Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 18, 1927, Image 1

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is a potential p a y ‘roll for
Fair with à heavy Kost
*« Leading
■ '
per for Over Fifty Yeats
Moderate Winds
(United P re« Wire Service)
DAY, APRIL 18, 1927
Locals Take Saturdays Con.
test by a Score of
8 to 2
two hundred
and eighty Ashland children par-
, tleipated Is the Banter Egg hunt,
sponsored by local Post No. 14, of
the American Legion, which was
held In L ith ia P ark Snnday morn­
ing. Rachel Sparks won the 18.00
firs t prise offered by the Legion
tor the one finding the gold egg,
Teddy Jones won the second prise
for finding a sim ilar egg and B illy
Oraham, was awarded |1
finding the most eggs, his number
being twenty-nine,
Friday evening members of the
Legion1 colored ninety dozen eggs,
working until late at night accom­
plishing their task, and on Sum-
day morning, members of the
committee and others starting nt
atx o’clock hid the eggs through­
out th e park.
Members of the committee
having the a ffa ir in charge were
Dean Scott, F. E. Patterson, L. I.
Moon. W . D. W h ittle . C. B. Hed-
berg and D r. C. E Shian.
Attended by more than olia
hundred people the V . 8. Forestry
service picnic held yesterday In
the ClvlcvClub house and L ith ia
P ark was one of the outstanding
successes of the season w ith peo­
ple attending from as fa r north
as Roseburg, and south into Siski­
you county California. Dae to the
inclement Weather, Chief of Police
McNabb arranged to r ‘ the club
house to hold the picnic, and w ith
Mayor Pierce remained through­
out the afternoon to nee that every
courtesy possible was extended to
the guests.
The elnb house was steam heat­
ed and presented a very ' cheery
and comfortable appearance ac­
cording to the two local men. Mrs.
M ary W ilshire acted as hostess on
behalf of the Civic Improvement
Association, and did much to
make the a ffa ir a success.
A fte r the picnic dinner in the
club house dining/room the a fte r­
noon was spent ¿rith music and
Winncrg of Southern and
Southeastern Champion-
•ship Will Speak '
Ashland High School Debating
team has won this year from , the
Southern and Southeastern divis­
ions of Oregon. This territo ry In­
cludes Roseburg, Grants Paas,
Medford, Ashland, Klam ath Falls
and the Lakeview country. The lo­
cal winners are Dena and Rich­
ard Joy. They w ill compete with
the northern section of the state
soon to determine the state cham­
pionship. Tomorrow nt the C. of
C. Forum they w ill discuss the
question of a severance tax for
Oregon in place of the income tax.
Governor Patterson baa accept­
ed an invitation to be the guest
o f the Ashland Chamber o f Com-
town section o f toWqt Tboee pree-
LONDON. A pril 18.— (IP)— Two
score years have been spent in
-taking a single picture and Is not
yet completed.
Today was the fortieth anni
vereary of the Paris conference of
astronomers in-which 18 world­
wide observatories agreed to un-
d erta ke the work of photograph
ing the sky. Several observator­
ies were forced later to drop their
parts in the gigantic task due* to
lack of funds or equipment. Their
work was transferred to other ob­
servatories, or assigned to new
volunteers in the work.
T firS ib -p rh a n t tim e there ' fire
ninteen observatories oa the list
and of these all - but tour “w e re 1
among the original workers, but
only a few have completed their
p ie
Observatory 'a t
According to the Washoe the­
Greenwich here was the first to
ory the creator waa NenftMg, an
complete Its share which was fin­
old woman. She burned fcWrfuzz
from hundreds of cat-ta^flpeds ished and charted nearly 20 years
ago. Then followed the observa­
and called them eggs, ■ u p p e n
detailed a coyote to carfiyth em tory at Oxford and later Perth,
into the. middle of the ^Jfasti«>e A ustralia reported the conclusion
o f Its chart. The Cape Observa­
v a lle y ..
Out hf these eggs wert^’hat« li­ tory at Capetown recently an­
nounced It had completed its task.
ed thousands of h u m a n ^ Like
Another' observatory which has
bees they awarmed ab o «J,g rew
dona a considerable part of the
and migrated" nil over
*work Is tbat at Hyderabad In
tineat. "
" it:”
India. This observatory In 1909
Creating rabbits, buflalff, bird* 'was assigned half of the work pre­
and plants was not so ligtRlcuir.
viously delegated to Santiago. It
As she mentioned the name of
Turn to Page 4)
each it hurst into life.
Baturday afternoon the Ashland
Baseball team walloped
Medford by a score of 8 to 2. The
locals took the lead from the start
and held it throughout the game.
I«L the second inning Kenasto
knocked a home run w h i c h
brought in Gqs Moore and him-
LONDON, A pril 19.— <LF>— Ra­
dio receiving licensee held free of
charge by the blind in Great B rit­
ain now numbers 4400. The total
number of licenses in force in
Greet B ritain hue reached 2,338,-
000, an increase of 319,000 over
In a recent Issue e f the Tiding«
it was stated that the southbound
train , known na the Oregonian,
would leave Ashland'«* 9:30 p. m.
but thia should have road I ; 48 p.
m. The Shasta w ill arrive in thia
city at 11:19 a. m. and leave at
g Cirro
Force the Issue
Anderson of Medford brought
in one run In the third inning.
One more run was made for Med­ Sponsors Say T hey H ave Secured
ford in the seventh inning. Ash­
Sufficient Signatures fo r
land continued their good hitting
and in the eighth inning brought
the score up to eight runs.
The Canyon Dam postponement
Kenalto tossed the ball for club, an organization consisting of
Ashland and completely baffled 'twenty Ashland taxpayers hav$
the pear pickers. He fanned fif­ posted the necessary |2 0 0 requiri
teen men and allowed but three ed by law, and are circulating pe­
hits and one error. They just titions calling for an initiative or­
eouldn’t see through the twist and dinance.
steam he put on tho-ball. Medford
"To require the Common Coun­
put in two pinch hitters in the« cil of the City of Ashland, Jackson
last lnniife but one fanned and the County, Oregon, to defer the con­
other failed to score. In addition struction of a reservoir in Ashland
to pitching such a tight game he Creek Canyon, and the prelimin­
scored three runs. - "
ary work in relation thereto, a4
The infield was working splen­ authorised by Article X IV of the
didly going through the whole Charter of said City, until Jan-i
game without an error.
uary 1st, 1889, and until such fu r­
ua up on me street ana ronoea • T ^*8 18 A*e third game that the ther time thereafter as the present
twenty-six thousand dollars.
’>oy8 have WOn from Medford As water supply, shall. In the discre­
Klam ath Falls and Grants Pass tion of the Common Council, have
iiv r n 'v iiiii .
L *.
dld not have teBms thl" y®,y 11 been conclusively proved inade­
q u a te.”
o V r . n X 1: od; . o „ ch * m p'’ " h ”
Secure Signature
f)T Olt/Tlt TfltttfttlT One more game w ill be played T h e petition» were started in!
L ly r N
| I I N | L r | | at Medford next W ednesday. Gor-
circulation Saturday morning, and
L'*“ ' ■ » l u l l
I U I 1 1 U I I I ¿on McCracken, the manager, has
before noon It was said by those
written to Yreka to secure * in charge of the special election
oungest JMagician on Stage game with them. Other games that sufficient signers had been
to be ?, Part of
have not been arranged as yet. secured to assure the vote on this
This year the fellows have tak- matter. One hundred and eighty
en a great interest in baseball. , signatures are necessary. The
The. firm o f a series of W . A W ith this ^enthUStasm- under th e , committee f» proceeding With th e
. entertainmedts to be given by ab,e direction of Conch Crlpe a
work, however, and has set four
ohampioaahlp team has been do
they hope to be able to ta rn in to
The lineups were as follows
the council.
AB ft
The general title of the In itia ­
Huien, »
...... 1
tive measure as called for in . tgo
Gandes, S b ........ ............... 8
petition is sa follows
Nutter, ss .............— 8
Blbby, r f .......................
“The Peepta GrWB^ fMty^OP AM^ '.
Katzer, c f .................. — ...4
land Do Ordain An Follows:
Moore, I f .............................. 2 0
Section 1. j
McGee, lb .............. ....... 4
T h a t-th e construction of n*
Hartley, c ............................ 3 1
reservqjr In Ashland Creek Can-*
Kenasto, p ...................— 3
yon, and the prelim inary w ork Ig.*
relation thereto, as authorised hr*
Melvin, 2b .....................Ì...3
Article; X X IV , of the Charter o f
Houstln, cf...........................3 0
the city of Ashland, Jackson
Hubler, ss ....................... 3
County, Oregon, be, and the same
McDonald, c ........ .+............4
Is hereby deferred until January
Anderson, lb — ..................4 1
1st, 1929, and until such further
Dunn, 3b
time thereafter as the present wa­
Hayhurst, If .................... 3
ter supply, ns augmented by the
O lli, rf ............................... 3
constrnctlon of the Crowaon HIM
Day, p ............................... 4
reservoir, the betterments to the
Medford substitutes w e
distribution system, together with
Hughes and Morse. Ashland mi
the water acquired from the T al­
no substitutions.
ent Irrig atio n District, shall hare
been conclusively prp.ved land»-,
quate, the sufficiency of said wa­
ter supply, and the construction
IN CIGARETTE HALES of said reservoir, and the issu­
ance of further bonds to defray
LONDON, A p ril 18.-—(LP>— In ­ the cost of such reservold con­
creased smoking among women struction, after January 1st, 1929,
is responsible for recent advances to be a m atter to be determined by
In British tobacco trade profits, resolution of the Common Coan-
according to local retail tobacco
t E T 'iò u H w e
One large firm of retail mer­
chants recently Investigated *the
'lÒ D R S e L F ?
increase of smoking a m o n g
Bngene — Rtchtteld O il Com*
women. Its conclusions showed pany wants to build 999,999 dta-
that 88 women gô to the same trlhutlng «Utlon here.
store regularly every day for a
pack of cigarettes^ compared w ith
one before the war. Each store
was found to hav* scores of regu­
lar women customers, ranging In
age from 18 to 80.
A recent census of tobacco pro­
duction In Great B ritain showed
that the value of cigarettes pro­
duced In 1884 was 9S14.9O8.OO9
compared w ith 940,978,990 In
Fafftpr Thinks He Is Still Too Young
N E W A R K , N. J., A p ril I t . — PERIPATETIC FELINE
(Special)— Three elephant», part
of a vaudeville act, broke away
LONDON, A p ril U . — (IP)— Fe­
from th e ir trainer here today, and
killed one wontan unj( in ju re d a lix a real-life cat'owned by a fam­
man. Thaihusy section o f the city ily at Headley Down, about 60
was In W"1 cokf«>toa Before they miles from London has proved a
< 1'
were captured a ft e r ‘being chaaed capable pedestrian .
Presented to a fam ily at Guil­
for one block.
The beasts’ brfeke away when ford, Felix escaped from his new
they were being led igto^nn alley home and promptly walked hack
way that ended at the stage door, home a dlstaqce o f 14 miles. . .
Felix’s performance does not
bowled over a man and weasa».
compare w ith the record
stepping oa the wotoniFa head and
cats. In 1911 a
cat walked from Kingston-on-
Thames to Street. In Somerset­
local woman pnj»
Mrs. SylvM ter Patters«*,<*< 99 shire, 193 miles in alx months.
year old Ashlancj wonma jjesred B at the feline record was made In
away a t'h e r home on N o r a Mat« 1919 when a cat walked from Rip­
street this morning* Funeral a r­ on to C ardiff. 250 miles In nine
rangement« (rill be announced la­ days, an average of nearly 80
miles a day. ~ -
Mrs. Anna Zeigler on N o r t £
Main street has received the sad
news of the death of her father,
H. C. Dollarhide. aged ,82 years,
iu his home in Los Angeles, Cal.
Mr. Dollarhide had been in poor
health for the past seven months Chinese Card Room isv Held
up and Hundreds Are
and passed away after an opera­
Taken Prom Safe
He was well known in Ashland,
at one tim e being owner of the THIRD IN .F E W
toll road over the Btskiyou moun­
Bandite la (M m e W ave
tains. The fam ily moved to Los
Many Thousand in
Angeles SO years ago.
Hhort Time
The deceased is survived by a
wife and nine children, two broth-
Forty l e a n Spent in Work
and Task Has Not
Been Completed
M IN p K N , N«v„ A p ril
(IP)— Hum an beings arose' from
eggs made of gifted cat-tails, M-
cording to theories of early Ne-
vada Indians regarding th » m ys­
teries o f creation, it has
v e a t o d k y . j c j j aaanH^
through translation of primatlve
records of the Washoe tadtaas
W h a t the la d Ians conceptjoB-ef
ths origin of Ilfs tacked hastoety
it made amends for in im a g itt
conversation ns the main enter­
tainm ent and 1« walking about
the park and through the down
ent represented the three adjacent
N a tio n a l' forest districts C ra ttr,
Klamath bad ■ Is k ly o n /,
Among those
w *o attended
w e n , the threw district supervis­
ors. F. D. DonhUt, o C T r e k l, Cscl.,
J. H . BUlingslee o f Grant« Pass,
H . B i Rankin of Medford, and tke
following employees:
From Crater Forest, M r. Lee P.
Brown and w ife, M r. R. U. Cam­
bers. Miss Viola Hogan. E. V .
Cook, Jessie Elgnn and w ife, N ell
Elgaq, Grover Elgan, J. B. Gribble
and w ife, John Gribble, Jr., Cath­
erine Gribble, W . L. Jones and
wife, Mrs. B. Rogers, Aletn Jones,
Lois Jones, Mrs. Earnest PeaChey
and so«, 8. A.- Moore and wife.
A. J. Poole, Minnie H art, Claud
Onn, E lm er Rowden, Joe Oswald
and wife. May Van Hardenberg,
Lee C. Port and w ife, Lee Port,
Jr., Frances Port, H. B. Rankin
and wife. E. J. Rogers and w ife,
Janie V. Smith, C. W . W elby and
w ife C liff Sakar and w ife. Geo.
West. Pfaippio Lowd, M r. McCarty.
Siskiyou Forest: F. I. Abrams,
Leona G riffin , M . M . Lewis and
W ife, Leonard Lewis, Geo. Lewis,
F rank Lewis, J. P. Dew itt and
wife, Ethel H ew itt, C. D. Camer-
on and wife, M a rjo r Cameron, E l-
len Cameron.
K lam ath Forest: F. D. Donthltt
and wife, R. P. Box and w ife, Moe
L. M llhauft. Mrs. Perry J. H ill.
Fred Hice, Shirley D onthltt. Roh-
ert Donthltt, Beryl Box, Norman
Box. ’
C hicago . A p ril is .- t - t ^ W -
tu e fields bordering the MMfcntp-
pt riv e r today were la a e d iW
leaving twenty-two hundred per­
sons refugees. The ra il traffic m
many places was paralyzed and
hundreds of militiamen. apd vol­
unteers were doing levee work as
the broad river swollen to flood
stage swept through thp delta
oountry, causing considerable suf­
fering. "
• A t Peach Orchard B lu ff. A r­
kansas, three. hundred persoHi
were huddled together wttwMB
food and w ith but scanty « U i * .
Cairo, Iltl., was be principal po#
for the refugees, beginning Sat­
urday after the levees b a d .brok­
en in four places. Thu s far t*e
death, tool stands at nine, b«t
m any persons are report ed mins-
lnf, No estimate of the .dscadflc
baa bees made but It is M lta ted
Mra. Margaret Ann Spitzer,
aged <1 years, w ife of J. 8. Spitz­
er, passed away this morning at
her hpme In. Talent a fter an Illness
which has lasted for Some time.
Funeral services w ill be held
tomorrow at 3:90 p. m. at the
Dunkard cemetery, Jnet north of
Taleat, where the interment w ill
be made. The body is In charge of
J. P. Dodge A Sons Undertaking
Pocttaad— W ork begins at oaoe
on 98,909.099 waterfront devel­
op meat project.