THE MUIaTBt IMDÜSTfcY is a potential pay -roll for Ashland Fair, with heavy frost in * Leading Nowfpaper for Over Fifty Years (UalUd Press Wire Service) interior. Bd N e w Wlr» 8ervloe) ASHLAND, OREGON, 1DAY, MARCH 29, 1927 IN THE BJG LEAGUES Thie le «me of • Horticultural Problems Are D iscussed W ith Ool- series by t>e Vetted News dealing with thè M ajor bragas R oae b a M Teams Philadrlphia Athletic« Pastors and Laymen of the Presbyterian Church 192« line-up— Dykes or Biahof. 2b; French rf; Lamar It; Hale Sb; Simmons c f;- Poole lb; Coch- I ran c; Galloway ss. 1927 line-up— Cochrane c; Cot­ line 2b; Cobb rf; Simmons cf; I Wheat If; Branom lb; Hale 2b; I Boley ss. Inroads by Bolshevists Into I A glance at the contrasting Mexico and China I line-ups above shows that in five Laughed At positions the Philadelphia A t|- letfcs are much stronger than In HO PROGR ESS IS MADE 192«. Moreover, Connie Mack hai Kerensky Laughs at Suggestion retained alt-hla regulars from last That Inroads Are Being | year for use In case of need. Blsb- - Made in Government op, French, Lamar, Poole and Galloway— benched to make roo4> WASHINGTON, Mar. 29.— Bol­ shevist bugaboos in China and for high paid stars purchased Mexico should not cause American el nee ¿he close of last season, an* officials to lose sleep, Alexander fitted Into the line-up during thp Kerensky, first premier of Rus- spring training— are all on hand, sia following the 1917 revolution, ready to step into what Is obvtoag- Hold Conference O. M.< Frost, H. T.‘Mitchelmore I and W. P. Walter drove to Med­ ford yesterday morning to attend a meeting of pastors and laymen of the Presbyterian churches of Attorneys Takes the the Southern Oregon district who League of N ations Commit, W itness Stand and E x ­ were meeting to lay plans for the E ight Hundred A dditional tee Finds Itself Hope- plains Plan Soldiers Brought in raising of funds In 'connection “ lessly Entangled From Border with the Presbyterian Service REVIEW S OPERATIONS Pension fimd for pastors of that MANY PLANS O FFER ED denomination. • Mr. Walter is EXTREMISTS CpNTROL Was Advisor and Attorney, for Various Countries Offer Suggest­ chairman of this fund lor the Ash­ Many Cooperative Foreign Minister, Favoring Mod­ ions on ltoductloff7 of land district. “This Is one of the Associations eration is In the greatest pieces of statsmanshlp Thn<* Limit Minority ever launched by a church, and DETROIT, March 29.— (UN) >r GENEVA, March 29. — Hope will be cared for in their late — Aaron Rapirò has taken his that the League of Nations dls- life," Mr. Walter explained. The million libel suit against Henry lf armament commission will bring Pension Jplan is a contributory Ford into his own hands. ’* about reduction .of Europe’s pension system, based on the fin­ The Jewish attorney's liiAgTof *’ standing armies has been shat­ est actuarial calculations, backed attack was Indicated late today, ( Please Turn to Page 2) n tered after two days of practic­ b ythe leading insurance actuaries when he had his counsel put him y told the United News. ally futile discussions by that and executives throughout t h e on the witness stand and began I As soon as semblance of order body. county, and designed to solve for­ reviewing the history of his far e is Restored in China Cantonese ever the great problem which has The commission remains hope­ flung operations-as an organiser 1 leaders will oust all bolshevist lessly divided on the manner of been foremost in the church for of farmers’ cooperatives. “ and their propaganda, the ex-pre- limiting, military effectives. Only over 200 years, it wgs explained. Rapirò hopes to explain his * mler believes. Germany an,d Rweden thus far The plan calls for the raising of connection with these concerns I Ruggestions that America and in this w ay. prove that he I The possibility that Ashland has supported the British project an accrued liability fun of «16,- 1 should fear soviet inroads into Initial Pledge of $14,000 was not as Henry Ford charged I may have a brick and pottery to reduce the annual contingents 000,000, of which over ten million K Mexico brought bnly a laugh from W ill bo A eked at In ' his magazine, the Dearborn works within the near future, was of men to be called to the colors. has alrpady been raised, It was the former premier. This Time Independent, seeking to set him-1 apparent with the visit h ereo f C. France, Belgium and Japan, announced at yesterday’s meeting. , 1 No Influence self up as czar of the world’s ' "There is no bolshevist Influ-1 I Because of the increased at­ E. Braudlsch, of Tujunga, Cal., supported by the military allies food industries for his own pro-1 ences at work in Mexico, that la, I tendance at the Methodist Ban- an experienced man along these of the former country are willing lines. The visitor was particu­ to reduce the period 'of service, they are making no progress,” I day School and other depart­ Earlier in the afternoon session 1 Kerensky said. “Calles Is top I ments’ In general, the Sunday larly Interested in the clay depos­ but Isn’t on maintaining a univer­ of the trial, now In its third its south of Ashland, numerous sal conscription system. ’ smart to permit Russian propa-1 School and Epworth League samples being taken, and a gen­ week. Judge Raymond had en­ Rweden has offered a compro­ ganda to upset his government." j rooms are to be rebuilt and sra- eral survey of the local market couraged Sapiro by denying the mise, providing for reduction of WILL NOT INVADE Work will be started In China the ex-permier point-1 I larged. being made. Ford lawyer’s motion to declare the period of service with a grad­ SHANGHAI, Mar. .29.— Danger in the very near future. Aa ed out, civil war was breaking Heavy-* Cost of Financing a i of immediate invasion of the for­ the case a mistrial because of Local men predict that should ual reduction of the contingents long before bolshevism appeared I Initial pledge of «14,000 will Team Proves Stumbling amended pleadings, filed» by the baaed on stricter medical exam­ eign settlement of Shanghai ap­ be asked to start the movement this industry be started here, em­ on- the scene. plaintiff. Block inations. This has not been peared to be'past today as hun­ which will Include, also a *«6,000 ployment will be furnished for I "The bolshevists simply took I adopted, due to the Inability of Ford’s attorneys fought bitter­ dreds of refugee foreigners left Airland will not have a base- advantage of the unrest," he said, I pipe organ and will clear np all several men. and In addition far­ the delegates to reach a unani- ly for severla hours, but lost the the Yangtze river area, virtually mers will be enabled to produce "and sent their agents to China I debts on the Parsonagj. argument. draining all sections of ail per­ drain tile, and other clay pro­ after the war Movement had I Starting with his boyhood and sons except Chinese. ducts, at a price that will encour­ had started. All they are doing in eafly education Sapiro said he Y. M. 0. A. Secretary Deliv. United States warships waited age additional drainage work. ers Paper on “ A ssocia­ j China is stirring up trouble and I1 hod attended school in Oakland at ports which had not yet been the Cantonese leaders are not un-1 tion Work W ith B o y s’’ and San Francisco, later becom­ evacuated. Thirty-five' foreigners ing an Instructor In history at I I The Rev. H. F. Pemberton, Rev. aware of this.” are expected to arrive here short­ OLIVE TREE PLANTED Wealthy Chinese merchants I the University of Cincinnati. ly from Soochow. Other foreign I Chas. D. Gaffney, Rev. M. 8. and industrial leaders are backing I, IN LOCARNO SQUARE Studies la w nationals left at Nanking, when Woodworth, Rev. H. T. Mitchel- the Cantonese moveftnent, so it L Returning to California he more, O. M. Frost and W. P. Wal­ the Oreat American» and British Make Demands of local enthusiasts when it was studied law and after practlc-1 ker made up a group of local would be foolish to believe they , PARIS, (U P )— Locarno, where exodus from that port last week, BERLIN, March 29. — (UN) pointed out that It would require ing a few months became secre-J I pastor and laymen who drove to would have anything to do with I the "ojive branch of peace" was poured into Shanghai Monday. the bolshevists, Kerensky d od ar-L tary of die California industrial I Medford yesterday to attend the figuratively extended to c Baton- *— Demands that the power* at leaqt «1250 to complete tbs sea- Among them wore 130 Japanese, Wf filer red nee their ramaments to son in addition to the amount that ed. Kerensky is entirely In sym- I j •an nations in 1926 in connection the German standard or permit jeould be expected from the sale of who said that complete evacuation accident board. I meeting of the Rogue River Min­ pathy with the Chinese national £ Sapiro said he first became in-1 with the Locarno treaties is. short­ Germany to increase hers' were j tickets. It was deemed impossible of that city, which has played so isterial association in the Meth­ , | ( terested in cooperative market-1 odist church of that city. Secre­ movements. ly to have a real live olive tree to made in the relchstag Monday I by those in attendance to raise important a part 1» foiplgn life In Expert Disorders f commemorate the event. ing through contact with David tary Walter presented a paper on China, would be accomplished Instances of disorders such as t Lnbin and Colonel Harris Weln-J 4f. Rusca. major of the town, is by Minister of Defense G-essIer. ¿hat amount of money this spring. soon. "The Young Men’s Christian As­ occurred at Nanking can be ex- c I However, there is still some stock of California, reading ex-1 now negotiating for the purchase Christianity was linked with al­ sociation and its work with boys” pected, but should npt be marked hope that Ashland will have base­ of an olive tree from Paris, which tensively In their libraries. leged foreign imperialism by which was well received and dis­ against the nationalists, he de- a ball this season. Gold Hill has In 1915, when the Colonel be-1 cussed at some length. The April he will plant in a carload of dirt speakers and posters at meetings evidenced a desire to enter a ’ 0 from the heart of Berlin. The came market director of Califor-I meeting of the Association will be dared. team, and preliminary negotia­ in Wuhu and Hangchow. In both "Looting and rioting is bound r Beilin soil will be mixed with the nia Sapiro served as his volun­ held in Central Point on the last tions were entered into Sunday to places prominently displayed in soil of Locarno and tt\e tree will teer legal advisor without pay. I Monday in April, it was decided. to happen in China as an after- f havo them play their home games public meetings xvere pictures of- he planted In the center of the Lo­ - “The first Instance where I The last meeting of the season math of victory, but foreign pow- |( here Instead of at Gold Hill. This .Christ being torn from the cross. - carno public square. (Please Turn to Page 2) acted professionally for farmers I will be in the form of a picnic ers should go no further than n matter was held up until such Chinese'artists who had drawn protecting the lives and property was in 1916 when I represented I meeting and will be held in Lith- of their nationals," the ex-premler tls as Ashland made a decision as pictures tending to show that na»' the poultry raisers in organiz­ la Park on June the sixth. Rev. to their plans, and with the meet­ tlve Chinese Christians were bow­ said. ing,’’ Sapiro said. “The owners I ( Gaffney of this city was asked to ing last night going on record as ing before foreign imperialists. In Kerensky’s opinion, if Amer­ of the one million hens were I present the paper at the April not favoring the entering of a Qne such poster suggested that ica, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, _ signed up before we formed the meeting, J Chinese government it was announced. team, a motion was made and car­ the n6w and France will look to the pro- . cooperative. Then I became would Install radical workers ried, instructing* the chairhtan of tectlon of their nationals and not counsel for the poultry men." I who would be directed to wage a the meeting, A. C. Nininger, and interfere in Chinese internal af­ Branches Oat Dr. Shinn and "Bernie" Burnett, campaign against the religion of fairs the Cantonese leaders will From this beginning, Sapiro F as committeemen, to meet with western nations. soon work out solutions for their said, he branched organizing and I Gold Hill representatives at Med- own problems with a newer and advising the following parts of ford tonight, in an effort to WASHINGTON, Mar. 29.— The the country: the California prune (Please Turn to Page 2) work out an equitable arrange­ "battle of the concessions’’ In and apricots growers; the Cali­ ment whereby the Gold Hill team ' China will be fought, not by the fornia berry grows ( m o s t ly 1 would become partially Identified sword, but with the pen. Chinese); California pear grow- 1 with Ashland, and play the games Chinese mobs wanted to settle ers; California bean and fruit 1 that would naturall be scheduled It by force. For a time it appeared growers and the Milk Producers’ ‘ as if they might have their way, at Gold Hill, In Ashland. Association; Washington and 1 but reports Monday were more re­ Idaho potato growers; Oregon 18 assuring to navy officials. Ninety thousand dollars worth prune owners; Mississippi staple p Fighting bloodshed, massacre of bonds, for the Improvement of cotton growers; cotton growers ’ and all of the horrible attendant the A shland/lty water system will of Oklahoma, North and Soutji 1 outrages may be averted. At least be sold at a meeting of the city Carolina and Texas; tobacco 11 that is the hope here. council tonight. Fifteen thousand growers of Virginia and Ken- 1 But even so, the battle Is only of this amount will go toward the tucky; wheat growers of Kansas, 8 transferred from the soldiers to improving of the LHhia pipe line Nebraska, Dakotas and Ofelp- ‘ the, diplomats. For China Is and the balance will be used for homa; wheat growers of Sas- 1 Students Are Enrolled From awake and intends to fight the the Crowson reservoir, and the re­ katchewan and Manitoba and po- 8 Nearly E very County battle to regain the concessions building of many of the water tato growers of Main, M innesotal1 in State by one means or another. The mains. Gertrude Blede, city re­ and Colorado, were those advised g military situation around Shang< corder stated today that several by him. a | ” | The Southern Oregon Normal hai which was a menacing aspect bids had already been received Sapiro was just getting wound n I school opened the spring quarter over the week-end was easier and It was thought that mapy up when court adjourned. It is c yesterday with a general enroll­ Monday. more would be in before the coun­ estimated that his testimony will n ment from over the entire state Chinese mobs, apparently have cil convened. with the majority of the students been held In check. Cantonese take up all of today and per- n I entering from Jackson, Coos, Foreign Minister Chen has ex­ haps extend well into Wednes- SERVICE STATION ROBBED CHILOQUIN WOMEN DIES Klamath, Curry and Jackson pressed sincere regret for the loss Chief of Police McNabb was re­ Mrs. Ruth West of Chiloquin, counties. Yesterday was given of American life in Nanking, the quested to be on the lookout for Ore., aged 27 years, passed away over to the registration of stu­ state department announced. a man accused of participating In In this city yesterday morning at LEASES SERVICE STATION dents, and today regular class However, all danger is not over Following out the’genetal pol­ the hold up of a service station at 11 o’clock at the R. S. Parks home work was started with the assign­ and the 1,560 marines now being icy of the company the Associated Dunsmuir last night, described as In the Bellview district. ment of studies and the procuring concentrated for duty in China The deceased was the wife of Oil Company has JFased its Ash­ resembling an Italian, with dark of texts. will begin their trip to San Diego, land service station to Merritt E. hair and eyes, heavy set, wearing J. L. West, who formerly worked No figures on the enrollment Cal., Tuesday and Wednesday. Randle, well known local man, light corduroy trousers, w o o l for O. A. Paulserud, and the will be available for at least two They will embark on the transport who has been a resident of Ash­ sweater, with V neck, grey ot daughter of C. R. Boyl of Illinois. weeks, but with Increased Inter­ Henderson at San Diego early Funeral services will be held land for many years. Mri Randle blue cap. But few details of the est being manifest throughout the next week. has. taken possession, and will holdup were given local officers, from Stock’s undertaking parlors state, it is predicted that this Klamath Falls quarter will be the most success-' continue to operate the station In other than the crime was commit­ tomorrow afternoon, March 30 at the same efficient manner that it ted by two men, one of which was 2 p. m., with interment In the fnl that has yet been experienced Mausoleum. by the school. arrested. has been in the past. Brick Plant May Be Established Wurrahl HurraM The War’s Over Hand Ball Series Started Last Night Water Bonds Will Be Sold Tonight