' i t**-- THZ POULTRY DTOU8TRY ■THZ WZATBBX is rp o ton tial pay ron for 1 i w Ashland Ashland's beading Nt (United MeWfc Wire Service) VOL. L 45 BOYS REGISTER MEETING nuts MK B GffiN Hew Train -N o. 32 Leaves Here at Six Thirty in the Morning The leaving time tor trains out of Ashland under-the new sched­ Banquet is Held Last Hight ule which Is to take effect on the Under Auspices of the seventeenth of this month will be Chamber Commerce as follows: Train No. 32, the new train, 6:30 a. m. The Shasta IS HIOHLYSUOOESSFUL 11:10 a? m. yrhe Oregonian 6:20 p. m. Going south there will be Meeting so Far Haa Exceeded all two trains a day with the follow­ Expectations In Interest ing schedule. Tile Shasta 8:30 p. and Attendance m.. The Oregonian 3 p. m. iper for Over Fifty Years Ew d ASHLAND. ORI «EIKUM ARE DEFEATED FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY Fair, With a killing frost W ¡ rill be Scene of Wil Tonight (United Press Wire Service) SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1927 HOODED HVFR M S u tS « r a r a NO. T Ï0 AMERICANS M COMPANY 6 ---------- Overflow From S t r e a m Sweeps Through Mexi­ can Homes Bandits Force Watchman to Make Regular Rounds While Opening Safe NEW BRITISH TAX FIGURES BE ANNOUNCED NEXT MONDAY The High school debating OKLAHOMA ÇI •Y, April 9,— ELGIN, April 9.— Armed with I (IP)— Oklahoma’s^ eath toll was Composed'of Dick ai machine guns four automobile Joy, winners os this swelled to fourteen when the loads of bandits held up the Elgin championship will meet overflow waters of the Washita Watch Factory. plant today, ath Falls tonight to decide river swept through several Mex burned open the safe and escaped * t 'm i 'L. With gold and jewels valued at Nationalist Foreign Com­ shall meet the winners of the kan homes near Rocky Ford last La SU persons p e , . . . , were , e „ drown-, - .P ‘ one hundred thousand dollars. Four Billion Dollars to be mission Demands Apol­ Coos and Willamette District the high school champ! _ ed in the same community Wed-' ogy for Picketing Fifteen men were In the raiding Raised Throughout Eng- lice to Release lease I Th Rem The question to be debated '•» nesday and six more are missing land by Taxation party that held up the night MEETS FIRST DEFEAT Resolved, “That a severance tax watchman. The raid and opening FAIL TO TAKE AOTION should be made a feature e f the ANXIOUS of the safe took more than three TAXPAYERS Army That Captured Upper Part system of taxation'in Oregon?’ - ' • -The «Southern Oregon District hours, durftlg which time the A lthough Am ericans H ave Been Are la r g e ly Interested in .(hq o f Yangtze Meets it Fleet The debate will start at ‘ nine Older Boys* Conference officially armed men forced the watchman in Custody for Several Days Possibility o f Reduction D ifficulties o’clock in the high school audi­ opened last evening with seventy- to make his regular rounds. Just No Charges Filed on L uxuries torium. The team haa Been work­ nine delegates registered and before dawn the pandits escaped ing diligently in preparation Ipr SHANGHAI, April 9.-—Thé Na­ cared for. The boys began to ar­ PEKING, April 9,— Mrs. Mil with the loot. LONDQN, April 9.—>- There were 2,500,900 babies Charles Wesley, the younger of ¡shanghai and captured U e north- Will the income-tax of 4 shill­ elected. Promptly at 6:30 Miss and five are still burled. Rescue in Travel born in the United States-, last ings in the pound be increased? the two had the following .re-' cm portion of the Yangtze. Helen French head of the domes­ crews were worklng^all night in year, and 235,000 of these have WA8HINGTON, April Will f the whiskey tax come tic science department of the Jigh cord according to the California ’ an effort’ to dig out the victims. been kept alive and are prospering down? State Bureau of Criminal Investi­ — Tourists' Boeing America by rchool announced the fact that Two were located this morning who would have died, had they gation : Will the wine tax go up? automobile will spend nearly 54,- but the dirt as yet has not been i Northern Asks for 30 been born 15 years ago, John A. the banquet was ready and the Charles Wesley — Aliases: 000,009,000 along the highways Will the sinking fund on the Days More in Which delegates went by groups to their removed. Lapp, president of the National National Debt be reduced to 60,- Chacjes W. Fraser, ? / ‘ r l e s of the nation this year.' the to Answer respective places at the tables. Council of Social Work said here. 000,000 pounds annually, or will Wesel ly. American Automobile Association Following the serving of the ban­ For. he said. It is only In these It remain at its present level of ST. PAUL, April 9— A. thirty 2-20-20—Spokane No. 4156 as estimates. . • /'i ELKS MEET TONIGHT quet, Henry Enders, Jr., led the last 15 years that social service, 60,000,000? One third of the nation—about A session of unusual Interest day extension of time will be ask­ delegates in some snappy songs. Fraser, charge vagrancy?‘ (Sus­ Dollar Line Steamer Requia- utilizing the findings of science ed -of .the Interstate Commerce Estimates already submitted In­ forty million people— will take will be held tonight at the Elk’s Music furnished by six girls of pect of belpg a room prowler.) has been enabled to save that dicate that the budget figures for ited to Carry Marines commission by the Oregon Trunk 2-21-19 sentenced to 30 days in the open roads in'some 10,000,- temple. Beside thè Initiation of the high school uke elub, was en­ to Battle Front 000 cars for their vacations An several candidates, a special pro­ Line, in which* to answer the number of babies usually consid­ the coming year will lie between joyed by all as was a pfan^ duet City J ill and $100.00 fine. trackage contract proffered by the ered ’’doomed.” 7- 9-21— Butte, Montana, «12,000,000 and 813.000,000 lbs. as by the Mitchell twins. R a l p h SAN FRANCISCO. April 9.— 1927, the association forecasted gram has been arranged for the Southern Pacific, Great Northern’ Babies born today will live a sterling, including one huge Ttem Fraser, charge Short on figures collected from motor entertainment of those in attend­ Changing^ gcene, reminiscent of’ American Church sang a solo which was so -ipan of 15 years longer than that of approximately 390,000,000 lbs. officials announced today. merchants. ance. entry into the world war were re­ clube. well received as to bring on sn which ther fathers and -'mothers representing, the interest on the At present the Oregon Trunk 2- 6-23—Seattle No. 10573 as enacted today when workmen Every section of the country Announcement of standing com­ encore. Supt. Geo. A. Briscoe gave have lived, he predicted. has until Monday to reject or ac­ National Debt pins a sinking fund out a real welcome and challenge Fraser, charge Disorderly Per­ boarded the big Dollar line steam­ reports the greatest activity In mittees for the coming year will We can buy as much human of from 60,000,000, to 60,000,000 cept the contract which involves son. Released. history in preparation for a ban­ be made at tonight’s meeting. er, President Grant, to rustí the to the delegatee In his address of the joint use of trackage frdm welfare as we are willing to pay pounds. 3- 7-23. (With No. 10572 and task of outfitting the boat tft a ner tourist season. The increase welcome, which was followed by Paunina to Klamath Falls in the for,” he said,' “Experience has Second largest Item No. 10574. transport. The liner was requis­ in “seeing America by motor’’ short addresses by James Nutter MISTAKE IN AGE Oregon trunks proposed exten­ demonstrated that when we at­ The second huge Item on the 8- 3-25— ByilngV, Montana No. this year over the number pf itioned by the government to car- of Ashland ang/Cllfford Beckett In a news story yesterday con­ sion from Bend to Klamath Falls. tack social problems Intelligently budget estimates is the civil ser- 2701 as Fraser, charge tobbery. tourists in 1926 will be at li we atuija y» __hAttar. ■vtee- item of approxim ately 234,- cerning Ux? opening of the Heath acted 'as toastmaster then intro­ (With Tohey and Beaton robbed parUnents. and additional galleys 10 • per* cent. iqent of the human lot. Last year 000,000 pounds. Beside these two Grocery and Confectionery it was in addition to those to stay I p duced Dr. U. G. Dubach of O. A. C. two gueats of the Jordan hotel are to be built. The Dollar line - HAVE BEAUTY H*OW people of the United States spent stated that on Tuesday-the open­ figures In the interest on the-nci- who gave the address of the eve­ of $82.00; also suspected of safe officials estimated that the ship th y Vftlted States, mors than ing day. a treat would be given to FRESNO, CPI:, April 9.— Inter­ $2,000.900 in social service tlonal debt and the civil service nt.) 4.000(000 cars will enter Canada Would be ready to leave for San ning. Dr. Dubach challenged the city rivalry will be pronounced work.” tund he estimates submitted for F. Frye.—; Aliases: Frank Diego next week. The Grant Is a this spring and summer on pleas­ all children under five years oj fellows to make their lives count here-April 16 whefi the most beau­ Age. This should have been un­ national defense* including the Jack Frank Frye, Jack Price ure JatintS end many thousands speedy boat and can be made to for the most by making up their tiful girls of Central California der 16 years of age. army, navy and air service pale 3-9-23— Everett, Washington, wIH head. Into Mexico from Texas, carry two thousand without dis- minds an tP where they were going will display their pulchritude to Into insignificance with a total of No. 742 as Frye, charge Tire and Caaifornla points. comfort. then hold to their course. Next judges who will pick one of them 116,115,000 pounds. These were i Theft. Of ’ the 10,000,000 machines WILL PLAY MONDAY as queen of the nineteenth annu­ divided in the estimates as fol­ 3-10-23—Seattle No. 10656 as that wdif go touring thte/gfasou. The first'baseball game of the al California raisin festival here nilnd, a clean spirit and, "to Jive ’ lows: ' . Frye, charge Investigation. Re- one third Will carry caMping Senior high school series, which April 30. every day so you can look , your — I Aid services 15,550,000 lbs. equipment and extend their out­ was to have been played between mother square in the face each 1 ea’e„ ’• . Practically' every city In (he compared with 16.000,000 in 1926 ing to 33 days, it was estimate,1. Ashland and Medford yesterday central part of the state has or morning.” He then said, S "after ! 7-30-24-Chelan county. Wash- Mass Meeting Will be Held Army, 4ti565.000 compared wit-h’- i Ington as Frye,' charge Narcotics Two-thirds of the caravan will on the local field, was called off will hold contests to pick the you have done all this, then get 42.50^.000 In 1926; Navy, 68.- at the Baptist Church at in possession. remain entonr only 10 days but on account, of the bad weather. prettiest girl in each city. They going and stick to It.” Dr. Dubach OOO.OOtf compared with 58,100,- Eleven O’clock 7-17-26 — Washington S t a t e wIH depend on hotels for accom­ The game will be played Monday. again addressed the conference at will vie In the decisive contest (T00 In 1926. modations. Aprfl 11. < ■ . 1 April 16. 10:45 this morning and left for Penitlentiary No. 10899 as Frye, A mass meeting will be held In Army Officer Tells of Work The prospective total shows de­ charge Possession of zNarcotlcs home In the evening. This morn­ the First Baptist church on Sun­ crease of *7,000.000 pounds as Done With Coed Learn- to sell, from Chelan county, for ing’s sessions were given over day, April 10th, at 11:00'a. m., In compared with last year’s bud­ in to Ride mostly to discussions and busi­ 1 to 3 years. the interest of Law Enforcement get of 820,000,000 and gives rise ness, while the afternoon was giv­ and Constltulonal Government. *0 the expectation that In spite of SAN FRANCISCO, April 9.— en to recreation following a dis­ Th9 meeting will be addressed by Britain’s tremendous economic ' (IP)— Should women and girls cussion period right after the Hon. Oliver W. Stewart of Chi­ losses during the year due to the ride horsqs astride? Captain Fen­ noon hour. Officials of the confer­ cago, president of the Flying .general strike followed by the ton S. Jacobs, graduate of the ence declared last night's banquet Squadron Foundation and editor prolonged coal stoppage. Church­ famous Fort "Riley riding school to have been handled better than of the army cavalry, now detail­ of the National Enquirer. This Is 'll will not ask for any Increase In any other conference banquet this one of% series of meetings which the Income-tax rate. This naw .. ed to service at the Presidio said season. This was due to the-effic­ Judges Will Decide Upon it is perfectly proper. are being held throughout tho <-tands at four shillings In the Title for Baseball Team iency of Miss French and her country in the lnerest of National pound, commencing on single per­ "For three years I was In Tomorrow group of girls. The tables were Prohibition. charge of equitation and tactice sons with Incomes of 163 pounds tastefully decorated in yellow to Have you suggested a name for at University of Arizona at Tuc­ The Flying Squadron Foudatlon yearly and married couples with match the daffodils. Every fifth the baseball team yet? But a few son. During that time I had ap­ was organized in 1915 by ex-Gov 250 pounds annually, with heavy chair was occupied by a local bus­ hours remain, for tomorrow at proximately 600 co-eds in addi­ ernor J. Frank Hanly of Indiana. supertaxes on Incomes of 3,000 iness man who,played host to the one o'clock the decision will be tion to the 2000 or more cadets The purpose of the organization Is pounds and upward. four boys next to him. This ar­ made and the one suggesting the in my riding classes,’’ he said. to Inculcate patriotism, to teach Income Tax rangement was made possible best name will be awarded a sea­ respect for law; to work for civic They rode the “McClellan“ Probably next Ip importance to through the Chamber of Com­ son ticket for the home games. army saddle, and the English, betterment and for the mainten­ British interest in the probability merce, In charge of Secretary Send or bring your name into French and American flat sad ance of constitutional government that the income-tax will not be 'In­ Fuller. Registration and assign­ Ninlngers at once if you desire to dies estrlde: I gave thetn as near­ and law and order. creased is the rumor current for ments were handled by D. M. participate in this fascinating ly as I could the,so-caled “Fort The meeting Is free and open to many week that Churchill will an­ Spencer and a group of Hl-Y fel­ game of namlpg the combined Rliey” seat. the public. nounce a decrease In the tax on lows who also acted as guides In Ashland, Good Hill and Owens The advanced class included whiskey. This now stands at 72 taking boys to homes. So far of­ Oregon team. jumping four feet and cross shillings 6 pence per proof gallon. ficials are well pleased with the A meeting of Interested repre­ country galloping over the rough­ Owing to the high tax the sale of conference. The sessions tonight sentatives of the team will be held est terrain In that vicinity. And whiskey and consequently the rev­ will be held in the Presbyterian at Nlnlnger’s Sunday at 1 o’clock the girls gave a better exhibition enue therefrom has fallen to low church where all sessions have « here he schedule and all of the than did the cadets taking the lovels, and there have been per- . been held thus far. Tonight’s ses­ plans for the coming season will parallel course, Captain Jacobs r'stent rumors that Churchill sions will 'start with the discus­ be decided upon. said. plans to reduce thia to 50 shillings sion groups at 7:30. These will be Differences Over Price Are per gallon, expecting that as a re­ In America the women who followed with an address by Satisfactorily Settled by BUILD UP BUSINESS lived in the west? where the sult sales will rise agaln'and the Fred a Crosby of Portland. All All Concerned LOS ANGELES, April 9— (IP)-— country was rough and sports, budget profit to an eatlmated ex­ of tomorrow’s sessions will be Boycott of the British by the Chi­ such as shooting, contest riding tent of an extra lO.POO.ft»» lbs. NEW YORK. April 9.—John held In the Junior high school be­ nese has resulted la a tremendous and racing were done on horse­ annually. T h e anthnalaaia Hoydler. president of the National ginning at nine In the morning amount of shipping business turn­ back, were the first to take np aroused by thia rnmor however, League announced today that the and continuing through till noon. ing to Germany, according to Cap­ the cross-seat because it ts the has been offset to some extent by controversy over Roger Hornsby’s tain F. C. Seibert, master of the natural, safer and more efficient the report he plana doable the |Aock holdings had been settled returns from w ee pa h American motorship Seekong, way to ride. present tax of one shilling a bottle satisfactorily to all concerned. Jess Smith, Bert Mattern and whtch arrived here recently from For accurate riding, the leg on Imported wlaee. exclusive of Under the tends of the settle­ Harvey Clift, returned Thursday Bremen and Hamburg. around the horse— thigh, knee, champagne which Is highiy taxed. ment Hornsby’s stock will be pur­ from their trip to the gold fields The captain declared that no calf contact; seat la obviously The pros and cons of both thoae chased by Sam Brendon, owner of at Weepah, Nevada.- No develop­ other nation which took part In more sure of the desired result suggested changes have been ea- the St. Louin, Cardinals in which ment work has been started as yet the world war la rebuilding its than the tapping of a rldtng crop tcnsively agitated In the prase Hornsby owns eleven hundred and and according to one of the men, merchant marine aa fast as Germ­ on the right ’or “off” side. with the resell that thia part of zlxty-seven shares. Concessions Weepah resembles a circus in ap­ any. He claimed that Germany, “In my opinion It Is perfectly his speech is awaited with widest were made by all paft&s. pearance with its many tent was operating a large fleet to proper for girts to ride astride, 'ntereet. though some well-ln- homes. , Chtha by way of the Suex canal. the captain said. CRAKE SNUFFS Din .IM S OF SEVEN MEN CHEF GETS RECORD. OF MEMO OVER fflD MILLION -6ABKARE BORN EXPECT NEW D E I » .......... f I ram « sued in TRANSPORT PREPARED FOR W T O CHINA OLIVER S I W I Î0 GIBS. Il’S PROPER • ID RIDE ASTRIDE Due For His Annual Clean-Up BUT FEW NOURS ARE LFETTÍÑAME TEAM HORNSBY’S BASEBALL S ira IS SOLD TODAY HUIWCRIBH FOB THE TIDINGS (] '• * I '■ t