THÈ FOVLTKY INDUSTRY is a potential pay roll for a ' a i L u z A&hland’e Leading (United Meara Wire Servie») iperfor Over Fifty Years ?.«ad * (United Presa Wire Service) -u> VPV V ±32- 41 tte ASHLAND, OREGON, Y. 3 BAY, MAY 13, 1927 M. C. A. IS FLOURISHING IN CHINA, SECRETARY WRITES FOR* HIGH SENIORS NEARING END " BY POWDER AS DYNAMITE CAT IS EXPLODED PARAMOUR TO DIE IN CHAIR AT SING SING ASHLAND GETS B U N G SAYS CONGRESSMAN Secretary W . P. W a lter of the T. Z. Koo tells me that the Na­ local Y. M . G. A. is In receipt o f a tional Committee has just placed Chamber s f Ottnmerce (tenu Second Twilight S e r i e » letter from Fletcher 8. Brockmaa. strong new student secretaries at mittoe to Seek Hew Game Gives Bankers foretga work secretary w ith . the Yunnanfu, Nanking, Wuchang, .. •„< , • Settlers,/ 9 to 7 Win Y. M. C. A. in Chins, which gives Tsinan, Tientsin, Taiyuan, Canton, soihe Interesting sidelights , an ad Changsha in response to urg­ 1 Increased Interest in the land The Rankers baseball team took the status of the Association in ent demands from these centers. settlement work o f Rogue R iver the long end of a 9 to 7 score that country. Mr. Brockman nays A letter from one of the foreign from the Battery41 B team in the Valley and the Ashland commun­ secretaries says: "Red agitators in part: "You could easily ity in particular, is promised by second game of the. Y. M. C. A. from accounts of the China situ have stood at our front door steps twilight league on the high school J. C. Hopper, chairman of the tlon in the daily press that moat and preached to the thotymnds in field last evening. The Bankers land settlement committee of the M klltirf Beed. Eight, May oi the foreign secretaries., of the the street against the Y. M. C. A. Sentenced to be Executed Hawley Gives 0. 0. Dele­ Commencement Activities Chamber of Commerce. took the lead in the first inning ose Sight Y. M. C. A. in China had evacuat­ and Christianity, but so far as we Week of June 20, Says gation Assurance of Are Under Way Members of the committee wfio with a Hcore of one to nothing, ed their posts, that the Associa­ can see it has done us no harm. Eesult Justice Prospects . Tonight and continued to score up to the met w ith M r. Hopper Thursday tion buildings had "been confiscat­ There are fu lly twice as many fourth inning with a total of five o.vening to outline plans for ac­ SIXTY WILL GRADUATE tion were 8. D. Taylor, Ralph Koo- CHILD WAS PLAYING ed and the Associations were young men coming to our building ABE SENTENCED TODAY runs. In this inning the Battery BUSINESS JUSTIFIES IT closed. I am w riting you this let­ now as at any time In the past." ser, A. C. Joy, and O. D. Payne. Dynamite- Caps W ere Vsed for ter to give you the latest nevM( The upheaval has greatly In­ M u rd e re s s an d C o rs e t Salesman B team struck a stride which In c re a s in g V o la i ef Federal W nwtfnirtU— W U I Star* Next looked bad for the Bankers, how­ A rth u r Footer who has; been en­ Blasting Stumps in W ith R eceive S en ten ce Busines« creased the confidence of the from the field. NOt on Association Monday, flays Principal ever, Earl Crow, southpaw hurler gaged , in work in mid-western Orchard C alm ness Done has been closed,, not one building country in the Association and has Ftoreythe for the Bankers, tightened up and states for the last six months, in has yet been confiscated and out brought it 't o the front as an in- connection with Ms duties as a Playing w ith dynamite caps ¡at our total staff of foreign secre­ dlspensible national LONG ISLA N D . May 13.— (IP) held the Battery to two runs. Dur­ That Ashland w ill not h a v e institution. Commencement spirit ie In the ing the fifth and sixth innings many years to w ait for an appro­ land settlement agent, working found in a work shop, Marion — Ruth Snyder and Henry Judd The highest English official in taries in China only seven are , a ir and activities are under way Sam. Prescott,- hurling for the priation for a federal building. Is with the Oregon State Chamber of Reed, eight-year-old son of Mr. temporarily kept from their work- China a few months ago called it Gray, stood before Justice Town­ at Ashland high school where Battery held the opponents score­ the belief of Congressman W . C. Commerce, plans to meet with the and Mrs. W m . Reed, who reside on The Association was never more the only nationwide agency with a send Scudder today and heard a class at <0 seniors are prepar­ less and in the sixth, canto ths Hawley of this district, who was local committee w itjiin the next the George Ross orchard east of their sentence of jleath passed as »live and, while Involved like eve Constructive program, aftd-an »jsm- ing (or the (In a l events of their K Battery touched Crow up for interviewed In regard to the sub­ tujb weeks and w ill assist them In Talent, was seriously injured and erything. else Chinese In the inent Chinese has referred to lt«to\ punishment for th e ir cold-blood- high school days, according to theTr w o r t . ---------- ------------- ~ aiiQUKh bingles to put them 1»#. ject by a representation o f Cham­ may lose the sight of Both eye«, perils and difficulties of the pres- the rallying point of the san, mod-^ed murder of Albert Snyder, B. C. Forsythe, principal. poinjs in the lead. In the seventh ber of Commerce members While Climate, benefit to be derived as the result of burns received Justlce Scudder ordered that ent' crisis, it is finding th a t erate, forward-lookipg people Events which w ill bring high inning the Bankers put over four In this city Thursday. (rom the* L ith la W aters and eui- when the Caps exploded. 'theke very perils and difficulties they be electrocuted at Sing Sing China. Barnett, our senior Amer­ school days of the »eylors to an 'phur waters .excellent opportuni­ The .accident occurred l a t e are opening new and unexpected* ican secretary says: "W e are optl prison during the week of June runs and Coach Cripe took the Congressman Hawley Is ranking end w ill start tonight w ith the mound ior them and held the Bat­ member of the Ways and Means ties for agricultural and. business Thursday afternoon after the boy 20. . mlstlc. In the upheaval a n d doors, especially among the stud presentation o f the class play. tery to no runs, thus ending the committee of the House and U activities are stressed by the com­ returned from the school at Talent There was suffering in the eyes " Monday some senior examina­ debt and laboring classes where change now going on we see the game 9 to 7 for the Bankers. The closely In touch with appropria­ mittee. w h ere he Is a pupil in the second of the pretty blond housewife, i spirit ef God moving In the minds tions w ill be given. Tuesday the the attacks of the radleal element batteries were; Bankers. Hargett, tions made fo r federal buildings. ? grade. — • whose illic it romance w ith the annual Junior-Senior picnic w ill catcher, and Crow and Cripe, pit­ (Please T arn to Page 3) are being centered. The dynamite caps, used for Under former lews Ashland dapper corset salesman, shattered be held. AU arrangements (or chers; Battery B,'Young, catcher blowing out stumps, had been might have received an appropria­ I her home and ended In the hide­ this affair have been completed and Prescott, pitcher. The game tion f o r « federal building, as.ap­ placed in a box in a work shed ously cruel murder of her hus­ and members of the two classes was fast from the start and some propriations were formerly made near the Reed dwelling. The boy band. are anticipating this event as one real baseball was played at times. according to district. Under ex* said he dropped one of the caps Her, blond head was bowed of the most enjoyable of the Reports this morning however are 'sting regulations, however, M r. which exploded, setting off sever­ but she did not weep. Hysteria Commencement season. to the effect that many doctors Hawley saltl. such appropriations a l others. His face and body were which causdtl her collapse lm Wednesday, seniors w ill finish American Fliers Hope Take- were busy on sore arms and lini­ under, control of the Poetofflce badly burned by the powder and mediately following the retnrn their examinations and w ill be Off Can be Made Bunday; - ment is in great demand at all Department and tljat the necessi­ "A F u ll House,” - the annuel his clothing was torn to shreds by Three Entered o f -the verdict by the Jury, was excused fo r the remaining two drug stores. "A number of play ties of public business were the play given by the Seniors of tbe County Eighth Grade Com­ the force of the explosion. weeks of school. mencement to be Held at absent. ers were out to play last evening ruling factors In such appropria­ W A S H IN G TO N , M ay 13.— (IP) His m other found him in a Senior of the Ashland high school, Gray survived the shock w ith Chautauqua Building In accordance w ith tb e 'u s u a l and all could not be accommodat­ tions being made. -Am erican fliers who are pro-1 gom(-conscious condition when she w ill be presented tonight at S p. composure. His eyes were clos­ custom at the high school pupils posing to hop o ff from Mew York ed and as a result the Employed entered the shed, »termed by the ijj . in the high school auditorium. Mr. Hawley said he believed the ed and his jaw quivered, as the Annual Jackson County School w ill he excused from examina­ for Paris, tomorrow w ill be escort- explosion of (h e dynamite. He This play is a new farce in 3 acta Day exercises w ill be held at the justice pronounced the death boys club are entering a team government business In many cit­ tions In subjects in which they ted part of the way by the coast the field and have started organ ies was not conducted in buildings wee taken to.M edford for medical by Fred Jackson, and the scene Chautauqua building In this city sentence. have a grade of 85 per cent and guard aircraft. A dm iral Izing with Harry May as captain commensurate w ith the business R ^ w ffl be several represents the drawing room of B lllard treatm ent. Friday May 20, under the direc­ a satisfactory' grade In cltispn- ordered today. Reports of ad­ stated Secretary W alker. Bank of the community, nor equal to ' days before the extent of the in-t Mrs. Flem ing’s apartment on R iv­ tion of County Superintendent Su- ers vs Normal. Honda/, May 18 the accommodations afforded o(h- erside Driya, v e n e weather conditions make it wv s Ju 2 - —■ . Juniors, sophomores and frash- Improbable that1-an y of the pro- Employed Boys vb Bankers, W ed­ er b u rin ee^ , public AaYllrirtte? The following Sectors w 1 I tained. Approximately 150 beys and men examinations ■ w ill he given » nesday, )(ay 18; H l-Y .vs Battery '• The Chamber e^ Commerce rd^> make up the cast: Gordon Mec- XUshte will get undef way girla who are completing eighth- erode?. May 19. A ll following the dismissal o f the Craeksn, Paries, 'an English ~ ejP' fare Sunday. sntattveu, nwSihdring" K . » t grade w ork in the public schools seniors. -* . w ill star n at 5:80 »nd w ill be with Congressman Hawley * t M ▼ant; Juanita Ross, Susie, from Rain, tog end rinds J of Jackson oeunty w ill« recieve s high school infosmal leacheoa at the LUhia played on Siouw City, a maid; MerjoYle EL Indieated by ____ ____ their diplomas at these exercises. Animal Seem* Unafraid as S u n d a y evening. M ay 28. tile grounds. more, O ttily Howell, a bride; Ida Lloyd Bertaud, pilot of the BeP Springs hotgl. . it Trote U to Hflte Ashland end Medford schools aannal haocaulaureate services lance plane, who w ith Clarence Gosnell, Mrs. Winpecker, from North of Town do not take part lb tbe county w ill be held a t the Methodist Chamberlain. w ill attem pt the Yonkers, tbe aunt; Leltha Dodge. eighth grade commencement pro­ * When Burt Freeman, local mall Episcopal, church w ith Rev. H ugh Might said i t would be doubtful Daphne Charters, O ttily ’s sister; on' fhxl gram. Public Invited to Witness carrier was returning to his home T. Mitch el more, pastor o f the that they would start Saturday. Lynn Neeley, Nicholas K ing, * a fectlng the government Service at Old Normal on Nuttley street recently, he F irst Presbyterian c h u r c h in stranger; Kay Neil, Ned Pem­ Charles A. Lindbergh, western * d / h e statS governs Grounds SCHOOL S T R IK E E N D E D came face to face with a good siz­ charge. Special music for this a ir m all pilot, who w ill attem pt broke, Jr., an only son; Winston through a budget* s A tef SACRAM ENTO, Cal., May i f — ed deer just as jte was entering event w ill be fam ished by the the flig h t arrived at the Curtiss Johnsen, George Howell, a bride­ blishing greet*resdlth/ I Fifteen Ashland Camp Fire choir of the Methodist church. field. Thursday. He w ill fly his groom Raymond Cottar, Dough­ (IP)— The strike of six hundred Llthia Park. Tbe deer looked him Break in L e v e e Brings municipal business ere continually girls w ill take the rank of Fire erty, a police sergeant; / Foss students of Sacramento h i g h over in an unconcerned manner, plane alone. adding the cost of government.. Sugar Bowl District in Maker, and eight w ill become Commencement exercises at ( Commander Richard Byrd of Wood Gatherers at a big ceremon­ K ram er, Jim Mooney, »^police­ school, who walked out of their then turned around, trotted up . he stated. The only'solution of Flood Path which tim e the seniors w ill he North Pole fame pikas to enter man; Donald Vestal, Clancy, an­ classrooms In protest against the the hill to-Granite street, and fol-J the tax, problem, w (h's belief ef ial meeting to be held at the old given th e ir diplomas wUl be held the race w ith his b lg 'F o k k e r bi­ other; Adelaide Smith, Mrs. Flem­ dismissal of Principal John F. lowed this street out Into the hills N E W ORLEANS, May 13.— (IP) Hawley is an equitable d is trlk u -, Normal school. grounds at 3 Thursday, June 8 at the Metho­ plane. ing, who owns tbe apartment; Dale, has collapsed after police of­ north of town. The deer was un­ — Flood waters clipped another lion of the tax burilen. and thfft h e; o’clock next Sunday afternoon. dist church. M arshall Dana of Nina K idw ell, Vera Vernon, a ficers went about the city and per­ usually tame, and seemed to have great section off the Bayou Des Id. means that those who a re; Special efforts are being made to Portland w ill deliver the Com­ show girl' and Ruth Anderson, suaded the pupils to resume their no fear in his strange surround Glaises levee at Bordelenvllle In able to pay should be as seised ac-; make the a ffa ir a success, and the 1 ings. mencement address. Music for studies. Mrs. Pembroke, from Boston. the heart of the big bend district cording to th e ir ability. girls are looking forward to . the this event w ill be furnished by The levee seems te be gradually event with eager anticipation. the high school orchestra. cracking eastward dooming sugar The ceremonial meeting might bowl lands in Louisiana, where 'pe called the church services of 150,000 people live. Property the Camp F ire organisation, ac­ worth more than 810,000,000 lies Dorothy Mackaye Faltering- cording to leaders. The Cere­ in the path of the flood. monial typifies the ideals and mo­ ly Admits Friendship The continuing rains are Inter­ tives which* stimulate the girls for for Accused Jack Vtek 18-year-old youth, fe r in g with work on the strained the work they are doing. who travelled from Los Angelas, levees. A special invitation is being ex­ LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 18.—- Special musical numbers, and penniless and on foot, to he near, other features o fX e n te iia in m e n t From the faltering of Dor- tended to tbe public to be pres­ bis pal, Hugh D ’Autremoat, ex­ are belng arjirfig ed for the eve­ othing Mac Kaye the state drew ent at the Ceremonial and learii pects to stay In thia territory qn- ning meeting/ bf the Chamber of the admission today of portions of of the work which is being ‘done. tll fan when his chum will agalq Commercé to be held next Tues­ the romance that It claims sent face the scaffold. - day, at which tim e Governor and Ray Raymond, her song and shabbily Mrs. I. L. Patterson. wiH be guests dance husband, to his death at boy from the hills of Arkaaaae. ‘Friday, The Thirteenth," was of tbe local organisation, accord­ the hands of Paul K elly, a young the subject of a dinner speech who made .the Jong journey Jnst ing to j ; H. F u ller, Chamber sec­ screen actor. made by Rev. H. F . Pemberton to be near the pal to whom he Is admitted having seen She L IN F IE L D C OLLEGE. M cM in­ retary. Governor Patterson wUl at the regular Kiwanis luncheon true, served with Hugh in Com­ deliver the principal address,. M r. K elly at Santa Barbara and the nville, Ore., May IS . — (IP) — pany B pf the 31st Infantry at today. that Smokers or those ; In sympathy F u lle r said. J state drew the confession Rev. Pemberton pointed out in Mantle. On the same day Hugh K elly had called her k r long dis­ with smoking were in the m ajority his address how progress has el was arrested, at the request of his tance*'when she played in San at a student body election here to­ ways been made by overcoming fam ily he was discharged frees the Francisco and that she had re­ day, although, students at this service, aad the two made the vqy- superstition, superstition being ceived m ail from him there. H er college, are not supposed to AM.TWff»«. age to the states together. the fear that keeps man from dar­ •MOU UÚ RASCALl* eyes were misty as she resumed smoke. Vick saved money enough to C O *« TO ing and consequently achieving. the ordeal by which the s t a t e By a vote of 173 to 64, the stu­ buy him a "niee suit*) ia Lae Aa* PAOOVI Good attendance marked t h e hopes to prove that K elly beat dents decided to petition t h e I meeting which was held In the gales, but when In Secrameato h e Raymond to death w ith his bare board of trustees for removaL of was' ill and In a hospital until all I Llthia hotel dining room. knuckles In a struggle fo r tfh er the no smoking rule. or his moa»»y was goae. He dida't love. Action of the Honor Council in want to meet Hhgh'e Yolks (a hie suspending Ralph Wtsecarter, Mc­ old clothes, he said, hut there wau M innville; Albert W hite Dover, no other way. Idaho; end M illard Havnaer, Tie- Aa« WoW he will sto f eear frfc 'I. w ton, Wash., because they were pel all summer?' * , BEND, M ay I I . — (IP) — John guilty of smoking was disapprov­ Dubuis, 48, aietetarit in the state ed by a vote of 146 to 57. talk 'to H hih hut he amt his» engineer’s office during the term Three members of the Honor Four Ashland high school ten­ of Jobx Lewis end former mem­ nis players, Roy Abbott, B illy H u ­ Council resigned soon as the vote ber of the engineering faculty at disapproving their recommenda­ ked se thla eeff lse, Dick Joy and James N utter, the Oregon Agricultural college, called la athleMeu- tion was announchd.’* They wpre accompanied by Secretary W . P. died yesterday In Spokane. In ­ Uacle Sam. he W alter of the local Y. M . C . A., Phil LehMan, Chicago; C lifford fection following an operation fof I’m oely left fo r Grants Paas a t noon to­ Sklnnex, M cMinnville and Orman- appendicitis was the cense of lows ta edr day to compete w ith players from da AnderstA, Bend. death. . His home was In Bend afcd a a y th la * th a t city. Slagles sad doubles the body wee being brought befe CASPER. Wyo., May 13 — (IP) /d o L fé r s ie W tt’ w ill be played, B illy Hulen end today for burial. . was Dick Joy constituting one of the — Mrs. Stanlsy Evans, 78, - - x FlUWkKÏ A «ALL strangled to death here Thurs­ doubles teems and James N nttsr WITH NOUR OWM That springtime is is really here sad Roy Abbott ths other, The day when a scarf she was wearing MAMtOUm Is evident from the number of around her.necM became entangled players w ill return to the e ltf thia barefoot kids seen round town. In an electric wrlnskr. le ie a tn f. • ' v ■ ■ - . . J - MOMS • KM MMK Senior Class P lay T oniglit MAY 20 IS JACKSON COUNTY «HOOL HAY nt sioiinci K. ¡BANKERS TROUNCE B A W B. M MALE CARRIER MEETS CEREMONIAL SUNDAY ACTRESS USIIHES IK M M l flOOO AREA IS Í ' S T U IK H W A Hard Taskmaster H ugh's P al W ill R em ain Loyal Chamber Plans For G overnor “Friday, 13” is Subject of Talk C ollege Students A pprove Sm oking State Officer D ies at Bend V 1 ■ ■ 1, 1 ■ • A shland H i T en n is Players C om pete 4. A*