Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 13, 1927, Image 1

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    is ft potential pay roll for
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A «M aud
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A s A /a w d 's
(Uftltad News Ujfira ferri«») ~
iy Decides
NI-W AY, ÁPBIL 13. 1!Í&7
« mission :
,4. Associate field office inspec­
United States bivil Serxlri" w
tors, at 83.000 (o 83.800 a year.
mission today launohed its 'eftaft*
18 .Senior prohibition investi­
try,wide campaign to recru# eUftr j gators at .83,800 a year.
I>les for the 2800 positions in thm
109 Prohibition investigators?
bureau Of Prohibition w hich’wsrh, at $3,000 a year.
classified upder the clvU -nirvio!»-
83 Junior prohibition investi­
law by tjie'Act of March 0 / 8827. gators, at 83,400 a year.
The Commission announced, open
328 Prohibition agents, at $2,-
competitive' examinations for the 400 a year.
folio wing positions:
1280 Junior prohibition agents
1 Chief of field divisionjB t >0.- at $1.860 a year.
000 a year.
102 Warehouse watchmen at
5 Prohibition sone supervisor»; $1.140 to $1.800 a year.
’ 74 Attorneys at 81.800 to $5,-
at 88.100 a year.
24 Prohibition administrators, 200 a year. ’
at 84,000 to 88,000 a year.
The Civil Service Commission
24 Assistant prohibition admin­ states that the* examinations will
istrators (enforcement work) at be practical, each kind specially
81.200 to 88.200 a year.
designed to teat the qualifications
|4 Assistant prohibition admin­ and fitness of the applicants to
istrators (perm issive/w ork, at perform the particular branch of
the work for which that kind of
82.300 to |8,200va yea$,
is held.
80 Deputy prohibition adminis­
The examinations for investiga­
trators, at 83j000 to 84,800 ft.
tors below the senior grade, those
. .
' <
for agent of all grades,, and theme
2 Field office inspectors, at >»,-
800 to 83,000 a year.
( Please Turn to Page 3)
Local Banker Tells Chamber
of Commerce Members
Some of Features
in speaking of the Income Tax
hill to be voted on June 28, J. W.
McCoy, local banker at the Cham­
ber of Commerce Forum lunch­
eon yesterday, stated that while
Investigators Advise ’ Presi­
. he knew many disagreed with
Death List is Problematical
dent That He Can Easily
him on this question mat be per­ Twelve Are Killed as Re­
. Bat Thought to Exceed
sult Of Raids Again«*
sonally had become convinced that
such a tax was the fairest and
* distribution.
Asks- Farm Relief Leaders to
Tornado Which Struck A t Nine
"Other states had taxes similar
Foreigners Fear That a General
Prepare or B ill That W oaU
O’clock Last Night Levels
to the Income tax only under an­
Strike W ill Be Carried
Be a Compromise
A ll la its Path
other name," he declared, and it
Out Soon
was his opinion that it was largely
WASHINGTON. AprU 13.— (ip)
pj .agitation against the Idea and hot"
ROCK SPRINGS, Texas, April
SHANGHAI, April 13.— While
— President Coolidge desires to
r the actual working of the plan
18-— GPL—More than sixty- bodies
police counted 12 dead in
ran for reelection and is making
g that created unfavorable senti-
had been recovered from the ruins
the native city as the result of
plans to that end, it can be stat­
( ment. Particular features of tire
of this town of 1,500 people today,
raids against the extremist, the
ed on the word of men who bavo
bill mentioned were the rates and
antTdead and injured were still
nationalist party prepared for a
been called in to advise the presi­
e exemptions.
being brought in.
fight within its own coun­
dent aa to bis political course.
Single persons are allowed 81.-
The death list is problematical,
Preliminary reports trnm in-
k 000. Married persons, 82000 and
but it Is conservatively placed at
Quo Tai Chi, nationalist com­
. vestigatora have convinced the
160 to 200.
t 8400 for each dependent.
missioner, declared a fight to the
president that be w ill have little
Corporations are allowed 82000
The tornado struck shprtly be­
against extremist within his
difficulty in being renominated.
g exemption.
fore 0 o’clock and left only four or
Reports of national­
He realises that his chances of
riTt buildings in the town.
This means, he explained, that
ist advance in the direction-of the
being re-elected aro naturally
a person having an income of
A call for aid has been made on
Yangtxe river were confirmed,
subject to chances of uncertainty
81000 pays no income tax whatev-
San Antoni«^ Junction, Kerrville
It was admitted that the na-
because there are more factors
f er and a married person pays
Del Rio, Uvalde and other towns.
t beyond bis control. But at this
j none unless the Income exceeds
Doctors and nurses atfe needed.
moment the president feels con­
82000. An allowance of 8400 is
The telephone office, the* only
LOS ANGELES, Apr« 13 — <U>)
fident, sufficiently confident to
also made for each dependent. Il­
means of communication, was de­
t Kiddies Under Twelve — Jack Knight, asserted world
regard the effort as worth thanc-
lustrating this, he took a single
stroyed. This message is being
war aviator and more recently
Y e in of Age Invited
j man With an income of 81.600; on
sent over the telephone from a
mentioned as "flight commander”
to Participate <
a this he would only pay on the
nhone fastened to a telephone post
of an airplane squadron engaged
Roy. are alao indicted in this
8600 and at the rate of 1 per cent
one mile from Rock Springs. The
In smuggling Chinese into . tWL
county for the murder of Sidney
that the president is making
’ this would amount to $5 for the
operator is being
constantly yean of age, wRI have an oppor­ United States was made the ob­
plans lcMclng to bis renomination. Bates of Dunsmuir, Gal., engi­ shocked by lightning, due to Its
, year. .•
tunity to participate in the great­ ject of a aation wide search Tues­
neer; Marvin Seng, fireman of
The rates, the speaker pointed
Although there is the possibility
proximity and the soaked condi­ est sport - of pH. an Easter ftgft day night.
Ashland, Oregon; and E. E.
out, ar.e 1 per cent on the first
tion of the post and the ground.
of an earthquake changing one’s
Knight was arrested near Mur-
Dougherty, mail clerk of Ashland,
t 81000 over and above the exemp-
Even such a farsighted
Soldiers from Bracketville, With reached last bight by the local ietta Hot Srlngs several weeks
Oregon. All who saw the band­
, tlon, 2 percent on the second 81,- '
army water tanks, have been re­ Post oTths American Legion?
calculator as President Coolidge
ago. when hlk plane was forced to
its were slain.
000, 2 percent on the third 81000,
quested as the-'town-*» waterworks
must fake hia chances on these
land because of engihe trouble.
Johnson lived practically all
( 2 percent on the fourth, 2 percent
was destroyed and Immediate to participate In this event Are
unpredictable acta of God. Bn»
Four Chiaese were crouched in
his life In this city and Ashland,
. on the fifth and above 85000, 3
need of fresh water is M l .
•o far as he can seftinto the fu­
asked to meet at the band stand the cockpit, according to officers
where he has relatives, and was
I I»ercent,
A tremendous amount of hall Easter morning at sight o’clock
ture, so far ng he can weigh the
who made the arrest.
well known.
Favorable features of the hiU, '
and rain fell.
known political factors, the presi­
to receive ihstruetlons. A to
He, was pronounced a fugitive
McCoy explained, were that
dent thinks he can he renomin­
nine hundred eggs will be
'faastice whAn he failed to ap-
tt would bring many individuals '
ated and reelected, and ^he Is
desert her post because of the de­ fai thia ia n f. And ^Tee j
iTuesday td.enter plea In fed-
and many-thousands' of dothifs on
luge of rata atlU tatting. The wjU be Offerpd u the > h
the assessmet rolls that are aow
shone" «as iiTfhh*o$eu, thefts 0 »-
Just now the president is un­
nothing to the sup­
dertaking to strengthen his weak­
port-of the state government.
soaking rain.
est spot in the disaffected farm
It the law is affirmed In June,
belt. He has called in some of
the 1027 income will be taxed
those responsible for the MeNary- City to be Host to Southern
’a« two on page three are
SA NANTONIO, Texas, AprU 13
and paid in 1028. The income of *
Hagen farm h$Il, which he vetoed
— UP)— A special train bearing the first? ftrftrii’
•ft China. They arrived in
persons and partnerships and cor- !
AprU 22 to 24
last session, and .asked tkem to
five or six doctors and twenty Seattle Monday
porations are the same and pay- 1
prepare a new farm relief which
More and more Ashland is com­ nurses is being made up here to and special deli
menta may be made quarterly ex­
gs is enabled to give it«
will strike some middle7, ground
ing to be known as "the conven­ aid stricken Rock Springs, des­ r e a d e m l ^ M
on amounts of 810 or less.
between the extreme McNary?
!this district hours aheai
tion city." This time it is the Bp- troyed Tuesday night by a torna­
net income is figured on
Haugen scheme and the simple
of any other paj
Word has been received locally i about the same basis as thd gov-
Worth League convention which do.
farm loan plan to which the or­
that Major General Amos A. Fries
The train wft? go out on the
will be held on April 22 to 24. On
I ornment Income tax, he further
ganisation has hitherto restricted
Potentate n f Almas Temple will I explained and
that date, Epworth Leaguers from Southern Pacific .to Camp Wood,
deductions are ”
leave Washington, D. C., on a about what the public is accus- 11
a ll- over Southern Oregon will near Uvdale and from these the
W aata New BUI
trip to the Pacific coast, on the tomed to recognise as necessary 1
gather here in annual confer­ corps of doctors and nurses w ill
The president expects to have
23rJ of this month and will
go overland to Rock Springs, a
s '
expenses, including Interest, taxes
the major groups on both sides
visit Ashland in stray first, arriv­ and losses.
On the evening of Friday, April ltstance of about fifty miles.
Mr. McCoy ex- ”
lined up for the new plan. He
ing at 1110 a. m. Present planR pressed‘the opinion that the Idea c<
Provision is being made to bring
■22, a banquet will be served by
expects to get it through with a
call for his staying here until the that larger business interests will p
the local chapter and following he injured persons at Rock
whoop and restore himself In the Rev. D. L. Fields of Grants Paas Springs to San Antonio. The com­
L'ollcwing Monday when he will be kept out of Ore^en by this In- h
affections o e farmer.
leave for Ban Francisco.
Will deliver the address. At 2:30 pete destruction of the town
come tax was exaggerated.
farm bill, now being prepared at
More than unnsual Interest has
Saturday morning, Rev. E. B. there leaves no facilities, meagre
the president’s suggestion, drops Horsell will lead the devotions. enough during normal demand, to
been aroused in his proposed trip
the equalisation fee which was Dr. S. J. Chaney w ill give the care for the many persons injured,
due to the fact that Mrs. Fries
so highly objectionable to the morning address at 0:40 immed­ fh e roof of every building in the
Is a native of Medford, Oregon.
Send More Marines
president last winter. Instead it iately fallowing the appointment town is off, according to informa­
WASHINGTON, April 13.— (IP)
proposes that there shall be » of committees. At 10:20 a new tion reaching doctora hers and
— Fifteen hundred additional asa­
government-backed grain corpor­ feature will be introduced in the ‘hare is no place where patients
ri nes have been ordered to (Me
ation which will bay and sell In form of a song and yeli contest; might be cared for even if medi­
The third series in the Y. M. C. Chinese- trouble sone. The new
the market to keep the prices of each Chapter presenting an orig­ cal attention and hospital equip­
A .indoor baseball league will be force will sail April 30 from San
farm commodities up to the full inal song and yell. A general ments were available.
played on the Armory floor to­ Diego on the President Grant,
margin- permitted by the tariff, presentation of League work at
morrow e v e n i n g beginning chartered by the navy for trans­
that is the world price plus the 11:00 a. m. will be headed in
at seven o’clock. In the porting duty.
Many Local People Live
The first stop is Manila, hot the
four departments by different
the Bankers will tangle
Over Again Interesting
ultimate destination, assumed to
Scenes in Huck Finn
Devotions, Chapter reports and
lost but one game each and are be China, has not yet been defin­
for second place. The second itely set.
business meeting will precede a
-A- well filled audltorhim greet­
Marine contingenta have been
hike at 3:00 Saturday afternoon
ed the Gros Marionettes at the game will he played' between the
and picnic supper at 8:00. If Five Hour Drive to The
Normal school last night in their Hl-Y team and the Employed boys gathered in eastern bases and in
weather permits, a camp fire ser­
es paradiñg along the Bund* in Shang presentation of Hnckelberry Finn. team. The H l-Y team has won ev­ San Diego. The President Grant
Dalles H ôpital is
United States
vice will be led by Rev. H. F.
The little puppets as they danced ery game while the Employed was pressed Into service as no
Secretary W. p. W aller, of the Pemberton at 7:00.
¡to the direction of the master boys have lost all, but some of transport was available for im­
local Y. M. C. A. was In Central
An invitation is extended to all
band that guided them behind the the players feel confident of a* mediate duty.
Point last evening where he spoke Ashland people to services on
scenec, were at times so life like win. This game will he played at
to a large gathering pf people in Sunday, April 34. Sunday school
that it was hard to realise they 8 o’clock. At nine o’clock the
the Community ckurch of that at 0:48 and morning worship, at
were but figures controled by Normal string which is undefeated
will tangle with the Hoot OWls.
place oq the boys work and othhr. ll:0 < j when Rev. 8. J. Chaney will
strings. •
phases of the Y. M. C. A. movq' give the sermon. A fellowship
The first part pf the program This is a bit early for the Hoot
ment. "The work being dons in meeting at 3 o'clock w ill be led
gave various scenes In the life of Owls but they will fight hard ac­
Ashland tk creating much, inter­ by Rev. Wm. Vimont of Talent.
Huckelberry Finn and hia boon cording to their captain, Earl
est in this part of the state and Epworth League at 6:30 In the
companion, Tom Sawyer, and the Crowe.
numerous inquiries are coming in­ evening will be fat charge of the
close was a reproduction of circus
— (IP)— The American
to the office regarding our work Grants Paas Chapter. The famwell
scenes with the principals doing
and Refining company 1
with boys and young men,” Mr. service at 7:30 Sunday night and
the intricate dances and Juggling
aa option for 81OO.O0O
stated this
morning. sermon by Rev. Joseph Knotts, of
that is usually associated with an
Young tin claims near lu
"There seems to b« a general Roseburg will conclude the con­
entertainment of that kind.
announced Tuesday.
awakening oa the part of many vention.
After the main program the
The option waft ttrifa
communities la regard to dfoing
Entertainment la promised vis­
curtains wer* removed, and a
HILLSBORO. April 13.— Elev^ lag exhaustive testo Ska
something constructive with their iting delegates and places for sev­
demonstration of the skill requir­ on meh and one woman will de­ repreaontatlvsa of the
boys and young men, and ohr eral more are needed. Anyone de­
ed in manipulating the puppets cide the fate of Mrs. Eva N. Mc­ who were eatMtod that
Christian Cltisenahlp program be­ siring to keep delegate* for these
was given.
Gee, prominent Tillamook busi­ terymetnl takes fsoss <h
cause of its emphasis on the four two nights may notify George
In the afternoon many young­ ness woman «barged, with the
Important phases of boyhood, the Mason at 340 North Main 8t.
sters were delighted with the murder of her husband,.Dr. W. O.
physical, the «octal, the InteUscts-
presentation of Uncle Wlggley.
McGee, Nehalem physician.
Wheeler — Mountain States
*1 and the detotlonal, appeals not
only to the boys but to the par­ Power ComVaSy may extend rural
8t. Helens — Knights of Py­
Portland — Steamer “Orlsnas”
thias Lqdge hall to cost about takas 4,800,000 feet lumbar for
ents of boys as well,** be stated line to Moklef on Roosevelt High­
furthot -
Indoor Baseball
Tomorrow Evening
Central Pointais
Interested in I
Option is Given
For Tin d a im s
Jury Selected
’ In McGee Trial