.per for Over Fifty Years 4 (United From Wire 8« MONDAY, June 6, 1927 Aulremonl Court F lorida To W ashington WATER, F E U D ISRESU1M Ranchers Dynamite Another Section Of Los Angeles* Aoqueduct' TWO WOMEN M URDERED L ith iq P a rk Bodies Brutally Assaulted Found In Fashionable James T. Jenkins, a spot “Hoofing" It through from deputy sherriff of Coos com Apartment Florida tb Spokane, Washington, Ashland Boas, 8 Medford, 0. Klamath Palls. 12, Grants Pass 1 Games Next Hnaday land at Grants Pass, math Palls at Medford Ashland Boas defeated the Pearpickers from Medford 2 to 0 In a baseball cíasele played Sunday at the Jackson Hot Springs park. Hughes and Robbins In the second Inning pulled a triple play wAlch la scarcely, seen more than once In a lifetime. With two Pearpickers ea bases, and Adolph up to bat, and no outs, everything seemed to he setting pretty for the Boses to score. ^Adolph,knocked a difficult fly into the right field which Hughes at first bane caught, putting the batter out, then threw to Rob­ bins wkei* put Karkto out M so-" cond. Robbins returned the hall a n eighty-year -o ld traveller, B. P. Nusbaum weary from 83 days on the road on his long Journey, spent Sunday In Ash­ land. “I was born January 1, 1847, and I’m the youngest old man you ever saw" said the old man whose brisk walk belled the age lines of his face. In spite of his advanced years, tpe old man moved briskly and declared he enjoyed the long hike, “I lost everything I had in Plorlda during the dtorm there a year ago," he said. He does not get offers, of “lifts” so frequently as a young man might because motorist don’t think of an otf man travelling so far, he said. During the 8& days he has been on the road he has worn out three pairs of shoes. He carries very little Inggage with him and spends his night "where- ever dark may find him." Travelling over the many hun­ dreds of miles, the old fellow said he never had seen a more beautiful spot than Llthla Park He spent most.of the day there yesterday. ' —— -> McAdoo To Lead Forces Against Al Smith Con spicons Wet “nultttteatlen." At Maeeo, Ga., he wjll speak on the topic: "Obed- . lence to Law to Liberty.” At Greenville, Tenn., he will make • "a plea for courageous leader- M AN RESCUED FROM D EA TH Spent 72 Honrs In Water In Bottom Of 40 Foot Well MARTINEZ, CAL., June 8— (LP)— After stand lng three days In water In the bottom of a 40 foot abandoned well Into which he accidentally fell, Fred Wal­ ters, «8, was rescued Sunday afternoon when Picknickers heard his call for help. He Is staving off pennmonla. He spent 72 hoars In the water which was knee deep. BABB STILL HITTING NEW YORK, June 5.—(LP>— Babe Ruth went ahead of his 1821 home run making pace Sun­ day by bitting his 17th home ran of the season in the sixth inning of the game with Detroit. The Yankee slugger had 16 home runs to his credit at thia time alx years ago, when he aet his record of 58 for the season. used in the work. Lack of up-to-date equipment at the quarry makes the task a heavy one. There 1a a sufficient demand for the granite from the Ashland quarries to work to a capacity constantly all of the equipment now there according to Mr. Blair. The finest granite to ba found In the world,, the only granite that compares favorably with that found in Barry, Vermont, the criterion by which all granites are Judged, to to be found la thia quarry, Mr. Blair said. > ’ There to however, a grant used at the local quart? for np-to-date equipment which makes the cutt­ ing and handling of granite slabs mack easier and ellmatee tbe pre­ sent waste which results from the old method of quarrying. ED . R ILEY D IE D S U N D A Y Kids P lan To Go Sw im m ing M R$. FOSTER BADLY HURT ~ M onster S labs O f G ranite R em oved From B lair Quarry Workmen at the Blair granite quarry near thia city are en­ gaged in quarrying elabe tor an 28,000 private mausoleum to he erected In a Portland cemetery for the Mayo family of that city, according to, Walter Blair, super­ intendent of- the quarry. - A new quarry, 300 feet higher than the old quarry has boas opened for this Job which ra- quires ons nine ton slab lor the roof of the building, and two other root «tones 18 feet lohg, four feet and six inches wide and 10 Inches thick, weighing mom than six' tone each. It to a monster task to move these hugh a l^ s of granite from the quarry to the finishing eked where polishing and hammering to done. BIX teams of horses, 18 msn and heavy trucks are D EM M IESW ANT D R Y PLATFORM JA Y GODDARD GETS NEW JOB to Hughes who tagged the first hag putting Bishop out. The whole play was made In the quartet of a minute and was dene with such perfect teamwork and speed that the crowd aearce- ly realised what had occured. In the first five Innings of the ganSe neither team scored al­ though on two occassions the third out for the Boas occured when two bases were occupied. In the sixth inning Robbins, first to bet, died at first base when be grounded to Boston who threw to first. Miller made a second out when he hit a long fly io Beebe In the left field. Hughes bunted'and reached first safely. While Force was at bat, Hughes stole to second and when Force grounded and reached first base successfully, Hughes reached third. Davis was next at bat and hit a three-bagger scoring Hughes and Force. The third out was made by “Dolly" Gray who died at first. A third run was scored In the seventh Inning when "Duke" Marlow, who had failed to reg­ ister when a pinch hit was need­ ed, with the bases empty knocked a homer far into the left field. The crowd was noisy in its ap- „ DETROIT, June «.—(IP)— Mur­ der of a 10-year old widow, Mrs. Mlnni May anh Vhandra .Atorthy, native Hlndo who married the younger woman In 1825 is sought for question­ ing. Wm. D. Sinclair, an insur­ ance agent is under survlalence. LOS ANGELES, June (LP4— Tbe long-standing feud between Owens valley rancher« and the Los Angeles aqueduct, 15* miles and Thomas D. Pee, A. J. Mi south of Lone Pine, was blown «p. and P. D. Nelson, all of Bead The action marked the third Oregon, visited a few hours time within two weeks that the Ashland Sunday with Chief aqueduct, which carried water to Police George* McNabb. more than 1,000,000 people In Loa The local officer? showed I Angeles and vicinity, has been Chamberlin And Levine Uninjured When Broken Propel-, visitors some of the beauties Alleged Slayer Outwardly dynamited. ler Forces Landing—Lindbergh Record Of Distance Llthla Park and they enjoyed l It marked the sixth act of vio­ Cheerful As Ordeal Comes Llthla waters before they 1 And Time Broken—Were In Air 40 Hours And 35 —No C h a n g e In Legal lence since the start of the fend for home. Minutes. 14 years ago. The men were so wel! pleat Array—List Of 100 Spe­ According to reports of water with the beautiful country (u cial Jurymen Called For bureau officials, a large section of BERLIN, June 6—(U P)—Clarence D. Chamberlin that they expressed their Inti open concrete eoaduit wee blow« Duty On Grounds. tlon of coming Shck dt vafcatJ and tTiftrtes Arfcevtne attem pt to fly from *New York “To out this morning. Water was Im­ time with their families. mediately shut off and a repair Berlin ended today in the swampy ground near the For­ Hugh D’Autrembnt. alleged crew started to the scene. Dam­ est of Prussia, eighty miles southeast of Berlin. train dynamiter and train robber, age. according to officials, will not The monoplane “ Columbia” was forced down there went on trial today tfor the sec­ be heavy. and the propeller broken after a 'non-stop record was ond time, charged with first de­ gree murdyr, held responsible for established Pioneer P o s t a l Telegraph the death of Charles O. (Coyle) Neither Chpmberlin nor Levine were injured. of Ashland. Operator Stricken Enroute Johnson The non-stop flight ended at 7.40 o ’clock tips morn­ John Collier associate counsel To California ' ' ing, Berlin time, at Helftn, about 100 miles from here for the defense declared the whole trial a farce because Jackson when the fuel supply of the plane was exhausted. Ed Riley, 78, for the last 12 Swimming instructions under county had no county seat. He After re-fueling the flight was continued as far as years an operator at the PoatAl the auspices of Miss Fay Carver, Telegraph office In this city died said the state law directed the director of the city playground, the forest. shortly before midnight, Ban- county seat to be moved to Med­ will be started Wednesday morn­ t The monoplane had been in air on basis of unofficial ford February 7 of this year and day, Jane 5, 1887, on board ing at the Helman natatorlum, ac­ landing time at Helfta for 40 hours and 35 minutes from Southern Pacific train, shortly (he other day the supreme court cording to Miss Carver. , upheld that law and a codici« before the train reached Redd­ Instruction for the girls starts the time it left New York. This was 11 hours and five added that Medford be the county ing, California. at 9:30 o'clock and the boys are minutes longer than the time Lindbergh was in the air. His death was sudden. He seat after July 1. Instructed to b<( at the pool at The distance covered b y Lindbergh was beaten by 400 Judge Thomas denied the mo­ 10:30. worked Saturday night, was re­ miles. lieved at 8 o’clock Sunday tion made by Collier for blanket I-ast year more than 35 boys dismissal. morning, for a week’s vacatioa and girls became quite proficient BULLETIN and after sleeping daring the _ Hugh apepared looking pale, swimmers while under the-dfrec- GOTTBUS, Germany, Jene listless and downhearted. day, left here shortly after J j j f f i- g t .MUt. C A m r .,, Hatoimlng Three men were IB the Jury box o’clock for Long" Cali­ 'nstructlons are to be given each this afternoon, tentatively accept- fornia. He was apparently la Wednesday and Friday mornings, toturod Hip I» Feared good health;— According te w Or d od. their qualifications to torve on received here he dropped dead i the D’Autremont case unchalleng­ the children take thoir pwn bath- Is Patient At Mercy as. he was walking through thg e d by either defense or state at tog suits with them and 25 If ther Hospital, Roseburg puilman. secure suits at the bathhouse. Those tentatively accepted were Mr. Riley was a wdll known B. M. Wilson. Medford; E. M. WON’T BLAME HIM Mrs. J. C. Foster, Injured Fri­ Dennis and M. P. Carney. LOS ANGELES, June 6.— (IP)— day in an auto wreck near Rose­ Eleven tentative jurors had Howard T. James, Los Angeles burg, suffers from two broken been excused. June 5.—(IP) — Safely across fireman, has come to the divorce ribs, severe bruises and a possible Through Intensive questioning the ocean, Clarence Chamberlin of Larry J. Shade, as to whether courts with a brand new cause of fracture of the hip, according to and Charles A. Levlqe, in a little action, according to his complaint reports received here. Mrs. Fost­ or not he would vote for the now on file. er Is 67 years of age and her con­ monoplane, "Columbia,” w e r e death penalty on circumstantial brothers His wife, Mrs. Glenna James, dition is considered quite serious. heading south by west over Eur­ evidence, the prosecution indicat­ ,. Riley, bleached the hair of their year old Mr. and Mrs. Foster were enroute ope Sunday night jn quest of a ed that the life of the youthful (. Riley baby because she "didn’t want from Ashland, where they have new distance flight record. suspect would be sought. The flyers who hopped off from . Balti- him to look like his father,” resided for many years, to their Roosevelt Field, N. T., at dawn James explained. new home in Bandon when the (Please Turn To Page Three) Saturday and followed the aky accident occurred. trail biased by Capt. Charles A. Mrs. Foster to a patient at the Lindbergh a fortnight ago, wero Mercy hospital at Roseburg. reported off Lixard Head on the southeastern tip of England at 8:33 p. m. Sunday. BEAUTY RUINED, CHARGE Tbs Columbia was some hours behind the time of a trans-Atlan­ LOS ANGELES. June 5.— (LP)— tic flight made by Lindbergh In Charging her sight was Impaired the “Spirit of St. Louis,*’ but was and her skin infected with septic heading for some distant Europ­ enem a through unskillful appli­ ean capital—believed to be Ber­ cation of “beauty restorers,” Mar­ lin— In a daring effort to eclifeee garet 8. Van Orsdol has filed suit the young soldier-flyer’s achieve­ for 250,580 damages against Mr. ment. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson and Ar­ When sighted over Cornwall, chibald Freebalrn, assorted pro­ prietors of a beauty parlor. Fire T hreatens . Fram e B u ild in g City firemen extinguished a roof blase at tee Meikle pro­ perty 182 C. street, shortly be­ fore noon today. The building, a two story frame structure, unoccupied was threatened by fire which started on the shingle roof. The fire started from sparks from an Incinerator It was discovered ny employees of the tavern cafe. Fireman laid 200 feet of hqse and In A few minutes had the fire under ebn- rol. This was the first city call answered by tbe (Department since March 16. During tbe 80 day« since that time not a single blase occured In the city. One false alarm «as sent In re­ garding an auto nl Llthla park. RUM RUNNER FIRED ON . AND IB BADLY CRIPPLED BELLINGHAM, WASH., June 6 (LP)—Withstanding a fusillade of 800 shots fired by four coast guard officers on shore patrol at Neptune beach, 18 miles oarth- eaet of here this morning, a high powered rum ship Mmpod away badly crippled, escaping Into Canada waters. Groans were heard as the ship moved away Aren’t We Progressing ÎR 1 9 0 0 ABŒf VtóRTED À OKSANDA GAL m 1920 ATLWVEB A hda g ÌIÀPPEff C. C. B oosts Playground, Band, Spring F estival This W eek Chamber of Commerce activities morrow. - The Playground for the week will be verted and of A Chamber of Commerce ad­ considerable importance, accord­ visory committee to assist Mies ing to J. H. Fuller, secretary. Fay Carver In the park play­ Fnrnm Tomorrow Tomorrow the entire forum pro­ ground work 1s to be appointed, gram will be glyen over to the according to Mr. Puller. Mrs. O. members of the fire caravan 8. Butler has already eoaseated which will vialt here In the morn- to serve on this committee and lng-and present a fire drill. Jay other members will bo announced Stevena, prominent In firemen's soon. associations, and Clair Lee, state fire marshall will be the princi­ pal speakers on tbe program. The United States Chamber of Commerce to urging all Cham­ bers to assist In prssent fire pre­ vention propogsnda especially daring the s p r i n g , sea­ son when carelessness causes forest fires with the subsequent extensive loss. This program to­ morrow, arranged by Fire Chief Clint Baughman to in keeping with this work. Chief Baughman. V. D. Miller, Ed Staples and H. Claycomb are In charge of the attendance to­