Oregon—^Generally Unsettled—Mild Ti per for Over Fifty, d (Halted P m URDAY, June 4, 1927 We May Go To Borne, Berlin, London, Paris Or M o s c o w " Chamberlin BnlMlns \ WASHINGTON — The mono­ plane. “Columbia” winging its way tpwprd Europe will encount­ er that dread obstacle sleet, the weather bureau reports. Washington — The Bellanca plane will head for Rome If weath­ er permits, Mrs. Charles Levine told today. Halifax —A monoplane was sighted nt noon, eastern time, off the const of Vermouth, N. 8., but was not Identified as the Colum­ bia. ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y.. June 4.— (IP)— The monoplane “Columbia” early today took off for an unknown destination. The sturdy craft carried Clar­ ence D. Chamberlin as pilot and Charles Levine, president of the Columbia Aircraft Corporation ns passenger. Neither was dressed in flying clothes. The plane was heavily loaded. The take-off was mads shortly after 6 s. » . on the second at­ tempt. On the first effort a few minutes earlier, Chamberlin brought the plane to a stop Wlth- As the plane left the jgroand, the pilot headed straight aerosa Long island And headetTont to “We may go to Roms or Ber­ lin. or London, or Paria.or a n a Moscow, deifeaWng o * I & t ie l supply,” Chamherllp paid. - Charles Larige, ran aad Jumped In Just before the take off. Thia camo aa, a surprise to slL His wife; standing near the plane, tainted. - Perfect attendance records were made by 17 pupils atteadlag the Ashland Junior high school. Those 17 pupils were neither absent nor tardy daring/the entire 1020-27 school year. Included in the group were: Margaret Veetral and Ernest Gibson, 8B; Opal Blaker, Irene Eichler, Agnes Hervey, Louise Moor. Donald Curry, Gilbert Eld­ er aad Kenneth Shlffler, SA, Anna K id, Wilma Nutter, SB; Ardla De- Armond, Louise Scbelderelter, Frances Spindler, and Roger Shif­ ter, 7A; Ketura Howell and Bari Tangan. 7B. GRADUATES ASPHYXIATED Two 1 0 - Year Old Boys Victims of Monoxide O u . Following Exercises 8HATTLH, Jane 4.—(IP)—Two pupils o f Vie Hobart school, south of Seattle, were killed last night by monoxide gas while they were removing the costumes they had used in the school’s commence­ ment exercises. The boys, Stillman 8wanson, 10, and Donald Knutson, 10, were discovered in the dressing room of the school shortly after midnight* following a search started by their parents when they failed to re- tarn home. A storeroom directly oyer the room housing a gasoline engine which drives the school’s lighting Y .M .C .A . , Is Burned Arrangements for a T. M. C. A. hike next Tuesday morning tor boys between ages of 12 aad 16, are being nude by Secretary W. P. Walter. * The boys will hike to tho Wag­ ner gap at the foot of Mt. Wag ner. All boys desiring to go on the hike are to communicate with Secretary Walter. The boys will take the “makln’s” of a good breakfast along with them. Virgil Leonard, 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Leonard, who reside on the Crater Lake Highway, Is In the Sacred Heart hospital at Medford suffering from severe burns received when a spray rig engine caught fire and a gasoline tank exploded. His face, neck, bands aad hack were badly burned. Fortunately his eyes were not injured. The accident occurred on the Leonard ranch. COOK KILLS SELF ALBANY. Ore., June 4.— (IP)— Lloyd Hollenbeck, 40, of Scio, cook for a road crew on the forest highway a mile and a half east of Detroit, shot himself fatally while lying on a hed in a tent nt the road camp this morning. His body was fonnd at 11 o’clock by Hugh Mathev^. construction crew foreman. Hollenbeck was n o t married. No reason for hip act had been learned. Program Of Entertainment For “Slim” b Completed WASHINGTON, June 4 —ijjft— Charles Undhergis WSt»me tO his homeland was planned definitely today at President Coolidge’s cab­ inet meeting and la conference with representatives of the local reception committee. Arriving here tho forenoon of June 11 at the navy, yard, the trans-Atlantic herq will be given the. nation’s welcome throegh Preeldent Coolidge, whose , guest he will be In his first days back, on American soil. ' His mother In Detroit has been requested by President and Mrs. Coolidge to Join her dauntless son here and to share the hospital­ ity of the Coolidges’ daring the greet national welcome. T V The official reception by Preeir dent Coolidge la .planned for the greensward around the Washing­ ton monument hut R «»F lBter he decided to transfer the welcome ceremony to the White. Hones- At thin reception. President Goolidge vrjll vojoe-a netloa’p 'adr, miration of thq jp u n f flyer and pin upon his breaqt ptaagride the orders of France« Belgium and Britain the highest American av­ iation medal—the Distinguished Flying Orono. Saturday night, the 11th, Lind­ bergh nnf his mother will be guests of hone/ nt n dinner in the temporary White Hones on Du­ pont Circle. That night they will sleep be­ neath the Coblidge roof and Sun­ day mdrnlng they will go to church with Mr. and Mrs. Cool­ idge. Later, Lindbergh and his moth er will go to Arlington — where toyalty and greatness always pay their respects on American visits —aad there lay upon the tomb of the Unknown Soldier n wreath. Sunday afternoon, Lindbergh will Utah« another pilgrimage, this time to Walter Rood Hospital, to bring Joy to the hearts o f wound­ ed veterans there. Lindbergh,. Sunday night, will be guest of honor st the National Press club— the club of honor of Washington correspondents— and will also attend the gathering of the Minnesota Society upon Invi­ tation of hia renew Mtoneeotian, Seeretary of State Kellogg. Monday forenoon probably soon after dawn— Lindbergh will fly to New York for the Metropoli­ tan reception. Blrdmen of the army and navy will form hia air escort. . Two Instructor» To bo Add- cd to Hormal School FaOulty — Personell Of State Institution Oomrid- ered by Committee In Session At Portland. Addition o í two Instructors td the faculty of the Southern Ore­ gon Normal school here Is being considered by the Board of Reg­ ents, who met recently nt Port­ land. This would make a total of 31 faculty members of the school. Instructional, administrative and maintenance personnel for the coming year at the state normal schools at Monmouth and Ash­ land. was approved by the teach­ ers' committee of the hoard which met in Portland. The full board will consider the appointments June 16 at Salem. President J. A. Churchill, head of they educational Institution here and President Landers of Monmouth were present nt the meeting of the board. The regents, it was decided will attend the commencement exer­ cises of the local Normal school to be held Tuesday, June 14. Captain Carl LoVeland. term*» director of the Ashland City MflM and for a number of years instruc­ tor for hand inetrnnaenta here is well located in Pacific dree«, California, and is progressing nicely with his work. Mr. Loveland is connected with the Del Monte Military Academy and is directing a band at t^at in­ stitution. Last evening his band broadcast from Station KFWI. San Francisco. The program in- eluded 12 numbers. / Selections by the cadet band, in­ strumental solos and vocal sola* were included on the program. Vocal solos sung by Captain Loveland were, “Russian Lullpby" by Berlin; "Mother Machree.” Ol­ cott; and “That’s What I Call a Pal,” Nelson. When a resident of Ashland, Mr. Loveland waa recognised aa one of the fore moat musicians of thia section of Oregon and the the success of hie cadet band ia in keeping with the type of work he did here. He waa generous with bia musical talent and his absence from the city has been one of tho losses hard to replace. FOSTER IN AUTOW BOAS READY FOR MEDFORD Enroute To New Home In B o u Strengthen Team For , Bandon—Mm. Foster In Sunday Contest Which Roseburg Hospital Promises Thrills SPECTACULAR FIRE RAGES Mr. and Mrs. C. J.’,' Foster, for many years resident« here.. w tF Friday-morning left for X andon where they planned to establish their home, were Injured In an automobile wreck near Roseburg, according to word received by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Allen. ' Mrs. Foster is in the Roseburg hospital suffering from bruises, the telegram received here stated. Mr. and Mrs. Foster w eretrpv- elllng in a Ford touring car. They left the Allen home Friday morn- ing. * """ After several years residence In this city they recently disposed of their property at 600 liberty street and plan to locate in Ban- don permanently. .* 175,000 Damage Done—Jap anese Baby Rescued From' Blaring Building SEÑORITA IS TAKEN HOME PORTLAND. June 4.— (IP)— htany lives were endangered ahd 676,000 damage waa done this morning r^rhen tiro gutted four stores and a hotel. , The blaze started presumably form spontaneous combusition in, the paint room of the Portland Door A Window company and spread to adjoining buildings along the Willamette River water front. William Mario gave spectators a thrill when he climbed a ladder through the flames and rescued a Japanese baby in the Rhein hotel a Japanese establishment. The tire was brought under control through the combined ef- forts of the river and city equip­ ment. J “ OFFICIALS GET RAISE b ’ 8 d ® n b p * n t( 81 While the Medford Bo angling for the Mt. Shasta who last Monday threw they couldn’t bee seen, a erlng with Hoosiqr Hoffa knows how to hit the ba Ashland Boas ars all set big game Bunday. Captain Robbins will st Davie on the mound si Force In his usual positioi receiving end of the lim haVe Harrison, Orr and 1 in reserve for mound woi rlaon pitched a splendid gt Monday against Yreka an< worthy work when needed The complete lineup fo day’s game as aanonneed bins Is as follows;/ Technical And Human Ele* menta Must Be Combines For Success I Want To Come Back And I Would Like To Have S t a y e d Longer" Says "Lindy" In Fare- Well Interview on French Soil—Sailed. B ulletin ABOARD U. S. MEMPHIS — Tl)e “Memphis” raised anchor and sailed for Washington today with Charles Lindbergh aboard. The “Memphis** Is under orders to reach Washlngtoifby June- II. Lindbergh may fly if he likes as the vessel is equipped with planes and a catapult. The “Spir­ it of St. Louis“ is aboard in crate!.* That technical and human ele­ ments In business must be com­ bined in the correct proportion if the greatest success la to be achieved, Harold M| Grey told Ki- wanians at their luncheon Fri­ day noon. Gray represents Beck­ mann, Hollister & Company, Inc., of San Francisco, a company of business engineers. “Personality In Business,” was the subject of the talk given by Gray. “Through close proximity to his work the executive of a business falls to see troubles our experts may discover In giving a report of a business,” the speaker said. Frequently an entire business is retarded by a misfit or Ineffic­ iency, or lack of human elecement in one department. Gray Mid. Good attendance marked the meeting. ' Witness Say Cult Leader Never Left Colony While In Hiding was strsmeo. Tne airman was frank In saying he hated to leave, He comes home along the same route to Cherbourg that brought him to Paris at the conclusion of his historic trans-Atlantic flight two weeks ago. ST. JOSEPH, Mich June 4.— ( in _ Klng Benjamin Purnell, bearded leader of the House of David, religious colony, was In hld,ng w,thln the colony durlng the four year8 he wa8 being „ought on a statutory charge, a witness testified from the stand During his farewell interview with reporters at the American embassy. Lindbergh said he had recelvetkso many impressions of Europe that it was difficult to choose among them. He thought, however, that the outstanding memory of a memorable fort- night was the srrival at Le Bour- today Bt the 8tate-8 8U,t td 8olye the Chlony. 4 ” Thomas Atkins, a surprise wit- ne88 for the state, Testified Thai whUe PurneJl wa. being hunted 'fo,. alleged attacks on young warn- ea members of his colony, that tho mderiy leader was safe in “Dta- m0Bd House.” get at 10:21 p. m.. May 21. “I want to come bark,” said. “I would have stayed three or four but things won’t let seen Europe at all, Negotiated A ssven- year lease for the Hol­ land Hotel at Medford, held by Ben F. DeclouB, well known hotel man there, was tentatively sold to 0. L. Reynolds for 626,000, C. Reynolds who is negotiating a purchase of the lease, Is an sx- perisneed hotel man, having for­ merly been In the hotel business in Caldwell, Idaho and Deer Lodge, Montana. Odell—Two-story log hotel to be bulft at Cascade Summit. " Everything Is in readiness for the re-trial of Hugh D’Autremont. which Is scheduled to start Mon­ day, according to Gus Newbury, attorney for the defense and Newt. Chaney, district attorney, who leads the prosecution. "We are ready. Attorney Fred Smith and Attorney John Collier will be here Mthday,” Mr. New­ bury said today. It was feared the 'defense lawyers might have dif­ ficulty In arranging their business to accommodate the new trial. Selection of the jury from the 100 names drawn on the special venire will start at 9 o’clock Mon- dsy morning when court convenes with Judge C. M. Thomas presid­ ing. There will be no 13th Juror on the Jury to serve In event of disability of one of the 13—as the Oregon law mikes no such provis- I M . _______ -__________ Prosecution of Hugh will be on the identical indictment which was brought against him la the first trial—that of the murder of O. (Coyle) Johnson, during an at­ tempted hold-up of an Southern Pacific mall train at the Siskiyou tunneV. “Hugh is in good spirits and we feet We hate nothfng to worry about,” Mr. Newbury aaid Batur- "He U8ed to ,ock h|maelf jn th< he ba8enlent during the day time'ajtd liked to have weeks longer, me. I haven’t but I will be MONTANA PICNIC Everything Is in readiness for the “Montana” picnic which, is to be held tomorrow at Riverla Park. The committee in charge has ar­ ranged for the presentation of a program of music and speaking. r heIped bu„ d tbe trap door th<, ,ed t0 the hld,ng pIace» xtklna 3.,«,. »x t nlght he had a room Ju8t ab0Te mine.” Preacher Plans Unique Service Five State Men Granted Additional Compensation, Under Legislative Act SALEM, Ore., June 4.—(IP)— Five state officials have received salary increases In the last few. days, the additional compensa­ tion being granted under author­ ity of acts passed by the last legis­ lature. —■ The'officials thus favored are: Earl Fisher, state tax commis­ sioner, salary Increased from 63000 to *3600 per yeai> C. N, Laughridge, deputy sec­ retary of state, and Fred Paulis, deputy state treasurer, both raised from 6300 to 63600. Rhea Lnper, state engineer, salary Increased from 63600 to 64200. H. 8. Besshaad, state printer, salary Increased from 62400 to 62000. No Thirteen Juror Will Sit On Jury, As Oregon Law Makes No Provision For S u c h Emergencies — C o u r t Convenes At 9 O’clock, Judge Thomas Presiding Prominent Oregon Educator To Deliver Normal Oom- ■ mencment Address Dr. George Rebec, dean of the Graduate School of the University of Oregon, will deliver the Com­ mencement address at the South­ ern Oregon Normal school, Tues­ day June 16. Dr. Rebec is prom­ inent in edncetional circles, a graduate of the University of Michigan, a student at Florence, Italy. He is said to be a speaker of masterly address. The com­ mencement exercises will be hel«f In the auditorium of the Normal school building. i Sunday afternoon, June I t , the baccalaureate services will be held In the auditorium with Rev. AÎ B. McClond of the First Presbyter* Ian church of Corvallis as speaker,. These services will start at 3 Vclock. Ashland Tourist Camp Busy Place As Summer Advances Ashland City tourist camp, lo­ cated In Ltthta Park, is one of tke busiest places in Ashland la the late afternoon ns the travel worn travellers attracted by the inviting appearance of the place, stop for the night. There in s continual Increase in the tourist travel. Frequently every cottage at the camp is filled, according to Den Barber, caretak­ er, and taany of the tourists now prefer out-door camping to the cabin accommodations. )• But few of the travellers stay in the camp more then one night, according to Mr. Barber. Most of them gather In the community house la the evening, swap road yarns, “torn In” early and early the pent morning start on their way. Many seem to derive a great pleasure in covering great dis­ tances although they reach camps at sight, too tired to really ap­ preciate the beauty of the places. ’ Some few of the tourists stay several days at the camp, horns times to prospect through the couhtry looking for a location, and sometimes do tho family washing—and not Infrequently Just to enjoy the beauty of tBe valley end the Ashland camp la particular. Every type of car made cornea to the camp. Some tourists trav­ el la the finest equipped para on the market, others travel to ram­ shackle vehicles which appear ready to fall to pieces. Their Is a comradeship, however, aasogg' these travellers such as existed among the “knights ef the road“ composed ef the grant army of hoboes of old. \ '*’• From Main to California, th» travellers corns. Frequently Cal­ ifornia residents making n coast