T B S POULTRY INDUSTRY is a potential pay roll for Ashland Unset * iper for Over Fifty Years change in temperature. (Uaited UR8DAY, MARCH 31, 1927 IN THE MG LEAGUES lucky to head the second division th ^ear. A month In Florida has demon­ strated the fu tility of waiting for fate to produce a center fielder who can swoop under fly balls like the old "grey eagle," and hit ground .310 for 160 games or so. One Hundred and F ifty At l|3 t line-up— Jamieson tend Annual Dinner Spurgeon th . Speaker ef, Bui Gunny Sacks, Wash Boilers Meeting lb , 3. Sewell se, Summa rf, and Other Utensils The annual meeting of the First Sewell c, Lutskd 3b. .E Used for Fishing | Presbyterian fchurch opened with 1037 llne-Up — Jamtesoa TR O U TD A LE, Mar: 31— (U N ) a dinner at 6:15 last night, -at­ Spurgeon tb , Summa rf. Bui Fish go plentiful that they can be tended by 150 people. lb , J. Sewell as, Gerken-or Ne . Speaker’s O ld Place picked out of a stream by hand Reports of the various organiz­ cf, L. Sewell e, Lutske lb . • Homer Summa has been moved Authorities Are Trying to may be some fisherman’s idea of General Aslui for Proof That Stand pat and pray that -w | ations were made, showing favor- up to Speaker’s old place In the Senator veed Fails to Get • able results as all reported bills Approximately Fifty Thous­ Learn Who Pushed a dream, but to Oregon’s disciples ever eventually occupies T His Soldiers Were batting order, but remains in Jewish Attorney to Admit paid and a slight amount In the and Men Will Leave of Isaak Walton, it Is a reality; Ford ■ Off Road a Speaker’s shoes doesn’t rat Responsible right field, a position in which he He Made Fortune treasury. Although the resident For the annual smelt run of the Coal Fields Tonight around In them too much. led the American league in de­ membership has been depleted DETE0TIVE8 ASSIGNED Pacific northwest is on full blast. OPPOSED TO DEFENSE Such is Jack McAllister’s pi fensive play last season. Summa A T T O R N E Y S CLASH , by removal and is slightly under WAGES CAUSE DISPUTE The smelt, on their way up the for his first season as mansi hit .80 in 1026, but he isn’t a two hundred yet the church has Autom obile M a n u fa c tu re r Feels Sandy river to their spawning Presence o f Foreign lYoops Ganse with the Cleveland Indians. heavy stlcker-And is Jar from Answers by Rapirò Are Full o f given to benevolences and Mis- Operatore aad Miners F a ll to 1 grounds, must pass through Certsdn T h a t Home One McAllister hag Inherited a gd Tense Situation Among "Spoke’s" equal at bat. And in Contempt for Henry Ford’s Agree Upon a New W age slons over $2800. Troutdale and it is to this town ball club, - one whieb was go T rie d to K il l H im Homer’s old place In the line-up Attorneys Basis A fte r Negotiating One new society has been or­ that hundreds of persons have enough to gain second place '■ there w ill be either Gerken or ganized during the year an In ter­ flocked to witness the unique | SH A N G H A I Mar. 31.— Marshal 1036, but one which mtM D E T R O IT , Mar. 31.— Eheour- sight, and incidentally to take I Chang Kai Shek commander of Speaker so much that it will D E TR O IT. March 31.— (U N ) mediate Christian Endeavor so­ (Please Turn to Page 8) ’ - nglng reports came from the hos­ home*1 a sackful. — Senator James A. Reed’s cross ciety. the Nationalist army today prom- The following officers were * pital suite where Henry Ford is On the banks of the river and I ised to indemnify foreigners or examination of Aaron Saplro in recovering from injuries which be even in the water, men and wom­ I foreign nations for the destruction yesterday’s session of. the Ford- elected for a term of 3 years: Eld- 1 received Sunday night. Word en are to be seen scooping up the I of life and property at Nanking 8aplro lib e l,s u it failed to draw ers to succeed themselves. W. M. ’ was sent from the hospital at 11 tiny fish with various contriv­ I provided that it is proved that i from the composed Jewish a t­ W right, A. H. Hays and C. B. 1 o’clock that Ford has passed a ances. Guny sacks are preferable. I the Nationalist soldiers were re­ torney an admission that he had I-amkin; J. H. Turner to fill out * comfortable night and has enjoy­ but a number of wash boilers, , made a fortune through mulct­ the unexpired term of A. Andrews • sponsible for last week'y Incident tubs and buckets, even discarded I | the Yangtze river port, Chang re­ removed, and W. P. W alter the ed a light breakfast. ing American farmers. unexpired term of Mr. Lyman, de- 1 Authorities are etili trying to bird cages are in evidence. Thirty Five Thom When the grilling was ended, Secretory of Y. M. 0 . A James N arr, a fishing ebntract-1 ceived foreign newspaper men In ceased. Trustees elected were W. f learn who forced the coupe, driv­ Henry Gallagher, chief counsel Be Spent Within Vielte Neighboring Cities a conference and made this state­ en by Ford, off the highway. or, who has an agreement with I ment to them. Few Months for Saplro; declared that Henry M. Day to succeed hlmsel; Charles For Boys Meeting He protested There is a lot of talk of « .plot to the Oregon state fish commission I [against the comprehensive ar­ Ford’s Injury In an automobile ftobertson to take the unexplred d Members of the Talent Irrlg a take the billionaire’s life. A t to catch a minimum of 50 tons I rangement made for the defense Secretary W. P. W alter of the accident would not interfereAvlth term of J. H. Turner and 8. D. least, one man who was close to of the finny species, has com-1 of Shanghai and said that defense tion district by a vote of l i e to » local Y. M. C. A. was in Grants or cause postponement of the Taylor the unexplred term of W il- • liam Graham, removed. W irt M. 11 Ford believes that his injuries plained that there is a shortage. I preparations and the presence of 39 yesterday passed upon t ie i j Pass yesterday In the Interest trial. He Insisted that Henry were not the result of the casual N arr says he fished all night Tues­ war ships and soldiers had caused building of a syphon across Be|tr r'o f the Southern Oregon Older Ford must take the stand and W right was elected as Sunday accident, and Ford himself sus­ day, but could catch only i l l W hile there that he would not consider tak­ School superintendent for the en- J a growing tensness between the Creek and the construction o f 4 a 11 Boys* conference. pects that some one tried to kill tons. ditch about five miles long to ) he spoke before the high school ing hie attorney by deposition. suing year. G. M. Frost w a s 0 Chinese and foreigners. him. He has pronounced that the Wagner Creek. fc assembly and interviewed some He pointed out that other testi­ Sleeted clerk of the Board of D This w ill give about nine hun­ circumstances looked suspicions. ■ of the leaders end older boys mony would continue until Ford Elders. L. H. Ham er, chairman *' I General S trike Of the Trustees; W ilmer Poley, But the police and the federal | SH ANGHAI, Mar. 31.— Threats dred acres that has been Irrig at­ • regarding the Grants Pass dele- was able to leave the hospital. secretary of the Trustees; Mrs. d authorities are open minded. I of another general strike, the sig­ ed by the flood water from tie ! gation to the conference. Gold Cross examination of Saplro A. Wick, financial secretary; Miss nal for street fighting and clashes Applegate district water rlgMs i H ill, Rogue River and Central resembled a third degree session Florence Allen will continue as c< (throughout the city in the past, equel "to that o f others in the i Point were also visited. with Reed grinding out question director of the choir with Miss 11 Detectives Hired I has added to ’the dangers of this district. The meaanre was car­ “ Every place I visited I found after question, seeking to wear D E T R O IT . Mar. 81.— Five de­ Imogene Wallace as organist. Miss h (refugee filled city. ried in both the district as a interest in the conference among down Sapiro'8 resistance, while tectives have been assigned to Gerties Haan will be secretary of u The United News has learned whole aad In the ImprovemUOt leaders and older boys, and most the witness glared at Reed and learn the Identity of the driver of the 8unday school. 11 reliably that the Chinese general district the vote In the last nam­ of these towns plan to send from snapped out answers in a voice the automobile which crowded W ork three to twenty delegates. Grants frosted w ith contempt. labor unions have decided on a ed area being 38 to-»«. the coupe Henry Ford was driv­ walkout at an early date. Enlist­ w ill be started as soon as pos­ Paas hopea to send from twenty ing o ff the road Sunday, but there W ith Saplro on the stand for ment of armed laborers in the sible, according to Superintendent to twenty-five, while the smaller the third day and Reed having was no Evidence to Indicate that nationalist army has been on sev- Olin Arnspiger, and it 1s t h o a s t towns w tll send a lesser num­ failed to obtain evidence that the manufacturer’s injuries were leral days, despite the disapproval that the syphon and ditch wall ber,**. Mr. W alter stated. Roy would support the Ford defense, the result of a deliberate at­ of such action by Marshal Chiang be completed by the first fcf Abbott and James N utter, two tempt to injure him. all trace of merriment or Jest­ I Kai-shek, the south Chinese com- August. The syphon w ill be Of members of the local H l-Y club ing had disappeared. The fast that a mysterious au­ I mander. welded steel, and w ill be platml left this morning for Talept, School to Furnish tomobile was seen loitering In the When confronted with long I The threatened strike is in the Underground. The coat of tmi Pjtoeni^, Jacksonville, and Cen- sheets, o f copies of minutes and r Sneakers for vicinity of the Ford laboratories J nature of a "protest against the ♦ o rk w ill be around 3 3 5 ,0 0 0 ^ tral Point to stimulate' interest on the night of the accident, how­ records of meetings of the Cali­ I British dominance In busineea ac- ever) strengthened the theory tK 'th e conference. "This is one fornia cooperatives Saplro Identi­ (tivltles here, and the British oc­ that Ford had been followed to df * the biggest things that Ash­ fied them, but caustically remark­ cupation of concession rights. the Rlvbr Ronge bridge. I wq land has had the privilege of en- ed that If he desired to refresh t | During the present in li in anti- Ray Dahllnger, superintendent tb&alninK in some time," declared his (Saplro’a) memory he should „ I foreign antagonism, two of the of the Ford eetate. said the manu­ D .-M . Spencer, chairman of local present original documents, and „ leading Cantonese officials pre I facturer told him the larger car arrangements. “W hat is giving not copies. expected to confer with militarists I had followed him from the labor­ .! PO RTLAND. Mar. J 1.^—Charles a deal of Concern right now here. atory and cut In on him at a rap­ E. Spense, until recently stats tor we are expecting about one T. V. Soong of the Cahtonese iparket agent and former master id gate. F IR E IN PORTLAND cabinet arrived already has ar­ cjf tbs Oregon Farm Grange, died hundred delegates and so far we Dahllnger was the first man to It was learned this morning PO RTLAND, Mar. 31.— Fire of h v e places for only about thirty rives and Eugene Chen, Canton-1 from Hal McNair, one of the mem­ see Ford after he was Injured. at his home today following a pro­ of them to stay. We have prom- undetermined origin today caused ese foreign minister, who has car­ longed Illness. bers on the Park board, that the Hide Swiped Coupe ., . » amounting to 8200,000 these boys that they would damaging ' ried on all negotiations with the ; He became ill in December apparatus for the 'playground in “ M r. Ford said that the big car In an uptown building. I t started foreign countries since the riots In and a m ajor operation was per­ be provided with bed and break- Llthla park, would be pnt up and sideswiped bis coupe and wrench­ In the plant of Bushong & Co., Hankow, Is expected soon. ready for use by June first. ed the steering wheel from his formed on January 7. painters. American and British officials Miss Fay Carver, who was in hand," Dahllnger said. “The coupe and business men feel that unless charge of the children last sum­ Jumped over a five inch curb and strong action is taken by their mer, will be supervisor again thia* rolled down a 15 foot embank­ home government the position | year. ment. built up by foreigners In China Ford company offilcals adm it­ during the last half century will I ted that "others besides police K IW A N IH H E L P S G IR L H be lost. were working on the case.” . The Ashland Kiwanians have From a reliable source it was Vlndly donated to the Camp Fire- learned that the federal court Girls a year’s rent for their cabin where Aaron Saplro Is suing Hen­ on Terrace street. ry Ford for a million dollar for This gift Is very much appre-I alleged libel, had put a detective predated as was also the other do­ to work on the Incident. A watch- 1 nations among which are a cook man at the Ford laboratories, etove and a heating stove 35 to­ from which the manufacturer was ward the rent from Mrs. Denton;; Worthy Grand Mat driving home when his car was 1 lumber donated by Messrs Jordan Attend Meeting crowded off the road, said he had and Sparr and the Carson Fowler- Tuesday seen a large car standing In front 1 Lumber Co., and one month’s rent o( the laboratories building while from Mrs. Perozsi. The electric Five or six hundred people will Ford was inside. I t started up, 1 wiring was done by Guy Good and be In Ashland nkxt Tuesday, April be said, a few minutes after Ford. Interest Rote on the Larger Mr. Brower. 5, to greet the worthy grand Police Working Isiue Fixed at Four Shay” matron of Oregon, O. E. 8., Mr». Fred Faustman, chief of police and Three Fourths Lenork K err of Corvallta, who Senior In Dearborn, where Ford’s small makes her official visit to this sec­ car rolled down an embankment, A t a special meeting of the city invited tion. She w ill be accompanied by said be had taken personal charge council held last night at 5 o'clock the associate grand matron, MZ* df the investigation In an attempt ' for the purpose of approving the Margaret Barnes of Grants Pass. bids for the 890,000 worth of city to learn who was driving the larg­ A district meeting of Alpha er car and why It had sideswiped I Improvement bonds the bids were chapter of Ashland, Aloha chapter Ford’s car. "Other than that there | PORTLAND, Mar. 31.— (U N ) awarded to the following; of Klamath Falls, Adarel chapter — A definite step toward perfec­ is nothing to say,’’ Faustman said. The 175,000 bid was awarded of Jacksonville and Reames chap­ "Reports of a plot on Mr. Ford’s to A. D. Wakeman Co., and Wells tion of passenger travel by a ir ter of Medford, will be held In the Dickey Co., of Portland.' The bid­ was taken here today when Vera life are absurd and Irresponsible. Masonic hall bn the same evening, Any one would realize on second der fixed the Interest rate at C. Oorst, presMent of the Pacific' and will be proceeded by a ban­ thought that persons seeking to 4 3-4 percent interest, and they Air Transport company ordered a quet in the Llthla Springs hotel offered to pay par, accrued inter­ new a ir cabin monoplane for nee harm Mr. Ford would not go 5 at 6 p. m. Anyone wishing reser­ est and *100.665 for each 3100 on the coastwise a ir mail aad about It In that way." t vations for the banquet may pnseeenK er ro u te worth of bonds. Officials of the Ford Motor Co., a phone Mrs. F. F. W hittle. The enclosed ship wlU ba The 315000 bidAras awarded to and Mrs. Edsel Ford agreed In 1 itarted on its way to the coast Pierce F air and Co., of Portland statements to, the United News t NEW DIRECTOR« NAMED and they were to bear 5 percent from the Travel a ir factory at, that none save “perhaps some Jr- 1 The new directors for the en­ Interest, per, accrued Interest and Wichita, Kansas, If weather coa­ rnsnonelble reports," as Mrs. Ford t suing year In the Chamber of 3101.073 for each |100 worth of litio n are favorable aad ehoald Commerce according to the re­ bonds. Councilman and others arrive here early next weak. sults of the election will be O. It Is so planned to place thd were Jubilant over the price re­ H. Billings, Dr. R. L. Burdlc, O. ’hip In operation between Baa ceived for the larger Iseue, the F. Carson, O. G. Eubanks, L. H. Interest rate being lower* then Francisco an<^ Loa Angelas, bat Hanson and J. H. McGee. The wge anticipated and the pre, later It will be need for paaseao*. voting wee not as heavy as had muim w ill amount to more than ,r transportation over the coast been anticipated. ? air route. 3480. The monoplane will carry eHhefr,. Sellwood — Bank of Sellwood Rufus :— New John Day bridge four paaaengera aad a autll earma» to be remodeled at cost of |8B,- completed aad road opened for 000. traffic. Physical Education Class Progran Former Official I Dies in Portland Play Ground to' Open June First Seems Jo Be fl Hard Guy To E lim in a te Passengers to Have New Plane