Tn w o n » U n se ttle d with frost in the . interior. per for Over Fifty Years 4 X - < (United Press Wire Servira) RPAY, APRIL 2, 1927 LEAGUES Definite Announcement is Made That Injuries Were Accidental l i t « ltn ^ p — Lindstrom M, I Young rf, Frisch tb, Meesel If. Kelly lb , Tyson et, Jackjon 8|, WA8HINGTON, April S— (UP) | Florence c. ’ Rush orders from the nary de- k 1937 )laeiip — Lebonrveantt , partnsent seat 1500 additional Sentence for Senate Oon- ‘ Lindstrom Sb, Hornsby r ft. marines concentrating at San - temnt Will be Passed Rousch ef, Terry lb . Jackson n|, Dlegq, Cal., ready for duty la Next Tuesday China Tyson or Harper rf, D even ter A Ulaim is Mads Chinese Suf­ 'T h is troop movement Is separ­ Suspension of Union Coal 1 If a sigh of relief rapid whah Many Arrive in the United IS DECIDED CONTRAST fered Hundreds of * Production in Union States Prom the War pennant the New York Giants ate from the scheduled embarka­ Casualties . Field Complete Small Jail Cell Does Not C01 Torn Area would start tawing reservations tion of 1509 marines on the trans­ pare Favorably W ith Im x- , for world series tickets even be- port Henderson. ' 4 REGRET IS EXPRESSED 18 QUIETEST STRIKE 1 fora the season starts. For Man­ MANY STORIES TOLD nrtons Suite Although the troop concentra­ tion order was sent out by Secre­ Ko Violence Accompanied the ager John J. McGraw has Just Diminishing Food flappMs WASHINGTON. April 2.— A 62 given rent to ana which e s ta h H * tary of the Navy Wilbur at the re- Walkout and B utera» World 1 Wounded HokMera Fm year old dirty brownstone Jail on es new. records far yon ng and fml qneat of Admiral Williams, Amer­ Pays no Attention P art o f Experience the outskirts of Washington Is men’s sighing which will last aifc- ican naval commandant In Asiatic, ready to receive Its most famous SHANGHAI, April 3— The Can­ President Coolidge's spokesman CHICAGO, April 2.— Suspen­ til the mad* of Daytoaa grow SAN FRANCISCO, April guest, Harry F. Sinclair, million­ , tonese government has strongly stated immediate dispatch of ad­ sion of the union coal production cold. Terrors of a Chinese civil war aire oil operator and race horse The praeence . of old KddM protested the bombardments of ditional marines to China was con­ In the bituminous fields of Illi­ which spread suffering, starva­ • owner,^Swatting sentence for con­ Nanking by British and American templated. nois was believed complete and Rousch In the lineup of the New tion and even death among Amer­ tempt of the United States sen­ This was taken as an Indica­ a lm o st,209.000 miners were out York Giants for ll> 7 makes the gun boats said a statement Issued icans trapped In battle sones have ate. club definitely a pennant contend­ today in that city by Eugene Chen, tion that the new contingent la .of worn. ‘ been described by refugees return­ If the multimillionaire who re­ foreign miniate rof the National­ being mobilised on the west coast It was porhaps-the quietest la­ er whei*e last year It was hard fe ing from China aboard thq S3 Si­ fused to answer questions* of a ist government and relayed to as a precautionary measure. bor suspension In recent history. finish fifth. • beria Maru. senate Investigating committee Rogers Hornsby la an Improve­ The new fharlnes contingent No violence marked the walkout, Shanghai by Admiral Hough, com­ Carrying 335 passengers, many during the Teapot Dome oil leaae mander of the United State Yagtse will be known as the fourth regi­ and It attracted little attention ment over Frankie Frisch a t see- of them from the Chinese war probe changes his residence from patrol. The Chinees suffered a ment and will be held at a San from the business world. area, the Siberia Maru reached a luxurious suite In one of Wash­ hundred casnalitles for every" for­ Diego "For whatever may devel­ About 2,000 mines were Idle port Friday night, after fighting ington’s most fashionable hotels, eigner killed or wounded In the op" Secretary* Wilbur said. but the effect of the ehut down a blustery gale that threatened to the five by eight foot Iron bar- “No additional orders are con­ could not be deternflned before Nanking riots, Chen aajd. He de­ for a time to delay her arrival red cell, he wjll be treated the nounced thè attack on the foreign templated at the present time," he the early part of next week. until Saturday. same as any other prisoned, Majo4 consulates and expressed regret declared. Friday was a holiday In the coal Among the scores of eye wit­ ' W .L. Peak, prison superintend­ Jewish Attorney Has Been The greater portion of the fields In celebration of John Mit­ of the foreign casualties. Fear nesses of bloody fighting by Can­ On Witness Stand for ■ ent told the United Press. for the safety order of the moder­ 1,500 marines will be drawn from chell day, a former president of tonese soldiers on their march to Attempt to Enter Front Arguments whether Sinclair Three Days ate leader Chiang Kai Shek as the Quantico, Va., base with other the United Mine Workers. Mitch­ Shanghai, the most Interesting . Door of Merchant’s Home committed one or four offenses, DETROIT, April 2.—-(U P )— was that given by Rev. E. M. commander of the Southern ar­ taken from posts, in the south­ ell Is regarded as the father of the Home Met With Bullet thus affecting his sentence, were The third week ow the Aaron Sa- Woods, an Episcopal clergyman, eight hour day In the mines. mies had been drafted at Han­ eastern section of this country. prepared and postponed by Justice Colonel H. C. Davis will be in The Ashland Kiwants club plro million dollar suit against whose home Is in Batavia, N. Y. kow. „ •Because miners and operators MACON, Ga., April 2.— (U P )— Hits until Tuesday. charge of the regiment. It will could not come to terms on a ba­ proved to he excellent hosts when Henry ford was brought to a New Revolution Wood’s home'was In Wuchang. Walking In his sleep may cost the At that time the oil operator close last night with 'the Jewish In an Interview with the United SHANGHAI, April 2.— A revo­ consist of 74 officers, three war­ sic wage and, the Jacksonville they entertained their ladies gad life of Hubbard Miller, 20 year lution within a- revolution Is rant officers and 1456 men. agreement expired nt midight several additional guests a t a din­ old railway employe of this city. may know whether he is sentenced attorney completing his third day Press he told of bombs which to one or twelve month. The detachments are scheduled of cross examination by Senator buret about the homes of foreign­ Thursday 175,000 miners ’quit ner dance held in the L* i t h I a threatened in China by an-order Clad only in hla underclothing, Sentence to a "common Jail" is James A. Reed, chief counsel by ers, of airplane raids, during of the Cantonese government, to entrain next Wednesday for work in Illinois, • 46000 1» In­ Springs hotel last Bight. The din­ shoes and sox, young Miller, early ( dismissing Marshal Chiang Kai- San Diego. diana, 0,000 In Arkansas, 0000 in ner was a hilarious affair, from today left hla room, walked a mandatory and the district Jail Henry Ford. which Cantonese bullets raked Included in the Quantico con­ the time the first chair beta* mov­ block doifn the strbet, deposited fives up to this classification. Sin­ Shek, moderate sooth Chinese A dramatic speech by Sapiro, Christian churches and colleges, Iowa and, 1000 In Kansas. leader as head , of the national­ tingent will be three tanks, two Some efforts at settlement will' ed ,. set off some .special fire his shoes and s$cks in front of the clair cannot be sent to the dis­ termed a "sales talk” by Reed, en­ of soldiers lying dying outside the trict’s more commodious prison at batteries of artillery and a com­ be made next week as operators works, aatll the final course, ist armies. drug store, crossed the street, and Occoquan, Va., It was pointed out visaging the miracles accomplish­ city walla, after lying for a day pany of engineers. While Marshal Chiang prob­ ed by raisin growers of the San with gaping wounds, and of dim­ and miners in many districts have whea raveral of the m oraam bl- attempted to enter the home of J. as the Virginia Institution Is class­ Joaquin valley, after organising inishing ably will not bo ousted until food supplied' which evidenced a keen desire to come to tlons ones partook enthusiastic­ C. Oodfree, a merchant. ified as a "workhouse.’’ next week the United Presa la ally of masheS potatoes, assuming their sales under one head, was threatened starvation to the lit­ terms. Godfrae, thinking the nocturn­ The a rgen t jail house in use being read to the Jury as court ad­ tle colony of foreigners. informed that the orde);, for hie On the other Band the Pitts­ that they were being given a gen­ al visitor was a burglar, f i r e d since 1875, has held many prison­ journed until Monday. removal baa boon drafted In Han­ burgh Terminal Coal Corporation era«* helping of sherbet. "There was constant gunfire,” three shots, one of them taking ef­ kow, present capital of the na­ previously Reed and Saplr<^ , the Rev. Woods said. "The elege Professor L B. Vining gave the fect Just over Miller’s heart.-Phy- ers during Its 52 years including has announced that hereafter Its tionalists. Extrem ists within the mines In the Pittsburgh area will principle! speech of the evening, atetese said today hla condition the militant suffragettes, w h o had gone over (or tba Jury In the began about the first of Septem­ picketed the White House, short­ construction of the cettea growers ber and lasted until October 19, nationalist commercials, clamor­ LOS ANGELB8. April 2. - r he operated ea a nea oaten taste, was serious. ly before the world war, and la­ exchange, organised by Sapiro. ing for more drastic action (U P )— True to her penchant for aa Indication of possible trend. and during that time the fighting ter were taken to Occoquan, uni­ against foreigners since the oc­ the dramatic, Aimee Semple Jlc- stole h y^ h e membership that la Sapiro defined the exchange as was so savage and biter that op­ versity president and a regular comprised as most of the short posing commanders would not cupation of Shanghai are ex­ Phereon, noted woman evange­ represented In practically every SNOW IN BEND army aviator pected to gain new power by list, returned unexpected to Loa staple cotton associalons In the grant an aristims so that the town of datnaative side Of the to be considering to possibility a transcontinental soul saving Six Candidates A n Given quMtton*. -Resolved that a fool la pver the city between 7 a. m. and Lewiston, Idaho, while enroute pendent. over the city, bringing destruc­ First Degree noon. The minimum temperature to Pomona. Cal., o na pleasure of open revolt against foreign tour, bobbed suddenly on to the tion to everything which camo m ore- of , s detriment to a . com­ Initiation last night was 21 degrees and the trip, stopped In Ashland today ihlnlster Chen and Michael Boro­ stage at Angelas temple. Her munity titan a faker. V. V. Mills within range of their bombs and- The Southern Oregon district iiad 8. D. Taylor, who presented thermometer was still below the to visit at the home of Mr. and din, Russian adviser of the south appearance was greated by an bullets." freezing point when the snow Mrs. W. D? Booth on Wclghtman Chinese. Instant and riotous outbreak from convention of the Knights of The elderly missionary said street. started. Pythlans was held last night, (Flense .Torn to Page 4) thousand» of her assembled fol­ If Chiang decided to open war that at the time of the city’s cap­ against the established national lowers, who had spent weeks April 1. in the I. O. O. F. hall with ture food supplies were near ex-, government at Hpnkow he will preparing for her expected home­ a splendid attendance. TONOPAH, Nev., April 2. — haustion. Stanton Rowell, deputy grand bring the and moderate coming. (UP) — The new gold camp of “It was believed that Canton­ chancellor of Grants Paas, presid­ wings of the 'party Into open Weepah, which was becoming a ese sympathisers among the, ed over the meeting and Walter conflict. It is even suggested reproduction ot an early mining northern defenders finally opened- Gleason grand keeper of records that he might attempt to set town, has lost much of Its pic­ the gates and let In the defend­ and seals from Portland, was the up a government of his own turesque nature by the enforced ers." he declared. "At that time principal speaker of the evening. which stand for moderation In closing down of all gambling. we had got down to beans and. A banquet was enjoyed at 7 p. the move to achieve nationalist "I guess you fellows didn’t bread and if the siege had lasted alms. CHICAGO, April 2.— (U P )— m. with Dickey’s orchestra fn'r- hear that the wide open gamb­ another week we «would have- The exodus of foreigners from There was lropy In the death of nishlng the music and harry ling bill didn't pass the legis­ faced starvation.** Shanghai will reach Its greatest Alma Wedlin, 15. She was d o s s ­ Workman acting as toastmaster. lature,’.’ said Sheriff Mercer Fri­ A teS s M was Æokep UP/M. volume since capture of Shang­ ing the street Friday and ran Lodge was called to order at 8 day when he appeared on the •pete T hibïwén SWs* ajo / hai when the Dollar line steamer Into the antomobtle of Parker o’clock end the regular conven­ scene and forced suspension of "President Madison’’ Sails for the Sercombe according to Sercombe's tion business was held. Six candi­ all games of chance not permit­ United States today. The ship statement to police. He took the dates were given their first de­ ted under Nevada law. will be Jammed with missionaries, girl to a hospital where she died. gree of Initiation end some very Previously there had been no families of businessmen and Interesting addresses were given attempt to camouflage roulette others who have fled from in­ on the betterment or the lodge. TRY THE NEXT ONE wheel» and dies games. HAVANA, April S.— (V P )-— terior China following raids of The following lodge deputies 1 What country suffered the A "marriage mill” 'has been dis­ the nationalists. capture ot its capital and the were present representing the var­ covered in town ot Cano, near Meanwhile conditions in var­ burning of Its capital by a hostile ious lodges: Dr. Clair K. Allen of PROCLAMATION Havana, where .for «100 aa Il­ ious cities la the vicinity of army In 18147 Roseburg, W. C. Adams of legal marriage could be arrang­ Notice of Clean-Up Day Shanghai are becoming worse. Grants Pass, S. R. Redky of Klam­ 2 Give within fifty billion dol­ ed between Europeans deeirons Strikes are reported in Hong- lars -the present estimated total ath Falls. James Stewart of Med­ la conformity with Instruct­ of entertaining the United States chow, south of Shanghai, and only wealth of the United States. ford and H. O. Wolcott of Ash­ ions by city council, I here­ and persons eligible for entry, military trains are running to ” • ’ 3 What state which was 12tie land. w ith designate next Tuesday, according to a complaint filed that place. All foreigners are In population in. 1800 is still The next district convention April flth ns annual spring Friday In the eoart of instract- evacuating Hingpo. will be held in Grants Pass, some­ twelfth In population? clean-np day and urgently re­ ion at Mariano. c 4 How many cardinals are time during the month of Septem­ quest that all property owners The municipal judge at Cano Dr’. Allen H e re there In the college of carmnals? ber. have edns and other rubbish is charged with having perform­ 6 Of what state Is ”Herts We In burlap sucks, boxes and Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Allen and ed more than 1,99# of these “SCALP INSURANCE" ' barrels o f a else and weight children of Roseburg, Ore., are Rest" the motfo? marriages. DALLAS, Tex., April 2.— (UP) convenient to handle stacked 6 What is the second largest sp a d in g the day in Ashland — "Scalp Insurance" w ae popular In their park-ways close to visiting with Mbs Ethel Shrum city of Great Britain? 50 years ago In Dallas. street carb at least by the 7 Who was the Black on Alllqon street. According to old records -nnrav- evening before. Prince? 8 What have Neal Dow, ered here one B. 8. Pickett In Large crate« and large boxen, francos B. Willard and Wayne B. 1870 contemplated taking a trip bed springs, conches and snch Into West Texas, then infested Wheeler in common? bulky pieces may he rejected • Give real names of the per­ with Indians. nt the discretion of the street Picket paid seventy six cents at sona who -wrote under the follow­ department In charge o f thia ing pen names: (a) George Eliot that time' tor "Frontier Protec­ free hauling. (h) O. Henry (e) Mark Twain tion” more familiarly known, ac­ The public can co operate cording to old timers as "scalp (4) Ollda (e) Pierre Loti. very nicely by being r e aso n ab l e 10 What noted polar explor­ Insurance." In its offering of balky u stw » The receipt for (he "loeeraace’’ er Is the only person to have reached both the North and South nnooverad here recently, provided ettisene of the country with ex­ pole? , The correct answers will appear tra guards Ugalast Indian ma­ rauder«. _ - in Monday’s Tidings. " Aimee Makes Most Dramatic Return Sheriff Stops All Weepah’ Gambling No Cooks Wanted hi the Devil's Kitchen Now Safety Lecturer Runs Over a Man A Marriage Mill Found in Havana