Oregon—Loealjy unsettled. .Ashland's Leadbijr Nt (United Newt W ire Service) Temperature low. Iper for Over Fifty Years (United Preee Wire Service) ■unte ASHf^NP, ORKGQN/TSpHSDAY, JuJe 2, 1057 EN G U 8H Gl ROY,________ AE “LUCKY* LONDONr June 2. —- (IP) Homeward bound after the ■ universally applauded flight history, Capt. Charles A. Lli bergh took the air at Croydon day on the first leg'of fais Jov. ney to Washington and national honors in the United States. The flyer’s decision to accept a trip on the United States cruiser Memphis, which will take him dl- rect to Washington by June 11, la- stead of on the destroyer Brock, enroute to New York, did not change his plans for the remaind­ er of his stay in Europe. London will have one last chance to see him in the air as he sets out across the channel for Paris, from, where he will |)y Sat­ urday to Cherbourg. There he will hoard the Memphis for Wash­ ington. Lindbergh’s last full day in England brought him even moré attention. While 800,000 Eng-' IDBERG [ON-SATURDAY RTS FOR U. S. A. ishmen and thejr ladles werfc bet- I iir at Epsom Dow As* famous erby race, Lindbergh preferred neglect the race and chat with he debutantes near his box, thus exhibiting an Interest In women we has not shown before. ; “I am Interested in the race, but not particularly thrilled.” he id to those who wondered at his lu, ck of attention to England’s most outstanding turf event. When other men visited the pad- dorks during an intermission to Inspect the horses, he was notably the only male left in the boxes. And he further surprised the Eng­ lish sport enthusiasts by attending the classic event In a gray fed­ era and sack sqlt Instead of the accepted top hat apd morning No. 232 El CULT LEADER 01 MCdvlORS IS TONIGHT FLOCK WELL Marshall Dana Will Speak Eighth Grade Commence­ ment Tomorrow KANSAS CITY, Kansas, June 3 Mart-hall Dana, orator, apd — O. W. Nobels, «4: silver haired boys In blue are G. ’awl, enacted for the protection erturned Wednesday afternoon M. Parr. ford, 84; Vetefan Ceder, W. Benedict, J. P. Sayle and Com­ near the Verheee crossing ón Rie “We’ve got to watch t h a t )f wild animal life, Is made ac­ eraw Whltney, »4; 1. R. rade Crawford, each of whom la Pacific highway south of Ash­ cording to the game warden,, A streams are not polluted with saw­ 84; 8. H. WlIcox. 82; D. k l SO years of age. The accident occurred dust in the springtime and sum­ constant ¿heckup In various'sec­ land. 81; Vetaran Shaw. »•; and Comrade Whitney, who Is past mer time as it kllle the fish, and tion» of the conaty is kept by when Scott attempted to. pass q an Crawford, Ili. 94 Is the oldest of the members of we make a eheeknp of thia each elate game wardens, who work road grader and got off the road Comradea the loeal Q. A. R. Post. under the state, department, one into the ditch. No one was in­ spring.*’ Parr say». Ages of the 16 veterans, ac­ Glyna, Patrtek. la the last month several fish­ assigned to each county with ex­ jured and the car was only slight­ cording to Oeorge Van Natta, Natta ermen who failed .to secure li­ tra assistance during the busier ly damaged. Traffic Officer C. H. commander of the Post, are ae thè eea. Talentjnvesttgated the wrack. e. censes have been found and fined, SIXTY DAYS : FORDRIVER .¡BAPTIST CAR ONE MILL LEVY ASKED LEAVES TOWN PAVING IS CONSIDERED Weed Millright Murdered Today ASK RECALL OF SHERIFF R obbins to Hopheads Held 'In California DIRECT BOAS 20 Killed In Holland AIMEE MC. GOES EAST Normal Takes League Game Heroes JOURNAL GETS COMICSTRIPS Troops Sent Earthquake To Tien Tsin Shakes N. J. GAME WARDENS HAVE BUSY TIME SAYS LOCAL OFFIGER Files Suit Then Dies AVERAGE AGE OF ASHLAND CIVIL WAR VETERANS 85