Fair in east, cloudy in 1 ia a potential pay roll for Ashland tion. Probable showers. Ashland’s Leading N, (United Kawa Wlrg Sarrica) A S H Ï iA N P , NBW YORK, May 11. — (IB — Gov. Alfred B. Smith will learn from Slag Slag prison alien­ ists nszt week,, whether Mrs. Rath Brown Snyder Is suffering from epilepsy or Just the sheet Batfmates Show That Death of an unexpected sentence of. Toil Beaches Two Hun­ death for murdering her husband, dred Sixty Bight Albert Snyder, with the assist­ ance of Henry Judd Gray. MANY ABB I N J U R E D The blonde, widow never ex­ pected 'the speedy first-degree murder verdict returned by the Queens county Jury at nightfall Monday. , Her immediate collapse did not POPLAR BLUPF, Mo., May 11. Ashland is near tbs top in bar surprise some of the faithful at­ —(IP)-—Tornadic . storms again (COO qnoU for Mississippi flood relief work, according to Mia. Sam tendants at the trial who refused have ravaged the American torna­ McNair, president and G. G. Bu- to believe the "Iron nerve" and do belt, and after three days of honks, treasurer, of the committee "marble chla"~tdes and found terror, the Mid-West and South­ in charge of raising the local re­ nothing In her demeanor to ro­ west have begun to translate the tate her commonplace appearance appalling toll of six state into sta­ lief fund. At noon Wednesday subscrip­ as a rather silly, selfish woman tistics. Gathered from all pos­ who ^because a victim of her own sible sources, with many stricken tions total (414.12. ' communities unable to report be­ With the flood still raging and Irresponsible nature. cause of disrupted communica­ “Oh, f- never thought they » record number of refugeeafor any single disaster in the history would do it— I never thought tions, estimate show: Dead, 238. . of the country seeking shelter and they would do It," Mn. Snyder Injured— More than 900. relief nt Red Croie concentration moaned in her cell Jnst before Property damage— (6,000,000. her complete e o l l a p s e . The campe local Rod Cross officers Poplar Bluff. Mo, was hit by are anticipating an over-subscrip­ thought that Ruth ^Snyder might be sent to her death like a the worst tornado disaster in two tion of the (609 qnota. common criminal was one that years. By Tuesday afternoon (6 More than thrse quarters of a Rnth Snyder had steadfastly re­ bodies had been recovered from million refugees t h now being fused to e n t e r t a i n until the the ruins of the business district fed and sheltered, eomo in public and authorities believed the death buildings, some marooned in up­ dreadful fact crnmpldd her. toll would exceed 100. Three hun­ per stories of flooded homos and dred persons were injured by the many In ths concentration camp», three-mlnnte twister which crush­ according to information received ed everything in an area of six from Rod Cross headquarter». square blocks and 100 of the in­ The Red Croat ia maintaining jured were said to be in a serious «4 area relief offices, with 99 condition. trained workers directing »pira­ The casualty list by states: , tions In local aroas. 49 Rod Crosa Missouri 102 dead, 360 injured. physicians and 78 trained aunes Arkansas 09 dead, 350 Injured. : on inty. lnnoctfiatlou M refugee» Texas, 27 dead, 100 Injured. for typhoid, vaccination for small . pax--aad quinlnp as a nudaria pre- Kansas, 11 dead, 40 injured. LOS ANGELBS, May 11.— (IP) area preventative, h is already Louisiana, 2 dead, none injured. -Ths" murder trial of Paul Kelly As ths figures show, the worst palgn which Red Crffte officials tarty screen aster, moved through a second day without a sensation. of ths storm cantered ia southern are directing. Ksffrnn work la.being Jon s by What was to have been ths djaa- Missouri aad northern Arkansas, 829 power boots flying ths Red matic high light proved, a Sad. two sections which only a few The entire sourt—jndge, Jury, weeks ago were floded by the Cross flag. These boats are also engaged in the transportation of defendant, witnesses and specta­ rampaging Mississippi river. Besides toraadic storms, other food and supplies to the stricken tors— late ia the afternoon mov­ disturbances swept ed to the Hollywood home of Ray elemental In a communication to the lo­ Raymond, musical comedy star, parts of Iowa, Wyoming and In­ cal organization, Carl'Hunt, an for whose death Kelly faces the diana. A woman was drowned near Sioux City, Iowa, and three area official says "whan it is rea­ possibility of the gallows. persons froze to death near Lar­ There the elaborate arrange­ lised that every time (4 is spent for each one of these refugees ments . of the prosecution for a amie, Wyo., while more than 100 (1900,000 is consumed, in other reenactment of the alleged "tare- were rendered temporarily home­ Words, that the full (10,000,000 knuekle” slaying of Raymond less in the Hoosier state. Relief workers, the sight of requested' will provide only (SO crumpled before a single object­ whom has become common to the per person, for clothing, shelter, ion of the defense. Instead of Bthel Lee, negro residents of the tornado and flood food and medical care, it is ob­ vious that the total (10,000,000 maid, who witnessed the fist belt, have begun to restore order fight between Kelly and Ray­ in the stricken districts. will be Inadequate." Contributions made by local mond, telling the story of that primitive battle, the conrt merely folks were as follows: Mrs. W. J. Lane (2.60, Berean pointed out the places In which Class M. E. Sunday School (6, D. the action took place. Meanwhile, the Jury was ad­ Perozzi (20, Mr. aad Mrs. E. V. Carter (10, F. Gilloon (2, A. monished to pay no attention to Erickson (2, J. M. Watkins (10, any comment made in the home Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hedberg (1, where Kelly ia said to have ad­ American Flier H ods Off Mrs. Walter Herndon (1, A. C. ministered the "death beating" Tuesday on Trans-Atlan­ Strange (6. A. Johnson 6, W. M. In a light over Dorothy Mackaye, tic Journey Wright (6, B. H. W,ren (2, A. H. dramatic actrtos and wife of Pracht (, Dora Wight (2, Mrs. Raymond. SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 11. — Mary Wilshlre (2.60, Blsie Prad- (IP) — Capt. Charley A. Lind­ er (1, Mrs. L. B. Reader (6. J. P. berg, who hopes to be the first Dodge A Sons (10, Georgia Coffee to make the air daah across , the (10, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wheeler Atlantic from New York to Paris, took off for St. Lqpls from Rock­ (5. D. L. Glenn (6. B. B. Miller (1, well field at 2:66 p. m. yesterday, while a crowd of several hundred people cheered him on his way. Flying directly over San Diego Mexican Troops Galled to and followed closely by two army Defend Norales From planes and one Ryan monoplane, BedsUna carrying officials of tbs Ryan NOGALES, Sonoril, Mexico, Airersft company, Captain Llndf May 11, — (IP) — Two thousand berg in less than 12 minutes had Mexican federal» left here late disappeared and was on his way Tuesday la a special train to re­ to Paris, nearly 7900 miles_away. After taxing for nearly” half enforce government troops now a mils across Rock well' field, the battling with the Yaqul Indians plane, loaded with 260 gaM&s near Maocarenas ranch, 19 miles of gasoline and 20 gallons of oil, east of here. Meanwhile, machine gun nests slipped into the air like a grace­ were being established in the ful bird and, started circling hills around Nogales to aid in about as It gradually gained al­ repulsing tha Yaquls If they at­ titude. Within leas than a minute after the "Spirit of St. Louis" tempt to toko the city. Unconfirmed rumors stated has left the ground, the two that Chief Lata Matns of the army planes and ths one Ryan Yaqnis has demanded Nogales be plane had token off and wore turned aver to him by Bunday. flying alongside the plane which may carry the Stars and Stripes Myrtle Point— Security Bank across tha Atlantic. I have every confidence in the starts .work on ,2-story concrete World in this plane aad motor, building. ' and If providence is with me I Portland— St. Helen’s road con­ shall be in Paris before long,’’ tract let for about (299,ood, and Captain Lindbergh said before taking off. ' Sandy rood for 9171,990. The city council by a results of the election lac the people aa exprecced at dam to arnare Ashland a Bergaer aad Thoratoa ha< previous leone of the Tldl aad Wood* have eet oat tl Their stateaaent will pears today, aad the eeeoa af four to tw o are standing by the f and are carrying oat the wishes at time, la regaM to the building of a ¡lent supply o f water, foam -llm aa jk l (help position la the m atter ia a Sow Conaethaea Peteta, W hite, Kay ta t ion la the n u tte r. - Anted la two tenure. The firm ap- 1 last November, "The question of or 14ge.OOG.ee for the purpose of Canyon, building (he Croweon Hill Srglng the distribution system, was (he issue and (11 against. This was Coast Guard and Other Ships Search Entire Atlantic Ooast Thought Possible That Sick Juror May .be Able to ’ Take Place Tomorrow NO W I L L WOT POSTPONE TBAOB IS POUND Every Effort Being Made to Keep From P attin g Off T ria l, Because of Cost 2. It was understood before election and at the time of elec- houra attar they jeit bebourget tion that the construction work for which this (469,000.00 bond near parfs early Sunday and issue was fslsed. wbuld be n WBh One part depended upon the-rest. headeti OTer the Atlantic in an s t­ and no one part could be voted on separately. The Crowson Hill tempt to fly without stopping (o reservoir needs the dam in th aw nyon te fiiriti anir Ihe new distri- New York, nothing has been button system needs the dam to maintain the even and proper volume board of the fate of Charles of water. The Crowson Hill rulervoir is being constructed for the ,\ anges9er and Francois Coll, purpose of equalising pressure Iff all parts and elevations of the <^ty. p>rench aviators. This cannot be maintained If thfcre Is not water enough to fill it. The Coast Guard and other The Crowson Hill reservoir is nol for the purpose of Increasing our American ships have hunted the water; this it cannot do ns the-water merely rugs'-(gto it and out New England coaat for them, again. • A storage reservoir is nsreaaary to Increase the water. This French and English vessels have was planned by the most competent engineers obtainable, together Marched far out at sen on the with the last council. For four this construction work would be otheP side of the Atlantic, while split up the last November election and only partly carry, leaving an ¿be ocean liners at sea h a v a unfinished and Inadequate water system, it waa so arranged that itv wCtched for traces of the plane, had to be voted for as a unit; and it was so voted and carried. The Jubilation in Paris over 3. At the 1st November etactlon It was voted by the people that Monday’s false report of the safe the city council shall construct a dam in the Ashland Canyon, to- landing of White Bird has been gether with the .Crowson Hill reservoir and enlargement and lih- turned to deep anxiety and resent- prevement of the distribution aystem.’ The election made it man- ment. Some resentment was dl- datory on the prt of the city council. No definite time was set for reeled against America and fad by (his construction work but it # not reasonable to think this did not a far fetched report that weather apply to the present council jnst coming Into office. Why waa it gata irom tb|g tide which might made mandatory that the council carry out this construction ^vorkf have aided the fliers, had been Because thousands of dollars had already been spent-daring the last withheld. fifteen years looking for a means of adding to our present city water i » i , ^ Trip supply, and the only practical solution was reached. No council Curtiss Field, New York, May would sink wells or consider Neil Creek or Cow Cfeek, or Buck Lake, f j .__Clarence Chamberlin and or the springs at the head W h ittle Butts Creek or any ether place Lloyd Bertaud today planned to after an election pointed out wherfc it should obtain water. - Then |gnore the warnings that France the work of previous council* must beconiidered and Hot repeated wouldn’t .a lm m , the a«»riea» and the spending of money to locate more water must stop. The flight across the ocean, while the chosen plan, a dam in Ashland Creek Canyon, must be the one f ate ofNungesser andC oll is in for tbs new council to work on. - . doubt. It wae also made mandatory that the eoaacil do this water con- The aviators, who will attempt structlon work because It was the wish of the people; a large sum t0 from New York to Paris of money had been raised for this purpose. In 1920 a bond Issue gnnounce