portion /or Over Fifty Years ===«3E*a-s (Uqltsd Pmm Wire 8< ING PLANS íG G R E A ÌpST A L IN HISTORY and staff» and spectacular Chinatown Orien­ G«U BUI for Eighty Dollars, loweot tal carnival covering many blocks Including Telephone round trip excursion fares to Port­ on Second and Fourth Avenues to Malta Oommandry No. < of Call land 1» the history o t the a«flM | be staged' by the city's leading Ashland to Have Charge LONDON, April 14.—(IP)— The Rose Festival, tor Any eveat otYg Chinese residents who have rais­ of Ceremony similar nature ever hsld iR'tiflf ed a fund bf. (10,000 for decora­ world’s most expensive shave The traditional Raster observ­ and haircut is being discussed at Northwest, came the announoo* tions, Chinese bands and perform­ ance, aa exemplified by Knights length In the lobbies and the ment yesterday of definite gtaon ances. Templar throughout the world, barber shop of the Savoy Hotel. for the l f | 7 annual Portland Hen. Other features this year will P r e m i e r Lloyd Goorge It cost 180. Swoons Down on Little Cat­ will he held at the fiae new Ma­ U sing B e l l a n c a Wright ta and pageant "Hesaria” on' the* Include, a big-military parade, a Makes Attack on Budget Thirty Five Killed When W illia m Coolidge, son of Paul tle Town Touching* Noth­ sonic Temple at Medford this year most mammoth seals ever hsMdtt demonstration of fire fighting, life Monoplane Remain in Attack is Made Upon W . Coolidge of Boston settled in under enepices of Malta Com- ing JE lie for Miles saving, wall scaling and other fore attempted by the Ross City. Air for Honrs < Soldiers mandery No. 4, of thia city, Sun­ his chair a t the Savoy shop, and In ad..ditton to the usual sonata thrilling events by the entire fire 1 .decided th a t he would enjoy & GREAT BRITAIN LRADS S E E TW O BUILDINGS day afternoon, April 17. A chick- BEAT P U N C H RECORD of Ross Festival week from Jana department of Portland, a junior op dinner will be served at 1:2« I t to I t. which include the Flor- festival In the city barks la which UNREST I N C R E A S E S chat w ith New Y o rk instead of Claim Navy is Most Powerful in o’clock, by the ladies of Reames the customary exchange of con­ al and lferrykhana parades, an-’ 6,000 school children will take Worlds History and Move Certainty of Hnceees by Northern v e rs a tio n w ith the barber. Chapter of the Eastern Star, Med­ nual Rose Show, deeoralon . and part, a regattaand water, sports Ships Built Army Become« Impressed ford, divine worship to follow, He asked for the nearby phone Illumination ot Portland's beantW carnival on the Willamette river on Natives ooadneted- by Rev.' P. K. Ham­ and called for a New York num­ ful park blocks will W - a great In the heart of the*dty and many LONDON, April 14.—A world HOUSTON, Texas, April 14.— mond. of Trinity Episcopal ber. The lathering had just ROOSEVELT, F I E L D, N. Y., night performances dt the pageant other events. race in naval armaments, with Rock Springs was the bull's eye church, this city, who la Prelate April Id. — Bert Acosta and "RosariaA with a cast of 1,0«« ac­ Outdoor Rvents SHANGHAI, April 14. — Ma­ been completed when he was Great Britain setting the pace and la the target for the tornado of the Commandery. In the way Clarence Chamberlain, American tors, a chorus ot 1,000 trained L With Portland the only city In chine guns were used by nation­ told to be ready. that redneed the city almost to of,uniform, it -la decreed that reg­ civilians, came back to earth in voices w ith 100 musicians from the Northwest planning a great alist Chinese soldiers against the , After the conversation was the United States forced into .com­ petition was described by former kinfling wood. ulation equipment is in order, in­ their tiny Bellanca-Wright mono­ Portland's noted Symphony or­ outdoor civic feature, transporta­ native Chinese' city in what for a ended Coolidge let- the barber Premier Lloyd George in a slash­ The twisting wind swooped cluding bolt, but omitting baldric plane today, after they had re­ chestra. tion lines are centering their ef­ time assumed the proportions- of work. When his time In the ing attack on the budget proposals down out of the sky, pounced and sword. Inasmuch as the otM mained in flight longer than any forts in attracting the attention of a massacre and caused death of chair waa up he was handed a of Winston Churchill, chancellor upon the little cattle town and servance is being held at Medford other aviators In history. thousands to the various events of at least 36 persons. bill for haircut, shave and tele­ of the exchequer. Many new features have lifted again, leaving the open this year, various committees on Rose Festival days. phone conversation, totalling 180. Women and children were re­ This feat brought to us the "Look at what the United cqnntry for miles around with arrangements have been appoint­ record now held by Prunes, the added to the Rope Festival ported to have been put in the States Is doing,*’ he said, after de­ gram this year to include,« t scarcely a mark of Its passing. ed from that town, including en­ official landing time being IS:41. front ¡rank of laborers, who oppos­ claring that Great Britain was This waa the story told here tertainment, decorations and pro­ which meant that the record set ed the nationalist troops. The leading the way in naval construc­ by Prank M. Hawks, commercial gram. All members of the order— was 11 boars, 11 minutes and outbreak was the most serious tion. "She Is not keeping up her 'pilot for the Raymond Pearson either affiliated, sojourning or 26 seconds and this broke the anti-red crusade directed by Gen­ program and is not going on with Aero company, who bopped off visiting, are courteously invited to old record by 5 hours, IS minutes eral Chiang Kaj Shek's army and it nt all,” from Houston In in ly blackness, attend, accompanied by* their and 1« seconds. is likely to bring further clashes Chamberlain Winston Churchill had declared taking a United Press special ladies. between radical and . moderate Question Arises as to What that hla budget was aimed at econ­ revealed that, tha two had been correspondent and a camera to croups of natives. without food since yesterday noon Caused Doctor’s - omy, the farmer premier suggest­ the cyclone sone. All Are Alive and Waiting The fighting occurred when when the heat of the engine ed. “but In the survey of a pos­ Death Hawks, piloting a “Traveialr” armed Chinese laborers surround? -to be Rescued Head­ had spoiled their supply of can­ sible field for economy the sturdy métal biplane. made the return id .the nationalist soldiers who HIILSBORO, Ore., April 14. — figure of the first lord of the ad­ quarters Say ned food and milk, and their trip to Houston before dusk. had antagonized the laboring A question as to whether strych­ miralty stood out in front as a. supply of chocolate and like The Pat and Hobby show HENRIETTA, Okie., April 14. groups, when laborers fired, kill­ nine or uremic poisoning caused likely target. The chancellor of "As ws flew Into the tojn . solids had been exhausted. which waa being promoted by tfttd —Twenty six miners are trap­ ing a soldier the troops returned the death of Dr. W. G. McGee Where, under ordinary conditions, the exchequer missed his aim. Central Connell of the Y. M. C. ped 180 feet underground in a the attack with machine guns. 1 oomed today as a major point in Real economies could be effected we wonld have aeen buildings of ROOSEVELT F I E L D , New A. Pioneer clubs and which wa* shaft of the old. Wise mine a Thirty-four laborers were killed he murder trial of his widow, in drmaments. It was armaments all sorts, we saw two, the Ed­ Yprk, April 14. — Bert Acosta to have boon held* In Pioneer mile fronr here. All of them are at the outset or the clash and po­ (rs. Eva N. McGee. wards county courthouse and that helped provoke the great war and Clarence Chamberlain in a hall Saturday, has .been postpone alive and awaiting rescue, said lice are checking reports to deter­ Dr. R. T. Boals, ths Tillamook that created- an atmosphere that the Jan,” Hawks said. Bellanca Wright monoplane set HONOLULU, April 14.— Horace a new world's record for sustain­ ed indefinitely, it waa decided word from the mine headquarters. mine whether many others lost physician who testified that stry­ nourished it. "Everything else was torn Communication with the trap­ their lives, as has been rumored. chnine had killed his fellow prac­ down. Trees were bent and up­ Dodge, son of the late multimil­ ed ■ flight at six forty A. M. to­ at a meeting of the council laat “Now we have a navy which is rooted. Everything was leaning lionaire automobile manufactur- ' day. At that tlmcjthey had been night In (Pioneer hail. Thia action ped’ miners was established Reports of a break in morale of titioner, continued on the, stand more powerful than the combined in the name ' direction. Debris er, has reached Honolulu after In' the air forty five hour, and was necessary owing to sovorai through ajdrlll hole shortly after the nationalist army opposing ths tqtfay and admitted that Dr. Mc­ navies of Europe. We never have was strewn over what was qnca attempting to conceal his Identity twelve minutes, one second long­ conflicting dates. The bird house .noon and word was passed up northerners' advance on Shanghai, Gee had a moderate case of ure­ been in that position before and a . quiet cattle village, like behind a tangled Structure* of As­ er than Lieutenants Dronghln bn tiding content however will ba that all the men, had escaped followed receipt of an unverified mic poisoning, but that it did not still we go on building.” matches spilléd on à ' tablecloth. sumed names and fantastic ex­ and Landry of France remained endneted and boys must - have drowning, when the flood waters rumor that Pukow? north of* kill him. The court recessed at their bird houses finished and rushed- down the shaft. * - Shanghai, again had -fallen into noon with Boals still on the stand. "We circled the town once. On planations. aloft on August 19th, 1126. The turned in to the Y- Jt. O. As The purpose of Dodge's spectac- ths hands of the northerners. Un­ Mrs. McGee, who Is accused of » a t Rare street*—baft save lor flyers regained in the air after office In Pioaser hall not later rest in the native City increased as . h- occasional Sit of a » «Sht* m *, Wal WSWRnei" r fifty hours. They announced. Other Items discussed at* last night's qieetlng were i an presence hire of his wife, who has was impressed on the native ele- in an automoi/le accident, appear­ gathered on the corners, viewing are civilians. overnight hike; playground base­ filed suit for divorce. , ment. ed to be in better spirits although the wreckage. ball and a Pioneer picnic and Mrs. Dodge has been sway She has been displaying signs of Prohibitionists Ars “There were many persons Plante Upsets GREENVILLE. S. C.. April* 14 pow-wow. These will be open -to from Honolulu on a trip to Hilo on Gutting Don intense nervousness at times. about tha courthouse, where the ROOSEVELT FIELD, April 14 —At 1« a. m. Earl Carroll, fam­ HELD ON LIQUOR CHARGE alt Pioneers who 'ate attending but ia expected beck Friday. More Tree Mexican refugees had been quar­ —A Curtiss biplane carrying two ous broadwayite, still lay uncon­ club meetings regularly it was Hght on the strange situation tered. army officers whe wens circling Bill McCambell, better known FORT LARAMIE, Wyo„ April decided. The annual Y- M .C . A. scious. which finds the couple here under around the little Bellacana mono­ as "Mackinaw Bill" was arrested He has been unconscious 27 14.—(IP)— Prohibition agents are such .mysterious circumstances boy's camp came ap for discus­ “The tornado made ns a good plane in which Bert Acosta and considering catting down a willow will be shed at the time, it is be­ sion and thia will be diaenssed hours, but physicians said that last night and Is being held in landing Held. C l a r e n c e Chamberlain set a Federal court, on the charge of his condition was somewhat bdt- tree on the banks of a stream near. “The army had men there. lieved. Mrs. Dodge has been suf­ world’s endurance record over­ later. ter< The hope is expressed that possession and sale of liquor. The here, because it possesses oae fering from a nervous disorder Military police were on duty, turned when landing. Both pas^* Pendleton —•„ Umatilla County before night he might * wake arrest was made in Aehland, by bottle of pre-Volstead beer.- keeping people from overrunning and has been under the care of sengers ware uninjured. Federal prohibition officer, Terry from the coma which baffles Employees of the Forest wheat growers still have «AO.OOO Henry Blair of Fort Laramie physicians since hearing that her wrecked places and the tempor­ discovered the bottle while stroll­ Talent. Service to Gather at medical men. bushels of 111« wheat. ary morgues where scores poked husband was on his way. Lithia Park ing. T1 m clear amber fluid may Since arrival on the liner WI1- i about in an effort to find their he seen, but the bottle is too firm­ helmina, Dodge has denied his The first annual picnic of all of ly Imbedded in the trunk of the loved ones. ( There were many the Employees of the Forestry tree to be removed. who walked about as If in a dase. identity, bat ¿he. United Prese learned positively that the man sorvice in the Siskiyou, Klamath “It was the children who were The bottle probably waa lost, who posed variously as “Jack and Crater districts will be held along the banks of tha. stream* not feared. My plane attracted Kennedy,” and "Herbert Lucker,” In Lithls Park next Sunday, ac­ years ago, it is believed, and th» them and they gathered about ia realty is the heir to the motor cording to the plans of those who willow tree has grown up on Ihcf me, anxious to show the spots ipilllons. ( have the affair In charge. where I could get pictures. spot, entwining it. Dodge used the "Jack Ken- , About one hundred and fifty “ 'Sure Johnnie waa killed,* nedy” alias in chartering an air- J people are expected to attend this q oamp remarked one youngster as he plane from Los Angeles to San event, coming from as far north pointed out the home in which Francisco where the Wilhelmlna , as Roaeburg and many are ex­ the body, of a chum was found. was held In the stream for two pected from the Southern part of *1 was just shout tea feet sway hours until Dodge could get Siskiyou county. This is the first but it missed me.’ aboard. event of its kind this season and “The Mexican section - of the The Ashland committee of «he park officials are looking forward town was rased to the ground. Jackson county Health Associa­ to Ashland being hosts to many “One drugstore, it« roof and tion held thair membership drive such gatherings throughout the walls crumpled, was a dispen­ from his bicycle at Second and at tha Parish House Wednesday coming season. sary for soft drinks from a Montgomery streets by a car afternoon with Mrs. Harris Dean fountain which had not been driven by Mike Crulil and died aa the hosteee for the afternoon. badly damaged." three hours later. Mrs. Bertha Denton, school anno Hawks reported the majority Walter . Campbell, 10 was exhibited many posters need in as believing the death toll to be Former Chief of Illinois Dis­ drowned in the Willamette river her work in tbo school. Sovorai between sixty and seventy with near the foot of Ellis ave. trict and State Senator were made by tha children And some reports much higher. W. Lawson, <«, Bella station, Indicted these attracted much attention by Portland, died at Emanuel hos­ LITTLE RQCK, April 1 4 —(IP) their beauty and unusual* dtrlgne. CHICAGO. April 1*4. — (IP)— pital after falling in a faint —A funeral party at Mablavllle. Mrs. Denton’s work camo la for Indictments ¿ b a r g i n g Major while at work at tha Woodlawn Ark., this afternoon was caught much praise at this meeting. Percy ft, Owen, former federal school. i In a severe wind and rain storm, A total paid membership of dry administrator for Illinois and seventy was .recorded at thia the tent blown down sad the Lieutenants Yonng, Burdic and Lowell B. Mason, Illinois stats casket and grave filled with meeting and many more have senator, with extortion and brib­ Allen and Capt. Briggs were In at­ water. signified their intention of on- ery have been returned by a tendance at the Southern Oregon rolling at their earlioot conven­ Tha funeral was that of Vernie Chapter of the Reserve Officers federal grand Jury before Judge who was fatally Injured Sunday ience. Tha money from the mem­ association at a banquet held at .Adam C. Cliffe. berships la used to purchase sup­ in a vain gttempt to save a com­ Six' others are named in the the Medford hotel laat evening. plies for the aurseo bags, and panion from drowning. indictment. EUGENE, April IB.—— A Majors Gillard and Baaley of for tha loan closet aa wait ‘ -John Carver, <0, was killed at Major Owen and Sen. Mason district organisation to promote Portland were present: Officers The loan closet contains many 4:IB o'clock this afternoon ia a for the coming year "ware: Wm. were tried in 192« on charges the Three Sisters national park storm which struck Little Rock. project was formed at a meeting of conspiracy to violate federal M. Briggs, president Nell Allen, Carver had taken refuge behind here last night, aad.n constitution vice-president; M. C. Wright, sec­ dry laws, but were acquitted. s signboard which ths wind fell­ It waa alleged they had per­ and by-laws for tha Three 8lstert retary and Larry Mann, treasur- ed, pinning him beneath it. mitted withdrawal of thousands Club ware kbopted. Scores ot trees and wires ware Prevision M nmde for officers, About 16 officers signified of gallons of sacramental wine reported down following the lat­ their Jntentlon to attend South­ on forged permit«. The Indict­ Including a field representative la est storm. Fear was expressed to­ ern Oregon Reserve Officers Asso­ ments Wednesday charge^ similar the offort to effect a statewide or­ night for other Arkansas towns ganisation. ciation banquet at Rooebdrg on offenses. > as It was reported additional The aid of Portland, Band and May 14, 1927. Approximately 22 storms ware brewing la the vic­ Corvallis will be sought Immed­ Rainier — Men’s drees shirt officers were in attendance nt ,the inity. factory tq ba built and operated iately and other cities will follow. meeting last night With the railway companies announcing the Carroff Reeovery is Now Expected Traffic Claims Two in Portland Oft Vis, He’s Willing Enough, But C W Seventy Enroll in Health Unit Storm Disrupts Funeral Party Two Promote New National Park