• ’-.»AW if » potential '« Leading Years » Wire Servlet) ASHLAND. 0 L IN D B E R G W IL L V ISIT COOLIDGE A S H L A N D K] •T IM E A T P ) NE8DAY, June 1, 1927 ÍS H A V E F IN E D IC K JO Y y ¡R O U N D T O D A Y W IN N E R I N T H E 1927 S E A SO N CLUB W ORK Ashland playground opened to­ Playground work in this coun­ work last year. Chilly weather and threatening Mowers failed to keep the hoys and girls from the playground, many of those who were there re­ calling the delightful supervised play they enjoyed last /ear. / > The Ashland Playground, situ­ ated in Lithia Park is ideally lo­ cated according to Miss Carver, tourists frequently stop and ad­ mire the place. Healthful, een- structive - supervissd recreation from which the children derive much benefit is the aim. playground enterprises by the Harmon Foundation of New York has served to stimulate Interest. Civic organisations are backing the work in practically every city In the country. “Of course we need funds. I have one baseball and one bat for nearly 100 boys and girls, and you can see for yourself that we are not over-equipped,” Miss Car­ ver told members of the Chamber of Commerce in presenting the needs of the work. Air Hero Goes Directly To day for the 1937 season, under try has made a remarkable de­ Oratorical Contest Held At Washington Iastead Of the direction, of Miss Fay Carvers velopment in the last few years, Portland—Won State Now York who successfully conducted the and offer of a 12,000 award tor Debate Contest WASHINGTON, June 1 —(IP)— Captain Charles A. Lindbergh will come directly to Washington in­ stead of New York, President Coolidge announced today. The president made public an official dispatch from the Ameri­ can Embassy at London, quoting Lindbergh as accepting the invi­ tation of the president and cabin­ et committee to return aboard the U. 8. 8. Memphis, which w 1 I I reach Washington June I t. This Is two days before the president leaves for the summer White House In Black Hills, North Da- B. A- Zimmerman will be the resident manager of The Lithia Springs Hotel under the new regime, accord­ ing to announcement by Eric Hauser, Jr., who has been temporarily in charge of the local hotel following the relinquishment of the lease recently and the relinqish- ment of the management last night by R. W. Price, who O R EG O N R O A D has been in charge of the hotel for the past two years. Mr. Zimmerman, who is now in S t Paul and will not TO B E B U IL T be able tb arrive until the latter part of the week, has had considerable experience in Orgon hotel circles, hav­ Extension of Klamath fa lls ing been connected with-The Multnomah Hotel, which Road from Bend Must be corporation now has a 10-year lease on the local hotel, Started by July 11 for many years. When he left he was assistant manager WASHINGTON, June 1.— (IP)— in charge of purchasing at The Multnomah. The Oregon trunk railway today B. T. Ferrell, auditor of The Multnomah Corporation, will bo in active charge of the hotel un­ til the arrival of Mr. Zimmerman. Mr. Hauser said it was their in­ tention to utilise the present per­ sonnel and employes as much an templste say radical changes. Mr. Price left yesterday afternoon tor Portland and Mr. Richardson, who bus boon the resident manager, has also left for Portland. Ha will be In charge of the Crater-Lake Lodge this summer. l|r. HSUear said the e t h e r , change contemplated was the in­ stallation of Mrs. Rose Storer as manager of the dining room ser­ vice. Mfs. Storer has had con­ siderable experience in Portland and with hotels In smaller cities. The Multnomah Hotel corpora­ tion, besides operating the Mult­ nomah hotel in Portland, have leasee on the local hotel and as soon as new hotels are completed in Vancouver and Pullman, Wash­ ington, will take' charge of them. MVRDRR SUSPECT LOCATED PORTLAND, Ore.— (IP) — Port­ land police are convlnced-Xhat the murderer sought in Buffalo Is Adrian Harris, who is suspected of killing four Portland widows in a similar manner last fall. Local police have finger prints which were registered in blood which were left in the bedroom where Mrs. Blanch Myers was killed and will use It In establish­ ing the Identity of the Buffalo police catch the suspect. national Gnard Troops Guard Confessed TAMPA, Florida, June 1.— (IP) -Two men were killed and a ere wounded here today la a the HUtsboro Cesnty Jail sad Na­ tional Onard Troops detailed yee- terdny to guard the building. Both dead men were alleged members of the mob. Casualties occurred when for a second time the mob attempted to storm 4he Jail and seise B. F. Levins, confessed slayer of his father and two child­ ren. John Peterson was fined 810 and costs by Municipal Judge Clint Baughman Wednesday morn­ ing when he pleaded guilty to a charge of drunkeaese. Peterson was found near the Ashland Ar­ mory Tuesday In an Intoxicated condition. He paid the flue and costa and was released. He spent the night in the city Jail. Salem— Federal Water Service company of New York bays local waterworks fpr 8860,000. H U G H SH O W S L IT T L E C O N C E R N A S SE C O N D T R IA L D A Y N E A R S Hugh D’Autremoat, exercises daily in the Jacksonville prison In the narrow confines of his cell, and awaits with apparent uncon­ cern the start of the trial next Monday, June 6, when for n sec­ ond time he mnet face a Jury su'd attempt to prove his innocence Of the murder of Charles 0 . Johnson of Ashland. On next Monday the dull rou­ tine of selecting a Jury will start preliminary to the presentation of the strong chain of circumstantial evidence with which the Mate Will attempt to place the noose about the neck of the Innocent appear­ ing youth. ■ " \ r Mrs. Belle D’Autremont, who came to Medford little more than two months ago, when her young­ est eon was brought back from the PhlUlplnee to faeo trial for the Siskiyou tunaol outrage of 1988, after visiting In Bugene w i t h friends, following the discontinu­ ance of the trial because of the death of a Juror, le again la Med­ ford, and visits her spa, at the Jackson county Jail. s State and defense attorneys are busy this week preparing for the opening day of the retrial next Monday. It was on October 11, 1888, that the crime with which Hugh is charged occurred. A train was dynamited at tun- nel 18 In the Siskiyou mountains and four trainmen were killed. For nine days officers searched without finding a elns, than cir­ cumstantial evidence pointed to­ ward the Implication of the three D’Autremont brothers, Ray, Roy and Hugh. But they had disap­ peared. For more than four years fed­ eral officers searched for the sns pectsd train bandits. A wsb of circumstantial evidence, seem­ ingly unbreakable, wee woven. But no trace of the three brothers wan found. On March 18, word was flashed from the Phiiyptne Islands that Hugh, youngest of the suspected trio, wae located there,, In the U. (Please Turn to Page Two) -notified the interstate commerce commission of acceptance of the aommtsslon’s order authorising It to construct an extension from Bend to Klamath Balis. The Ore­ gon Trunk line must start con­ struction before Juno 11 and com­ plete It wtthi 1 two years. W in » H o n o r Pledged To Fraternity Edith Dodge, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge of Ash­ land, has been elected to mem­ bership in Theta Sigma Phi, na­ tional honorary journalistic fra­ ternity for women, nt the Un­ iversity of Oregon at Bugene. Miss Dodge has been very active on the campus during her two yeary here. She is a member of the Oregana staff of the Ore, gon Dally Emerald and a mem­ ber of the Oregana staff for nyxt year. Pledging to the organisation took place before the annual bandquet of the Oregon Daily Emerald, which Is held each year by members of the editorial and business staff of the paper. T r a ffic Cop T r a n sfe r r e d J. J. McMahon, recently pro­ moted to a lieutenancy In the state traffic department was trans­ ferred Tuesday from duty tu thia county to Oregon City. Lieuten­ ancy in the state traffic depart­ ment, was transferred Tuesday from duty in this county to Ore­ gon City. Lieutenant McMahon, whose home is in Jacksonville will continue service In Jackson county until his successor is appointed. 800 M a y H a v e B e e n D ro w n ed MANILA, June 1.—i edequate water supply within, Barnard Joy, won the national prise in an essay contest on the the immediate future which will protect the city against same subject. Barnard also was any possibility of drouth or shortage, for yesterday the a winner of the high school state voters reiterated their approval of the entire water pro- debating championship, i ¡gram which was outlined last fall and approved at the ¡November election. D u f f y P le a d s ’ Yesterday Ashland citizens by a vote of 466 to 408 turned down the proposal to postpone the construction N o t G u ilty T o of the Ashland creek dam reservoir until January 1, L iq u or C h a r g e 1929. This majority of 58 was slightly larger than the majority given the water ^onds in the November election, Prank Duffy, driver of the Cadi- when the bonds were approved by a majority of 54. Use car which several days ago | The vote In the two wards was was wrecked on the Pacific high­ as follows: Ward One, City Hall; way near the California line, is for postponement of the dam, held in the county jail at Jack­ 210, against postponement, 200; ngry resident of Owens sonville, awaiting investigation Ward One, City Library, For post­ wution under Valley make new demon­ by the grand Jury, following hta ponement of the dam,. 102, against whidi exempts stration in opposition to plea of not guilty to a charge of postponement. 200. Total: for Decision on Single Bid Tor m vessels on “ Los Angeles u n f a i r drying while intoxicated. He ia postponement; 401, against post­ Telegram DelayedUntil tactics.” recovering from Injuries received . W .... « ... ponement 446. The opponents of In the wreck. His five companions thsdam registered s »mailer WASHINGTON, (IP)—The Unit­ LOS ANGELAS, June 1.—(IP)— who were with him In the car, PORTLAND. June 1— (LP>—De­ number of votes than they receiv­ ed States supreme court has wip­ The discovery of a Case of dyna­ were not. held by' police. cision on the Single bid ottered ed on their petition requesting ed outthe 12-mlle limit insofar — mite In Owens valley kept the Los for the bankru pt Portland Tete- (hirers rendum.----- ------— “-------- American ram smugglers are Angeles aqueduct dispute simmer­ gram was postponed until Fri­ The election was rather quiet, concerned. The high seas are ab ing over “explosives” today that day on order of O. M. Cannon, longer a safe spot for them. threatened to roar again in new N e w sp a p e r M a n . I referee lu bankruptcy. The bid although there was deep interest In the question, which was tbs cul­ Unquestlon authority to make demonstrations by valley ranch­ funder consideration is that of the mination of many years of discus­ seisurss of American vessels be­ ers. V is its A sh la n d f Portland News for $200,000 for sion and planning for a larger yond the 12-mile limit was given The dynamite said to have been f circulation and aaaets of the pa-* water supply . ’ '■ . * by the court Tuesday in the esse shipped from this city is believed per. LeRoy Saunders, represent­ E. P. Hopwood, manager of of' Arthur Maul, owner of the to have been part of the “plant” ing the News asks to withdraw steamer “Underwriter.” T h i s used in blowing up the No-Name circulation on The Portland Ore­ thia hid but It waa refused. Tele­ It is understood that the coun­ gonian, and his wife, were guests ship, flying, the American flag, canyon siphon and portions of the cil will proceed Immediately to­ gram employes who aré making was seised by a coast guard cut­ intake at Big Pine power house at the Lithia Springs hotel last an effort to purchase the paper, ward the formulation of plans ter, September 7, 1924,' 34 miles last week. which Will Insure the early con­ They came to meet Mr. and were granted their request of a struction of the dam. off Bldck Island, carrying -811 Meanwhile every precaution conference with the referee be­ cases of Whiskey. The case was has been taken to guard the aque­ Mrs. S. Blake Wtlladen of Chica­ fore Friday. The laying of larger water appealed to the supreme court and duct while shipment is being go, who have been visiting In Cali­ pipes within the city is progress­ the seisure was upheld. rushed to repair the damage said fornia for the last six months, ing, which will handle the larger who arrived here thlB fnornlng on Another similar decision also to have been caused when enrag­ G ood year supply to be stored by the reser­ gives validity to the use of evi­ ed residents of the valley dyna­ The Shasta. Mr. Wlllsden Is a voir. dence obtained on the high seas. mited the water system as a pro- wealthy manufacturer of Chicago. It is said that Crowson reservoir The party left for Portland after will be completed shortly visiting In Ashland. (Please Turn to Page 2) (Please Turn to Page 2) Van Ormand Pilots Win work Is now gping abend on the» ning Ballon in National clearing of the site for the dam ia Contest Ashland canyon. A member of the counell thia AKRON, Ohio, ‘June 1.— (LP>— War T. Van Ormand, pilot of Morning stated that the eonncil Goodyear V., was today officially would no doubt immediately de­ declared winner of the natipnal cide upon the type of dam to bo baloon race which started hers constructed, have plans drawn and JUSTICE Monday with 18 entrants. He then sdvertlee for bids. Actual' or landed near Bar Harbor, Maine construction will \ probably start 700 miles from Akron. Edward the latter part of this year and. PEACE J. Hill won second place with 888 the bonds will be sold at about miles. (Please Turn To Page Three) ACCEPTANCE POSTPONED N A M E S D R A W N F O R SEC O N D D ’A U T R E M O N T J U R Y LÎST The Jury list for the re-trial Fred Holmes, Bellview, Ashland; Monday, June 6th, of Hugh D’Au­ Raymond C. Ward, Phoenixf , tremont, alleged 8lsklyou tunnel Chester Parker, Medford; Dave bandit-slayer, charged with the Pence, Trail; J. E. Spencer, Butte murder of Charles O. (Coyle) Falls; Wm. J. Ferns, Phoenix; Johnson, as drawn, is as follows: Chas. W. Shields, Medford; Louis O. F. Carson, Ashland; Bara Ssgsr, Cestral Point; Chan. B. M. Wilson, Medford; C. F. Tilton, Gray. Rock Point; Carl Andaman; Ashland; Prank C. Dillard. Med­ Medford; Jus. W. Millner, Ash­ ford; R. P. Cowgill, Msdford; land; A. B. Jordan, Ashland; Jss. Norman F. Ohrt, Madtord; A. D. Elder, Ashland; C. W. Wood, Moore, Trail; Oso. A. Bdward, Prospect; Bdward B. Oore, Med­ Medford; H. H. Mscham, Trail; ford; Frank 8. Carpenter, Med­ Olin Arnspiger, Medford; Miles ford; O. T. Bergner, Ashland; Central, Ruch; Carl Brommer, Thomas Hill, Ashland: Gan. A. Medford; Howard Schaffer, Med­ Briscoe. Ashland; Qnla H. Frank­ ford; D. W. Herring, Msdford; lin, Medford; Jos. B. Saunders, Freak P. Dutton, Routs 1, Med­ Ashland; Chas. 0. ChlttwooC ford; B. O. Miller, Route 8. Msd­ Jacksonville; Weldon Saadel. ford; Wm. R. Potter, Ashland; Medford; Larry J. Schnda. Med­ Louis Dodge, Ashland; B. A. Hil­ ford; B. B. Oatman. Medford; dreth. Butte Fulls; Chas. W. Me- Henry W. Frame. Boats J. Tal­ Fsdden, Talent; Otto Winter, ent; Bari W. Weaver, Central Ashland; Prank R. Dickey. Ash­ Point; M. M. Tucker. Ashland: W. land; M. B. Jsrmln, Msdford; W. J. Stoekam, Madtord; Ceo. A. A. Bishop, Jacksonville; Chas. A. Stewart. Medford; Jastla Smith. Whlllock. Msdford; Bdward B. Medford; Leland J. Botraok. Med­ Fisas, Rock Point; Thos. J. Par­ ford; Chan. WtoMr. lu U o d : Stn- sons, Phoenix; Dade R. Tsrrstt, Medford; Don Ruayard, Msdford;