Ss a potential pay rd J '-M ? A>U«hd Fair, with a killing frost ►AY, APRIL 12, 1927 Executive Clemency Alone Can Save Convicted Man From Gallows usually Interesting Pro gram at Club House wk of Chief of Police Mc- ffabb Praised by Bead of Liquor F orces„ Claims to Have Been Forced at Point of Gnn to Trans­ port Machine Gnn OHIBITION OFFICERS INVESTIGATE GAINING Prohibitionists could receive much comfort from the cheering _ »message of Roy C. Lyle, admin­ istrator of tbs twentieth district, comprising Oregoa, Washington and Alaska, with offices in Se­ attle. who with W. K. Newell, former Ashland resident apd now Deputy Prohibition administra- tor.for Oregon, and L. O. Shirley, special representative in this dis­ trict stopped off in Ashland yes­ terday for a brief visit with Chief of Police McNabb, and city officials. Mr. Lyle has charge of the prohlbltlbn enforcement work in the territory mentioned,' and is exceedingly potomistic over the strides that prohibition is mak­ ing, not only i«r his territory hnt throughout the United States as well. "There are many factors that are bringing thia aboat." the official stated, “the chief oae of which is the cooperative spirit that exists among the official». The people, to mnst have a kind­ ly feeling for prohibition to keep such men in office, and to back them up In their dally work/' Chief Praised Oregon officers in general, and r Chief of Police McNabb in par­ ticular were paid a high tribute, when the visitor desiared that j ho -had boon keeping a eardfnf chock oa the work that was be­ ing done locally end that the , chief deserved an unusual amount , of credit for the cooperation he ] was extending to nil officers, and j for his individual ability In do­ ing his utmost to carry out the j . law without fear or favor. ] The number of convictions that ( were being obtained was addi- ] tlonal proof offered by Mr. Lyle, that prohibition was making 1 some large gains. This conld nob » be done If there was not a de­ sire o n ' the part of the people I and the officers to see the law I successful; he further explained. Liquor Scored The type of bootleg liquor that was being pat on the market now came in for a severe denun- ] elation, by the .prohibition offic­ ial. The moonshine he stated was made under decidedly un­ sanitary cqndittohs, the stills were often poisonous, and the XI ingredients used were filthy. The tl nature of the business was such c that the liquor had to be dis- w posed of quickly and this resulted tl In much green liquor being plac- C ed on the market. Smuggled 11- • qnor was also refered to as be­ ing green, as well as much of o it being misbranded which creat- li ed a dangerous situation. v Sixty men are under the dlr si rectlon of Mr. Lyle, and these V sixty men have a total of a mil- n lion miles to cover, which makes p it next to impossible to give the tl service that the directing head * would like to see in force. tl The men went from hei*e*• to Portland, p Six Are Injured By An Explosipn VENICE. April 12.— (IP)— 8fx persons were injured, one serious­ ly, when a popcorn machine, em­ ployed by a motion picture com­ pany, blew Up here today. William McMurray, a s p e c t a ­ to r/w a s removed te a Santa Won- lea hospital suffering from *er- lous burns and cats. „ William fteyer, a camera »an , was cut by flying glass and Harri­ son Martel, playing the leading role in a comedy that, wka being filmed, sustained an Injured back. .T h e other injured, were specta­ tors. , » . PORTLAND, April' 12.— (IP)— Working on a murder theory, Portland police todav partially vertihed tne story of Fred Hol­ st rum, contractor, that four men kidnapped him last night and foiced him to transport a B i- chine gnn, other arms and a sack containing what he thought was a human body to the Wil-j lametta »lough, where they were dumped into the water. He was accosted on the Beaver­ ton highway while on bin way to Portland, by men with a sack containing something that moved! near him. He was driven at the] point of a gnn to the sidugh I and then to Salon creeks W ash..] where he was tied and the men] fled in a waiting machine. He] hobbled to a farmhouse and sent I In a police alarm. No trace of the men nor any | trace of the sack In the slough has been found. The grass where he s a id . they had stopped was I trampled. Fred OIbbs, the ranch- ] er to whom Holstrnm appealed I bore ont his history. It is co siderdd possible that the mer ] are the same as the ones that | robbed a department store here] Sunday night obtaining *20.090. | | An unusual program feature SALEM, April 12.— Only the (, will ba the reading of Edgar intervention of Governor I. L. I Allen P oe’s "Raven," accompan- Fnttersoi^pan now save Ellsworth President Milin Anncnucss if led by the University of Oregon Quarter of a Million Fans Kelly ffom the noose. The United Chairman for Chamber’s L slides, which will be given by Dr. Are Anxiously Watching States supreme » court Monday Standing Committees Weather (Conditions : Mattle Shaw nt the Civic Club dismissed his appeal from his sen­ i | House on Thursday evening. Al- tence h&nded down from the Ore­ DISCUSS INCOME TAX . * ■■ ■■• I I. • { 1 though the poem Is sometimes gon supreme court. * -considered more or less depress- The governor, it is learned, is J. W. McCoy Ijeade Rem d'Tabto i Ing Dr. Shaw wlH give It an bn- Discussion of Mate Taxa­ not expected to Interfere with the . tirely «different tone. In her Walter Johnson, Slated .to Pitch oourse of the law in the case. It tion Problem 1-skillful manner, with the illus- „ Opening (lame, Laid up With was also Indicated here today that ' trattone ns a background, It has Broken Leg Today’s Forum consisted of a the appeal of James Willos, com­ I been worked out In the form of panion of Kelly in the sensation­ discussion of the Income Tax bill | an enchanting fantasy which gives al prison break of August, 1925. led by J. W. McCoy, which will be I It unusual charm. D r.. Shaw’s which resulted in the killing of more fully reported tomorrow. > ability on the platform Is too well two guards will be dropped and Next Tuesday’s Forum will fea­ 1 known to need comment and the the fate of the two men left to the ture the high school debating I rending Thursday evening Is to be team. mercy o f the governor. , one of her beet efforts. President Mills announced the Attorneys for Willos already 1 ’ Delightful musical numbers will have applied to the governor for chairmen of standing committees be given by local celebrities in- commutation of the death sen­ for the year as follows: the com­ . eluding Hr. and Mrs. L Hansen. tence to one of life imprisonment. plete .personnel! will be announc­ J Messrs V. O. N. Smith and Moon, Kelly will be resenteticed as ed later; Advertising and public­ [ Mrs. A. E. Woods and Rose Alkens soon as the mandate of the Unit­ ity, J. H. McGee; agricultural i end the high school glee clubs, ed States supreme court Is receiv­ land settlement, J. C. Hopper; i Miss Woodworth has an enter- ed, and a new date set for his ex- auto camp and tourists. A, E. tai nt ng rending with a musical ac­ familiar roar that accompanies ecution Kinney Bands and mnslc, O. S. companiment by Miss Hinkle, and the* first flash of a new white Butler; celebrations, H. L. Clay- the normal school will furnish a baseball dowp "the groove" will comb; civic affairs, R. L. Burdic, .» pleasing dancing number. calute the season’s start from Bos­ Jr.; education and schools, E. V. The proceeds from the enter­ ton to St Louis at 2:30 p. m. Carter; endorsements, T. H. Simp­ tainment are to be used to fur­ sharp. son; entertainment. Lew Hansen; nish a rest room for the girls of The booming cheer which rises finance and budget. O: O., Eu­ the high school. When the school in a crescendo o f Joy if the pitch banks; forums. Geo. W. Dunn; I was ^uUt a rest room was pro­ is a strike, sinks to a growl “ of house committee, Fred Taylor; vided for teachers who have al­ maledtctiffn If .the ball missed the S e v e r e Reprimand From Industrial development', L. S. Judge Brings Request ways been more than generous In plate or breaks off into excited Brown; legislation, F. C. Homes; for New Trial allowing students the use of It yells If the batter clouts one, is membership and trade relations, When nbcesa&rjL but as the attend­ like the throaty cry of "they’re O. 'F. Carson; retail trade, O. H. ance Has increased the number of off,” which signals the springing Billings roads and highways, W. teachers has baa to be Increased of the barrier In a clasaic race. M. Briggs; sports, Louis Dodge. and the one room Is now entirely This year all signs point to both inadequate. The fitting up of baseball pennant races fulfilling this room has been one of the the hopes which the nation’s fans major efforts of the high school put into.that opening salute. parent-teaeher association this It is baseball tradition that a Club’s mostly highly prized pitch­ er shall have the honor of work­ ing the opening game of the sea­ Fighting” Bob Schuler son. Sometimes sentiment take's a Musk Pay Damages hand In deciding who shall pitch. AmouimDg to 1^00 O. A 0. Land Grand Money Demands From State to be Protested ROSEBURG, April 1 2 .— Gay Gordon, district attorney for Douglas connty will represent the 18 land grant counties in the suit brought wt Salem against Marion connty for a portion of the O. and C. tax refund. Practically all of the coanties have announced they will main­ tain their refusal to divide the funds * with the state. The cost of opposing the state’s action will b«T borne proportionately by the counties. • Some time ago the coanties or­ ganized to defend their claims] and because of h is k n o w led g e of the land grant counties, and | his association with the bill In Its passage by. congress. Gordon was elected attorney to represent the counties. Negro Insists That He is a Murderer CHICAGO, April I F — W illie Hendricks, negro, had his heart set on getting hlinself arrested for murder, but it took him an hoar Monday t; persuade Sheriff Chas. Gra^don that he was a legitimate ockup 'candidate. Examinations at the coroner’s finally convinced the skeptical sheriff that Hen­ dricks had been sought since No­ vember for killing Emoaes Neb son. "I’d have been in earlier, sher­ iff," apologised W illie, "hnt I couldn’t find your office.” WASHINGTON—"(IP)— Ameri­ cans are the cleanest people in the world, according to the De­ partment of Commerce. In many foreign countries modern plumbing equipment is considered as’ ï lu x u r y a n d fo i- (his reason few sanitary (lxttrae are sold abroad. While the de­ mand for .modern plumbing is increasing, throughout the qorld, it is confined almost entirely to Mies Minnie PAley Here— Miss Minnie P o ls/, V i o S ’ a teacher in the Roosevelt high school at Oakland, Cal., has ar­ rived In Ashland to spend the 'Easter vacation with her mother and sister oa B street. Miss P ole/ formerly taught *n th® io®*1 klgh the wealthy clasaes, according to the Department. school. '- OXFORD, ESC.— (LP>— Oxford Walter Johnson would, have LOS ANGELES, April 12.— (IP) bags wijl no longer he Oxford been selected to take the mound — The long legal battle between if the present “anti-flop” for the Washington senators, but Rev. Robert Spbalar .(Fighting Campaign of the “Isis,” Oxford’s a broken ankle bone will force the Bob) militant m«tor of the Trinr official student publication, re- “big train" to watch from the side •ty Methodist church hers, and cejve» popular support. lines, while another old timer, the Rev. Georgs C.> ^Richmond, would be to the good if Stan Covele8kie. Works In his cams to a probable end here when DETROIT, April 12.—-(IP)— Mo­ more members of the University place. the state supreme court ruled Dr. tion for mistrial of the million were to give up the convenient, After remaining a hold out dur­ Schuler must pay Richmond *1- though disgusting grey trousers In ing a considerable part of the dollar Ford-Saplro libel suit.jnade damages. ' by William Henry Gallagher be­ favor o f oomplete suits,”