f V n tt i r a potential Unsettled, probably rain, i A* Ashland *> Lèadiny N< Service) xa (U a lted P rse a W ire Servie«) ASHLAND, FRUIT SURVEY r s ■ ■ 1 N CHINESE WAR T, change in temperature. for Over Fifty Years ION. IN THE This is one of «Vestes e f i with the M ajo r fo r . 1 E SP AY, MARCH 30, 1927 LEAGUES by the United News dealing » Baseball Teams SAPIRO A ID M reed match à i S IK B MADE IH O U , --------- * ' chiefly upon new blood the team H alf Million is Taken Prom has lined up for the opening game 1926 lineup: Jacobson. 'Mine at Grants having demonstrated during the Carey ef, Felix If, Hermann Pass past week that It can play big Marriott lb, Butler ae, Paul Cingatene, maaag' K«r of the league baseball of the winning GRANTS PASS. Mar. 30.— lb, O’Neil or Deberry c. Unit« kind. z (U N I—The Robertson gold mine 1117 lineup: Staats if. Carey ef, Chamber of Commerce, who haa Barrett and Partridge obtained in the Gaiice district, near here, Catholic Mission at Pucho Headrick rf. Hermann lb, Barrett from Memphis and Nashville re­ may not be as well known to the 3b, Patrldge lb . Corgau as, o h spectively. have fitted into the Has Been Looted, W ith world as the recent finds In Ne­ Butler as, Hanline or Beberry e. Infield and have been hitting hard Some Damage Many Hear Suggestions fot* vada. but nevertheless, one family Uncle Wilbert Robinson has da in the exhibition gsmee of late. R ising Canton©*« National A ttorney’s Income Prom Increased Production removed nearly half a million dol­ AMERICANS ' LEAVING elded to develop a new team 1 ' iffte Are on Trial and , Outfielders Good Representing Coopera­ lars from it last year. ' Made Last N ight Brooklyn this year, relying upon M utt Prove A bility Staats and Hendricks look like tives is Given Today John Robertson, his Can ton esc Troops Continue to his splendid pitching staff big league outfidlders, and Robbie Fire Upon Refugee Ships wife, daughter and four sons were BELLVIEW F A VORS IT GOBS SLOWLY AHEAD carry through what must has also Irish Meusel to call up­ IS NEARLY $400,000 preparing for another clean up as and d estr o y e r s prove a decidedly wobbly on. as well as Felix,. Speaker Suggests. Couceutrated they will start the 1927 seasonal American Government is Proceed­ in the experimental state. The Brooklyn Robins are by 60 Greatest Amount Was Made in Effort Hhoqld be Maile on run Friday of this week. WASHINGTON. Mar. 30.— The Ia fact the genial manager ing on a Bay by Bay Basis IPSO, When Profits Were per cent a stronger ball club than J W u r t lo n There is no "fool's gold" catch American Catholic at Fucho in the Robins As no too sanguine* Awaiting Outcome $01,000 they appeared at the start of the about this mine. It is a real pro­ the Kantung province was re­ his chances for msk|pg the fii spring training season. No other ntacommending two surveys, ducer, as is proved by the Rob­ ported today to have been looted season. Vet WASHINGTON, Mar. 10.— Thia division thia club has made such manifest im­ one to determine the' various DETROIT, Mar. 30.— (UN) — ertson financial rating. The Rob­ an its Fathers have fled to Ko- government’« position la the Chi- would not be altogether suri provement during March. kinds and amount o f f r u 1 1 a A spirited battle of wits between ertsons have brought gold Into chow. Other missionaries leaving situation is that the rising ing if the Brooklyn club pron That intangible asset known as SfroWn in the Aahland vicinity and Aaron Saptro, Jewish attorney Grants Pass in quantities varying Nanking were stoned. the "dark horse of 1917.” Cantonese nationalists are oa trial morale favors the Robins, this Admiral Williams reported th is the other to determine local mar­ and Senator James A. Reed, de­ from $28,000 to <100,000. and that American support can Ing the role-played by the Chi year. And then there Is the pitch­ William Robertson, »son of to the Navy department today ket conditions. Professor C. L. bo given only if and when it is Cube, for Instance, last season, ing staff— Daisy Vance. Jess fender of Henry Ford, enlivened Tuesday's session of Sapiro’s John, discovered the mine In adding that the evacuation of Long, at a meeting attended by Although outside hie seaaoi earned. million dollar libel suit against 191»». The find was not followed Americans from the upper Yang­ many local business men and (Pis Turn to Page X) For the present the Coolidge battery men Robbie will r • I the billionaire automobile manu­ by a torrent of humanity and tze river was continuing satisfac­ resident« of the Bellview district administration appears to favor Grants Pass is far from being a tory. The Cantonese, however, facturer. laat night, promised to return going ahead on a day to day basis. "gold camp." One reason was have continued firing on destroy­ Every time Reed began a ques­ here next fall or winter and But eventually it must either rec­ tion in his slow Missouri drawl, that the Robertsons did not talk ers and refuge ships. hold an economic conference for ognise or refuse Co recognise the the dapper little plaintiff would much. The miqe was idle for the purpose of determining upon been speaking to groups of busi­ nationalists. That decision will ruffle up like a gamecock and by several years. No one. not even fjecupy Building ness men in the state of Oregon a campaign to increase produc­ depend on how the Caatoneee the time the senator had complet­ its owners, realized its value. I -PEKING. Mar. 30.— A Chinese during the last ten daÿs, will handle themselves and partly pn tion alongjhorticultural lines. PORTLAND, Mar. 3 9 — (UN) ed his query Sapiro would be Then a tunnel was driven and the mob stoned 47 Americans and • It was”"- pointed out by the speak tomorrow noon, Thursday, the outcome of the struggle of —The state highway commission shooting back his reply, brisk and rich ore, almost half gold in some British who were evacuating Pushed Off the Road _ speakert that there are many Mar. 31, at the Chamber of Com­ powerful fortes working. meeting here Tuesday afternoon, incisive. D riving One of H is instances, was uncovered. f Nanking aboard the U. S. Hur- kinds and varieties of small merce Forum luncheon on the First, of course, it remains to awarded the following contracts: Own Coupes Even before taking the witness The mine, is worked by the Rob­ burt, a dispatch said today. The subject "The World of Business.** fr u its, being grown, which are be seen what the Chinese nation­ Jackson county— Grading ap­ stand for cross examination' Reed ertsons who use small equipment Nationalist troops have occupied The Chamber of Commerce ex­ alists movement will develop into, not profitable and for which proaches to Gold Hill bridge, C. F. had succeeded in breaking in on and operate in a makeshift way. the Standard Oil, company build­ DETROIT, Mar. >•.— H there is not a sufficient demand tends an invitation to any strang­ whether the moderates or the ex­ Ford Is la his own hospital Rhoades. <13.601. the testimony long enough to de­ They resist suggestions that their ing nt Chlnkiang without dam­ to pay foe. the time and expense ers or newcomers to meet with tremists win, whether the foreign­ a victim of an automobile Furnishing 15,606 cubic yards mand that Sapiro submit his in­ scope of operations be enlarged. aging it. them at he Forum luncheon to­ er will be driven out by the sword involved In growing them. Apples maintenance material, Medford- come derived from the cooperative dent. The accident occurred were one of the fruits used for morrow noon, Thursday, March or whether China will, through Sunday night while hlle foe automo^ Prospect section Crater Lake marketing enterprises through auto: Shots Fired negotion, gradually win back her bile manufacturer Illustration, the speaker declar­ 31. ir rtfs Was driving « highway, John Hampshire <2,543. which Ford claims he mulched SHANGHAI — Five Hundred full soverlgn rights from the ing that in his trip around Ash­ Ford coupe alone.I The car the American farmer of millions rifle shots were fired at two for­ powers. land, he has noticed some twenty crowded off of* Michigan bon! of dollars. eign river boats at Nanking last But aside from that a sharp de­ or thirty* varieties being grown. vard and the machine top The attorney who started life night but the vessels escaped^ cision of political pressure on the Five or six of these were making down an embankment. He as a San Francisco newsboy testi­ without damage. American government, both for mained unconsclodfe for some some money, due to the yield -or fied that at the peak of his activ­ and against the nationalists has market demands and the balance then palled himself together ity in 1920 his fees as counsel for Deputy Game Warden Pre­ SHANGHAI, Mar. 30. 11:30 p. appeared. were not. He proved to his list­ walked home. cooperative« amount to <61,531,- m.— While the guns of Chinese dicts Some Excellent i The American government will Utah Governor W ould Hold eners that a survey would tend Special M eeting Called tor 31 His total profits between the river forts menaced foreign ships. Sport This Season take these influences into consid­ Conference on Colorado to weed out the unprofitable Upon arriving home he related years of 1916 and 1926 amounted Great Britain and France tonight Five O’clock This eration also Project fruit and would allow a concen­ his story hut every word ef It wan It will soon be time for local ordered additional troops to <396,892.69. to Afternoon In favor of the nationalists are trated production program that closely guarded. Yesterday phy­ SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Mar. Sapiro spent hours explaining fishermen to get out their fishing Shanghai. these. would bring greater returns. sicians, who remained with Ford 39.— (UJi)— A conference of all every detail of the” "contracts he rod and hip boots for the fishing All members of the cityVoun- From Hong Kong and French 1— The mlsisonaries in the constantly, decided that hospital Other fruit was taken up and cil were present at a meeting the governors of the Colorado riv­ had drawn up for wheat and to­ season opens Friday, April 16 Indo-Chlna word of new troop field and the churches at hotne. discussed along the same line, which waa held last night for the care and n minor operation, er states with a view to settling bacco growers In various parts of with a six inch limit on trout. movements reached the city. and the general result of the purpose o£ selling <90.000 worth Missionaries own <76,000,000 in exact nature of which was not dlds t the differences over the develop- the country. Then came the Children between the ages of As the nationalist government property ia CMna, as muck as eteaed. would he necessary. meeting was that Bellview men of bonds, for the improvement of t of the river has been pro­ break. Senator Reed suddenly hot­ 14 and 18 years will be permit­ held Its first meeting since cap­ American business has invested last night the billionaire w a s posed by Governor Dern of Utah. ted in with a question about the ted to obtain a county license ture of Shanghai anti-foreign went on record as being willing the Ashland city, water system: there. Church organisations in bundled Into an ambulance and to appoint a committee to assist <16,000 worth being Lithia im­ Letters suggesting conference witness' income. That started the which will cost <1.60.. Women sentiment in Yangtse river towns the United States have adopted was taken to the Honey-Ford hate been sent by Governor Dern spectacular matching of wits that will be compelled to have a license and in others further Inland In­ In making the survey. Professor provement bonds and the re­ many resolutions favoring aboil hospital, where the operation was to the chief executives of Cali­ continued throughout the balance this year. Ix>ng recommended that the mainder, <75,000 being city wa­ creased. Following a slight en­ tion of the unequal treaties and performed. fornia, Colorado, Arizona, Wyom­ of the day, and which will ha re­ Chamber of Commerce take the ter bonds. According to Roy Parr, deputy gagement between British sailors concessions as demanded by the At noon he was pronounced ing, Nevada and New Mexico. initiative in the matter and that sumed at the opening of court to- game warden, all the.streams in and Chinese at Changsha, the A number of bids were read by Chinese nationalists. resting easily and .assurances -The Utah governor expressed morrow. some work be started immediate­ Gertrude Blede, city recorder, but Jackson county will be open after Chinese minister of foreign af­ 2— SOntiment in congress. The were given by the attending phyj th e , belief that such a conference Senator Reed declined to reveal April 15. These streams are re­ fairs demanded that British sail­ ly, so that by next season a def­ nothing definite could be decided house shortly before adjournment inite program could be worked upon aa the bids were so nearly adopted the Porter resolution fa­ slclans that no serious complies-? otjid result -In agreement upon a how long he wiii keep Sapiro In ported to be In excellent condition ors involved In the clash be sur­ , * definite program of development the witness chair. with good fishing. Salmon fish­ rendered "to permit us to take out. - ~* alike that it would require some voring granting of nationalist de­ tions were expected. could be included in the "He’ll have to stay there until ing is good now, in the Rogue drastic action." The m a tte r ^ f local markets time to determine which one was mands: in the senate Borali and Enterprise — Charles Phillips, Johnson bill and put Into I get through with him." the river. also came u p f o r discussion in the best. A special meeting was other liberals have supported the An indemnity of approximate­ Shorthorn breeder, operation under a pact by the sev­ senator said. "I all depends on the proposed survey, the speaker Called for 5 o’clock this afernoon principle of the Porter resolution Nebraska ly <87,600 from the British au­ en states Interested. what evidence I am able to get.” showing how this was essential in for further discussion before the though no formal actions has been brings herd, of 65 cattle. thorities who fired on the city bids are approved. meeting competition and in post­ was demanded by the Chinese taken. Next Tuesday, April 5, was the ering the canning Industry which commander Wuhu. 3—Traditional policy. The open he * characterized as being the date set for the annual clean up door policy laid down by Secre The demand was made in the most Important adjunct jo the day. Residents of this city are tary of State Hay sets up a sym­ form of an ultimatnm. It stated urged to clean up their yards and pathetic background for the Chi­ that the British rfiust pay <2,500 successful horticulturist. for each of 35 Chinese drowned Last night’s meeting was the the city will provide for the dis­ nese. One of the big achieve­ S ' I' many weeks ago when a British last to be held in this vicinity posal of all rubbish. ments of the Washington arms Neighboring Community iff ■ m i merchant vessel struck a launch, and was sponsored by the trade conference was the wiping out of W illing to Have Home otherwise, it warned, the captain . extension committee of the Cham­ the Lansing-Ishil agreement by Games in Ashland of the steamer would be seized. ber of Commerce. Homer Billings, which Japan's special interests in Gold Hill evidenced a desire to Changsha became the point of chairman of the committee, 'in­ China were recognised. The con­ NOW-NOW play their home games of baseball chief anti-foreign demonstration ference also wiped out the fa troduced the speaker and told • about T hem in Ashland this coming season, ac­ Tuesday. Immediate evacuation mous 21 demands of Japan on briefly of some of the work that cording to members of a commit­ of all British nationals from that 1ANP ¿AWS p China and definitely turned the was being done in an effort to tee from here who met with rep­ place, which is in Hunan province Japanese penetration at least bring the business Interests of resentatives from Gold Hill at on the Slang river, was ordered temporarily. Ashland in closer relation to the W ill Make Effort to Remain Medford last night. The meeting by the authorities. The Chinese farming industry. in the A ir Two Days was held for the purpose of dis­ and N ights (Please Turn tq Page 4) cussing the feasibility of the two communities joining in the pro­ GARDEN CITJ, L. I., Mar. 30. motion of a team, and the hearty Two American flyers plan to at­ response committee members met tempt to remain more than two PROCLAMATION from the Gold Hill representatives days and nights contlnuosly in The Ashland deputy sheriff and leads them to believe that some Notice of Clean-Up Day the eli* this week-end in an effort constable and the Southern Pacif­ good baseball will be played here John F. Legget, local resident, to wrest from France the world's ic railroad policeman went up to In conformity with Instruct­ ia » A this summer. , was informed this morning that record for sustained flight. ions by city council, I here­ Viaduct on the Slskiyon moun­ There are a few details that for the second time he had won Leigh Wade, one of the around tains Saturday night and arrested with designate next Tuesday, have to be worked out before a prize offered by the Thomas the world fjyers, and Clarence the following four Mexicans for April Ath as annual spring definite arrangement» are com­ Nelson and Sons Co., Bible pub­ Chamberlain, a commercial pilot, having llqupr in their possession: clean-up dby and urgently re­ pleted, and another meeting will lishers, for the best essay showing are to try for a new world mark Jose Ramen, Luis Covarrubla, be held Friday night for that pur­ q u e st that nil property owners where the American standard of 50 hours in a stock Wright- Jesus P. Cervantes and Augustin have cans anil other rubbish pose. translation of the Bible ia clearer Bellanca plane. Vaguz. In burlap sai-ks, boxes i»n«l and more accurate than previous They were found guilty in Jus­ barrels of a sise ami weight translations. tice L. R. Roberts' court were ronvealent to handle stacked < -------------------------- fined <26 apiece a i* received * <0 in their park-ways rloae to day jail sentence in the Jackson street enrb nt least by the ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING county jail. evening before. The annual dinner and business meeting of the Presbyterian Large crates anil large boxes, BEE MEN TO MEET church will be held in the church hill springs, • couches and such Steps will be taken to combat LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Mar. 30. JOHNSTON, Penn., Mar. 80,— parlors this evening, dinner being bulky pieces may he rejected ''American Foul Brood," a mal­ — Swallowed by a wall of muddy With three hundred and fifty at the (llscretioa o f the street served at 6:15. men still entombed at one-thirty, department tat charge o f this An Interesting business meeting water, a dozen small towns in ady that has been bothering bee­ in Mine Number three, of the free haul lag. will be held during which time Doscla county, 4 rk > today were keepers in Jackson county for Pennsylvania Coal company at i many important matters concern­ almost completely under water, some time at a meeting to ho The public Ehrenfieid, fears ware held that j very nicely by ing the organization will be taken while frantic efforts were )>eing held in the Medford Library, at least two hundred and fif^y. &USS, up. It is hoped that the entire made by workmen along the Mis­ Saturday afternoon at 2:30. It in Its offering of bulk were In the area wrecked by the! congregation will attend to get sissippi to prevent further floods. is thought that a county bee inis which properly I keepers association will be form­ explosion. No one hss come o p t' The levees at half a dozen vil­ acquainted with each other and of the mine since the blast, which I hauled at Individual find out for themselves the work lages in the area known as La­ ed at this meeting and all men C. H. damaged houses one hundred which is being carried on by the conia Delta, were reported to have who own bees are requested to I attend. yards away. given sway, last night. chnrch. Manager of Western Divis­ ion Of U. 8. Chamber to be Onest RECOMMENDED Brooklyn Robins ffllS IN FORD DAMAGE SUH IS EXPLAINED n n n mm« “ COUNCIL WILL WAIT FOR ADOmONM-BBS Commission Lets County Contracts ■ " • a M M K TO IC O H S K R M i TUN Diplomacy OPEN MIDDLE APRIL GOLD HILL PLANS . ON PLAYING HERE FIYERS WILL A M T TO MAKE NEW RECORD Mexicans Held On a Liquor Charge Local Resident Wins Two Prizes Flood Swallows Few Small Towns ( u n it HOPE HUD FOR TRAPPED MEH . A J