is a potential pay roll for Ashland for Over Fifty Years (United Praaa W ir« Barrie«) t á f o P A Y , A P R I L 20, 1927 Orant Pixjectt and Delbert Mongold Are Declared Champions “ Onward Christian 8ald i e n ” H us B een W ar S on g o f P o k in g C on querer TO FIGHT COMMJ7NIST8 Strike Situation Haa Q nlried . Considerably, W ith But Fesr HANKOW, April SO. — (IP)— Marshal Feng u-hslang, known as ’’the Christian general,** since his adoption of Christianity through the Influence of American mis­ sionaries, has been chosen to lead the alleged radical Chinese In their raid against revolt with­ in their raaks. Marshal Feng, as generalissimo of the armies In the Hankow dis­ trict, suppldnts General Chiang k a l Shek, hero of the capture of Shanghai. His Immediate duty will be. to lead an army against Nanking and to subdue General Chiang, who has proclaimed him­ self head of a new nationalist group opposing the government at Hankow. T h re e D a y s E ffo rt R e su lts In O nly O ne Ju rym an B e in g S e lec ted Grant Preacott and Delbert Mqngold came ant victorious last Bight la tbs finals of tho Hi-Y doublas handball touraai&ent by defeating James Hartley and BUI Blbby 11-10 and Sl-10. In tbe jMmi-flnals played Monday eve-' niag Prescott and Mongold took tbs long end of g S1U1 en d s >1. I score from Barney Miller and Everett McGee. Those who have assn tbs games played say last night’s contest was the - hardest fought and snappiest games of the ¿cries, It was a fight to ths finish the beet team winalng. Thé win­ ners w ill be awarded the two all­ er loving cups.which have been on display In M iller’s Toggery window. The handball singles will start at once to decide th *, winner . In this event and some fast games are promised. S e c r e ta r y o f C om m erce ■J jN E W YORK, April 20.— >— The hunt for a blonde-proof Jury to consider the sudden demise of Albert Snyder, art editor of Motor Boating, will go Into a third day today also guiltless of accom­ i s plishment. Lauded by Spokesman for * As the second day of the state’s Chief E x e c u tiv e efforts to send Mrs. Ruth Brown DENIES BREAK RUMOR WASHINGTON, April 20.— (U>) — On the word of the W hite House spokesman, who certainly ought to know. It la learned that President Cpolidge repudiates all reports of a break with Secretary of Commerce Hoover and baa the highest confidence in him. Thia denial, coming from the innermost recesses of the W hite House, brings an end to what threatened to be the most unpleas­ ant personal Incident of the Cool­ idge administration. Last Friday the,W hite House spokesman de­ nied rumors that Secretary of State Kellogg intends to resign and volunteered tbe additional un­ expected statement that If he did resign, the Job would not be given to Mr. Hoover. It was put Just that way concisely. M o to rcy cle Floods, Tornados and Wind, storms Mete Out Addi­ tional Deaths to Many Snyder and Henry Judd Gray to OVERFLOW the chair drew to a close, only STREAMS one Juryman had been obtained from 87 talesmen. Supreme court Justice Town­ send Scudder, plainly Impatient, throughout the day with the fin­ KANSAS CITY, April 20.— (IP) icky attitude of counsel and the — Floods, tornados and wind­ cquirming evasions of some of the storms played havoc in many sec­ talesmen, did his best. He stern­ tions of ths southwest meting out ly ruled that an opinion not too* additional death and destruction firm ly fixed might be blotted out. to the already stricken states of He severely lectured jurymen on Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Ar­ their civic duty. kansas and Tennessee. Finally he Ignored the schedul­ Streams were overflowing and ed 4 p. m. closing hour and held Inundating thousands of acres of all persons to the business at hand land, destroying property and.. until long afterward. threatening new dangers to Unexpectedly tbe 58th talesman hundreds of flood refugees. Here proved acceptable to everybody. | and there througbuot tbe south­ He was William E. Young, 38, of west, tornados and high winds Elmhurst, a publicity man for the havs struck within the last 48 Empire hotel. hours, killing at least 18 persons “Mr. Young suits us as fore­ outright and injuring many oth­ man,” announced Edgar F. Haxel- ers. ton, counsel fo r the widow. Texaar Oklahoma and Missouri Both Mrs. Snyder and her for­ were visited by twisters, while in mer sweetheart, the New Jersey Arkansas and Kansas flood waters.* traveling salesman, inspected the continued on the rampage. Sev­ firs t\o f their peers with uncon­ eral cases of drowning were re- cealed interest. They saw a plump- p orted . Ish, good natured man of about Communication and transporta­ their own age, and like them, a tion In the stricken areas have dweller In the suburbs. Young Is been seriously hampered and in married, but childless. some sections completely disrupt­ LOS ANGELES, April 20. — (IP) The decrepit motorcycle and sidecar that carried* George Question Asked Toung part way to California and Why did the presidentin fame and fortune in the Catalina spokesman voluntarily announce Channel swim, has fallen afoul In advance that a member of hla of tho law. i cabinet waa barred from, promo­ Treasury department agents tion? Why did the presidential seised the three wheeled vehicle spokesman not add a few compli­ at a Hollywood hotel at the re­ ed. Telephone and telegraph mentary words that would show t a « ta ta ra , < J te P U M aM teaH lines are down In tho vlctnlty of Mr. Hoover stood well at the Peking govern- When Toung and his oae time Fort Smith. ArkM while efforts to White House, even if be could “hoy *r**y»-»r’’ (riaad« BU1 Hastings, crossed tbe maintain communication into the C ontracts f< I never aspire to Kellogg’s place? I of China from the Imperial city, Here was meat for thought hod are becoming more and moredlf and' then wee himself «ousted States, the machine was appraised th« telegraph wires out of Wash­ chiefly through the activities ef at 8180, but its ridera asked only Heult.' ington that night rattled out the N in e te e n M em bers A tten d Tbe Marshal Chang Tso-Um then the ÿ-.â " gloetnl dispatches— a real royr la A b honor roll of eighteen gfa- .R e g u la r M e e tin g H e ld Mukden “# * r fhrir,” and now f f i f Five KIDeff the cabinet* Intrigues, rebukes, military dictator of the north a bond for payment of daty la dents was recently announced by 8P1ÌINGFIELD, III., April 80 — ’ breaks, resignations. Fan for all posted, the motor bike will 4 m Mlm Katherine Vincent, registrar to select the Convention « Chines« government. ( I P V - W W d M tornado f except the two principals. Today forca w r ^ f hav«r*B< ddvista- of the Southern Oregon Normal for a financial guárante« • the White House spokesman de- Just how the motorcycle got school. V v A committed, named to tion and canned at least five * flated the incident with a few F ig h t oq Communists to Hollywood is a mystery. The Students receiving gradea of depths,v ln centra) Illinois today. collection of the fund < ' words of tribute to Hoover. The SH A N G H A I /toril 28. — (IP) first person to swim Catalina not lesa than one In not lepa than of Herbert Fletaffhacker, .< least a half dozen 'communi­ president was reported as having — i Unceasing war against alleged Channel abandoned it In Arkan­ nine hours of work carried during Fay, Pam ,Sho«p. W allj ties were struck. Three * achool- assumed that Hoover’s abilities communists In the nationalist sas. bi^t some one had It crated the winter quarter ending March Alexander, R. B. Hate»« hòuées were demolished. The ex­ and high regard in which they p arty7 was urged on :: General and sent to the Hollywood ad­ 25, 1»27 ato: Galey, John, Ash­ ton Creed, W illiam » . ¿ tent, ot damage In several places were held at the White House Chiang Kal Shek by Chinese dress where it wps seized. land, 16 hours; Moffett, (M rs.) B. F. Schlesinger, Mltto«. ) In Logan and Greek counties has were so well understood by the commercial men at . a mass meet- Gertrude, Ashland, 12 hoars; W il­ and James B. Smith. « not yet been determined. A call Washington correspondent that lag. » -■ S’«— f. 4 I . I Jo*' lits. (Mrs.) AMce, Ashland, *17 for doctors has been dispatched mention of them was thought un­ Their message was sent to botara. to Springfield and Bloomington. necessary. Nanking where General Chiang .is Two deaths at Carrollton wore Students receiving grades of reported' to be ready' to lead a The president considers Hoov­ reported. Anna Keller, teacher not less than two in not loos than er's reputation so well established nationalist fight against radicals of the Centerville school was In­ nine hours work carried for the here and abroad that he doubts within the party ranks. stantly killed and four of her PU-< winter quarter are: Abel, Bea­ if hs could shake It even If he The strike -situation in Shang­ pile were Injured, two seriously trice, Myrtle Point, It honra; wished, which he does not. hai has quieted considerably now Judge Rules Methods Em when the building collapsed. Beck, Albte, Ashland, 17 honra. and only '4,000 laborers remain Farther Explains ployed Were Same as Elder Rathegeber, farmer, waa Beck. Earl, Klamath Falla, 17 off duty. The spokesman further explain­ Caused War of 1812 Instantly killed and his wife kqnrs; Babbitt, (M rs.) Lila, The foreign volunteer corps has ed that under Hoover’s adminis­ probably fatally Injured when the Woodland, Cal., 18 hours; Byers, been partially demobilised due tration foreign and domestic com- ( SAN FRANCISCO, April 20.— wind destroyed their farm home A chapter of the Oregoq State merce have Increased and will ap- ( to the general Improvement in The seizure of a rum vessel, a Lee, Ashland, 12 hours; Duel, six miles from Carrollton. Music Teachers assoctatidq was (Mrs..) Edith, Ashland, 18 hoars; the situation affecting foreigners Federal ship, with a million dol­ rarently continue to increase. An- , At Chestnut two pupils of the Eastburn, (Mrs.). Lett«, .Ashland, organised at Klamath Ppjls, last other cabinet member said that , here. lars worth of liquor about three community school were Instantly 18 ‘ hours; Edmlston, Hasel, Thursday, under the dlrqefton of Hoover has no Intention of re- , The fate of Miss Mary Craig; hundred miles off the* California killed when struck by flying • 'Springfield 18 hours; Gray, Nao­ Miss Leona Marsters, supervisor signing and that the presidential , an American’ missionary reported coast some weeks ago, la held to bricks as the building collapsed. mi, Grants Paas, 18 hoars; Haan, of music la the Southern Oregon spokesman's original remarks ( captured by bandits’April 18 was be Illegal by Federal Judge Geo. They had been dismissed with Clarence, Ashland ,17 honra; Normal school. had been misconstrued. j M. Bourquln. » still unknown Tuesday. I t waa other pupils and told to flee to The purpose of this organiza­ Harris, (Mrs.) E. Lovely, Ash­ That leaves intact the presi- This seizure was sheer* aggres­ announced, however, that ■ U. 8. safety. j tion la to affiliate with the state land, 17 hours; McCracken, dent’s 100 percent record of ami­ Consul Jacobs would leave, for sion and trespassing, like that - At Leroy the side ot the school (Mrs.) Cecil, Ashland, 12 hoars; musical organisation sad to ad­ cable relations with his official ■ Yunan province, wherq she was which contributed to the war of was caved In, resulting la slight A Morris, Grace, Scoff leid. Ore., 17 vance the (nusic profession. associates. In almost four years 1812, the court ruled. The Fed­ w akin g , on Saturday to exped­ injuries to several pupils. Moat hours; Pollard, Jane, Ashland, IB simitar chapter was Organised by In the White House Coolidge has ' íate her release If she whs safe. eral ship with the Canadian llq- ot those Injured were trampled la hours; Schoenthal, Alice, McMin­ Mine Mars tars In Jackson county Few reports of flghtplg reach­ nar aboard/ was flying Panama nville, 13 hours. » . » (Please Torn To Page Five) ed ■ Shanghai Tuesday. It waa colors and officers said that R was headed for South America rumored , that northerners apd southerners in the vicinity of when captured. Fourth Round of Indoor Nanking exchanged .some shells League Will be PUyed Tomorrow Rvening daring the day, hut that they ter' Clip This Out For Reference) were not effective. Chinese «re The fourth round of the T. M. said to he leaving Nanking in ----------------------------------- 1---------- » C. A. Indoor baseball league will • • large numbers and'foreigners ate L v. A sh la n d A r. S a n F r a n . A r. L os A n g be played-on the Armory floor to­ • L v . S e a ttle L v . P o r tla n d S o. B ou n d A r. A sh lan d / M a i l s C lose not permitted to go on shore. morrow night beginning at aeven I i 'rain Schedules for Ashland Normal Prof. Gets Masters Degree Arthur 8. Taylor, head of the history, sociology and mathe­ matics departments of the South­ ern Oregon Normal school has been granted a degree ot M. A. by the University of Washington. Mr. Taylor has recently finished the research work that was re­ quired for the honor. Last weak he made a trip to Seattle, Wash­ ington, where the university Is lo­ cated, in order to take h special examination» which made possible the distinction, . C ity C ou n cil P a s s e s c o Or d in a n c e D e n y in g C an in es R ig h t t o R o a m T rain 11 1 1 :4 5 T . M. 8 :3 0 A . M. $ :1 5 P M . *7:45 P .M . 8:30 P . M. T rain 13 4:30 P . M. 1 .-0 0 A .M . 2;4O P .M . * 2:10 P .M . 3:00 P . M. T» 4» ofiXJ F . M . 9 :3 8 P .M . M a ils C lose L v. A sh la n d A r. P o r tla n d A r. S e a ttle 10:30 A . M. 11:20 A .M . l l : 0 0 P . M. 6:45 A. M. 4 :5 0 P .M . 5 :4 5 P . M j 7 :1 5 A . M. 3 :25 P .M . 6 :0 0 A . M. 6:30 A . M, T ram 31 ’ 1 J IA T» I I iT u v i .M. -i O -A A Ashland dogs have had their L v . L o s A n g L v . S an F r a u . A r . A s h la n d day. No more will they be al­ N o, B ou n d lowed to roam the streets of Ash­ 7 :4 0 P .M . T rain 12 11:15 P.M. 11O 0A . M land at will. Tho city fathers at an adjourned meeting last night T rain 14 S d O P . M. 1 1 :15 P .M . 5 :20 P . M. voted to require -City Attorney Ix ica l A sh . to P o r t c o n n e c tin g w ith S e a ttle Briggs to prepare an ordinance 'tr a in 32 requiring all dog« to bo either housed up or to be on a leash all when out In public. Permission age was also granted J. W. Potter at th- this meeting to erect a naw service ins station on North Main. The coun­ cil discussed at length the new or- Ip ell' dtnnnce fixing the rate on eityjfc ices Sator. ' I di 1 1:50 A . M. -.7:40 A .M . 9 :5 0 A .M . 7:40 A. M. ■ ■ ! ■ |X Ml 1 II... ■ ■■ ■■■ ■■ L ocal P o r tla n d to A sh la n d c o n n e c tin g w ith S e a ttle closed poach to Medford only, containing letter mail for Med- ford and district and the coast air M i) . - Air mall for coast points la die- patched to Medford on Train 82 dosing at 8:80 a. m„ except oa Sundays whan It closes at 7:46 p. m. ths evening before. Air mall for Eastern points Is dis­ patched to T ra ln 12, closing at 3:10'P. m. A ir mall postage to any point In the U. 8, la 10c for each half oance. o'clock sharp and running through to nine. Those games are open* and free to the public. The first game w ill be at seven when the undefeated Hi-Y team will tangle* with the Normal team which has lost but one game. Thia wUl be a battle royal. Tho Bat­ tery B and Employed Boys teams wilt tangle at eight and this will be a real fight aa the. Employed boys team la fighting to gat oat of the basement. The last gams of the evening w ill he played af nine between . the hard hitting Rankers team and the Hoot Owls who have been hitting such a fast stride of late. Some real fast bell is promised by the officials and a large crowd, of spectators la expected. 1