•W M y potential pay . s .. Ashland Lending N< ASHLAND, OREGON, ============ Should a Storage Reservoir Woodmen e t the World W ill , Hold National Conven­ tion Here 5,000 ABB XXPBOTBD Ashland wHl bo given the 1988 national convention of the Wood­ men of the World, according to definite assurance given Congress­ man W. C. Hawley, chairman of the Jx>ard of bead-managers of the. fraternel organisation, who was the princlpl speaker at a big Ini­ tiation meeting of the local organ- lsatioa held Wedneeday evening In the I. O. O. F . hall. "The convention .city mnat have a thriving Camp, there must be no unfriendly feeling toward the organisation, and toward these aims Ashland Woodmen should work during the year,” Hawley The national convention will bring approximately 5,000 visitors to the city. Ordinarily the con­ vention la held in June but an ef> fort will be made to postpone the 1928 meeting until In July la or­ I The lgror, a gray haired moth­ der that delegates and visitors er, collapsed shortly before court may take the trip to Crater Lake convened. H er breakdown was while here. ' occasioned, an v attending physi­ Delegates, officers and drill cian reported, ey the visit of team members who w ill*h e in the Jurors yesterday to the scene the city during the entier conven­ of the alleged “knuckle beating.'’ tion w llln u m b e r. approximately Kelly, . who had sat through 400 according to T. T. Chave, dis­ - the early stages of the trial, more trict manager of southern Oregon, like a bewildered schoolboy than who uststod In the tarnation a man charged with murder, meeting Wednesday evening. evidenced signs of life for the ' 4 Wopdmen o f the World camps are first time today. located in dries Jn «lne western " Throughout the maid’s teetl- states and delegates ami visitors spendlng a two- weeks vacation in Ashland, ha found they bad l “ ony he fMggted nervously about are expected from all of these climbed a. aaow drift, broken to hie chair, shaking his head camps. J. through a third floor Window of * t statement or that, while Initiate 40 the lodge and raided his larder, beads of perspiration appeared Delegations from Grants Pass, The springtime breakfast en- on kls brow. Phoenix and Medford were pres­ Joyed- by the beers, according to Anticipating a. day of sensa- ent at the meeting held here a check-ap made by Mabln con- tions to the trial, a hnge throng last night. Forty npw members slated of seven hams, six sides gathered early at the barrier be- were initiated. Initiatory work was put on by of bacon, a each of sugar and a fore the courtroom door. Flap- box of crackers. pers with their lunches, prepared the Grants Pass Camp No. 50 of­ The lodge, was in a state of for an In d efin ite wait, mingled ficers:’ Steve Jewell, Past C. ©.; disorder and according to Mabln, with gray-haired women and a Stanley Augden, C. C ; W . C. Harmon, advisory lieutenant; B. the bears had apparently enjoyed sprinkling of men. Ml“ Mackay probably will not V. Smith, banker; A. V . . Wick, a morning nap in kls bed. The bears had been "holed-np” r«nch the witness stand until clerk; Neil Vincent, escort; L. since last November, and' Mabln Friday, when she to to be called Calhonn, watchman; J. A. John­ son, sentry; G. 8. Calhonn, flag was anxious to return to the by the prosecution. Defense Attorney Gilbert ex- bearer, sad George 8. Orover, cap­ Lodge, expecting they would come out In the near future. pects to put Kelly on the stand tain of the drill team. * ______ __________ sometime early next week. Election of officers for Ashland Camp resulted as follows: L. A. • COURTROOM, LOS ANG e L b S, Foberts, Paat C. C.; V. D. Miller, May 13. — The subdued voice C. C.; Lewis Dodge, advisory of a negro maid drooned omin­ nontenant; V - O. N. Smith, bank­ ously through the courtroom at er; H. L. Claycomh, escort; Fred the murder trial of Paul Kelley Taylor, watchman; 8. A. Peters, Jr., secretary; Henry Enders, Jr., Normal School Students En late today In a chilling recital of hare-knuckle beating the state manager for 18 months; G. E. joy Talk by W ell Known the charges sent Ray Raymond, musi­ Simpson, manager for 12 months; Traveler and Author cal comedy "hoofer” to his death. AI Jordan, manager for six Dodging and ducking aa if months. Upton Close, traveler, author, feinting the Imaginary blows F. B. Tlehenor, deputy head and authority on Asia, spoke at which ahe claimed the young the Southern Oregon Normal council for Oregon, Washington and Idaho, assisted In the Initia­ school at a special- assembly Wed­ scheen player rained upon hla smaller opponent, Ethel Leo, only tory work. Other assistants to. nesday afternoon. Close spoke on ’’American Bar­ eye-witness, hissed out detail* of barians In Chinn” in a clever and the "aboriginal love battle over masterly manner depleting the re­ Dorothy Mackaye, actress wife of volt of the Chineee against west­ the song and dance man. K LN O U LOOK Ä TMM. "At leapt five times Mr. Kelly ern civilisation. " It to n cultural MOW* I WOULPMMR ; knocked 'M r. Raymond to ' the revolt which to taking place In u u jpgpm gK roM nM .I floor.” the witness sai<^ In a deep China, a revolt against the Inroad* » dUSBLÒMN A M f l A * of the culture of western civilisa­ melodramatic voice that held the M MV gNfl, JU ft Ai I f tion against the centnriee-eld civ­ spectators, mostly women, In a ilisation and culture of the east. breathless spell. Cloee’s review of the present disturbances in Chinn was pre­ sented in a manner which was mnch enjoyed by the student*. Boas Play at * Medford Sunday G. R. Hammersley Dies Thursday HE GOLFER WHO AÜMWSHAS AM ALIBI HAMO* Oeorge R. Hammersley, aged 73 year*, died Thursday morning. May 13 nt 5 o’clock nt the home of hl* daughter, Mr*. Pearl Kerby of Wegner Creek. Mr. Hammersley we* a native of Mtoeonrt. . Funeral actrices w ill be held from Stock's Undertaking parlors Friday, May 18 at 8 p. m. Inter­ ment will be made to the Wegner Creek cemetery. Southern Oregon League - bell game*, will be played at Klamath Fell* end Medford Sunday and give promise of being interesting clashes. Grant* Paa* and Klamath Fall*, each with two wins to their credit will play at Klamath. Med­ ford end the Boa*, with strength­ ened teem* wtl lplay nt Medford. Both have lost two games this 1 Y ears • Wir» ferries) KflDAY, MAY 12, 1927 h (C ob tinned Southern Oregon Normal School emerged victorious over the H l-Y baseball team by a score of 8 to 4 la the opening game of the Y. M. C. A. twilight league played on the High School grounds last eve­ Bye-Witness to “ B a r e - ning. Batteries tor the Normal Knnckle“ Murder in were Lairs, catcher and Dickson, Dramatic Recital pitcher. The Hl-Y haters soon found the tall youth from Duns­ MANY WOMAN W O P muir and when they began to stage a swattest, he was replaced B ru tal Bearing Given Musical by Butterfield who held the Hi-Y Comedy Victim by Movie team. Batteries fpr the Hl-Y Star, Alleged were, Hartley, catcher and Kanas- to, pitcher. The game was fast from the start, and aside from few errors on both sides, an excellent brand of baseball was played for the benefit of the good sised crowd that attended. The proceeds de­ rived from the game approximate­ ly *20, will be turned over to the local Bed Cross to be used for the benefit of sufferers in the late Mississippi -disaster. Tonight the second game of the serlhs In the league w ill be played when the Bankers* team will cross bats with Battery B nine. This promises to be a fast game. The games will all begin at 6:80 and are free to the public. 1 intruded in Ashland Creek Canyon im. Yesterday) Transfer Which Ordinarily Took a Week Now Made in 12 Honrs 9. The 94SO.Oeo.oe bond» together with Its Internal will be paid from the water revenue end not by raising taxes. , The water ratea have been made adequate» to take eare of the retiring water Snew in the Green Spring bonds. mountains, making the trail dlf- It will take about 80 yearn to retire the present bonded In­ | flcult hag brought about a revo­ debtedness, including the 1450,000.00 bond issue. If the dam Is lutionary change in moving feed­ not built the bonds will retire earlier but the water rates will ing cattle wintered In the Rogue remain as they are. . J: River section to the Klamath 7. This dam will be built Ms safe as' It is possible to construct No Trace of the Phantom section feeding ground this “ White Bird“ Plane a concrete structure. It w ill have a solid granite foundation and spring, according to A. S. Rosen­ Found walls. Engineer Henny was net' satisfied until test holes were dug baum. district freight agent of to make sure that a dam c o *d safely be built, one that would the Southern Pacific lines. MISTRIAL IS DECLARED 7 RAN OX MOURNS LOSS Ifand the worst of storms. State geologist Williamson and Consult­ The cattle are belnp shipped ing Engineer O. C. Henny would not pass on this site I f ,the City of Possible Aid Being Given over the mountains over the Ashland was In any way enda— The Hugh D’Autremont water. This simply means, that water restrictions would be post­ 'as searchers continue efforts to from Medford Tuesday, and this first-degree murder trial has end­ poned 90 days; so If it has beea»dustumary to begin water restrictions locate Captains Nungesser and morning a second trainload, left ed— at least, until next Septem­ July 1st, with this dam In operation, they would be put off until Francola Coll, missing Paris to Ashland. More than 1,000 head ber. October. 1st, or la other worda,JM restrictions would, be needed. Death Wednesday afternoon ol New York filers'. Rain and fogs are now on the Klamath feeding 9. New pipes, together with the equalising pressure reservoir in many places along *the Atlantic grounds, Rosenbaum said. 8. W. Dunham, <8-year-old juror; and the storage dam in the canyon, will insure plenty of water seaboard prevents search To aid the cattle men, special whose Illness caused a temporary The for all on the elevated districts ps well as t*B low parts of the city. dirigible Los Angeles, which was freight rates have been made postponement of the case last Small 2 Inch pipes are being replaced by 4 and 8 Inch pipes. Of to have left at daybreak to aaslat for the shipment. week, has resulted la a conOntu course more water will be carried thru these pipes than was carried 4a the search, was kept at her ance of the trial until the fall thru the small ones. More water will be used for lawns and gardens moorings because of poor flying term of court. and domestic purposes than heretofore. Our present two small conditions. Seaplanes are ready Thia decision was reached last reservoirs up in the canyon w ill empty more rapidly when our new to assist in the searih, remained night following a conference hw pipe system gets Into operation, so the canyon storage reservoir on land because the range of vis­ tween Circuit Judge Thomas and ion was so greatly reduced by stats and defense attorneys. 10. The water in the storage reservoir will be just as pure ¡tog*. Ships at sea reported vis­ - Dunham’s death, physicians say, and cold as the. water we are now getting. In fact the mica and ibility so poor lookouts can ac­ Elaborate Plans Made for was caused by an scuts attack or silt will be eliminated as the iWservoir will act as a settling tank. complish little. valvular heart trouble, brought Beauty Contest by The silt and settlings may be flushed out in the winter time by on by gall bladder trouble. HM opening the flood gates and allowing It to wash down the creek? condition was reported mnch im­ We will continue to chlorinate the water as at present. During the proved earlier In the day, and Seats for the Çithia Cabaret to wet months this reservoir will fill rapidly, as water will come Into be held soon are now on sale at It was thought he would bo »Me It from both forks of Ashlas<-iCreek and also from Reeder Creek. the distressed — keyed up its ¡The Rose, and tables are fast be- t It has been found by actual measurements that daring an average search for the missing French av­ ing taken. Llthians ask everyone v wet month in the spring about 4800 acre feet cf water flows down to make up their parties now and iators, Captains Nungesser and Ashland Creek; thia would more .than fill the storage reservoir twice. Coll, today. Reports to headquar­ reserve their tables. This is- an r With these facts before tbs public it Is readily seen how foolish ters showed eight destroyers, four event which none can afford to a and uarasonable^ it would be to try out the water system without con­ cutters and three airplanes now miss if they enjoy a good time and r structing the dam. Without the dam. we are doing, nothing to ln- believe in boosting for Ashland. t engaged in whht the guard terms creise our water supply. If wo Uould store the amount of city water One of the popular numbers J np in the canyon that Will herakbstltuted by Talent ‘irrigation water whiCh-will be presented In the ,1 It would mean something, but t h is would require the dam as our feature vaudeville acts to be stag-' present small reservoirs are small for any amount of storage. ed at the cabaret la the big Bath­ Before voting at the special election May 31st. every voter ing Girl Revue. The Llthians have ■ should get the facts. Think what it will mean to Ashland If this put up a generous prise for the | dam is not constructed. Can pee afford. tf, be .without It? I t la girl who will win the meat votes i every voter’s duty to go to the poles and do his or her Mt. in this popular contest and the i Signed: Rogne River Valley girls are ( 8. A. PETERS, Sr. eager to get in on this event. Sev- j r ’ DAN KAY, eral of the' Ashland and Medford y C, A. W H IT E . merchants will have entries, and g * E. A. WOODS. w ill furnish the niftiest bathing tl suits that can t^» purchased. Sev- j, oral of the girls who have already MAKING IMPROVEMENTS entered In the contest are plan- n Slxty.-elght out-of-town cars Lew H a n s e n , proprietor of PARIS, May 12.-^—(IP)— United hlng on designing and making the Hotel Ashland, to making ex­ were registered at the l o c a l States Ambassador Myron T. Her­ their own bathing suits, of fash- w tensive Improvements in the Chamber of Commerce Mond&y, rick today explained in a tele­ ionable cut and colors, building, having hardwood floors May 9 and 71 stopped Saturday, phonic interview from Rheims * The Llthians say the bathing d, put down and new drapes and May 7. The greatest number of with the United Press why he had girl revue is not to be just a style j,, blinds put up in several of the ears registered In one day this show, hdt will be used in connec­ (Please Turn to Page 8) .year were 78 on May 6. upstairs rooms. tion with a startling vaudeville d) number, which will be worth the g, price of a table itself. fc Rehearsals are already going forward nicely for the big vaude­ ville acts, and it is expected that 0] It will not be many days until all 0| table reservations are sold out. -,us»V 0 . M. Green, Former Man ir Will Arrive Satur ty to Take Charge C. J. Read for the pest nine months editor end manager of the Tidings has resigned hla position, effective Saturday end will be succeeded by G. M. Green former manager of the newepeper. Mr. Read has not announced definite plana as yet other than he ex­ pects to engage In publicity work in San Francieoo. where a realty firm has offered him the position of advertising manager. Mr. end Mrs. Green expect to arrive Sat­ urday afternoon from Ratoon, New Mexico, where he ha* been engaged in newapeper work. C G Membership Drive Near End Chamber of Commerce . mem­ bership eommttteee are eoutlnn- lag their drive far a 45 per cent Increase end after working tore day* report a total of 5 * ae*r names, according to O. F. Ceres», chairman of the committee.. "We expect te have at leak» 75 LOCAL BOV HONORED T. N. H u m Eagene Detrick, well known Funami m Ashland hoy and a student at the Washington State college, has Humphrey* «7 Just been honored by being made Ident who d ie a member of the Scabbord and Blade, National honorary military fraternity. This is the second time within * few weeks that the local hoy he* won distinction, he recently be­ ing made a member of the Rho Chi National Pharmaceutical fra- ternlfy.