■4 THS POULTRY INDUSTRY is i potential pay roll for . Unsettled with portion Afihland ‘ ¡ . C ▼OU u JRDAY, APRIL 16, 1927 it Store Pay Roll tv Amount to WO,000 . . The, rearrangement ot the train I service on the Southern Puoific | lines Incident to the opening ot through service on the new Cas­ cade Line, effective Sunday, April ( ¿7, 1027, provides several chaftes PORTLAND, April 18. — (VP) Richfield Starts Tire Work* In the tin e of the arrival and die* With a Out. of Two Coats patch of the malls at the Ashland poatofflce. ' I Trains ;13 and 11 from the north and trains IS and 14 from OTHERS FOLLOW SUIT , the sonth will have full railway Loe Angeles Gasoline Bayers Are postal service while the new Port­ Now P ayin g , Twelve end land-Ashland local, trains 31 end H a lf Cents 32, w ill provide only closed At the' last meeting of the pouch, parcel poet and newspaper SAN FRANCISCO, April 16.— A school board held recently, the bundle service. gasoline price war in California Under the new schedule train annual election of teacher was which started In Loa Angeles early 13, southbound, w ill arrive« in In the week spread throughout the held. The high school the following Ashland at 2:40 p. m. and will state today with most distributing leave at 3:00 p. m. Outgoing teachers were elected: companies announcing a two cent mail for this train w ill close at the a gollon cut. By C. Forsythe, Principal. Harold W. Allison, S o c i a l Ashland postoffice at 3:10 p. m. While Los Angeles competition Train 11, the southbouftd Shasta, had battered down the pries to Science. * w ill arrive at the same time as at twelve and one half cents a gal­ rene Berg, English. (irlam Calmenson, Commercial present, 8:15 p. m. snd depart st lon there, the Ban Francisco price, Itusscll T. Crlpe, History and 8:30 p. m. Outgoing mall for this remained at fifteen cents a gal­ train will close at thrf Ashland lon retail. The Alchfleld Oil com­ Physical Training. Grace Hawkyard, Mathematics. poatofflce at 7:40 . p. m. at pany started the state cut p ith un present. Train 13, the north­ announcement ot a two cent re­ Emma Maloney, Spanish. bound Shasta, will arrive In Ash­ duction. Shell, Standard, General Eva Poley, Home Economics. land at V a. m. and will leave at And Juanita Tarr, Typing. the California Petroleum Laura Raguse, Drawing and 11:20 a. m. Outgoing mail 'fo r Company promptly met the price thia train will dose at the Ashland while the Union and Associated Music. postoffice at 10:30 a. m. Bertha Denton, nurae. announced they had the matter - Train 14, northbound, w ill ar­ under advisement. Richfield an­ Adrienne Hazard, English. rive In Ashland at 6:30 p. m. and nounced the cut with a statement Cora Mason, Secretary. will leave at 5:46 p. m . Outgoing that it'w as not due to economic Junior, high school: mall for thia train will close at conditions but purely to meet IbkwMyers. Principal. the Ashland poatofflce at 4:60 p. competition. Meli Carter, Grammar. m. MajFservlce on Train 33, Edna Goheen, English. northbound. Is limited at present Ethel Reid, Mathematics. ---- Cleo V. Howell, Mathematics to one closed pounc hto Medford containing the coast sir mall and and Physical Training. Hazel Sanders, Home Econom­ other first class mail for Medford. Outgoing mall for this train, will ics. close at the Ashland poatofflce at Nora W ard, History. 8 a. m. except on Sundays when Ella McLeod, Mathematics. Lizzie M erritt, Opportunity this mall w ill close at 7:45 p. m. the evening before. I<~ Is ex­ I — One ot the most spectacular daylight robberies In Portland’s history was successfully staged late Friday when five armed man held up a messenger of the Olds, Wortman and King department store and escaped In a stolen automobile with >39,405. Working with - clock-like pre­ cision, tke tire men stepped from their automobile, parked at the curb. Just as the messenger sad his guatd, Captain Bailey of the police force were about to enter , the store. While four of the bandit gang held Bailey at bay with drawn guns, the fifth member snatched the satchel containing the money from the meeeenger. The bandits then leaped Into their car and started to drive away, ■ but the engine “died.“ Instantly, the rear window of the ear was knocked out and the muzzle» of thejr guns appeared. A crowd of passers by, who had wltnesaeA-the holdup, drew back at thia flourish, giving the driver time to start the engine .again. NEW YORK, April I« .-—! Mrs. Ruth Brown Snyder, oi eve of her trial tor assl Henry Judd Gray, her IlHelt er, in the alleged murder o husbepd. has addressed 4 soual appeal for sympathy t wives. end mothers. The document, peened on tween the bars of her, 'jgM contains a flat denial <* charge of marder. seem foi former lover, wham s h e » to as a “sneaking Jackal,” j quest that the PUhllf w b , its judgment of her aad a that “mothers aad wlveuU with me la thought during stifling ordeal.“ While Mrs. Snyder wafc^ lag her meeeage Oray w ot. I pat through tepta by allpnle determine' whether he cogl*. been Insane March I t . who la alleged to hare beaten A Snyder to death with a- weight. »- “This is a message to friends aad to the people know me only as a woman w name has been printed la headlines ef newspapers 4 my husbaqd met his death.“ , SyndOr wrote.:* Members of Legion Color rrd and fourth __ grades. • At this meeting vocational training for boys at the Junior High School was adopted. The plan now la to have the vocaUon- al work extended through grades 7. 8 and 9. The purpose of this work Is not to make artisans, but to provide a finding period or touting out period for the boys of the community. A t least three years* work will be offered cover­ ing In a general way woodwork­ ing, gas engines, electricity, horti­ culture and boys’ projects. In these projects, boys will elect a certain line of activity which they will follow out more intensively than any other of the "vocational yubjects. I t is hoped that by the time the Junior High School coarse or 9th grade has been com­ pleted that the boys will have a (Please Turn to Page 4) Rev. Mitchelmore Spea] Before Luncheon Olub , Yesterday Noon China w ill never be dominated by the Bolshevlc government of Russia Was the opinion expressed by Rev. H. T: Mitchelmore, Pres­ byterian minister before the Ash­ land Kiwanis clnb at their regular noon day meeting hhld at the Lithla Springs hotel. Rev. Mitchelmore explained some of «the early tradition^ of the early trapftlons of China in amplfylng .the reason fo r such a statement. goigS; luto AÓtM1 M to the method of building up famil­ ies for generation after genera­ tion. These he explained became a part of the government and with their strong religious convic­ tions, not Christian always, he be­ lieved that It was Impossible tor the Bolshevios to gain much head way. “ The meutlhg wen presided over by President W irt M. W right and Henry Enders, Jr., leading the pinging. for pointe north w ill he estab­ lished on this train In a few days. This train leaves Ashland at 8:80 a. m. Train 31, the south bound Portland-Ashland local, ar­ rives in Ashland at 9:30 a., ro. and will carry certain closed pouch letter mail and Portland dallies and parcelpost. Protest Afrainst Solitary Confinerryit and' Revoca­ tion Kangaroo Court Defeats Medford Yesterday by Score of Nine to Twelve MCMINNVILLE, Ore.. April 16. —(IP) — Approximately >2,000 worth of stolen goods, cached away by Lloyd Wilkins, former convict trusty at the state prison, had been recovered here today. The find was made by Sheriff 0 ; -W. Manning in the course ef a raid for liquor at- the home of Vance Richardson. Richard­ son told the officers that W il­ kins bad been leaving goods there for the past two years. Chiefs Work Gets Two Convictions News dispatches from Portland yesterday tdld of the conviction of Ralph R. Wertz, alias Jim Cole­ man on a white slavery charge, and Richard J. Rose, 28, ot Vic­ toria,' B. C. on a charge ef Inter­ state transportation of a stolen automobile. The last named man getting a sentence of eighteen ¿tenths at McNeil Islands. Local Interest in these two cases center around the fact that Chief of Police McNabb did considerable work on the white slavery case for government officials and turned this Information over to the Fed­ eral authorities which resulted In the man’s arrest and conviction. Rose was arrested on 'the streets of Ashland by the chief about two months ago, and h it conviction yesterday was. the re­ sult of the chief’s work. ASTORIA, April 16. — (IP) — Thirteen prisoners In the county jail went on a hunger strike here today as a protest against soli­ tary confinement and the revo­ cation of kangaroo court rights by Sheriff H. J. Blusher. One of the prisoners called in an attorney and' demands were made that the entire matter be taken before the county grand jury for a sweeping investigation of ja il conditions. Trouble' has been brewing in the Jail since Floyd Roberts of Long Beach, Cal., sawed his way out of prison on the night ot April 4. Roberts was wanted In California on an automobile theft charge. Until that time the prisoners had been allowed the privileges o t the ja il corridor and the rights of their kangaroo court. Sheriff Slusher ordered these rights revoked and the men were placed in individual cells. Pris­ oners In the Clatsop . county jail 'do their own cooking, but yester­ day the Kangaroo court-appoint­ PORTLAND, April 16.— — ed cook rebelled. No one volun­ John Lowe, king of colored boot­ teered for the work today. leggers and a power in., this un­ der world, was sentenced to serve. 20 year» in the state peulteaMgry by Circuit Judge Ekwall today. EXPLOSION KILLS EIGHT Lowe was accused of tnstlfttlng CHICAGO, April 10,—-An explo­ sion caused by moonshiners was the robbery of Blrfileg’s roadhouse still believed to have been respon­ lb Dbcembei', 1926. Although he sible for the blast which took the was not an actual participant la lives dt eight persons here today. the holdup LoWe was convicted on The dead are H airy Sikolsky, his the testimony ef the two men who wife and two children, and Bar­ committed the crime. They turned nett Levin, hla wife and two state witnesses and told of how children. The police are searching they had fallen under the influ­ tor a grocery man In the building ence o f Lews, how he had planned who la alleged to have been oper­ the holdup and how it «A perpe­ ating the stlU. trated. ' '• p a p d fr ififo . AriNE,r «■, The |»pniar '/World, lot re* '»ewa- Boys from Ashland Post No. 14, Forking until after midnight colored ninety dozeb eggs last night that w ill be used In the Easter Egg hunt Ao be staged for the benefit of Ashland chil­ dren under twelve year« of a||e, Sunday morning. A ll children desiring to par­ ticipate In the hunt are requested to be at the band stand In Lithla Park at eight o'clock Sunday mordiog when Millard Grubb, Post commander, will explain the rules of the hunt. Present plans Cal) for a price of >3.00, a sec­ ond prise of >2.00 and a third prlte of >1.00. In addition to this the; Legion members are working onj a plan to give to each child a s a tll prise. ThA-Pdpi'wak cpbduetèd Among newspapOr 'editora aad publishers In 32 cdç¿tries. -Editors of the UnlÎôd q/fiiAs vq0d fqr. Hlnden- butg apfi.’ StVesemann, thé preal; dent receiving |7 Ofites and Stresemanp 16. Chancellor Marx, the former Llantos — “Lower Columbia kaiser, apt).Paul Lôese, président ef the Eeichstag, were pmong Highway here Is to be built to those to receive one vote each, 3 Ortos t width. Irri2.00 per month for entire year, the former rate was >1.20 a month with bath and toilet, and >1.00 without. Meters are to be installed hi all places whqgei water power washing machines are used. Irrigatlonlsts w ill pay >15.00 per month under the new rate where before they have been charged >12.00. This rate will also apply to fractional acres as well. Churches will re­ ceive an Increase in water rates, from >1.00 a month to >l.G0. Stores will pay a minimum rate of >2.15 and with a. toilet, >2.90 a month where before they j e r e paying lL Q fla .g i.o n lh. The council further asked for bids In the clearing ot thb road And proceeding wKh the Work as authorised at the last raeet- InV. t A , ÍJM Local Train to Not'Have Diner On account of the early ar­ rival of the Portland - Ashland local at Southern points, this train will not carry a diner, but tor the passengers who desire to breakfast early, a cabinet lunch car will be available where breakfast will be served at a nominal cost. Northbound this train will carry cabinet lunch car, serving breakfast and light lunches. This Complicates Matters Considerably CZâOVAM —i üTlkftóTBEA B igamous Boawess/ /'’• ■ 1 1 * For the second consecutive time Ashland high school baseball team defeated the fast Medford aggre­ gation yesterday, by a score of 9 to 12. The game was full of thrills from start to finish and at one time, Medford was in the lead Press Xriticised for Specu­ lating on Possibility of by what was thought to have Such Move been a safe margin. Hughes, star pitcher for Medford, was knocked out In the seventh inning when TIRE DN OUN BOAT the local found their batting eye. Chinese H it American At the start of the ninth, the score eral Times With stodd 9 to 9, with no one out and, s Inch Shells the bases full. Hartley, catcher for Ashland came to bat and WASHINGTON, April 16. — smashed out a sizzling two bagger Rumors of a split in the Coolidge that cleared the bases and gave Ashland the long end of the cabinet over the administration’s score. Abbott pitching for the lo­ cal did some excellent work after the first five Innings prior to that, wildness handicapped him some­ what. Heavy Snow Stormii Tie up Gog Railway Going up Mountain The men have a ton of fuel and enough provisions for two weeks- If the railroad Is net opened up within a week, the Adaman olub, famous mountain hiking organisa­ tion, announced it would etart an expedition in an effort to rescue the two men. Pre-Easter Rites Are Mark ed by Torture and Mistreatment SANTA FE, N. M., April 16.— (IP)— Self tortured Into exhaus­ tion by - lashing themselves with whips and treading cactus strewn paths in their bare feet, members of the Los Hermanos penitentes, flagellant religious sect, have prepared for the celebration of Easter. The annual pro-Easter rites of the sect with mock crucifixions in their nation American pas­ sion play, were concluded Friday only after,the last member had fallen from pain and exhauat- The novitiate began Thursday night in a darkened building back in the hills, with younger members dragging heavy chaîna across the floor to resemble thunder while older members raised their voices above the din to chant their native prayers. At dawn began the tortures, zald to have been handed down from the 16th century monks who practiced self punshment Io expiate their Bins. Cries of pain mingled with weird Incantations as the mem­ bers lashed bared bocks with itmng whips and the cactus thorns pierced their fe e t Crowns of thorns brought blood stream­ ing from the brows of the natives. To maddening tom toms the weird ceremony continued until all participants fell exhansted. Members ot the sect live along the Rio Grande river In remote sections ot New Mexico aad southern Colorado. In some of the outlying villages and “El Cristo” bears a cross to a hill­ side Calvary. Natives tie him to the «toes and he hangs there In expiation ot -the sins ot his order until the teum cny is com­ pleted. Chinese policy were denied by the White House spokesman and the press were criticised for in» dulging in speculation concerning such a serious situation as now exists in our r e l a t i o n s with China. Thia developed Jnst after news was received that nationalists had refused to comply with the Identic notes of the powers, call­ ing for an apology, reparation and punshlment of those guilty of the Nanking outrages. Navy dispatches at the same time told of an exchange of fire between Chinese northern troops and the American destroyer Ford, which was hit several times by four inch shrapnel from the Chinese along the Yangtae river bank. The Ford was hit in several ? — - places bnt there were no casualy ties and no material damage. The ■ Standard Oil company ship Mei^n which was near by receivedv a volley and the Ford 'returned the" fire. W L — H t 5 w r IA a L lfiiMAMAlfl 1 4 nO I t l I S n C r u ln O r E jiT iO r a iu , .... which figured In the* shelling ot Nanking, joined in the firing on the northern Chinese. The Chin­ ese were quickly silenced. Some newspapers have printed- dispatches to the effect that Sec­ retary Hoover disagreed witki Secretary of Stale Kellogg’s handling of the Chinese situa­ tion, particularly by sending the. identic note to the nationalists over the Nanking Incident. Hoo­ ver was represented as favoring , a lone hand policy and It was in­ timated that Kellogg might re­ sign and that Hoover would be appointed in his place. SAN ANTONIO. Texas, April 16 J. W. Adams of Rock Springs. Texas, who remained there tor. bury his six year old eon who wan killed In the storm, arrived here I today to learn that his wife and a daughter had also died of injuries received In the tornado. * Adam’s wife and six children were all Injured at Rock Springs, the son dying there. Adame re­ mained at the scene of the dis­ aster to bury his boy and care for three of hla children while hie wife and two children w e r e brought here fbr treatment.