rax M o m ? m a n a la a potential pay roll for i "■ 1 Unsettled with rain in portion W Aahlaod ashla : ,Y, APRIL 15, 1927 SPUING SHOW STORMS rSWEERÎHE MES •d for the School Drifts From Four Inohes to - Two Foot Aro in Colorado Mi-Y Continues With Their Winning Streak, Defeat­ ing Employed Boys A large and appreciative au­ HBNRIBTTA, Okie., Aprfl DENVER. April IB.— (IP) — dience greeted the P. T A. pro­ IFprlng «now storms «retching aast '—(IP)— The 19 miner« trappu More fast Indoor baseball was gram. which was given last eve- tbe stops of the flooded ' IXrom the Rocky Mountains, hare played In the games last night on Ibrought drifts from four to 24 in. nlnlng in the U ric clubhouse on wise” mine boot hero were rg the Armory floor than has been Wlnburn Way. (deep through parts of Colorado, ed lata this afternoon, bom ' featured locally for some time, beys and girls glee clubs I Wyoming and Nebraska. worse for their experience. according to witnesses of last Mow Than One Hundred of The Resolutions A w Passed De­ Earl Carrol, Federal Prison­ | Western Nebraska was snow­ Senator McNary Says Cool­ the senior high Bchool furnish­ Rescue workers, searching Lives A w Lost During night’s contests in the third round manding the Arrest of idge Stock is Way Down ed four number«, which were er is Still Patient in bound Thursday following a a mean« to get to the eaten of the Y. M. C. A. indoor league. Peat Week Several Ministers in Farm Districts Hospital greatly enjoyed, with piano ac­ heavy Migaard. Wet snow, driven men, found an old-level t o In the first game the Battery B [before a fierce north wind, de- companiment by Miss Mildred Duncan-McKar mine which to) team were winners over the Bank­ THOU8AND8JIOMBLES8 Johnson. Mr. Lew Hansen ap­ BATTLE FRONT QUIET | posited drifts two feet deep along WANTS NEW MEASUBB ers by a score of 19 to 12 in one BULLETIN IS I S S U E D tee working In which the i the tablelands of the Platte river, Is M eeting W ith -Farm Lenders of the hardest fought games of Property Damage F ra» the. Wind peared for the first time before Missionaries Are Told That They were being held priamsers Duration of Illness Cannot be ^paralysing traffic and stalling mo- an Ashland audience in a baritone flood watera. Bud notified t| Freaks WUI Ran lato tha season. Batteries for Battery May Return to Their Work Throughout County to Predicted, Attending Doc­ solo, after which Mrs. E. A. [torlsta. by meana f f a speaking Jab« B were: 81ack, pitcher and Young (lather Ideas tors State Woods played piano number, Sixteen Inches of snow were re­ the ave»tb of eecape. A catcher; for the Bankers; Cripe ported at Sheridan, Wy«.. and ten Two mules were loft la KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 15 which haa unusually beautiful. CHICAGO, April 15.— (IP)— Un­ pitcher and Hitchcock, catcher. In GREENVILLE, S. C., April 15 Inches at Cheyenne. Trotna were less farmers are placated with a tbe second game of the evening mine but roeeue erews plan to — Floods, storms and cyclones in Two sudeuts from the Southern — (IP) —• Earl Carroll, stricken [reported stalled late Thursday In Oregon Normal school gave a Ish emptying the workings , tbe southwest this week have satisfactory relief measure be­ tbe undefeated HUY club team federal prisoner, is suffering from dance, followed by a delightful drifts south of Cheyenne. killed more than 100 persons and tween now and 1928, President took the long ehd of a 23 to 12 At Colorado Springs, the snow, Coolidge will encounter serious score from the Employed boys a severe nervous breakdown, ac- rendered thousands homeless. Re­ number by Messrs V. O. N. Smith Miss Rose AiMns which has seen falling , continu­ trouble, first to get enough dele- club team. This game was fea­ 1 cording to a physician’s bulletin, ports from Texas, Arkansas, Okla­ and Moon. played a cello solo “Neopolltan ously since early Monday, has dates to nominate him and then tured by some hard hitting and which followed a consultation at homa and Missouri Indicate that Dance.” One of tfie most inter­ reached a depth of 17 inchee. Four to get elected if nominated, In the some fast and clever fielding on the stricken theatrical ’producer's several score persons have been esting numbers on the program inches of snow lay on the ground belief of United States Senator both sides, the Hl-Y team earning bedside tonight. seriously Injured, while property His condition was described as ar Denver as snow pelted down Charles L. McNary of Oregon. damage from wind freaks 'and was given by Dr. Mattle B. Shaw, a well deserved victory?” * "an acute coma.” and his collapse w ho Interpreted Edgar Allan Poe’s Thursday for the fourth consecu­ floods run into millions of dol­ The batteries were, HI-Y-, Kats- caused "probably from the severe The westerner, pausing here be­ "Raven” with 24 stereoptican tive day. lars. tween trains on his way homo er, pitcher and Hartley, catcher. mental strath of the last few Tbe tornado which struck Rock slides Worn the University of Ore­ Employed Boys, Walter, pitcher, months.” - Springs, Texas, Tuesday night, de­ gon. V. D. Miller gave a vocal solo Franklin.Tatcher. The bulletin was signed by the molishing the town, bringing "Bells of the Sea" and respond­ The last game of the evening following specialists: Dr. C. O. ed tp a hearty encore. The eve­ death to at least 72 and Injuries to SALEM, April 15.—OFM- A proved to be the hardest fodght Bates, Dr. R. C. Bruce, Dr. Henry 150, with 51,500,000 property ning closed with two splendid, "fight to the finish” battle cfy haa game so far for the season when McGeehee of Atlanta, Dr. Leslie damage, was the worst single dis­ numbers by the high school or­ been apnnded by the 18 Oregon the Hoot Owls sneaked out of the B. Hosman, Johns Hwpklns, Bal­ chestra "Over tbe Waves" and aster. counties, which will benefit by the basement and took the fast Nor­ timore. "Magnolia Blossoms” and they al­ CHICAGO, III., April 16 — Other cyclones in Texas and Oregon and California grant land mal team who were perched on It read: Oklahoma have taken an addition­ so graciously responded to an en­ refund to prevent the state from While church bells tolled the an­ the top roost without a loss to the Bulletin Issued 7 ’ al toll of approximately ten lives. core. realising on its claim to participa­ nouncement of Good Friday Relig­ tune of 29 to 20 In favor of the "After careful consideration A large sum of money was real­ ious services, John Walton Winn Floods In Oklahoma sad Kansas tion fn this refund. effect such activity may have on Hoot Owls, thereby demonstrating of the, nervous and mental con­ ized from thia entertainment, • was Ranged tor the murder of brought deafh to mar« than 7ta offlclilCinter- “I am not talking politics now. Bankers ......- .............. 1 2 Pass Irrigation Dlsrlcts was held moved from this hospital before Hoot Owls ... Kas., to Miami, Okla. fcrot aq Includteg tha state $ the We must keep the purely econom­ a week or ten days. Then only Employed B The Solomon river a Beloit, at the Hotel Medford at noon to­ Jealousy it disbursement b> funds. Attorney ic status of the farmer out of poli­ after medical consideratldn. Kos., Is also reported to be leaving day at which were representa­ GeiRral Van Winkle hap f t t yet tics.” Doable tives of the Ashland» Medford "Fifth— tha duration of the its course and Inundating adjacent decided Just what form t h e ft s to’1 and Grants Pass Chambers of illness of which this collapsed lands. action would toBA-. . V? IM hcuns Farm R elief Commerce, the Oregon Irrigation state in part cannot be predicted. SACRAMENTO, April 15.— In­ County offlcRls attending the WASHINGTON, April 16.— (IP) Congfwsa, the California-Oregpn It may be short or tong In ’dura­ sane jpalousy was today establish­ Reeling include Judge 0 . P. — Further discussion of the ad­ Power Company, the O. A. C. Ex­ tion." ed as he motive for the double Monee, Bantoh oounty; Commie PORTLAND, April 16.—(IP)— ministration’s farm relief plan tension Service and the Southern tragedy enacted at tbe states cap- «(oner L. Beckley, Douglas;) Judge F irst trace of the safe crackers, took place at the White 'House Oregon Bankers Association. J. Who robbed tbe Olds, Wortman A Thursday when President Cool­ HILI/,BORO, Ore., April 16.— A New Act Tlje representatives of the var­ iol latXyesterday, when Reginald H. R. Mast, Coos; Judgu Kt. J. HUI sixty-two, a Loa Angeles Hartswell. Jackson; JudgeiJohn King1 department store of 820.000, idge conferred with Senator Fess, That the fate of Mrs. Eva N. Mc­ GREENVILLE, S. C.. April 15’ ious organizations formed a joint CHAMBER8BURG, Pa., April politician and lobbyist ahot and Philip, Columbia, apd Judge C was found today. Gee was nearing, he jury Indicated — (LP) — AU act without a coun­ Ohio republican. 15.—No regret, only defiance, was organization for the purpose of killed Marybelle Wallace, 34, of P. Bernard. Lane eounty. Checks mt the Portland store Fess sponsored the administra­ today when the state closed the terpart In any show Earl Carrpll* the attitude of 4 yea raid Tommy more unified and co-operative Hollywood and then turned tha were found scattered along the tion relief bill In congress a year case tending to prove she polsog^d ever staged haa as its central It was also decided that each Rudy as his father prepared the consideralon and action in dealing gun on himself. of tha I t counties will contribute highway south of Dallas, iadlcat- ago, but It was defeated. Recent­ her husband Dr. W. G. McGee. figure the “Vanltiea” producer lad to attend his mother’s funeral. with the Land Settlement, Produc­ The bodice were found together to a fun for contesting the Inc tea route the men took In. flee­ ly the president and his advisors The morning session was occu­ hlmseM. tion and other features of Interest Tommy shot artd killed his with a smoking pistol on tha state’s d a ta , in proportion to its ing from Portland. —decided that conditions made It pied by the reading of a trans- He lay outstretched on a hos­ mother and when questioned said, to the respective irrigation dis­ floor. A letter that was found participation In tha refund. The stare was robbed Sunday script from a trial at Tillamook pital cot. wordless, sightless, am' tricts. Various committees were "Sure, and I’d shoot her again.” night and approximately 220,000 later, revealed the fast that Hill last fall, at which the Jury dis­ No charges have been pressed be­ had carefully planned the crime. (Please Turn to Paga 2> was taken. » (Please Turn to Page I ) (Please Turn To Page Three) agreed. cause of tbe boy’s youth. Penalty is Paid. For Brutal Murder First Trace of Robbers Found Mrs. McGee’s Fate Soon to be Known Defiance Marks Youthful Slay« EASTER SUNDAY Trinity Episcopal Church Vicar, The Rev. P. K. Hamnlond Holy Communion at 8 a. m. 8unday School at 9:45. Morning service and sermon at 11- . . Special Easter music and a ref­ erent and beautiful service. Everyone cordially invited. First Church of Christ, Scientist ' Pioneer Ave., South. Sunday morning service at 11 o’clock, subject? "Doctrine of Atonement.” Sunday, school at 9:45 o’clock. Wednesday evening service at 8 p. m. Reading roonl open dally from 2 to 5 exebpt Bundays and holi­ days. The public la lovingly wel­ comed. tt « tt The Full Gosple Temple . J. E. Murphey, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45, C. J. Foster, Sup. In onr Sunday school we have suitable depart­ ments and classes for all ages. Mrs< Arthur Hardy, aupt. of the primary department. , Morning worship, 11 a. m. Young peoples meeting, 8:80. All young people who are not am sociatad with the young peoples work, are Invited to join with this company of young folks to - pro­ mote the work among thé young. Evening wonhip 7:80 p. m. Every Wednesday prayer meet­ ing, 7:30. If you are looking for a real homelike church, attend these ser­ vices and you will be convinced that there is a welcome that Is hard to find. Stirring singing and gospel p ressin g. » « « Church o f tbe NaaBrene Sundag-school at 9:46 a. m T. S. Wiley, Supt. * After a short Easter Lesson there will be aa. Easter program rendered by the Sunday School. At 11 o’clock, morning worship with sermon from the subject, "The Measage From the Tomb." At 1:20 p. m. Yanng Peoples Meeting. At t:20 p. m. * Praise' service followed with sermon fro»n the subject, "God’s Wise Man.” Tbe regular mid-week prayer meeting will ba held on Wednes­ day evening at 7:20 p> m. A hearty welcome to all. P. C, Thatcher, Pastor. Methodiet Episcopal Church H. F. Pemberton, Pastor Morning Worship at 11 o’clock. Easter service. Sermon subject, "The Message of the R i s e '4 Christ.” Prelude, "Baser Joy,” Hosmer. Offertory, "The Last Hope,” Gottschalk. Postlude, “Festival March,” Tetlman. Evening worship at 8. Tha choir under'the direction of O. M. Yeo will present Cantata, "The Easter Victory. Sunday school at 9:41. The Easter lesson Is worth yonr study at this hour. We expect 400 to bo present. Epworth League meeting for young people at 8:48. Thia Is an Inspirational hour. The Epworth League will hold a Sunrise Prayer Meeting o ^ Car­ ter Heights at 5:45 Easter morn­ ing. They Invite you to begin thte wonderful day with than la tela special way. Yoji are cordially Invited to at­ tend all the meetings of th|a churoh. You will enjoy the ex­ cellent music, the Gospel sermons the Christian feltowthlp and the homelike atmosphere. Strangers and visitors especial­ ly welcome. Come ta yon are. AT THE ASHLAND 8 t E. CHURCH an eaetbh cantata "Tbe Maater Victory” Rev. H. F. Pemberton. Pastor Gao. H. Too, Director Mrs. H. J. ygn Foaaen, Accompan­ is t.. '■ ’ Opening Voluntary, Prelude In A Miner, be jCovpa, Mrs. Van Fos- Opening Chorus, Dawn After Dtrifetes”. •• Sqpraao sad Tel Need Thee,” Mrs. bmlth4nd Dr. Tllfon. ’ Chote». "Mt dltepo.'* Teno Solo, “Fear Ye Net,” Mr. White. kdprnnd Bote nnd C h o i r , "Angela Rolled tku Stone Away”, Mrs. Wdloe«, Trio, Clbfue, Soprano and Alto Duet, ”Motn «r ioy", Mrs. Smith, Ute.. Waren and Jegn Aaderson Offering gad annouaeehisnt«. Offertory. “Melodie,” Xargan- oft. teto. Valí Itoeeea. Contralto 8pto, “Tha Cross.” Halon Pemberton. Base Sole sa d «hoir, “Open Wide teg Odtoo of Paradise.” A. c. ergere. , ; ' Soprano Solo. “Bartl» and Heav­ en Rejoice," George Mason, Mies Hussey. . < Bass Solo, Soprano and Alto Duet, Alto and Tenor Duet and Chorus, ’»The Light Has Com«,” A. C. Crews, Mrs. Weren and Jean Anderson. Final Chorus- by the Choir, “God’s Great Love”, Mn Wol- cott and Mrs. 8mlth. Poetlude, March Soli Ketterer, Mrs. Van Fosaen, tt « « Easter Services At the Presbyterian Church 0:45 In the Bible School a spec­ ial Missionary Easter Service will be presented, Including the fol­ lowing numbers: brehestra. “Hallelejah,” Mc- Oranahan. Scripture reading, by Harold Johnston. ? _ Song by Junior department. . Recitation by Doris Danford. Song by Batty Brookmiller. Song by Charles Walter. Plaao Dust, Madge and Marie IdtcheU. Song by Misa Bra Polay’s class. Duet. Letba Milas and Lor­ raine Brookmfller. "Easter Lilies” exercise by Mn. J. R. Robertson’s class. Short address by the pastor. 11 a. m., church service. Prelude, “The Heavens Are Telling,” Haydn, Miss Imogene Wallace. Anthem, “Christ Hath Arisen,” Wildermere. Solo,“The First Easter Morn,” Scot. Orgon, "faring Flowers,” Gsde. 7:20 p. m. Easter Cantata, "Victory,” Wildermere. Prelude, ( ’’March Pontificate, Gounod. ' Chorhs, "From Getheemane to Calvary," bytChblr. Tenor koto. "Not What I Will!” Mr. W. M. Wright. Chorus, "Qut of the Night of Darkness.” * Bass Soto, "Angels Rolled Away the Stone,” J. W- McCoy. Trio, "Life Eternal," M i s s Florence Allen, ' Offertory. “Evening Song Andre. Jdlss Imogene Wallace. Bass Solo and Chorus, "The Son of Victory,” Mr. Q. M Frost and Choir. Quartettp, “There la No In Heaven," Mias Eva Poley, Miss Jennie. G rover, J. H. McGee and J. W. McCoy. Chorus, “In The Splendor of Hla Glory.” CHURCHES Contralto Solo, "His Love Di­ vine," Miss Florence Allen. "Christ Hath Arisen," Finale by the Choir. Pqatlude. The Pastor, Rev. Hugh T. Mlt- chelmore will give an E a s t e r thought for meditation at each servies. » » 22 Epworth League Ashland Chapter Na. «048 will meet at «:16 next Sunday, April 17, at Methodist church corner N. Main and Laurel. First half hour will be devoted to song rally la preparation for contest at Conven­ tion. Devotional meeting will fol­ low led by Beulah Hussey, topic la ’’Christ Is Alive.” Leaguers may make note of In­ stitute which Is to be held this year on the weak of July 11-17 and plan their work to attend this big week. Anaual election of officers for Epworth League will be made at monthly business meeting- for May. tt t t l t Lutheran Church II. H. Young Pastor Services in tha Odd Fallows Hall. Easter services will he con­ ducted Sunday Bight at 8 o’clock. During tha service Holy Commun­ ion will also be distributed. Con­ fessional services at 7:20. Main services at I. ’’Christ’s Strange Conduct Toward Tha Disciples of Emmaus,” la tha heme of the Ban­ ter sermon baaed oa Luka 84, 18- 35. Strangers welcome. « S B Myron 8. Woodworth. Pastor Special service at 5:20. Next Sunday morning come the sunrise prayer meeting at tl home of Mr. Cole oa Ashland St Sabbath School, BI IB. Wa are wasting yon to attoi the program for BaeOer-hy m Sunday sckdol. Wa are glad 1 announce an latenettaff bi growing school. Spend Bast« with ns sad then eeaw agate aa agate.