Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 23, 1927, Image 1

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T ive M illion D ollar R elief
Fund is Requested b y
the Rod Orom
Situation Instead of Improving
WASHINGTON. April 2 8 —(IP)
— President Coolidge has appealed
to the country for a $8,009,000
relief fund for Mississippi river
flood sufferers.
, A special Rad Cross committee,
under the chairmanship of Secre­
tary of Commerce Hoover, was
named to direct collection and ex­
penditure of the money.
The president In bis proclama­
tion said:
"Bight states are suffering one
of the most extensftre floods In the
history bf the country. For more
than two weeks the Mississippi
has been’overwhelming the coun­
try, breaking through the levees
raised, to confine them within
their courses. They have deluged
millions of acres of agricultural
land, Inundated many town* and
driven thousands of people from
their homes. The crest of the
flood is advancing southward
dally creating n*w ruin. ’
"In the padt tew dkys the situ­
ation, instead of improving,
had bean hoped, has been rapidly
growing.marae. ..The ftood watara
have eonttnually forced n e w
breaches in the levees despite the
efforts of hundreds of workers,
with consequent increased des­
< « <
"The Americas Red Creep re­
ports that, by a most conserva­
tive estimate there are now more
than - 78."6 00 refugees from the
flood who must he cared for by
the Red Gross. While thia emer­
gency continues which will he
for weeks, these refugees must be
fed, sheltered and clothed. Their
health must be protected.
"In the event that the floods
rise to the predicted higher levels
In the next fe y days, the number
whose most primary needs must
be cared for will quickly be
doubled or trebled. The situa­
tion to Indeed grave.
Government Helps
"The government is giving such
aid as lies within its pewer. Gov­
ernment boats that are available
are being used to rescue those In
danger and carry refugees to
safety. The war department is
providing the Red Cross w i t h
tents for housing refugees. The
national gnard, state and local au­
thorities are'assisting. Bat the
harden of oaring for the homeless
rests upon the ageficy designated
by government charter to provide
relief in disaster, the American
Natlonqt Red Cross.
"For so great a task additional
funds mast be obtained immed­
“It therefore becomes my duty
as president of the American Na­
tional Red Cross to direct the
sympathy of our people to the sad
plight of thousands of their fel­
low citizens end to urge that gen­
erous contribution be promptly
, With all arrangements com­
pleted for baseball here this
year It now remains . for Ash­
land enthusiast* to complete
thelr’Share of the work. The
games were scheduled In A*h-
lan<L due to n promise' being
made to prepare'aOA.keep the
ground^ in exomihbt shape.
Volunteer* are asked to meet
at the ball groqpde Couth • of
Ashland In the mmtalpg tor the
purpose of cledfRig the dia­
mond and p u t t h ^ t 4e* first
class shape. Nwnkiihcifto tints
has been set ter Meeting hut
many have expreseed^a desire
to oeoperata, and fh»y will
meet nt MP sally hour sod get
the work finished within a
short time.
The members' of Ashland Camp
No., 242. Woodmen of the Wor|d,
are elated over the Success of their,
membership drive. Lacking but
twenty-two members of reaching
their goal.
Several committees
Who are jiard at work are confi­
dent that they will go “over the
top" by Monday night. Thirty-
one business men have taken out
protection In the society, and a
'personal Invitation wUl be extend­
ed to all those who have not
signed up for membership.
Plans are wall under way for
the big class for Initiation which
will be hold about May IS. On
this date
prominent members
from throughout the state will be
present. Including Congressman
W. C. HawMy, who Is chairman of
the board of head managers of the
Woodmen of the World.
On this night they will cele­
brate the landing of the national,
convention of this society which
will be held in Ashland June 28,
1828. This cnonvCntien will
bring to Ashland the banner
crowd In the history of the state,
as the Woodmen of the World is
the largest fraternal benefit so­
ciety in the nine western states,
SALEM. April >>.—(IP)—The
public service commission today
cited the Southern Paaiflc com­
pany and the O. W, B. and M.
company to appear before the
commission I T Its Portland of­
fice May 4. to show cause why
they have not complied With the
order providing reduced freight
.rates on hay, grain and grata
products, potatoes and onions.
The order of the commission
was issued August 28, 1824. The
railroads contested the order in
courts and in a dekflsion handed
down by the supreme court $ tew
weeks ago, the rates established
by the commission were upheld
as reasonable and just.
According to member* of the
commission however, the carriers
are refusing to pat the new ratps
into effect, notwithstanding the
ceutt decision. Penalty for vio­
lation of .the order* of the com­
mission, It is pointed out. Is fixed
by tomorrow at a maximum of
81,000 for each offense.
N ew s R eel M « Lose L ives
W hile P h o to g r a p h in g
KELSO, Wash^ April 28. —
(IP) — Three men taking pictures
of a gigantic blast on the Ocean
Bpach highway, 20 miles below
here this afternoon were killed
when a great wave caused by
hundreds of tons of rock falling
into the Columbia river engulfed
their boat, drowning them.
The dead:
T. Q. Randolph, cameraman
for the International News Ser­
vice of Seattle.
F. H. Randolph, also employed
as a Cameraman by the I. N. S.
Arthur Bassett, driver of the
Monticello hotel bus nt Long­
view, Wash., and an amateur
Word waa received' this morning
by Dodge an<j Sons Under­
taking parlors that Mr. A. W.
Harper, formerly a resident of
Ashland, had passed away Thurs­
day night at his bom* In Sab
The body will he sent to this
olty for inrlal but the funeral
arrongemlbta have not been com-
8T. LOUIS, April 22.— Hunger,
disease, and exposure added to the
suffering of thousands of flood
refuged* In the lower Mississippi
valley today. As the big Missta-
KANSAffCITY. Ma., April'jk
(IP)— Ralph Parry and sJhi
Nortoa. IS year old couslam’C
8t. Louis, Mo., who confesas!
the murder of Alloa H.
mana, young Insurance stffNg
today pleaded guilty 'amí J
sentenced to. Ufo ImprtoonasáA
The two youths have alto
celved 7« year sentences ea
hold-up counts.
’< 3
A pion of guilty waa entered
or tbe protest of James
prosecutor, who demanded? j
stand trial before s Jury/whe»^
hoped to obtain the death peas
Young Parry and Norton ' s
returned hors from Los AMg*
Cal., last weak, wham
after the crime,
¿B ’
The Ashland Electric Company
have moved their complete atoek
o f, electrical goods Into the fine
new roqm la the Horsey Build­
ing, and with workman rapidly
completing the installation of
flxtnres. will * soon have ona or
the finest electrical stores in
Southern Oregon.
The new place Is open for busi­
ness now, and by the first of the
B riggs A uto Company Com­
week Manager Bifly Sams, ex­
pletely Destroyed W hen
a c ts to have every thing In
B lase Starts
place aid be ready to welcome
old customers as well as new.
IH » « W M N T
Board o í Directors and R
W . Prioo W orking on
papers last’night carried a story
of * possible'change la the man­
agement of the Lifhia Springs Ho­
tel, V. O. N. Smith chairman of
the board of the hotel, today in
an Interview stated that some few
days' ago, R. W. Price, present
leasee had expressed a desire to
be relieved of his lease. That
the board had been working out
details of a plan to comply with
Possibility of Hundreds of Bodies
Being Pound In the
DETROIT. April 82. — (IP) —
The five million dollar automo­
bile plant of the Brigga Com­
pany waa practically destroyed
by fire following an explosion
today, which may have taken a
number of lives. At noon the
flame* were still running one-
hundred feat high and the major
portion of the plant waa ruined.
Twenty seven men were taken
to hospitals, one dielng during
the noon hoar. Seven more were
thought to be fatally Injured. A
number of the workman may
have been trapped in the fire
as there were more than two
thousand at work when the ex­
plosion occurred. It ta believed
possible that hundreds of bodies
will be found In the ruins.
UP)—Chaplain Orville t . ’ Oh
pttt, U. 8. A., whose alleged 1
affair* wore the subject of (
they were not in a' position to
military Investigations, h a s h
make a definite statement as to
dismissed from the service.
there future plans. Mr. Smith
The ninth epvpe alee ) m
DETROIT. April 28.— Fairly
farther stated that Insofar as he
quarters hare Friday recel
reports to President
knew the settlement would he
whrd from W ashlpgtepthgt
of sthe Brigg
worked out on a friendly and sat­
young captain had been rote*
coippany Indicated that no work­
■‘for the good of t ie service?
ers had been trapped in the au­
The chaplain, a regularly •
tomobile body plant which was
dained Baptist clergyman, 1
partially destroyedby fire.
haled' before a «rartmaitia*
The reports said that 170 men.
shengne a f . mls o na rtuct wjUJ*1
cille Swallow, who said that I
knew Clampltt white ha mac , ducted la Ashland today by the where
local tr. s . ctvtt swvtec Examta- wa,ked
Leavenworth, XaC.é wad wfM
Board, of applicants for am- The pr<1
LITTLE ROCk, Ark.. April 22. dared ha had given hC rntol
In the railway mall
—OF)—At least 100 square mfles for efiilleg n l o8eha|tem '
I NmMea. .. o tjw g tv e « anaUcfttKutal ^
i f Territory ta seveb Sdhtbeastorn
filed, tea applicants from various
Arkansas counties will be flooded
as a remilt of levee breaks today, subject of another investfthtion qeettons of Southern Oregon pre-
according to an official report after It was ¿«ceverafl.'tltat h i -spnlctf themselves at the designat- OLD RESIDENT REMEMBERED
, of examination, this morn-
made Friday night to th e ' state had registered nkdpr eh cfahmed
Jnalor high school, and
military department.
naake • « a ’ BiwW riakif-lihtei.
Ing the prescribed test,
The report was made by Major w hen » qaroeir ÿq ear flea >H a-
under the direction of Clark E. H.
A. W. Meadows, commanding the ciste) tantron e r ata aeg^tatance
W.eron of the Ashland postoffice,
164th observation squadron, and •happened ¿p he> atopplng: ■ ’ '
Lieut. L. R. Hewitt, U. 8. A., In­
Ohuapitt ; la » o k , cthtfbtfcfi at » member of the local examining
board. Those who successfully
structor, who made an airplane Yaacoavct Barrante. jrWash.
liais the tests will be placed on
survey of the situation .today.
the eligible list for employment in
The men reported the situation
the railway mall service of the
between Little Rock and Pino
gfo'stofflce department.
Bluff as unchanged with scattered
refugees in no immediate danger.
The Kansas river broke In
Willamina — Contrari
lor ’ » > Povttaed — Southern Pacific
two places near Pendleton today Mrlldtag Salssoi » river’*' «kt-off.
acres in Bastmoreland,
and thousands of persons living highway to coast.
ter development.
in the threatened area are la
grave danger, Meadows reported.
The flood is traveling southeast
toward McOehee and Arkansas
National guard planes stationed
at. McOehee and Bonticello spent
Friday afternoon warning inhabi­
tants within threatened areds. Av­
iators report the Pendleton break
will inundate fifty ¿»ore square
miles in south and west Arkan­
sas before Sunday,
TAe WAofé Darn Family is Full Again
*■ *
i- .
State TO1 A sk for s n Ln
m ediate T rial o f “ Bare
K nuckle” Slayer
LOS ANGELES, April 22.—^p)
— While counsel for Paul Kelly,
screen juvenile and. alleged "bare
knuckle" slayer, was attempting
to round np defense witnesses the
district attorney’s
office an­
nounced Its case against the ac­
tor complpte. *
When Kelly is arraigned Mon­
day on an lndlctfcsht charging
lh? firBt degree murder of Ray
Raymond, musical comedy, star
and husband of the woman Kelly
loved, th e ’state will ask for an
immediate trial, official» said.
“The case against Kelly so far
as the state is concerned Is com­
plete," Deputy DMMet Attorney
Eagan said. “We will ask that
the cose go to trial within the
next three weeks."
Helens — Contract l*t for
282,008 Knights of Pythias
< 38^
A W e e k o f L ab oron s W o r k
R esu lts in J u r y
Twelve Men
NEW YORK, April 2?. — (IP)
■— Twelve stout, solid men,
twelve-middle aged, middle class
citisens, twelve distinguished by
'nothing you could' concentrate
your attention upon, are ready
to consider the matter of life or
death for Mrs. Ruth Brown Sny­
der and Henry Judd Gray.
It took a week of laborious
cross questioning and even Of
threatening to obtain the jury Champions of North Will Now
Debate Inorala in Elimina­
to., weigh the strange and grue­
tion Contest
some murder of Albert Snyder,
45, art editor of Motor Boat­
By winning a three to nothing
Three hundred and eighty eight decision from the Eugene Higa
taleriueg. a doseh at a time School debate team last night 1$
Were examined before the jury the local high school assembly, the
Ashland High School debaters be­
was completed.
~K I amor that Mrs. Snyder has came the champions of the SouthZ
volunteered rs -a state’s witness, era Oregon district. Bttfh team*
ready In this manner to testify exhibited a high class of debate
to Ct the crime solidly on her that pleased the audience but th^
former lover withont the neces­ local team outclassed the visitors
sity cf cross examination could in the presentation of argument.
The question debated last night
not be confirmed.
Easier t« confirm was the de­ waa resolved, that a severance tax
fense plan In regard to the char­ should be made a feature of tbd
acter of thu divided defendants. system of taxation in Oregon«
Many v i in esses will swear that Dena and Dick Joy, who composed
Jndd Gray was a fine fellow and the winning team, upheld the neg­
an upright citizen. Many others ative and Jessie Wlnchell and
nro anxious to testify that the John Dodds, Eugene debaters;
blonde, Mrs. Fnyder, was with- took ths affirmative. Including
ont o peer as a wife, mother and the debate of last night Eugene
has won 16 judge’s votes out of a.
model of ruburbnn virtues.
..Ju stice
solemnly possible 21 and Ashland now has
charged the jurors not to dis­ won 20 out of * ,possible >4. Har­
cuss the case, n e n among them­ old W. Allison is coach of the lo­
selves, and adjourned court un­ cal debaters and Frank Palmer,
til Monday ahen the Snyder- head of history department and
Gray trial will get under way debate coach; Mias Mae Kinaey,
after a wholu week at anchor to head of the Bnglisft department;
Jessie Wlnchell and John Dodds,
an unfilled Jrry box.
bell, debate manager, composed
the Eugene delegation.
Ashland high will meet the
champions of the Northern Ore­
gon district Friday, May 8, in the
tine* debate for W estern Oregon
Joke Contest is Staged
Regular W eekly
Luncheon '
The Frenoh, Jews, Irish and
English, played a part in the
Klwanis rflub noon day luncheon
held yesterday in the Lithia
Springs hotel when a joke tell­
ing contest was staged. Profes­
sor I. B. Vining gave a brief
talk on hts proposed eastern trip,
and the club was entertained by
two vocal solos by Eunice Hagar,
accompanied on the piano by
Mary Oale}.
Floy Young de­
lighted the club with a violin
President Wirt Wright ap­
pointed H. , L. Claycomb, Dr.
R. L. Bnrdic and C. J. Read on
a committee to cooperate with
the Chamber of Commerce In the
preparation of a float for the
Rose Festival at Portland.
boners. The winning teem will
then debate the McLaughlin High
School teem from Milton-Freewa­
ter. which
Oregon championship, at the Uni­
versity of Oregon on May 20.
V. O. N. Smith of thé local cit­
isens Bank acted as chairman and
Walter Redford, geography In­
structor at the Ashland Normal;
B. H. Conkle, principal of the
Medford high school and T. H.
Temple, paator of the Medford*
Methodist church, w e r e the
A debate team is rarely compos­
ed of as interesting a personal as
IS the local team. Dena and Dick
Joy are not only brother and sta­
ter but are twine as well. Their
brother, Barnard J oy, waa •
member of the local high school
team which won the state cham­
pionship two years ago. He ta
now debating for the Rooks of thé
Oregon Agricultural C o l l e g e .
Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Joy, were instructors In the old
Southern Oregon Normal school,
Mrs. Joy being critic teacher.
Woodburn — Sixty men work­
on new Ray-Brown cannery.
Officials of Kansas
A re Called Upon to
A id in F igh t
Oiling Oregon Trail, Heppner
Junction to La Grande, will take
✓ KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 2A three months.
— (IP) — Following the discov­
ery yesterday that myriads of
white ants, otherwise known as
termites had Invaded many homes
here, city health officials have
been bombarded for the past S<
hours by calls /or help from hys­
terical housewives who fancy
their homes overrun by the ln-
Investigations by health au­
thorities has disclosed the foot
that white ants have appeared ta
a number of homes where they
have prooeeded to honeycomb
window ledges, joints, timbers
and floors.
Sple and spaa dwellings are
particularly favored by the ta-
sects ta their depredations.
Because of "ant hysteria,” au-
iorities have been unable to
etermtne the exact extent of the
white ant menace. The pests are
believed to have migrated here
from Julian,, Neb., where they
appeared several weeks ago.