THE POULTRY INDUSTRY i r a WXATHU is a potential pay roll for Fair with heavy frost, hot quit« ■' ’ ' Ashland AsMand’s Leading »d ASHLAND. Oi >»■* 5 m • so cold tonight iper for Over Fifty Years (United News Wir« Servi««) * (United PraM.Wir« Service) ■ n . r.» i. IDA Y, APRIL 22, 1927 HAD]?1ASHLAND’S i i o i r a n s Freedom of the Press is the Center of Vigorous Scrap (By Mildred Gygar) Ashland’s first telephone, relic of unusual Interset to ' land residents, is being displ by Clarence Lane In the W1 _, of his confectionery store neat the Junior High school. It is of a type used by early set­ tlers in Ashland and was ly owned by E. V. Carter, Details of Night of Horror instrument was used about I f During Holdup Now • to connect the Carter reslden«« Being Told and the Ashland Bank new salted the State Bank of Ashland. BODIES ARE ON TRAIN The contrivance consists of round, hollow, wooden Sixty Oss Victims of Terrible box about tea Inches in dii Assault Are Brought Into with a wood transmitter, a hear» Mexico City Iron piece acting as a spring, and DNABLE STOP WAVE OF CRINE IN PORTLAND a small bell connected to the sound box. The two telephones were connected by two twisted iron wires strung at a high ten­ sion by means of poles about twenty feet high. Small wooden buttons held the wires In place in the transmitter. In order to ring the phone the user tapped the button with a small wooden*ham­ mer causing the bell of the con­ Lone Bandit Takes $220 From Lone Girl in an necting phone tq ring. There Office This Morning were three of these phones in use In the town at that time. Since the Introduction of the TEN ROBBERIES NOW Bell Telephone System into Ash­ W ith the Exception of Arrest of land twelve years ago, the num­ Two Nineteen Year Old ber of telepehone owners has in-1 Boys, Arrest Evaded creased to 1,007, B A R IO UMPIRES Recent Attacks by Baseball Players Raises Ire of * League Head - NEEDED VOTES NOW IN HANDS OF PRESDIENT ÉUGENE. April 22.— (IP)— The SAN FRANCISCO, April 22.— hottest fight that has shaken the (IPX- Harry Williams, president of student body for many years is the Pacific Coast league has de­ under way at the university of clared war upon umpire baiting Oregon, with Sol Abramson, edi­ baseball players. tor of the Oregon Daily Emerald, Although without full details of Little Rock is an Island City Has Reason to Feel That he conducting a spirited battle for Frank Brazill's assault upon Hal With Railroads Blocked Can Control at Least Freedom of the press. Eason in Los Angeles Thursday, And Bridges Out Thirty One States An amendment to put control of Williams declared that Brazill will Emerald’s editorial policies in be dealt with summarily. MANY ACRES FLOODED ¡the the bands of the publications “It Is possible (hat I may refer PRIMARIES FAVORABLE commute? was drafted by leading thè matter to Mike Sexton, presi­ State« Where Direct Primary Law One of Proeperous Tow«« hi the members of the student council, dent of the national association Flood Region Under Fifteen in in Effect Expected to be ’ which started the campaign of minor league clubs,” Williams Feet ot Water Favorable against the Emerald. said, “ if the trouble was as serious According to the paper the as newspaper accounts indicate it WASHINGTON, April 22. — WASHINGTON, April 22 — (IP) MEXICO April 22.— Details of PORTLAND, April 22.— Strlk will be hard on Brazill. Holding that the Mississippi river amendment, which Abramson has a night of horror made more ter­ — Apparently President Cool­ ing defiance at the several shot “ When a husky ball player uses idge already holds two thirds ot floods were a major national dis­ branded as the gag rfle , was rible by the piteous cries of men, gun squads which are patroling yslcal violence against a 55 year the republican convention secure­ aster, President Coolidge’s * spec­ framed by six members of the women and children were related the streets, a lone* bandit enter­ council. 1 man like Eason it is time for ly in his hand. ial Red Cross committee, under by the Labarca train holdup ar­ ed the office of tne Security Bene­ Each day the Emerald is print­ drastic action. This bullying of the chairmanship of Secretary He has reason to count on the riving in Mexico City. fit Association and escaped with umpires is going to stop.” Hoover, voted this afternoon to ing two column endorsements'of support of at least 31 states and Bearing 61 bodies the t r a i n two hundred and twenty dollars. Manager Howard of the Oak­ five territories .controlling 746 raise $5,000,000 for a relief fund. its stand on the front page. The from GuSdalJara arrived in this Local Team W ill Meet Special Session of Diet to Dorothy, Fitzpatrick was alone communications are filled with land club choked an umpire here convention votes. Only 556 arq The meeting followed an issu­ saddened city today. Consider Helpful when the bandit entered and gene in flemi-Finab Tuesday and Marty Krug choked necessary to nominate. This list ance of appeal made by the presi­ lettera from students for and Prostrated passengers who liv­ Legislation cowing her with a gun ransacked : Tonight and shook Eason in Los Angeles includes states in which respon- dent for aid for those in the flood against the amendment. ed through the tragedy told of the till and departed. Hugh Biggs, student body pres­ Wednesday, both managers draw­ clble party leaders have publicly sone. TOKIO, April 22.— (U>)— Bank battle, raging fire and finally The Southern Oregon debate Thirty-five extra patrolman ident, who is supporting the ing Indefinite suspensions. 'declared for the renomination of death. championship w ill be decided to­ crashes in vaifious part of Japan armed with shot guns were on MEMPHIS Tenn., April 22.— amendment declares that it is only followed by heavy demands of the the president. It also includes None of the ten passengers who night when the Ashland High duty when the crime was com­ (IP)— Crumpling of’ the Stopp’s wise and Just to jfut the editorial Included Americans, British and school debate team meets the hahk of Japan, have forced the mitted. A traffic officer was on some additional states, mostly Landing levee flooded a score of policies In the hands of a commit­ one German woman were injured. Eugene debaters here. new Tanaka cabinet to pass legis­ the corner and the office was southern, from which there have towns in Bolivar and Washing­ tee, which, more truly than the been no commitments but in "We were Just finishing din­ within a stones throw of the po­ This debate w ill be one of the lation in the financial crisis. ton counties in Mississippi. The editor, represents student public ner,” one of the survivors told two semi-finals in the elimination All the banka in Toklo will lice headquarters. Five hold-ups which the republican party la break occurred oh the Mississip­ opinion. controlled by Coolidge - appointed the United Press, ’’when the train contest for state championship W close their doors both Friday and were committed here Wednesday Abramson contends that a self Saturday. pi side of the levee, almost di­ job holders. suddenly came to a stop.” night and Thursday morning, but debate. W hile Eugene and Ash­ rectly across from Arkansas City. respecting newspaper cannot be The special diet session will confessions of two nineteen year Normal Team Wins From In some of the states listed for Bishop Leopold of the, state of land are debating here two north­ The main levee at Hickman, conducted when it is subject to MiehoacSn, acting on behalf ot ern W illamette teams w ill he consider a plan to obtain sanction old boys_ accounted for them- Coolidge, presidential primaries tders by League Leaders Ky., was reported to be weaken­ censorship and that his policies the Mexican episcopate, issued a debating for the state1 champion­ of bill providing for advances There has been ten daring hold are held to select convention dele-’ lose Score Olo “ student from the bank of Japan, which at ing under the last of huge waves. have represented the gates, but barring unexpected up- statement denying charges made ship of northern Oregon. uiA here recently, but with the ex­ The “ Faster and more furious” 'heavals all of these states so Little Rock was an island city, body as closely as those of the from the office of President Calles winners of these contests w ill present is bearing the brunt of the ception of the boys captured, the railroads were cut off from two student council. Wednesday that the episcopate meet May 6 In the final West­ financial attack. Seven tons of bandits evaded arrest and' left no seems to be the slogan of , the listed are fairly certain to b eeo n - players in the Y. M. C. A. indoor trolled by the party organizations directions and two complete had directed the train attack. He ern Oregon championship debit«. Bank of Japan notes were rushed important clues. league being staged on the local whose leaders who have pledged to Osaka Wednesday to meet de­ spans of the Missouri Pacific declared that tf priests took part Winning teams from Armory floor every Thursday Coolidge their support. mands of banks in that district. bridge over the ArkanMJU j-tvgr In the holdup and killing they Aid Oregon and Western Oregon night. Judging TrOm the battles It Is undemood that advances were washed^hway. ■ Large Surety Margin - so without'permissiov of theepis-¡then meet "at the University put up by the teams in last night’s by the Japan Thursday amounted At 8outh Bend several miles This forecast also contains a copate. Oregon May fifi for the n f 11 r n V m h « a ? contests this fact, would be easily « l u W r f u f ^ u V y f m f B u w w T g i 111 below YIcksburg, .severar bun- to 100,000 .ee© yens, approximate- , VJl o o m j I n i lit final in debate. proven. In " th e opening game ly $1,000,000. * dred ^mpn were piling bags fran­ fact that from the 17 states con­ NEW YORK, April 82.^-dP)— Eugene is now champion last n l-|it the Normal team took trolling 374 delegates not listed . tically as the spray from moun­ Harry May Elected to Head Chargés Issued from the offices of the districts consisting ot Li Will Represent, State and the long end of a 23 to 18 fcore for Coolidge many are so classed tainous waves splashed over the “ loyed Bovs President Callee in Mexico City Douglas, Coos and Curry coun^ _ Ashland Chamber of iron» the undefeated Hi-Y team. purely because their lesdars have levee. atton* “ that the M e rits * epfeebpato to - ties having defekted Bandon high ooiuqecXHHr , ------ UbinmSrc» The Normal stepped Into the leqd not spoken. Many of these omit­ The Tiptonville, Tenn., levee In listing the citizens commit­ spired the attack oh a train nt iq the fifth inning when the H tY ted states have Warren Do rem us tendered his Labarca Tuesday were termed “a school two weeks ago. was weakening, but workmen shown strong tee who will cooperate with Nor­ Professor I. E. Vining, repre­ Ashland la now champjpn of teqm staged a few errors, and were confident of holding it “for resignation as president of Lie desperate and despicable lie,” by Coolidge sentiment in the past mal school authorities in Com­ senting the State Chamber of Employed Boy's club of the Y. the Rev. Canos de Heredia, B. J., districts consisting of Josephine, mencement'week the name of Mrs. Commerce and the Ashland Cham­ from then on they held the lead and are’ llkelx, tp\do so. agaiq. about 12 hours anyway.“ Jackson, Klamath and Lake Similar reports came from sev­ M. C. A. at their regular meet­ Mexican Jesuit living In New conntiea. Ashland High school Emil Pell was inadvertantly omit­ ber will leave tonight on an ex­ by hard work. The batteries for Others, o f coupe, \g re\ probably ing last night and Harry May waa York. eral points in Louisiana. ted. Mrs. Pell has taken a great tended trip through the east stop­ this game were Normal’, Laws and due to send hostile delegations as has participated in three dual Three thousand men were toil­ elected to fill the position. H r. ’When the Callee government districts debates and one inter­ interest in Normal school affairs, ping at Washington. D. C., to at­ Butterfield; for the Hi-Y, Katser In the case of (owaf .«Wisconsin ing on the ten mile stretch of Doremus was forced to give np send to the people of the United and is serving on the committee tend a meeting of the United and Hartley. In the second game and North Dakota. " A levee at Stopp’s Landing at the the office on account of the press States the stateemnt that the district debate which was with at the request of school officials. States Chamber of Commerce, as of the evening the Employe«) Boys The lineup with the number of dub, who are the undisputed cel­ time of the break. Water had of other duties. The club held Mexican episcopate organised a Klamath Falls. In these contests convention delegatee follows: well as the Third Pan American lar champions put up the fight of interesting discussion on bandit band or that priests par­ 17 judges votes out of a possible been flowing over the levee for an Coolidge Lineup Trade Conference. From Washing­ 21 have been won. $ HAS NEW RANGE. "Elimination of Waste in Indus­ ticipated in horrible atrocities, no many hours. For Coolidge’s renomination r» ton he will proceed to New York their lives against Battery B the The* question for debate is “Re-, A ' large electric range has re­ Battery finally emerging the vic­ Alabama 16, Arisons 9, Arkansas' Because of the 2300 foot break try.” A paper was read telling honest man who knows the facts solved: That a severance tax cently been added to (he kitchen City on a combined business and tors with the long end of an 8 to water flowed down on many of some of the work being done caii keep silent,” said Father Her­ 14, California 29, Colorado 16,; pleasure trip. Professor Vining Is should be made a feature of the 6f Ninlnigera to keep pace with along this line by the U. S. De­ edia’s statement. towns. taking Lawerence Leedom with 6 score. This game was featured Delaware 9, Florida 10. Gergia system of taxation in Oregon.” the rapidly growing business of Greensville, prosperous town in partment of Commerce. In one “ I know it to be a fact that the him in order that he may have an with thrills from start to finish. 18, Michigan 33, Mississippi 12, Dena Joy and Dick Joy, who com­ this popular place. The range region was reported under 15 feet instance it waa shown where the episcopate has steadfastly refused opportunity to see Washington, D. Batteries for this game were Bat­ Missouri 39, Nevada 9, New Jer­ mattress manufacturers of the to approve of violent opposition to pose the Ashland High team will has three ovens, and will afford a C., as well ae other parts of the tery B, Slack and Young. For the sey 31, New Mexieo 9, New York of water. wide range of cooking. Employed Boys, Walter and Gos­ 91. North Carolina 22, Ohio 61, I. F. Loyacono, Greensville en­ U, S. had agreed to reduce the the Calles government despite the defend the negative. east-wnd middlq west. nell. In the third game of the Oklahoma 23, Pennsylvania 79, gineer estimated this break would number of sizes of mattresses bitter oppression to which that evening the hard hitting. Hoot Rhode Island 13, South Carolina ce vor at least 200,000 acres. from 78 to 4, this being just one government s u b j e c t e d the Owls batted their way to victory' 11, Tennessee 27, Texas 23, Ver­ of the mony snch cases. The church.’ over the fast Bankers team by mont 11, Virginia 17, West V lr-' Government Helps article further pointed ont that taking the long end of a 26 to 16 ginia 19, 'Wyoming 9, District ot WASHINGTON. April 22.— (IP) we waste 750 million tons of ecore. Thia game was hard Columbia 2, Alaska 2, Hawaii 2, — Active support of the govern­ coal in America every year; that fought fought and two pitchers Porto Rico 2, Philippine Islands ment In feeding end housing vic­ we waste 60 million horse power were used by each team. For 2. _ > tims of the Mississippi flood was of our water power and 6 billion the Hoot Owls, Crow and Davis, Total states and territories 36, pledged to the Red Cross by Pres­ cubic feet of lumber every year. pitchers. Kaegl, catcher. For the total delegates 746. ident Coolidge la a conference In the matter of the waste of Bankers, Peters and Slack pitch­ Opposed or not committed: with J&mes Fixer, active presi­ human energy sta^ctics show ers, and Hitchcock and Young Connecticut 17, Idaho 11, Illi­ dent of tbe organization. that Industrial accidents kill 80,- catchers. It was rumored at last nois 61, Indiana 38, town 29, President Coolidge expressed 000. wage earnera and maim Combining Adventure and Desire for Scientific Re­ night’s games that a scout from Kansas 22, Kentucky 36, Minne­ concern over the flood condition 500,000. search, Party Leaves the Coast or National league waa sota 87, Montana 11, Nebraska and discussed with Flzpr means in the crowd and thia was given 19, New Hampshire I t , North Da­ of relief. ARREHT DODGE SAN FRANCISCO, April 22.— as the reason for some of the kota 18, Oregon IS, South Dako­ Virtually the SAN FRANCI8CO, April ;2J.— (IP)— A luxlirious Arctic expedi­ fast playing, thia proved to he ta 13, UUh 11, Washington 17, Horace Dodge, Jr., Detroit mil­ tion which combines incentive only a rumor as the man could lionaire, fell into the hands of the of adventure and scientific re­ (Pleas« Turn to Pag« 3) not be found, law here today when he bumped search has put out from San his head on a ship’s timber, while Francisco on the trim auxiliary fleeing from arrest an«^ newspa­ schoondr, Northern Light. De­ permen. parture of the sturdy vessel Dodge was trying to escape on Thursday brought to in end the the Dollar liner President Madi­ sudden whim of John Borden, son after a three hours selge by who during the winter telephon­ Forty Miraculously Escapé reporters,/during which he sallied ed to Oakland and explained in Four Hundred and Sixty Death When Train is fourth and engaged in a fist fight detail how he wanted his yacht Five Names Oentained Dendléd with John MdDonatd, United Press constructed. in Petition correspondent, and another Smith For the scientific end of the KERRY, Or«., April 32.— (IP) News camera man, who Were-try­ The "initiative petition, calling — One man was killed, fonr were ing to confirm reports of an al­ expedition Borden collaborated to for a special election to be held the Field museum. He then add­ injured and 40 miraculously es­ leged reconcilliatlon with his wife on May 81. tor the purpose of de­ ed distinction to his guests whose caped death late yesterday when and her denial of the report. termining whether the wqrk on names rank,; high in New York a logging train jumped the track The news men swore to- war­ the Ashland Canyon dam, shall and San Francisco who perhaps while en route to a lumber camp rants for Dodge’s arrest and' detec­ be postponed, was filed yester­ wearied by the social life on in the Coast range. tives sought to serve the warrant day with City recorder Gertrude The men had boarded the but Bodge would not leave the shore sought thrills in the Arctic. Blade. Four hundred and sixty- Borden's wife will be aboard cars to report for supper, ac­ ship. He ran forth and bumped five names Were on the petition, during the entire cruise. . cording to word reeeied her«, and his head on the timber aqd while which Is considerably more than The cruise will go through the train wto two miles from seml-dased a policeman made the the legal number required. While | the inside passes from Victoria the company camp when the, car arrest. the council called a special meet­ to Juneau, thence to the Kodiak jumped the track. ing last night no action was taken. group and Ungp, off the Alask­ Five men were trapped as it Lakeview— Bigg woolen mill an peninsula. It la hoped to It was expected the matter will came crashing to earth. The dead come up for discussion at a meet- I prospect here. gather specimens of Arqttf ani­ man was identified as Fred Zan- Ing to be held soon. ? nl. The Injured -were sent to Hood River — Nineteen men mals and birds .tor the museum, end Ashley,Fine, Field scientist, Portland in ambulances, where plant 140,000 seedling Douglas ¡ Monmouth to havecity mail de­ it was said their condition was fir trees In one day at U. S. Wind will Join the party at Nome to livery service. direct this end of Its settyttes. River station. parlous, BEBA1E M K V AU TOKIO BANKS TO fflll B£ JECIDED M M S K 9 M B HOT GAMES FEATURE N IJ S - D F0R M 1 y W TOATTENO E A S T E fM E K Making Up The Elephant's Mind For Him LUXURIOUS ARCTIC . EXPEDITION STARTS ONE HAN KILLED ON A LOSGING TRAIN g n m ii RIED ■ R E A M