* THE WEATHER Rain, with moderate southerly” inds FOR BOYS' MEETING NARINES LEAVE SAN DIEGO ON A CRUISE TO CHINESE WATER WYOMING NOW NASS OF RUINS trglll in his place in his line-up Would Like to Become the toward the end of the season. 1926 line-up— Blue ? lb, Standard Bearer in Na­ George Moriarty should be a ush, cfr Gebb, rf, Heilmann Iff. tional Campaign success as a manager/This is the O’Rourke 3b, Gehrlnger 2b, Ta»- NEW YORK. April 7.—(IP)-- first requisite of a successful soa- erner ss, Manion c. CHICAGO, April 7.—Pollyanna William C. Durant, the most on for Detroit. The pitching staff 1927 line-up— Taverner sa, Mc­ ■Ings the praises of William Hale spectacular figure In the Ameri­ Busy Time Planned for Old­ Manus 3 b, Manush cf, Fetherglll always weak, should be better Sixteen Are Dead and Seven Thompson and 50,0(H> or more can, automobile industry, has set Hj.au it was In 1926. It must be. of er Boys’ Conference Are Seriously Injured If, 'Heilmann rf, Blue lb, boys are, boarding the bandwagon, out at the age of 65 to challenge course, If the Tigers are to finish to be Held Here By Explosion c, Gehrlnger 2b. lest their political hopes be among the leaders. Soviet Grounds Are Consid­ the billion dollar General Motors Here is a club which has lost dashed by its steam roller move­ ered Most Strategic Point corporation for supremacy in the WILL S T A R T FRIDAY the greatest all-around ball play­ Club morale is the most import­ REFINERY BLOWN UP ment, but there is more behind Nearly 3.000 Military M4u motor trade. ant consideration Detroit has (o r in Defense Plans Are On Board Ship, er of all time and looks 100 per Big Bill's” victory than local Behind an announcement to­ Chamber of Commerce to be contider, and there is evideitee Property Damage to the .Tow n politics. China Bound - t . cent stronger therefore. H o sts.a t a Dinner Friday and plant E stim ated at that this has been improved great­ BUILDINGS ARE RAIDED day that Durant has resigned The Detroit Tigers have been The outstanding thing is that Evening all his other positions to »build ly under Moriarity. Half Million slipping, year by year, lower and Chicago's new mayor, who was FORM NEW REGrIMENT Chinese Police Are Occupying a up what is to be known as Con­ Take first base, Lou Blue could lower In the final standings of the elected over Mayor William E. Marines Are Being Rushed From Everything Is in readiness for Portion of Ground« Which solidated Motorfc, inc., is the same not play ball fqr Cobb, who wor­ PARCO, Wyo., April 6.— (LP)-— American league. This year, un­ Dever by 83,072 plurality in the Were Kidded Yesterday daripjt^and determination that the three day session of the All Porta of tjie United ried him to distraction. Moriar­ Sixteen men are dead, seven more less all signs fall, they are due to hottest local election ever held, Southern (%egon District Older have made his name a byfrord in ity has appointed Lou field cap­ were seriously injured and Par- States to Han Diego always has had warm ambitions PEKING, April 7. — (IP) — Wall street and Detroit, the Boys’ Conference which opens of­ rebound out of the second divis­ tain, and expects to make him the eo, "The city beautiful o^ Wyom­ to shinfe nationally. It was not . The American legation here may scenes of some of his. most amaz­ ficially tomorrow, according to ion. SAN DIEGO, Cal., April 7. — best first sacker in the league. ing’ was a scene of ruin today as The loss of Ty Cobb Is Irrepar­ those in charge. The program take over the defense of the ing financial coups. Marty McManus, obtained frein the.result of a terrific explosion .surprising that he beamed With only vealed in General Re­ Oregon general store doing a dam­ fre prepared for burial. The injur­ Address of welcome, Geo. A. embassy grounds and buildings other companies he hopes to ab­ the completion of a few minor port From Secretary age estimated at seventy-five ed were taken to a Rawlins hos­ which, were raided yesterday. sorb, It is reported in Wall street Briscoe. repairs to the vessel’s machinery pital. thousand. A large section of the Welcome from boys, James that he has in mind such con­ The reports of the standing down town district wps threatened delayed departure until tom or-, Conduct Iinvestigation Real Struggle cerns as Jordan, Chrysler and Nutter. committees on various activities Officials of the oil plant Wed­ Forty One Million Dollar row morning. Response by Clifford Beckett, are so complete that any lengthy but quick work saved the other nesday night were still investigat­ WASHINGTON, April 7 — (IP) Hudson. Gain in Assets is Record Start I«ong Trip buildings. The cause of the fire —China's real struggle, (he ontf Durant's move, typical of his Medford. for the Year or detailed report ot the Secretary was unknown. Captain Robert Morris,- com­ ing to establish the definite cause Solo by Ralph Church. which will be most decisive in aggressive style, was not wholly Is superfluous. We" have en­ mander of tho Henderson, stated of the explosion. Three theories BOSTON, April 7. — (LP) — Special music by High School deavored to make the money eo wortd affairs, is not the fight unexpected. Two weeks ago he have been advanced so far. Eith­ Henry Ford’s wealth is rapidly that at exactly 8145 a. m. to­ with the foreigners, but the one told the press that he would Girls Ukelele Club. generously contributed by the in­ er pressure was too high or low in forging ahead of oven the leg­ morrow he would start the long Address of evening, Dr. U. G. dividual members and business which is going on ^fnong the have an important announcement the tanks, officials believe, or wa- endary figure of a billion dol­ jburney. Chinese nationalists themselves. to make on April 7. Not until Dubach of O. A. C. men of the organization go just as Just as the last man of the er backed Into the tanks. lars, it was revealed when the 9:10 to 9:30 organization of far as possible. It is most important because Wednesday afternoon, however, Property damnge to tho plant Ford Motor company declared an sixth regiment left ’ the marine LOS ANGELES, April 7.—Geo. it is a struggle between the mod­ did the nature of the announce discussion groups. Our advertising activity has ex- and town has been estimated at item of nearly half a blRlon dol­ base for the transport, a special L. Dennison got tired of being The banquet is being provided erates and the bolshevists, to de­ ment become known in “the tened to every part of the country train from Puget Sound with a 8500,000. lars as Its cash balance. through the generosity of the through literature sent in . the "the horrible example’’ in his termine whether the new China street. - detachment for the new third Parco, “the- dream city” of The figures set down in the regiment arrived. nightly street corner Ber- Ashland Chamber 06 Commerce mails in answse to direct Inquiry wife’s will be a progressive) country or w< Frank E. Kistler, head of the Pro­ and is being cooked and served les and selected lists forwarded’®1' one, he told the court here Wed­ ducers and Refiners corporation, Ford Motor company's balance an extreme communist state like Thia Puget Sound detachment, sheet for December 31. 1926 nesday, when he was granted a di­ by members of the domestfc to us by the 8tate chamber. soviet Russia. was built at a cost of 210,000,000. were of such gigantic proportions commanded by blent. W. W. science department of Ashland Already it is a foregone con­ We have endeavored to direct vorce from Mabie Maude Denni­ It was chartered officially in Davis, number 85 men. Two other that an Increase of more than battalions, numbering more than high school under the sur* vis­ the traveler end tourist to our son. clusions that the Chinese nation­ 1925. 341,000,000 In assets over the 1,000 men Iett>New Orleans an^ "I didn't mind It so much ion of Miss Helen French. alists will soon be in control of superior hotels end auto camps A Model City preceding year was almost lost Quantico yesterday for San Diego. around the house,” Dennison ex- The Saturday program is: all China south of the great wall. through literature, magazines and It was designed as a model city. In the array. -plalned, “but one night I 9:00— General Assembly. It is also a foregone conclusion Airplane, Automobile and billboards. We have placed signs Arriving here they will be merg­ All -hotels, stores and public The balance sheet was filed ed with the hattalion.tt the base, Singing led* by Ralph Church. in our city directing to oar Lith- passed a corner and there she was buildings conform to an attrac­ that nationalists will continue to Speed Boat Used to Pianist, Aubrey Hahn. insist bn wiping out foreign con­ ia Park and mineral springs. We preaching from a soapbox. She tive type of Spanish architecture. with the commissioner of cor­ forming the newly created third Catch Ship porations and It listed the Ford regiment. trol of customs, extra territorial -------—