TBS FOULTRY INDUBTRY i s . a potential pay ro ll for Ashland Ashland’s Leading (United Mows Wire Servira) ashîi AN d Unsettled with frost in the interior. »er for Over Fifty Years (U slU d Prera Wir« Service) ESDAY, ATRIL 5, 1927 LEAGUES TUR WASHINGTON SENATORS really high class baseball— the [any Inquiries Are Re effective at abort aa be was ea tbe oeived Regarding “ Mys­ J ISM Llneap hot corner. Thia means that tbe tery Metal’’ Rice cf, 8. H arria 3b, Ooalin It, pennant-making^ brand— la hla McNeely rf. Jadee lb , Bleuge 3b. D E T R O IT , April 5^. — (LP) — system. Thia probably la true, bat Myer as, Ruel e. Henry Ford w ill not' appear thia whether Speaker can deliver It la week aa a witness In the million another n atter. Rice cf. H arris 3b. Speaker H, dollar Ford - Sapiro libel suit, Speaker Has Troable Ooalin If, Jndge lb , Bleuge da, but hia condition is such that "Spoke” la brittle. He haa been McCann 3b, Ruel e. friends believe he is speeding to­ out for tbe past week with an In­ Passenger Traffic for Part Greatest Drive Against Law­ <7 n lees Tris Speaker can revert Strict Censorship Has Kept ward early recovery form In­ jury. Unless he hita better than Local Officer Arrests Men Year Shows a Decrease lessness Has Been Start­ to hia 1926 form, it la hard to bee' Truth About Riots Out .304 hia n a rk for 132«, the for­ Wanted in California juries be received In an automo­ in Revenue ed in Chicago how he can help the Washington of the Papers mer manager of the Indiana la After Long Chase * bile accident a week ago.' Senators return to th e lr’s. W illiam Henry O a l i a g h e r , going to have a hard time keeping INCREASE IN FREIGHT WQPEN ARE ATTACKED Hark G riffith s club, after win­ OFFICERS ARE OUTRUN counsel for Aaron Sapiro, the ONE MAN IS KILLED a young, bnatling, hard-hitting ning Its second successive pennant outfielder like Bari McNeeley out Hcnsatlewel Expose o f Misdeeds Eleven and Five Tenths Per Cent Chicago lawyer and farmers' co­ in 1333 barely was able to stay Of the Senator’s Une-up. Increase in Operating Rev­ operatives organiser, who la" sue- Appease for First Time in In the first division last season UnqueetionAly with Ooalin. enues for Year ing the billionaire for 11.000,- Raffish Paper Speaker’s batting fell o ff 3 * Rice. McNeeley and Speaker, the 000 for alleged libel, has stated points In those two years. « PORTLAND, April l . - W - Washington club has a great out­ he would demand a court .ex­ CHICAGO, A pril 5.— Five thou­ SHANGHAI, April 6.— (IP)— A k Construction by the 8onthern The only way In which the Sen­ field. But its infield haa little Displaying extraordinary brav­ amination to determine Ford’s sand police including thirty-five ators have been *• Pacific of a new railroad line strengthened class and obviously la no improve­ sensational expose of alleged atro­ ery and coolness, chief of Police physical fitness to testify if the machine gun squads were mobilis­ since the close of the 1333 r a c e - cities perpetrated by Chinese dur­ n from Klamath Falls to Cornell, ment over that of 1925. George McNabb yesterday after­ automobile magnate does not ed today in Chicago’s greatest aside from the purchase of Touhg ing the Nanking rlota, Including n Cal., and to a connection with the "Buddy” Myer flopped so bad­ noon placed under arrest, J, F. answer to his name when called drive against, lawlessness as a Pitchers who coot G riffith 315®.- reports that many white women k* Nevada - California - Oregon line ly at shortstop that Oscar Bluege throe cornered mayornlity election 000 and have yet to prove they Frye, who has a atrlag of. aliases, to the stand. were crim inal!* attacked, appears near Alturas, thus completing the has to bo moved over from 3rd For the sixth day Sapiro sub­ opened. Despite these precautions and Charles Wesley alias P ltt- are w orth it— is by the addition of base. W hile "Ossie” is a godd in­ today in the British owned North necessary link on another ronte fleld on the old road between mitted to the cross examination two democratic precinct headquar­ ol4f*rris Speaker In the outfield. China Dally News. into Winnemucca, Ogden and field er, he la not likely to be as here and Klam ath Falls, after of Senator James A. Reed of ters were bombed shortly before * The United. Press correspondent Both Tris and O riff. believe the points east, is being held up, ac­ dawn. No one was injured. Pre­ "grey eagle” has another year of they had escaped from Redding Ford’s counsel. In conversations with refugees, as cording to the annual report of vious to this there had been one well as officials who were in Nan­ officers and the Sheriff and tra f­ the Southern Pacific company, fatal shooting and numerous po­ king during the outbreaks learns fic officials of Siskiyou connty released today, until tbe questions lice raids which yielded a harvest that censorship thus far has kept yesterday afternoon. j concerning the proposed' entrance of guns. The fatal shooting oc- unmentionable details ef the Nan­ The men are accused of burg­ of the Oregon Trunk railway Into cured when Vincent Drucci, a king riots from the public. larising hotel rooms in Ander­ the Klam ath basin shall have gangster was being taken to the son. Red Bluff and Redding, and Affidavits from refugees are been determined. police to the criminal courts to he at tbe lest named place made ) The report recalls that the ’ ----------- An exhibit of fourteen wood understood te be In the hapds of the mistake of attempting to Penitentiary Term is Given arraigned. He attempted to make officials. There are said to in­ b Southern Pacific acquired control Three T-wwing Chips block prlnt* by T,rlou’ caii- a break for liberty, and was killed break into the room of the night dorse in every detail the reports Father for Misuse of . of the Nevade-Callfornla-Oregon for WlTiTMWg in Hand- (ornia Brttou hM been received of by a police officer. Drucci was I watchman.' He realising that attacks made on foreign nation­ the Mails - railway (which Is operated by ha _H TottlYMUDent from the 8. and G. Gump com- arrested after orders had been something was wA)Sg, got up 1 lta own separate organisation) by ----------- pany by Miss Marion Ady, head of als. Thus far ft has been impos­ given to round up ell gangsters and not stopping to drees, grab­ sible to confirm officially the de­ ; the purchase, last October of the trophies being offered W the art dep,rtm#Bt of «»• *>»«»- who werd thought to be taking a the The bed hia guns, and started after tails of the Daily News expose. handball tournameat a» T the ern Or<* ° n Normal 8cho°'- f entire outstanding common stock part in the political war. city t a d o o T lm X il le £ u .“ w h £ The co,l“ tton’ which Include. One high official aald, however, them. They reached their car, and funded debt ot that eom- a r. . p o n e o r « r ? t b e 7 M. ¿ T a Hudson brougham, aad suc­ that the affidavits do actually ex­ i pany, hut acquisition of control, ist and that there was no doubt ceeded in getting out of town. Gangster Killed . through stock ownership of tbe .nH Ml V — A- * nd aB,mal pieces, is being dis- M Ia th about the seriousness of the Nan­ Yreka was notified, with other CHICAGO, A pril 5.— (LP>—Vta- end the Hl-Y club, have been u M by » I Oregon California and Eastern, received and are on exhibit in i cent "Schemer” Drucci, chief of M nearby towns and the men after 5 (Stranhorn line) extending from itt .r . adjoining the a rt room nt the king rioting. Normal Chicago’s north side beer gang, Miners Toggery window. tnrning to tbe south, where they - Klamath Falls to Sprague river, Three small .U v .r lovtog cup. The include, and supposedly active in the may- overturned the car on a graveled May Involve America t depends, according to the rA * p ..Bmukdo*, , oralty campaign, wan shot and are offered to the handball tour- Ara„ road, righted It and drove into W ASHINGTON. April 5.— Fear ) port, likewise upon the order of .a m en t, o n . for the winner of ,, aftd < MIm Ady States now stands at the crossroad and made such an violent effort ted on It. ■ Sproule, president. San Tritacleco, quickly outdistanced the pur­ to escape that Lieut. Dan Healy been stirred Up in both events 8tateg tbat those wishing to see In China and must decide whether suers. Chief McNabb was no­ : covers without comment tho ne­ shot him. since the receipt of the trophies, the. picture« may make an appoint- j to treat considerately with the ris­ tified and ha, accompanied by E. Chicks I Prove Attraction gotiations between Ute, Southern ment wltb her or oall when at the ing Chinese nationalists, • or be Captain John Stege, deputy according to those in charge. V. Gentry, made a hurried trip to Pacific and the HIM "lines for One Bold Beast, Who chief of detectives, upheld tbe The next Indoor games will Norinai school. The exhibit w ill be dragged into a bloody campaign the Junction point where be Invades Back Yard joint use of the new Southern lieutenant’s action. At the time be played on the Arm ory floor ^ tu rn ed to the company Thurs- of force by one or two .other inter­ found that the car had turned Pacific Cascade line from Paunlna Drucci was being brought down this Thursday night and are free day eTening of this week. ested powers. off toward Klamath Falls. Pick- J to Klamath In which the Inter­ town 30 detectives wfire in the A year ago Borah advocated ab­ ing np Deputy Sheriff Howard » state commerce commission re—> Sherman hotel, scouting around at that place they started u p ji Astoria— New Columbia Luth­ olition of the old treaty privileges cently held that the terms of-* the floor on which W illiam Hale over the h ill. A fter they had ’ eran Hospital will have 40 patient and ta riff control by outside pow­ fered by the Southern Pacific' Thompson's headquarters ere sit- ers. He urged the United States gone several miles they looked 1 rooms and latest equipment. were equitable in toto. nated, looking for armed , gang­ to renounce Its special privileges over the side of the mountain, 1 The H ill lines, desiring to’ Astoria— Statewide honey 1920 lumber cut o f Oregon and in China at that time. sters. Rut no arrests were made. and there about a mile and half 1 build their own line from Bend Washington shows Increase of Reports That He Had Fled Drucci was the sole survivor of dneers A cooperative selling away, at a place near the Tyler 8 to Klam ath, have a few days* (Please Turn to Pate 2) about nine per cent over 1926. Are Found to be * the beer running crew organised started here. ranch, a car was sighted, that an- c left in whloh to file answer to Untrue by the late Dion O’Banion. swered the description of the i the commission's ruling. hunted machine. In general the report shows PARIS, April 5.— (LP)— Former The chief sent his car around ‘ Crown Prince Carol of Rumania, that operations of the Southern to the old road to stop them, Instead of preparing for a flight Pacific in 1335 showed a do-1 should they attempt to leave and to Bucharest where his father, crease in passenger revenues, an taking Gentry w ith him, started King Ferdinand, Is desperately Increase In freight revenaee, a, down over the side of the moun­ ill, as was reported by another ■light decrease in operating ex­ tain. Carefully dodging through y news agency, (not the United penses apd an increase in tax the brush and rocks, the Ash- 8 Press) spent Sunday here In com­ payments, the net increase being land Official reached a point ® an tncreue of 56,753,343 oy Promises Farmers He Will pany with a party of friends. within th irty feet of where the Run for President if He did not leave his villa 11.5 per cent in the company’s car was parked. Leveling a rifle Wanted according to the dally surveill­ net railway operating income for «Don the men, the chief stepped ance reports of his activities un­ the year. W ASHINGTON, April 4.— (LP) Heavy Expenditure til 11:80 a. m. Then, with Mme. — Word comes from a group of A ll r iR Ilv , VXXX3J The report states that comple­ LupescU, he went out to try his Iowa legislators that Frank O. their hands shot skyward. Stlir new racing car. Three friends tion ot the Cascade line in Ore­ Lowden of Illinois has agreed keeping the men covered the followed in another car. Carol gon entailed a total expenditure to be a candidate for the repub­ chief advanced upon them, and The line haa went nowhere near Lebourget of 133,433,000. lican presidential nomination if when he was close enough to flying field, aa was reported in been open to local service for the farm belt wants him. search them he passed the rifle dispatches. He and his friends some months, and on A p ril 17 Thin tends to confirm tbe ex­ back to Gentry who kept the men returned to his villa at 3 p. m.. through freight and passenger pectation here that Lowden w ill covered while he went over them. where ha entertained them until service to Sea Fraactaeo w ill he make a supreme effdrt to take they departed before midnight. inaugurated*,. ■ the time o f travel the nomination away from Presi­ between Portland and the bay dent Coolidge negt year. LoW- city to be reduced from 37 hours ,den, by .his fight for the McNary- and 13 hours and 30 minutes. A t the annual meeting of the automobile. " I f you take another Haugen hill, vetoed by the presi­ ""Adequate p a s s e n g e r * aad step, you are a dead man” , the board of directors of the Chamber dent, is the political symbol of all freight service,” adds the report, of .Commerce held after the forum chief told him. that the discouraged farmers "w ill coatiaae-to he maintained "Oh, excuse me officer, I for­ luncheon thia noon, V. V. Mills have been unable to get. He is over the Siskiyou line. got,” came from tense lips as he was elected as president for the likely to be supported by a gryup* new year. George W . Dnnn was nervously brought himself to a named vice-president, J. H. Fuller of farm states, but signs of sup­ Other Changes Mads 1 RADIO ORDINANCE h a lt port for him in other sections SANTO ROSA. Osi.. April fi.— Superintendent Include A search revealed no fire arms secretary and G. O. Eubanks, have not appeared as yet. (IP)— A .radio o rd tau ea will ha New Chaplain but a box ot hlghpowered cart­ treasure»! President Carson’s re­ Regardless of the outcome, presented to the city eouactl here port on th« activities of the past ridge* were found, that the guns Lowden is'an in lq u e political fig­ SALBM, April 5.— (LP)—W. H. soon seeking to clear the air ot in­ and loot, if any. from the Cali­ year w ill be gtven in tomorrow’s ure, because with his political I.amb, for many years official terference, for the benefit of Uet- fornia hotels had been cached Tidings. careed wrecked by the fiasco Of hangman for the state of Ore­ enere-ln, by regulation at all elae- 1930 he set out to rebuild him­ gon, was today appointed as a trlcal devioea capable e t tntarfer- The local office was notified self with a new appeal. He state ogison guard. He had been Ing with radio reoeption. this morning that both men had spurned all attempts to divert him dismissed early In the adminis­ X-ray. . violet ja y aad other a former record, one of them from hie goal ny affnem g to tho tration of Governor Pierce. high frequency asaehlaee as well having done time at Folsom and motto “the preMdency or noth- Other changes recommended ae asaateur wtroMae sending sta­ the other at, W alla W alla. The by Henry Meyers, superintendent tions win came Under the fire of wire -stated further that they of prisons end approved by the tho dealers. The proposed or­ were addicts and carried jlope control board today include: dinane« woald bar theoe ma- in the heels of their shoes. A qev. D. H. Chamber, Episcopal thorough eearch at noon today r Art Exhibit Here For a Short Tipi Chamber Officers Named For Year pastor here, to succeed Rev. H. C. Bryan as Protestant chaplia. (Pirase I