T THE W K A T im THE POULTRY INDUSTRY Fair in east, cloudy in west is a potential pay roll for '. *> > -a. "V ’* >'* ' & ’ ’ AshJdnd Tidings Volerne U vou ./a n d ASHLAND, 0 B Ê 6 0 N , ' - SURVEY 18 COMPLETED C oasldersble D issatisfaction Kates Found Among B usiness H ouses on Equalization of water rales and consideration of complaints occupied tbe attention of city council members at à special session Monday evening. Reduction of sprinkling rates is assured by the. passage of an amendment to the recently ef­ fective ordinance. The amend­ ment provides for a change from IS cents to five cent per 100 square feet for the first 10,000 square feet. The acreage mini­ mum was changed by amendment from one-half to one - quarter acre. These changes were recom­ mended by O. M. Frost, who for the last two weeks has been making a survey of the water rate situation. Council members were unanimous in the passage of the amendment. Reporting to the council on the survey Mr. Frost salji he had been checking residences and ir­ rigation users for the last two weeks and in this group the water users seem to have. expected a material raise in the rates and iiflle'dissatlsTactlon is fos householders agreeing the $2 straight rate, .with 5,000 feet of ground Included seems to be fair. F in d IMsesttoCsctlon “ P issa i t l sfs* would be in the neighborhood of $40,000, according to estimates by engineers. Councilman E. A. Wood * said. Councilmen p. T. Bergner and J. E. , Thornton said they believed this estimate was too high. POPLAR BLUF*F, Mo., May 10. — Fifty are known to be dead and more than 240 are injured from a tornado which swept this south­ ern Missouri city wrecking the business section. Hundreds were trapped by the falling debris when the wind struck late yesterday. Estimates of the damage vary from one Util lion to five million dollars. ' Freak Wlml Kills KANSAS CITY, Mo.,. May 10.— At least 81 persons have been killed by freak winds which, ac­ companied by terrific rains, hare ravaged parts of eight states In the great American tornado belt since Saturday night, ....... _ At least 550 have been injured and some estimate the figure to be 750. Climaxing a week-end of death and destruction, a tornado Mon­ day afternoon swept through Pop­ lar Bluff, Mo., killing at least 26 persons. Injuring 250 and caus­ ing great property damage, ac­ cording to figures supplied to the United Press by State Senator pwight Brown, publisher of the Poplar Bluff American. Thirty-five persons were killed in Texas Monday morning by twisters which ripped practically every county in the northeast part of the state. Property damage in Texas will total more than one milllqp dollars. In Kansas, over the two-day period, 13 persons were killed. Until the tw isterPoplar. Bluff, Mo., counted 12 dead. Ode per­ son was killed in Illinois. Two Nervous Siezures That Resemble Epilepsy, At- , tack Mrs. Suyder MAY E S C A P E CHAIR Jury Verdict benjamin the Life o f H erself and Henry Judd Gray___„____ LONG ISLAND CITY/ May 10. — Mrs. Ruth Snyder, who has been convicted of first degree murder for which the sentence Is death, has suSered two ner- vlons seizures, which physicians said have a strong resemblence to epilepsy. Both attacks have occurred since the jury brought In the verdict demanding the life of herself and Henry Judd Gray, for the murder of her husband, Al­ bert Snyder. As tbe rekult, there Is the new possibility of her be­ ing sent to an asylum rather than to the electric chair. NEW YORK. May 10. — (IP) — Mrs. Ruth Brown Snyder and her former lover, Henry Judd Gray, cornet salesman, were con­ victed of first degree murder by jury in Queens county court Historical society Auditorium SDAY, MAY 10, 1927 la s t n ig h t. Justice Townsend Scudder will sentence them to death In the electric chair when they are call­ ed before him at 10 a. m. Only vW —vvirfrviBt 02 tn u ir mw jrtsra nwer* ved the court from passing sent­ en ce * T ™ * * * t y y TO TAKE AIR S Will Soon Perfect Ship Cap able of Flying at Bx- ie Hefr] hto treme ri! Not even District Attorney Richard E. Newcomb, who char­ acterised the killing of Albert Snyder, art editor of the ma sine "Motor Boating,” last March 20, as "the most coldblooded and premldsted murder In the history of Queens county” had looked for so speedy a judgment. Actually the jury’s dellbera tions had consumed little more than an hour. • Jury Retiree The jury retired at 5:18 p. m. At 6:32 p. m. the tap came on the door that meant a decision. One hour and 16 minutes had elapsed— lese time than Justice Scudder had consumed in. his charge. The absence of William J. Mil­ lard, Gray’s counsel, caused a delay. At 6:55 p. m. the jurors, with strained faces and grim expres­ sions. filed In and took the seats they had occupied for two weeks. A minute later Mrs. Snyder came In, followed by Gray. She sat down and burled her face in her hands. Gray assumed his usual erect posture. The room was stifling hot. SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 10.—(IP) j—A new type of naval airplane capable of flying* at extreme heights and which may be taken Into the air soon in an effort,to set a new America»/ altitude rec­ ord, was tested for the first time at the naval air staffon here io­ day. The new plane, equipped with a super-charger, which makes it possible to>fly the .craft at extreme altitudes, is known as a FJ-1 and is to be assigned to flight duty with the new naval enlisted men’s squadron, commanded by Lieut. C. p . Chaplin. Fifteen of the planes are now at the naval sir station. During a recent test of the planes on the east coast, they were able to fly 32,000 feet high with the super-charger. It it possible, naval officers here say, that the planes can be made to fly much higher and 1t is the plan of the of­ ficers in command to test their al­ Report On Meter titude ability here as soon as ox­ Justice Enters Earl Hosier, superintendent of ygen tanks and other altitude Justice Scudder entered In his water, said that installation of equipment are obtained. flowing black robes, and the spec­ meters could not be made before tators arose silently without any three or four months, and would warning cry from the bailiffs. be quite useMss until the new Justice Scudder, In his deep water mains were all in place. voice, gently cautioned all to be decorous. (Please Turn to Page .2) The thin voice of the clerk of the court broke the silence: Court Decides That Petrol­ "Gentlemen of the Jury, have you reached a verdict?” eum Company Shall Pay William E. Young, youthful Accrued Interest Accrued publicity man, and foreman, an­ LO8 ANGELES, May 10.— (IP) swered in a voice almost Inaud­ —The United States government ible: won a moral victory in its suit to “We, the Jury, find the de­ collect several million dollars In­ fendants, Ruth Snyder and- Henry terest which had accrued from the Judd Gray, guilty of murder In Elk Hills oil leases when Federal the first degree." "V Judge Paul McCormick handed down his long-waited decision. The court decided that the IS ON STAFF Psh-Amerlcan Petroleum a n d O R E G O N AGRICULTURAL Transportation company should COLLEGE, Corvallis, Ore., May pay the accrued Interest on miner­ al properties on naval reserve at 10.— Francess Pratt of Ashland, the rate of seven per cent per an­ senior In commerce, was on the num up until March, 17, 1924- staff of the Co-ed Barometer, a Totnl payment, It Is probable, will publication of the O. A. C. Dally nöt exceed ,$1,800,000, although Barometer In which all the work women. the amount has njt yet been was' done entirely by I Once a year. Usually during determined. In its suit, the government Mother’s Week-End, the co-eds ín L e BEcAuue«. f »*« r sought to collect interest up until publish an entire Issue of the ¿ i AS BACV AS rr UMKg February 28, 1927, which Barometer, and a ’ creditable would have aggregated more than showing was made this year by their 10-page paper. ' $2,000,000. - - sm s SUIT FUR MILLIONS .The California Oregon Power gaged with Barney Gray in mak­ Company which operates through- ing repairs to the Montague sub­ out Southern Oregon and North­ station. They were replacing ! ern California has again won disconnecting switches! ■ » nS f some ttonal recognition through which had been destroyed a ' Award or the Insull Medal short time before by lightning, j »co ar Gray was In the sub-station, put- ■ other members of the Copco gsnlzatlon. This makes the b third ting a switch in placé behind Insull Medal to be presented ted tt> the switch board. Knackstedt was ! Copco employees in recognition. Of engaged at the moment outside j itiön of their efforts in saving the liv o t the substation building. He heard h rough the familiar flash of a short cir- ¡ Only Thimr Known About of their fellow workers throu resuscitation from electric shook cult and » g r o a n from Gray, | M ’SSinjT A ir m e n i s T h a t Flight Was Failure This honor is doubly apprecla Rushing Inside hq found that the ¡. when It Is known that only Switch in Gray’s hand had slip­ of these coveted medals have ped Into a line switch adjoining, M E N M A Y B E D E A D M A been , awarded in the tenth« and Gray was stretched on the Rescue Ship .and Airplanes Are Northwest and three of these floor unconsciobs and not breath- “ Sent Out to Heard« the have gone to employees of tM ing- e . Atlantic Ideal company. The first of those Hurriedly dragging Gray out awards was made to Howard Dp- onto the floor in front o f the NEW YORK, May 10.— Charles nan of Medford on December 1, switchboard. Knackstedt applied Nungesser and Francois Coll have 1925; the second to Ted Mont­ the ‘resuscitation methods in failed In an attempted Paris-New gomery of Klamath Falls on An* which all Copco men are trained. York non-stop flight, but whether gust 27. 1926, and the last one His manwaa to all appearances ¡they are alive or dead, Afloat on to Emmitt Knackstedt on May 3, dead, but after ten minutes work, j the Atlantic shore somewhere in 1927. The history of the accident Knackstedt was rewarded by a New Foundland or Nova Scotia which so nearly proved fatal la ns return of life to his patient. Af­ or at the bottom of the sea, none follows: ter a few hoars rest, Gray was could tell. back on the Job, none the worse Making Repairs The glittering biplane White , for his experience. Without the On July 19, 1925, Emmitt Bird must have run out of gaso­ Knackstedt, known to all of Sis- j1)100111 ministrations of Knack- line yesterday, if some other con­ kiyou county as “Perky”, was en- tingency hadn’t forced her to (Please Turn To Page Five) alight long before. Plans went forward along the northern coast to send out rescue ships and Air­ planes to search the Atlantic. M W M I K «ANY H E ARE GffiMIMt SECURED IH DRIVE "■■■ ■■ i ? (United Preea Wire & Service) COPCO EMPLOYEE FOSITKIllHiBY (ASYLUM MIGHT ANOTHER CHAPMAN DISCUSSES WINS INSOLE MEDAL AWARD VIGOROUS HUNT .. ftKHMMO E WATER RATES CLAIM BLONDE IS HADE FOR CONVICTED OF EFFECTED AT LONG OVERDDE KILLING HATE SPECIAL MEET OCEAN FLYERS Two Hundred Fifty Injured When Wind S leep s Through Town >' lion. Probable showers. Ashland’s Leading Newspaper for Over, Fifty Years (United •d New« Wire Service) Amendment Passed by the Council Assures Reduct­ ion in Sprinkling Rates _ >, : - Collection of Facsimile and Forty Join the Chamber of Hand Colored Repro- - .. Commerce During First r- " * * — * ductions S Shown Morning’» Work With fifteen Ashland business An exceptionally fine colled collect' men working, forty new members ion of facsimile and hand color colored reproductions of the works of old in the Chamber of Commerce was and contemporary artists will i reported at noon today. . The success the teams were meeting be on exhibit at the Southern Oregon Normal school May' I M S L“’Uh * “ a *°urC8 ot |io the committee having -the Inclusive. | The facsimiles are made by a drive In charge according to O. couipaiatively new process which F. Carson, chairman. This was reproduces the technique of th e : the. ftrst quarter o f. a two day “ aitiat and the original coloring. ur,' e’ and committee members which the hand colored ones do -itel confident that when final reports have been made the mem­ not do. The pictures arc representative bership will be nearly one hun­ of all types of paintings, marine?, dred per cent. The Normal school faculty re­ ip ’pals, landscapes, flgu-. ! ' por­ sponded to the solicitation for traits and still life. The money membership unusually well, and received from this exhibit will many of this mornings member­ be used for pictures which are ships originated from that source. much needed for the walls of the Normal school. Y ellow stone ^fan Here The exhibit will be: shown in Horace Allbrighl, superintend­ room 21 today, tomorrow, Thurs-^ ent of Yellowstone National Park day and Friday. The hours are», was an Ashland visitor last night from 3 to 5 from 7 to 9 p. m. being the guest /*.** w . Price of every day and the admission is the Crater Lake Lodge and Llthia fifteen cents. * • Springs Hotel. The two men left on a business trip this morning Vale— Work to begin on Vale which will «take them Into the northern part of the state. irrigation project. Are H ours yverd u e • NEW YORK, May 10. — The tragedy of failure. If not the ul­ timate tragedy of death, appar­ ently has ended the gallant at­ tempt of Captains Charles Nun­ gesser and Francois Coll to fly from Paris to New York. Hours overdue, the little White Bird biplane In which the airmen took off so—Jauntily from 'L e Foster Tells of Land Settle­ ment Work in the Middle W est ILLNESS OF A JUROR CAUSES POSTPONEMENT MURDER CASE Income tax and other tax measures of Oregon were discus­ sed by C. C. Chapman of Port­ land, editor of the Oregon Voter, at the noonday luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce held in S. W. Dunham is too DI to the Llthia Springs hotel today. Appear in Court Today; Chapman expressed himself as Will Meet Wednesday opposed to the provisions of the Income tax law. TAKEN TO HIS HOME Arthur Foster, land settlement agent, connected with the local Attorneys Agree Better to Poet- pone Case Then to Select and state Chamber of Commerce, New Jury gave an interesting review of his work in mlddlewest states dur­ JACK8ONVILL7, May 10.—The ing the last six months. Oregon ift. looked on aa a "home state,” Hugh D’Autrejnont murder trial Mr. Foster said, and many fam­ is at a standstill due to the illness ilies whom he had Interviewed of S. W. Dunham, juror, who is were planning to locate in Ore­ too 111 to appear . again today. gon. The local Chamber of Com­ Court is to convene Wednesday j merce is taking care of the home for another report.— - An examination disclosed that settlement in this vicinity. Sixty members attended the Dunham is suffering from infec­ meeting today. The report ef the tion of his gall bladder. An­ membership committee was re­ other examination will be. made this evening to try end estimate ceived with enthusiasm. Governor and Mrs. I. L. Patter­ how long before he will be able son will be guests of honor of to resume his duty. Clearly, the the Chamber at their meeting state, defense and the court next week. The meeting will be agreed that it was better to wait for Dunham's recovery than to an evening affair. i-.elect a new jury. WEATHER JINX STOPS CONTEMPLATED FLIGHT Taken Home JACKSONVILLE, Ore., May 1». (IP)~ Indefinite postponement of the* Hugh D’Autremont murder trial loomed late lait night pend­ ing the recovery of S. W. Dun­ Every Effort Will be Made ham. a juror, who was suddenly to Start Transcontinen- stricken 111 during yesterflay's ses­ v tai Trip Today sion. Dunham’s condition became no­ SAN DIEGO, Cal., May 10,— ticeable^ during tbe nffernoon, O P ) Captain Charles Lindbergh, B o u rg et aird rom e « ) t h e -OUt- who has been pursued by a weath­ when he had V» b» assisted Into skirts of the French capital, er Jinx during the past week, the courtroom by two bailiffs. had not been heard from 49 1-2 ’which prevented- film from liop- Upon learning of Dunham'r tlt- hours after the start of the haz- ping off for St: Louis on his first nesa. Judge Ç. M. Thomas ruled arduons flight. 'lap of his flight to Paris, an- .that the trial be postponed “until New York harbor, target for Mj\ Dunham is able to resume his -tumors of the approach of “the make every effort to get fnto the pi»ee in the J ury box.” Removed To Home “White Bird” from morning un­ air tomorrow on his trans-contin night, waited in vain for authen­ Ipntal journey. Dunhapa. was removed to. his tic word from Nungesser and In commenting on the trans-At­ home in Medford to récupérât^ Coli. jerora Fill con­ lantic flight, Captain Lindbergh The Shortly before 7 p. mi, when said today that It thq two French tinue their semMmprlmniineat un­ It was estimated that the French flyers had struck a sleet storm der the guard of hallffs» The state oontfnued tl) call wit- plane's supply of gasoline must which are frequently over the to the stand today In an ; hhve been exhausted, plans of North Atlantic at this time of welcome , changed to plans for Vear, It is hardly probable that effort to offset the daa$ag< «.caused - search and rescue. they could have remained In the Saturday when J. L. Ben well suf­ Airplanes which were to have air for long. He declared that fered a slight “mental relapse**, flown to meet the “White BIrd” ?he bMn forced down g, vprai while being cross-examined by the , and escort it In triumph to its 'times with mall planes when fly­ prosecution. goal, took the air in an organ­ Bonwell’s failure to remember ing through sleet storms. Huge ized search of the coast as far chunks of ice will pile up on the a penciled potation nearly causetC north as Rhode Island. Other wings and struts and even the the state’s case to collapse, and R planes rose from the Boston alr- propellor, forcing the craft to tile was to this end that the state pat earth sometime« ' In a very few W. D. Chandler and Maurice Cot-\ ( Please Turn To Page Five) urri, special agents for the South­ Irlnutes, he said. ern Pacific, on the stand daring, the afternoon. Agents Testify REVISE WATER RATES The city council unanimously Both agents testified that they agreed to amend the water rates went to the • Hauser Hardware- for ncreage irrigation and for store In Albany on Oct. 39, 1923, lawn or garden sprinkling under and in their presence, Bonwell, a Sections 29 and 30 of the new wa­ clerk in the store, wrote his ini­ ter ordinance to read as follows: tials and the notation "10-39-23” For each quarter acre or frac­ on a certificate for an automatic tion thereof per season $3.75. pistol— the “murder gun.” which i Was formerly half acre minimum the state alleges was used by Hugh and his two brothers, Ray $7.50.) Lawn or gardeh Irrigation. All and Roy. in the dynamiting of • extra area of either lawn or gar­ 'Southern Pacific train and the den In excess of 5000 square feet murder of tour trainmen In South­ up to the acreage minimum dbove ern Oregon more than three years to be charged at the rate of 5 ego. This gun, the state will attempt cents per hundred square feet, (waa formerly 10 cents per hun­ to prove, was purchased by Roy D’Autremont, who signed for it dred square feet.) These rates go In effect June nnder tbe name of "William El­ • 1. if any water user now cares liot.’» - » The defense, on tbe other hand, to sign up for Increase of irri­ gated area because of these more has pointed out that if tlje nata­ favorable rates please call up tion "10-30-22” was tbe sale date nhone 382 city warehouse and ask cf (he gun. then it was sold after that Water Superintendent Hos­ the dynamiting, which occurred o» ier send a man out to recheck the October 11. 1922. former area. Regarding others of the new DEATH RUMOR M rates, particularly In the business The rumor that "lake’' district, it Is admitted that some who Is employed by the inequalities do exist, also admit­ Vscific compssy, bad bees killed ted that the ordinance Is not quits yesterday, proved to ha falsa. clear nt all points, but the Inten­ Mr. Gyger was to a» ‘ automo­ tion la to place all commercial bile secldeat sear riaaaosslr. and business water users aa soon Cel., sad.Whs uimoaeelous for a as possible on meters, that me^ short time, bat bearding to re­ ters can function properly afjer ports received this moratag ha Is Crc arson Hill reservoirs and new getting «U ox UMU* distribution system are In opera­ T tion, one of the main purposes of thia extensive new construction. Mra Marion Tense o f the 1 The water superintendent nn- nd Unity Center at der this ordinance has full author­ ity at his discretion to adjust any Yea So, It’s A Hard Life (Please Tura To Page Five) Individuality." *