J oultbÿ J( ndustby is a potential pap roll for Ashlund Ashland's Leading M per for Over Fifty Years (United Newv Wir« Barrito) 4* OREO .toni with heefrÿ« frost F * I 14ki " .* anterior. (United Press Wire Service) MARCH 20, 1927 StCKjfflHWK Local P ost Office WÜl A ssist Life Imprisonment Given to Those Who Assault . Officers <■ W orld war veteran« who desire | Now that Hugh De Autremont, I liUgDON, U P) —. For man- to take advantage o f t ie loan charged with the murder of four F j slaughter— four years for assault- provision enacted ■' by Congrens trainmen in 198S, is safely lodged lin g a policemen with Intent to having reference to their ad­ In the Jackson county jail officials “ I k ill— life imprisonment. justed compensation certificates, are marking time, awaiting fur- | Unarmed, except for , a .small Ballot« for P inzl Election can secure the blank form reqaos- Youthful Leader of Victor­ ther developments In the case. No leaded truncheon, a few thousand ito .ln making application to the r Sthtofcent has been made by Dls- Have Been M ailed to jpc'ltcemen guard the largest city Meeting W ill be H eld at ious' Troops Grants an Veterans’ Bgreau at Portland, Chamber of Commerce 4 I in the world as their dally , trlet Attorney Chaney other than Membera Interview -npoa r e q u e s t a t the Ashland i that given Saturday when he In- at Seven Thirty I work. They would be a- “ huge SIX W ILL BE NAMED postoffice. The form includes the W ILL NOTCOMPROMISE tlfa'ated that the trial would not jj Joke" as a police guard to 'the FANS URGED ATTEN D note to be signed by the veteran be started before the first of May graduated American gunman, but Election Committee Reqncwts That and the certificate of Identifica­ Plans to Pash on to Peking and If then. D'Autremon’ attorney, I Ito the London criminal the power General Representation of Local tion. The latter can be attested Ballots Be Returned Soon Unite China Into Peaceful Fred Smith of Eugene, will be de­ lot the courts behind them is more before a postmaster, an official Baaetonll Fana la as Possible tained n t that place for several Nation powerful than machine guns or of a veteran’s organisation, or a Expected lartillery. To the Londoner they r days where he has some criminal notary public. SH A N G H A), Mar. 88.— For­ I cases up for trial, and It Is are “the law”— in name and in eigners here are absolutely safe > thought, that a definite trial _ I fact. • 'insofar as the Cantonese army is i date w ill not be set until his re- j I A man was recently charged concerned, Chiang K ai Shek • turn to Medford. B I with manslaughter. He had been youthful commander of the Na­ i D’Autrempnt continues to occu- I I drunk while driving an automo- tionalist forces told the United i py the special cell In which he , I bile and had struck a child play- Press In *kn interview today. 1 was placed Saturday, and the jlln g In the street. The child later He farth er said that his army special guard is drlth him both , Idled in the hospital. The man day and night. Judge Refuses to Declare had been ordered to preserve , I was sentenced to four years 1m- peace in Shanghai. But for the M illion Dollar Case a 11 prlsonment and his license was northern Chinese faction Cang, M istrial I suspended indefinitely. W ith good Last week David W h ittle won had no such words of peace. He 11 behavior his sentence will prob­ D E T R O IT , Mich., Mar. 26.— said he would not, compromise a month’s subscription. Postmast­ ably be reduced to two and one- Henry Ford lost in a major en­ but would drive on to Peking as er Fred Wagner was ths correct I half years. of answers gagement today in a court fight soon as possible to obtain the guess. Hundreds The same week that this man with Aaron Saplro, in the million goal of a united peaceful China. were phoned in, and as proof W I was brought to trial, another man dollar Ford-Sapiro libel s u i t . the fact that this fascinating game I was charged, in a courtroom al- Judge Fred K .. Raymond, presid­ local Young Man Accused of K ill The Cantonese Nationalist has attracted more than [ most across the hallway, with the ing a Posseman Charged ing, denied a Ford motion to de­ troops and British soldiers clash­ attention, one guess was received I attempted murder by shooting a W ith Murder . clare the case a mistrial because ed today on the Yanktse river from Seattle and another from I policeman. of amended pleadings filed by above Kleuklang, when the Chi­ San Diego. COLUMBUS. O., Mar. 28.— The policeman was in plain Saplro. The court had formerly nese commandered a British river Schoenbrun, the first town to be 1 clothes and had attempted to accepted the revised pleadings as steamer. A British destroyer established in the Northwest Ter-, 4 stop the accused man who was offered by attorneys for Saplro. went into action routed the Chi­ rltory and the most successful In ­ ' driving an automobile. The ac­ A memorandum sent to the Inde­ nese and recaptured the vessel. dian mission established in Amer­ cused testified that he had pendent and Ford by W alter Peet- ica during the 18th century, is Jo thought the man who jumped on et, a Minnesota Banners coopera­ rise from its ashes. FOREIGNERS LEAVE the runping board of his car was tive leader demanding the retrac­ On A pril 1», 1777, ths inhabi­ a thief or**a highwayman. The SH A N G H A I. Mar. 29. — The tion of the Independent’s attacks Yangtze valley tonight was being tants of the little frontier town, judge listened to the defense pa­ upon Saplro was presented for drained of foreigners as a whole­ gathered behind its stockade for tiently and merely turned to he Sliver o f Glass is the third time and ruled out. their last church service, rased the sale evacuation of the trouble­ defendant and strnly asked, “Why little church to prevent its de­ some area continued under the ! don’t you tell the truth?” struction by barbarous hands, and I The accused had shot the plain­ protecting guns or foreign war ships. Thirty-five foreigners wore HOLLYW OOD, Mar. 28— Eddie bed a pool hall after wounding fled before advances of an Indian clothes man three times during expected soon from Soochow and Diggins, pugilist and movie Stunt the owner, W illiam Maddaugh. uprising. the struggle The policeman was On April 19, 1827, ths sesqui- anckher U. 8. Destroyer was to­ man, who was killed in a drunk- Dewey Russell an alleged aecom- badly wounded, but lived and la­ day ordered up the river to take ea Arawl at the Creaeent club Mr pltee. w ill be tried after Brownlee, cenjennlal date of the l ^ t meet­ tte r testified at the trial. Tbs Jury I ‘aboard refugees. One hundred Hollywood met Id a death wbea .Brownlee la said to have confese- ing of its pilgrim populaee, the freturned a verdict of ’ifttUty.” and th irty Japanese refugees ar­ he fell upon a sliver of glaee, de- od to the shooting, but the pair Rev. J. E. Weinland, pastor of the I “There le only one penalty I 1 Moravian Church at Dover, will I rived here today from Nanking, Old Pontoon Bridges Are and they said that a ll of the Jap­ toils of tho a ffa ir as reconptrpcted ware held equally responsible, see his hopes and dreams, take can Inflict," the judge said. “ I < by the police indicated toe that these * “7 J ^ ag,C carpet Shanghai- was quiet today. Adm ir­ LONDON, (U P )— A cat and a The first church and the first is no’ mercy for anyone who at- 1 , . .. which can be thrown across rivers al W illiam s Asiatic fleet com­ l as quick*/ as , . fiah recently were the cause of public school In the Northwest , . . . < apd 'streams of moderate width tacks a policeman— no matter 1 mander reported to tho navy de­ itly tuey have . ., __ , . . an accidental death here. Territory will be rebuilded ' In what his provocation. . ,, . iand enable armoured tracks or 11 partment. The message some­ Leave* Today— ley shall be! . , - . . . . . Startled when her cat leaped on replica. Schoenbrun, the town to motor lorries to follow an advance .ncement made c,oge U e heeta th<# Qew what relieved the tension, as it Mrs. H. E. Hnls leaves today th table while she was eating fish, have the first peace and f i r s t aald that the threatened mob ac­ for Klamath Falfs, where she, Mrs. Mary Teale swallowed a bone /empcrance societies of the north­ noon forum, « .^ m a r in e ” tan k . L lth la Springs „ “j \ - tion against the International w ill join her husband who Is which lodged in her lung. She west, will stand as monument to , H itherto it has been necessary settlement at Shanghai Sunday, employed by the Southern Pacific died before a physician arrived. the mission spirit so responsible ® g° to COB8truct pontoon bridges for failed to materialise and conse­ company, and make her future The coroner returned a verdict of for the penetration of the Ohio . . « .i heavy motor transport, an opera- quently he was able to recall the home. county. accidental death. , . Uon that requires from six to landing party sent ashore as a o mem s. eiKllt hours. The new “ magic car- precaution. The presence of addi­ ? pet" lB ,s 8a,d can * * tbrown German Pathologist Backs tional forces seemed to calm the up Judge Lindsey in temper of the Chinese. ’ **7" W hile details of the secret have H is Views I I I I I Missionary Will Be Here Wednesday fl Chaser . _. not been revealed, It is understood in 8tate Cham- .. . . that the new device takes advant- is a Delegate . .. . . .... age of the fact a floating object ______ w ilfs u p p o rt momentarily a con- n llf ll I siderably -greater weight than It V U /ll I will support permanently. A man i to r instance can cross a stream by ITII n i n r n 8kipplnK auickly across a series l i H r f l r r n of boards no one of which would 1111 I 111 L ll BUppOrt his weight alone for any U Vi ILL n m ’ S ta ff t o cPn8lderabl® l®ngth of time. i s i n c Man»: iftT ^ ld ho for the paet »en connected lings, first as iring the past rertlslng man- ing for Elam - lay he took is advertising iamath Palls Mr. Perkins lo leave until nth, hut a the Irnce Dentils, lamath Falls nitted to sever l The Tidings i to Ashland Is, where ; he ’ the Evening s. He has t o r a close fri®nd who recently Iamath Falla la t t e r -hae for im to join the children w ill te close of the In the new invention mats of a 1,ght the nature of which la not disclosed, are strung to- nnd thrown across the «tream. Motor trucks , are then rusbed over the mat bridge one at • tlme- Each mat starts to sink 88 wheels of the truck cross It, but b® i°’’® it has had a chance to "ink m o i? than an. inch or two the wb®«l» have passed on to th? next mat- and then on to the next one then oh to the next one succaseive- iy a h tll the* truck has crossed the stream and is safe on shore on the other side.. The principle em- Vloyad la similar to that of a okator orossing “ rubber ice”— by ekating at a fa ir speed ha can cross Me that would break under him almdst immediately if he to a*sfamd still. t Numerous teats have keen made with the new» mat-bridge across the river Avon, and they are de- dared io h ate been eatirely eat- isfactory^ Officers declare it w ill solve the hitherto difficult proh- >®m of enabling heavy army trans­ port te keep up w ith the rapid ad- vance of tofantry and tonka in toodern warfare. FILIPINOS SERVE M A N ILA . Mar. 29.— Filipinos, trained in the Insular national guard under Amerloan Instructors are now actively commanding units of the Cantonese army in China It was learned today. Sev­ eral of these officers formerly held a high rank In the guards. For more than a year Cantonese representatives have offered at­ tractive salaries to experienced m ilitary men, and many Filipinos have accepted. R. W . P rio r Rotula« ConooBsionarM Moo W ith Secretary R. W . Price, manager of the Crater Lake National Park pany, returned Saturday from a; conference held In San Francisco, with Secretory df the Inferior W ork, and attended by represent­ ative» from evert National Park west of YeUowMdns. T h irty five were present at thd meeting which was held Friday, apd according to' Mr. Price a more clear , relation was established between the chn- cesslonares and the Iato rto rf4p - partment. The local man was m - thusiastlc over tho meeting . anA . predicted that much , good g ill come from the continuation o f * these gatherings ovary year. < S W A L tO W jfc , jT iL T X K e jù T TÂs/èotiTof ''iburzWüfc/ B E R L IN — (U P ) — Judge Ben Lindsay of Denver, in his demand for greater freedom In love and marriage, has found an able sec­ ond In the well known Berlin psycho-pathologist, Dr. Magnus Hlrschfeld. - Dr. Hlrschfeld himself is the center of an interesting and rather blsarre community here, embracing physicians and scient­ ists, philosophers, lawyers and a large following of >oung girls between 14 and 18 as well as boys afflicted with various types of sexual abnormalities. His "clientele” also embraces women Mrs. O. W. Wilcox, a represen­ tative of the American Missionary Association, will be In Ashland Wednesday afternoon and evening Instead of Tuesday as kas been announced. Mrs. F. H. W alker has kindly opened her home to the Women’e Missionary Society 'of the Congre­ gational church for the afternoon meeting where Mrs. Wilcox will be guest of honor. In the evening at 8;30 a basket dinner of baked beans, brown bread, cold slaw, and apple pie will be served at the church. -An open Invitation Is given to anyone who may be interested. During the evening Mrs. Wilcox will speak of the work of her Society COUPLR ARE HYPNOTIZED BY GYPSIES, IS CLAIM which Is carried on among the Mountain whites, the negroes, the BUDAPEST, (U P )— That three Indians, and Immigrants. gypsy women hypnotised him and ODD FELLOWS SOCIAL his wlfa in order to rob them was Odd Fellows, Rebekahs aad the charge made to the police of this olty by Andras Barberits, their families are cordially invited helmsman on one of the many to attend thé fifth Tuesday social, freight barges which are towed up which will be held in the I O. O. F. hall Tuesday evening, Marsh aad down the Danube by tugs. On each barge the helmsman 29. This event was originally and his fam ily are given a regu­ announced as a dance hat tha lar dwelling. The gypsy women committee in charge has stated oamn aboard and offered the wife that It will he a social. -------------------— " H flower need for spring planting. W hile bartering with the boatman WILL BNTRRTAAr K IW ANn * Ashland Klwaaia have haea-- and his wife the gypsies looked them so straight in ths eye that cordlally invited to participât« ta they were hypnotised and gave a dinner dance, which w ill ba them their savings-bank when given by the Medford clnh a t thn the gypsies demanded It. Only af­ Medford hotel t«ai«ht at V R W 3 Several members from this ter the gypsies were gone, did the couple realise what they had dona are planning to attend th la,jp < H | they said. ' >.