Problem! of Students En­ tering School Are Told Local Men A TO ASSIST THE BORDER LINES o f a series o f w ith the M a jo r by the United News dealing e Baseball Teams THE CHICAGO WHITE BOX FIVE TRAINS M K M S ACCUSE RUSSIA TO CARRY HAIL OF PLOTTING INTO ASHLAND TAKE CHARGE PEKIN AFFAIRS is in midseason form as far as its Normal School is Sponsor­ courtship of Lady Luck is Con­ 182« lineup—Mostll cf. More- ing Special Entertain­ cerned. hart 2b, Barrett rf, Sheeley lb, ment to be Given Last year Bill Hunnefield play- Falk if, Kamm 3b, Schalk s, Dean of men at O. A. C., U. 0 . ecj* shortstop and the combina­ Buhneflejd sa. ‘ Qne of the startling features Dubach, was the principal speaker tion around second base, of Hun- Of the performance of Jean Gres’ 1 9 fr ilneup— Hunnefield cf, at the Klwanls luncheon today. Vetces Philipino Bill Gall najicld .And Collins was not so All Trains Will Oarfy Mail French Marionettes ls^the Illus­ The dean opened his talk by say­ iiUr for Independence, and Kamm 3b, Barrett rf, FaJk-^H, *|bad, as long as old Eddie’s fail­ With the Exception of ion that is caused by the figures Sheeley lb. Ward 2b. Peckin- ing that he would tell of person­ Position Clear ing underpinnings hold out. Local to Portland with regard to their size. paugh sa, Schalk c. al experiences in dealing with People Are Waiting for This year the double pla/eo m - After an audlehce has watched The Chicago White Sox, young people, men in particular,, TO helpnioaragua Government Premier Sends bifiatlon is Ward and Peckin- SERVICE ABOUT SAME Ford to Make Statement the Marionettes for ten minutes, pursued by the Jinx which ontering the Agricultural College. Note of Protest to Rus­ paugh, the one which performed On Automobile Plans all sense o| proportion is lost He told In a very entertaining Special Representative of Presi­ them in the second division in a similar capacity fpr New New Schedule Will Xot Materialy sian Headquarters by the audience, and the Mar­ the past six seasons, are starting dent is Sent to Supervise Change IVesent Service York Yankees some years' a^o. ANSWER CHALLENGE way of the various problems, so­ out hopefully once more. ionettes appear almost life-sized. Protection cial, educational and financial Both in and Out • Since those days Ward has EVIDENCE IS P O U N D Hence when the performance la The self inflicted Injuries of Durant anti General Motor« B1«I tha confront both the student and warmed a bench and Peck has completed, and an actor steps out Document Seized by Chinese Po­ WASHINGTON, April 8.— Two Johnny Moetll, the self lnflectgd for Leadership Will (Vente the authorities. To quote him as Every train out of Ashland w ill thrown away a world series or among the figures he seems to nearly literally as possible, he ex­ distinct moves to strengthen the education of Dr. Moe Berg, the two lice Give Proof of Parti­ Tense Situation for Washington. B u t carry mall with the exception Of The cipation in Plot pressed the following thoughts. outlying frontiers of the United scholarly shortstop and a number Schalk, needing an entirely new •the «ix-thlrty local to Portland, be about thirty feet tall. DETROIT, April 8.— (U P ) — Do not expect the college to make States hate been'made within the of minor Inconveniences such, ag keystone defense, has decided to according to a telephone message audience simply gasps with as­ tonishment. Ray Schalk’a broken finger and PEKIN, April 8.— Complicity of ’ W. C. Durant baa made his an­ something out of nothing,’ unless last 24 hours. try the veterans. If Peck’s legs from A. S. Rosenbaum, district Strangely enough no glasses soviet Russia in a Chihese com­ a lamentable tendency on the pert 1— President Coolidge had ve­ nouncement which was to startle the boy who comes to college has give out. Hunnefield will have to freight and passenger supervisor the automobflh world, but the his feet on the ground we cannot toed the Philippine legislature bill o6the outfielders to play football come out from the outfield and of the Southern Pacific received are us'ed to create this Illusion, munist plot to overthrow the the eye Is simply deceived by Pekin government was charged to­ ahtomobile world — manufactur­ put them there. Too many boys for a plebiscite on Independence, rather than baseball this spring this morning. * the fact that ail the scenery and day by Premier Wellington Koo in (Please Turn To Page Five) ers, speculators and the people have no idea whatever as to the making, It clear that the^ United are evidence that Comlskey’s elnb This will mean that there will snfall properties such as chairs a note sent to Moscow". , who buy automobiles— still waits use either of time or money many States expects to conrol the is­ be three trains from the north -tables, atSols, etc., are made in lands for many years to come, if ,fo r Henry Ford. Documents seized by Chinese do not know what a check stub Is with mall every day, and two proportion to the figure, and thus police in a raid at the Russian em­ not indefinitely. Out In. Dearborji, Mich., report­ A boy must have had the right from the south, the official fu r­ the human eye having, nothin* bassy Wednesday revealed partic­ 2— Henry L. Stlmson, secre­ ed convalescent from an automo­ direction at home if we are to ther explained and Ashland’s to compare the Marionettes with ipation of the -soviet in the .plot, bile accident which has served to make anything out of him; he tary of war under Taft, has been mall service* will not be materially all sense dl size is lost. made' representative of President Koo asserted. add drama to hfs already drama­ must know where he is going and disturbed by the new schedule Mr. Gros la presenting “The Coolidge to go to Nicaragua ■ to It was aimed, he said, first - at tic situation in the world of auto­ why. Under the home Influence which is to go into effect within ■' .» Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” a more efficient creating disturbances in Pekin mobiles and business. Ford waits during his high school years he irrangtf for Pumps Are Unable to Keep Seeing Telephone May Soon a fqw days. from the book by Mark Twain, and then at accomplishing the de­ rurrounded by every bit of secrecy must have acquired an Idea of his American protectorate over .this Much interest has been aroused Vessel Afloat and Rud­ be as Common as the small country near the Panama that a fortune of a billion and a purposes and must have laid over the proposed change and with a complete play for adults,- and struction of the north Chihese der is Broken Talking Phone half dollars can buy; and a mil­ foundation upon which we can canal, and vital In the naval de­ today’s announcement, various ru­ over one hundred and fifty Mar­ government, which is sponsored ionettes. The matinee perform­ by Marshal Chang Tso Lin, rank­ fense of the isthmus. build. A boy cannot crib during lion people are waiting to h e y PORTLAND, April, 8.— — NEW YORK, April 8.— (LP)— mors as to the local mail service ance for the children after school ing north Chinese military offic­ Follow Suggestions four years of high school and four what he has to say. The steam schooner Necanlenm, Heralding* the day when the will be set at rest. will be “ Uncle Wlgglly at the ial. This appointment entitles Stlm­ which left here April 3 for San “seeing telephone” may be as Ford Is about to say something years of university life and be an Clrculs," a play by Howard R. son to the honorary title of Cool­ While officials of the soviet em­ — that seems certain. But his honest man in business. He may Francisco, is in tow of tha steam­ common as the present speaking Garis. , The company Is the larg­ bassy expressed anger and amaze­ method always has been one of wish to be honest but his fibre has idge’s “Colonel House,” for this er Chehalis, off Coos Bay, accord­ instrument, television was demon­ est company that.ever toured the ment at Invasion of the embassy secrecy; he always has kept his weakened and if there Is money Is his second White House mis­ ing. to a radio message received strated seml-publlcly for the first United States and Is so full of grounds Wednesday, the Incident plans to himself; he never has an­ in. sight not his own be is likely sion abroad. He recently made Thursday afternoon by the Fedor- time Thursday, when the Image originality that comparisons are continued to be the chief topic of an under cover investigation of He nounced them until there had to take some by mistake. al marinb station here. as the voice of persons speaking Impossible. The Pittsburgh Sun conversation of all foreign com- / been days and weeks of guessing; should not have an automobile at the Philippines, supplementing The schooner is leaking badly, in Washington was transmitted PORTLAND,. April 8.— (LP)— Americans followed and then he has moved suddenly, school with which to burn up his the more formal Inquiry of. Col it was reported and was foreed to through wires and other to a Confidential secrets of thousands said “ It differs from all other munlties. time and money; he does not need onel Carmi Thompson. His rec­ Jettison a deeklead of lumber to group of newspaper men in the of. Oregon taxpayers were destroy­ Marionette shows as dawn from each new development closely, due . drastically.. night." ommendations were followed In avoid swamping. Ths messa*«, to the fact that two of their na­ It. Wait For Ford laboratories of the ¿New York ed here today when federal In­ The company is sponsored here the president’s message vetoing tionals, one of whom, had been The dean told of the unmlstak While waiting for Ford to speak sent by Captain Neilson of the Bell Telephone company. come tax returns for persons with’ by the Nprmal School and will connected with the Chung Mei competitors admit that people are able evidence of home direction the Philippine Independence pleb­ steamer Doyleaton\reads The amaslng possibilities of ’ncomes of less Than 15,000 for be given at the Normal School news agency, were arreMed by not buying automobiles. They and help, or the lack of it, in the iscite. “The steam sefa this triumph of modern science 1918 and 1921 were burned.* Auditorium? on Tuesday, April Chinese police before the raid oc­ Stimson is a New York lawyer, won’t move until they see Wbat 1 ,,r !B8 of the men entering college, found the stesi over nature cab scarcely bg an­ _ Destruc’lo.n__ ol__ the records. 12."------------- ---------------------- — curred. Bdth were held on alleg- the Dearborn an ip m oh ila makar The borshould.W|ywbe«B taught long an associate of Elihu_ Root, c u m Intow of ticipated, even by the experts which were gathered — more than, ed proof that they had been in the to know that God'ie and that men and fam iliar with the history and lis Thursday. Her rudder is bi w ill offer them. who developed 4t; but to tho ob­ a ton and,a half— were destroyed employ of the Chinese nationaJ- not «reato everything by toem- expansion immediately after the ea and she Is leaking badly, The best sou rces o f in form ation servers who saw it ta. operation on qrder from Waslngton. w“ H I . ists. from within the Ford factories seivee, ttibugh ftlfk's^etas ott'en to Spanish-American war". pumps were unable to keep "the television was regarded as an Charges by Premier Koo mesnt themselves seems to Indicate Ford be the idea of some. I tèli my stu­ point of view, his legal ability vessel afloat. • The crew of the Ne- epochal achievement. _ —. PIONEER DIES nothing, according to statements plans perhaps a six cylinder c*r dents to tot the professors tell makes him an ideal man to un­ canlcum let go a dockload o f lum­ Herbert Hoover, secretary of ENTERPRISE, April 8.— (LP) of soviet officials. to sell aronnd 8750 and an eight them what they wish but to re­ tangle the disheveled state of ber and the- vessel is proceeding pommeree, spoke lirtcran ordinary They complained that Koo cylinder car to sell around the serve to themselves the right to American control in L a t i n slowly to San Francisco in tow pf telephone in Washington, while — George W. H y a tt,, Wallowa county pioneer and former mem­ based his charges on documenta 81,000 mark. He will not discon­ believe it or not. The chances are America, and to set affairs back the Chehalis." > ( . Idaho Potato« Growers Bor. the group here, more—than 250 alleged to have' been found in the ber o£the Oregon legislature, was tinue the present four .cylinder that Mother at home can give the under a firm hand but with the rowed Money Through miles away, heard his address RADIO PROGRAM, XMED found dead In his office here to­ Russian embassy co«(ppund.-. As model, people who ought to know, boy a better Idea of the funda­ velvet glove outside. Sapiro is Testimony aqd watched TTitH—at—the same Friday, April 8— H ard T o A p p recia te day. no foreign observer had ehecked maintain, and he may e7«n Im­ mental-requirements of a useful 8:16 p. n>.. News and market». time. It is difficult to appreciate the Apparently he had worked late DETROIT, April 8. — (LP) — A the documents seised .it w a s prove It by adding a gear shift, a and right life thap he can get The secretary’s image, as plain 8:00 to 8:00 p. m., Associated full significance of these two de­ last night and fell dead while paltry 33,500 loaned to the Idaho claimed that the Chinese police new engine with a longer strike from some professor. as a motion picture, flickered Jn Buick Dealers program. standing before his desk. He was potato growers association dur­ could produce any documenta they Dean Ùnbach’s ta lk was highly velopments and what they will and other “¡refinement.” the yellow light of a screened Saturday, April 8— lead to in strengthening the out­ born In 1863, but came to Enter­ ing Its organisation four years wished, falsely alleging that they entertaining and pronounced But the Ford cat’Is not the only frame about a yard square. prise when the town was started ago appeared Thursday as a very had been found in the embassy car with which Ford can. strike in splendid by those , fortunate posts of the United States. They | 12:18 to 1:16 noon, Concert! As Hoover spoke, the observers 8:15 p. m„ News and markets. In 1888. * the present battle in which auto- enough to hear It. He is here for show clearly that the Unll important bit of testimony In compound. noted that the movements of his United States Minister Macmur- the million dollar libel suit which mo'bile manufacturers are engag­ the Older Boys’ Conference, being States is spreading and strength Sunday, April 10— lips, the occasional nodding of 7:30 to 8:38 p. m., Religious Condoa — Power line being Aaron Sapiro has brought against ray. In discussing the raid, said' held at the Presbyterian church enlng Its lines of communication ing. built from DeMoss Springs to Olex the world’r only billionaire. service from 1st Presbyter­ ministers of foreign powers grant­ Ford also can use the Lincoln today, Saturday and Sunday, and reaching out for Its share in the , 'and Condon, 47 miles. ian Church. (Please Turn To Page Five) In the game of price cutting. If he will be one of the chief speakers business of empire. Striking with an Iron fist and ed Chinese police permission to Stlmson and the president sees fit. Recently he cut the for the boys. crushing his way past numerous enter the legation quarter and hgreed that the Philippines should price slightly— about 8100. But objections, Senator James A. raid only the Chinese railway of­ not be given their independence talk In Detroit Is that Ford was Reed, forced Sapiro, the cooper­ fices and the offices of the Rus­ within any time now In prospect. only teasing when he did that; ative leader, to admit the money sian bank in the Russian embas­ Their position is that the Philip­ and that he has a margin of al- had not been loaned by him sy compound. pines are a sparsley settled group piost 81,000 which he can lop off although a note for it was ffthde of islands, surrounded on three the Lincoln’s price, ifche is forced out to him. sides by Asiatic territory densely to. Who advanced the money, ask­ populated with more warlike and Has Billion ed the senator. more developed hordes, but for Ford has more than a billion Defends "The firm of Well Zuckerman Agriculture De the resistance of the United States dollars. The Ford Motor com­ and company of Los Angeles,” partments Timber would swallow up the islands. pany has cash or assets equivalent replied the Jewish lawyer, .who Sales Policy The Filipinos are not regarded as to cash amount to 8413,000,000. is suing Henry Ford. Italian Ace to Make One Ford Is now so situated that if he WASHINGTON, April 8.— (LP) sufficiently developed to govern “Was the money paid by you Leg of Journey in themselves, even if they could re­ decides to enter a price war or any — Secretary of Agriculture Jar­ or by them to the association 7" Borrowed Ship * sist Asiatic encroachment. other sort of war with his compet­ dine, in a statement defending the “ By them, I believe.” itors he can lose half a million timber sales policy of his depart­ “Well, was the note made out PHOENIX, A ril., April 8.— (IP) dollars and still compete with ment, replies to criticism contain to you o> them?” Reed asked. — Four naval airplanes consigned John D. Rockefeller for the* title ed In a memorial of the* recent To me.” by the United States government of the world’s richest man. Oregon legislature. The existing You wrote members of the to the use of Commander Fran­ But Ford’s competitors can­ policies, he says, have promoted association that you would ad­ cesco de Pinedo, fascist aee, ar­ not stand such a loss. While they the public welfare and should re­ vance-the money, didn’t you?" rived hare today. may be financially jtowerful be­ main unchanged. W ell,” Sapiro answered, " I The planet dispatched from the yond comprehension of the aver­ Few large sales have been made believe my name at the suggest- naval base at San Diego, w ill he age man and have the money to in Oregon, says the secretary, Actual Moving Scenes Hun­ placed at the service of the Italian lose they have stockholders by the which would bave have been If all ( Continued On Page Five)' world flyer. dreds of Miles Away thousands who must be remem­ the suggestions In the Oregon De Pinedo has indicated he Will Will Soon be Shown bered. memorial were in effect, and these accept one of top pianos to use In Has Advantage WASHINGTON, April 8.— (LP) sales represent an ffort to salvage at least one hop of his* four-con­ In addttloq to his financial io - ripening timber before losses Radio vision, now being per­ tinent flying tonr, which he ex­ rltlon Ford has a psychological were suffered by deterioration. fected by C. Francis 'Jenkins, pects to renew, despite ths horn­ advantage. His rise was the es­ Forest timber sales represent Washington scientist, can trans­ ing of ths Santa Marta. sence of drama. Then, as the cy­ only between five and six per cent mit actual scenes hundred« of The Italian la expected here SAN FRANCISCO, April 8.— cles of his pro Areas went on It was of the annual stumpage cut in miles and within a fraction of a (IP)—The steam schooner Necani- early Friday morning, and accord­ found that each time Ford pas Oregon. The Malheur forest sale second. cum, disabled In a storm off the ing to present plans w ill toko off forced Into a tight situation he did to Fred Herrick is mentioned as Its possibilities exceed the Im­ Oregon coast, Is In danger of sink­ for San Diego la n government something that had never been an Illustration of departmental re­ agination, but war department of­ ing, according to messages re­ plane about 11 a. m. done before, \ sponse to desires of a community ficials are watching Jenkins’ ex­ At San Diego do Pinedo will ceived at radio stations here to­ One he needd mony, but when for development promoted by con­ periments closely, for they see in work ont the details for the re­ night. W all Street tried to squees him struction of common carrier radio vision a spectacular and It In tow of the steamer Chehalis sumption of, his for It he defied W all Street, cur­ railroads, adding; amaslng war instrument. I. he will the Necanleum was attempting to is likely, he has 1 tailed production and gave up The Washington already has “ Informal negotiations are be- make port here but several ships await there the arrival of too thoughts of borrowing.----- conducted for a large sale on harnessed radio waves both as an were near by to care for, the crew monoplane which There was disagreement over the Ochoco forest, the sate being eye and as a projecting lens. In of 18 men If the vessel Is abandon­ llnl has oi to him policy In hie company, and he set­ earnestly desired by residents of his laboratories the vision of mov­ Rome. ed. tled It by buying out the other Prineville and vicinity, because it ing objects is caught by a deli­ The Necanlcumls of 6(5 tons, — - stockholders. The public believes will held to maintain and possibly cate radio machine and transmit­ lit owned by the California and again Ford is to do something In­ may extend common carrier rail­ ted by radio waves into a project­ Un Oregon lumber company and is t«», teresting In answer to the throat road facilities to the vicinity of ing machine where it, Is cast dis­ commanded by Captain J. Sam­ 800 year for I tinctly and clearly upon a screen. from Durant and General Motors. that city.” r uelson. on I FORD'S REPLY TO CHALLENGE LEAKING SCHOONER 1$ HOOVERS FACE SEEK' BEINT TOWED OVER IHE TELEPHONE Oregon Income Tax Returns Burnt Up IOAN M S PMfi III S A W S EKE SDII Some Kind of Prohibition Law Needed Here JARDINE MAKES REPLY Ï0 IAL « i/ GOVERNMENT » PLANES TO FLYER Ï0 BE A REALITY Schooner Burning Off Oregon Coast a