
Most Veniremen To Be
Excused From Serving In
Another day in the Hugh D'Au­
trement tria l passed w ithout any­
thing new or sensational develop­
ing. W ith six jurym en tenta­
tively accepted and a new vpanel
of 35 veniremen present, the sec­
ond day of the tria l opened this
morning w ith the agreement that
the old panel would be exhausted
before the members of the new
panel would be q uestioned.
Jurymen Accepted
Those tentatively accepted this
morning for the Jury were; W alt­
er P. Dunlap, E. E. Gore, of Med­
ford, and W. H. Whittle of Gold
Included In the six who
passed, unchallenged
were three from Ashland, R. F .
Campbell, Oscar Bergner and J.
N. Dennis. In the first trial,
BER LIN , June 7.— (lf>)— Pride
Ashland eitisens were not called ■
in the flig h t of the American
due to the supposition that they
monoplane Columbia to a town
were too* closely connected with
in Prussia 4000 miles from its
the tunnel explosion and mem­
starting point outweighed Ber­
bers of the train crew who were
lin ’s disappointment over fa ilu re
of Clarence Chamberlin a * d
Slower progress is being made
Charles Levine to reach the G e r­
in this trial than In the previous
man capital Monday.
trial in selecting a Jury, accord­
Sending to tbe weary flyers its
flowags and congratulations, to­ 22 Boys Accompany Y. M ing to officers of the court. Thia
0 . A SoorsUry To Mt,
is due partly to the tact that many
gether with offers of assistance
followed the first trial closely and
fo r the continuation of the flig h t,
Wagner Peak
allege now that they hold fixed'
the Germati government prepared
a warm welcome and o ffic ia l hon­
Twenty-two youthful hlkerg ac­ opinions a*, a rsault.
Father and Mother Hère
ors for the Americana.
companied by C., D. Gaffney and
The defendant’s father trim
President 'Hindenburg a n d Secretary. W. P. Walter, left early
Chancellor M arx sent out congrat­ this morning ‘for Wagner Gap Eugene was present this morning,
ulatory telegrams to the fliers.
where tfley w fll“bff,oy H W o d a y * sgiWell as hl* mother who has re­
outing, climbing Mt. Wagner ear­ mained with him since his incar­
Were Disappointed
The distance between New York ly Wednesday morning and re­ ceration in the Jackson county
and H elfta is 4odo miles. Thus turning to the city Wednesday jail.
New Venirenaen
Chamberlin and Levine exceeded evening. Autos took the group to
The names, oCttfce'ndfelfc,venire,
the flig h t of Capt. Lindbergh by. Wagner creek road forks,
11 hours in time and by some 370 from there they will hike to the men are as foHbws:' George B.
Young, Qny Coglelgh, Albert O.
miles distance.
Allen, Fred . Frldegar, John C.
Their disappointment at being
Mann, R. 8. Daniela, Wm. A. Han-
unable to continue on to Berlin Robert Dunn, Gordon Baker, Du­
George Newnil, J. P. Hansen,
was compensated fo r In part by ane Malone, Karlock Johnson,
Claude R. Higgins, C B. Dailey.
the fact that they had established
J. W. Wakefield, A. C. Morrow
two new w orld’s records— having Wallace Wolcott. Albert Meyer,
and Fred W. Heath, Medford;
flown longer and farther than
H. H. El hart, John Enders, B. H.
ever man did before in ft heavier- Lonnie Scroggins, Kenneth Darl­
Smith, Clarende Lane, C. H. Yau-
than-air machine.
d i Harbord, David Johnson, Kel­ pel, Floyd F. W hittle and W M.
(Please Turn to Page 2)
ler Mabbot, Joe FlnnSgan, Frank Powell, Ashland.
Frank Brown, Eagle Point; Da­
Norman Spindler,
Paul Atkins and Wallace Stearns. vid Brown and J. W. Lively, Gold
HUI; A. 8. Furry. Phoenix; A. O.
Bailey and I. T Galllger, Rogue
River; H L. Tonn, Lake Creek;;
Wm- Hornbrook, Eagle Point; T.»
W. Conway, Rogue River; A. /J
Grissom, Climax.
Sawc Smuggled To Prison­ Arthur Furry, James C: War­
ren, Geo. Givans, J. C. Murray.
ers Enable Them To
Frank prown and David Brown
Saw Through Bars
were excused because ot Illness
’ • _____
and age, but F. 8. Carpenter, of
ASTORIA, June 7— (IP)— Three
Medford, who admitted he was
prisoners in the coftnty jail escap­
more than 70 years of age, yet in­
ed early thle morning by sawing
sisted he was perfectly well and
their way through several thick
capable of jury service, was not
Iron bars and a wire screen on the
window.' The three men, all con­
Death Penalty Unpopular
fined in one cell, worked In relays
Sqruples against the death pen­
using bits of hacksaw blades
alty and bias against circum­
smuggled In to them.
stantial evidence, especially when
Those escaping worn W. F.
linked with the death penalty,
Cline. <5. serving 50 days and
were the main excuees offered
serving out a 3280 fine tor Illegal
by prospective jurymen thia morn­
pnsfleealon of liquor; Eineat'Jack*
ing. Fixed opinions and a dislike
Ely, 13,, serving two six months
of making all members ot a eon-
sentences on bad cheSk charges
splracy equally guilty of a crime;
and wanted In Lewis county, Wn.,
regardless of the extent of the
Yreka. Cal.v and Tillkmook, Ope.,
part each played in the
on similar accusations, and M. D.
were also favorite
Hardy, *0, central figure In a re­
cent Wauna, Ore., love tangle who
was serving six month on a sta­
tutory charge.
BERLIN, June 7.—
Clarence Chamberlin arrived
today in the Hellanca mono*
plane “Columbia” completing
a record breaking flight from
New,York to Germany, which
was Interrupted twice and
which almost ended in dis­
aster in the swamp land 20
miles from here.
Cliarles Levine, hacker of
the flight, was in the cabin
with Chamberlin. The pair
left Cottbus, where they re­
mained over night, at J; in p.
m. and landed here a^S:B7 p.
Hoy/For A Nice, Quiet Vacation In Wide Open Spaces
Pupils To Give
Piano Recital
Miss Imogene Wallace, local
music teacher is presenting a
number of her pupils in a recital
Friday evening, June 10, at the
Presbyterian church.
Pupils who will appear are:
Corjlne Senn and Helen Senn,
Donald Masters; Virginia Alla-
worth, Frances Lee Eastburn, Al­
ice Coggins and Margaret Robert­
son, Esther Carter, Elata Flackns,
and Louise Moor, Sylvia Provost,
Mary Elisabeth Dean, Louis Moor,
Louise Anderson. HeUn Pember­
ton, Jtme Atkins, Dorothy Stev­
Miss Wallses is extending a» in­
vitation to the music lover of the
city to attend this MdltSt. **