Xz SATURDAY, March M , 1M 7. ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS the close of the fifth trial day of his damage suit for *25,000. His action is based on a haraa- Whlpplnff administered by J. Stu­ art Blackton, motion picture di­ rectin’, which de-Merveaux con­ tend« was given without provoca­ tion. / Blackton claims the flog- iing followed an attack by de ^lerveaux on Mrs. Blackton, Loa Angeles and Hollywood society j .leader. ™ The dapper Frenchman’s skull, qn an X-ray photo, was introduced as the first physiological exhibit of the case. By * it be hopes to prove that there is no silver plate In the fencing master’s head, al­ though he intimated earlier in the trial that one had been placed Acre following a war wound. 4 A tew minutes later on order of hjs attorney the Hollywood piano. bou vjvant paraded up and down The quartette slnga "Da Maasa before the Jury box, exhibiting hla of de Sheepfol.J’ “Oh Mias Han­ hands'to the Jurors, six men and nah," and "Absent." The num­ Six women, for close inspection of bers of tbs Glee Club are further his finger nails. supplemented by vocal solos, ne­ “ Flying hero he may be, and gro spiritual duets,^ readings, and fencer with all the requirements college songs and stunts. of a d’Artagnan, but de Merveaux The Willamette University Glee has one of those faults “that even Club has recently completed an exceptionally successful two- weekslrip Into Eastern Oregon GIVES SURE RELIEF and Idaho, and has attracted Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ much favorable comment for the pound relieves at ones distressing, fineness and precision of the har­ alarming bronchial symptoms. It mony In the Club numbers. The loosens the harsh cough, raises appearance of this Club In Ash­ phlegm easily, soothes the Irritat- land marks an event above the av­ d mucous membrane, eases the erage offered to music lovers, and lsagreeable tightness that grows as such deserves thé support of worse ■ toward nightfall. From the entire community. Mr. L. M.— Charleston, W. Va., "I am glad to say that Foley’s Honey and Tar helped me over a bad attack of bronchitis." It Is a reliable' medicine, ‘ aafe and effeo- tive tor conghe and colds In child­ ren and grown persons. Your druggist sells and recommends i t LOS ANGELES, Mar.’ 26.— Ask or phone for. It.— Sold every­ — No. 4.. (UN)— Liaut. Gerard de Mer­ where. veaux,' who insists he is a fenc­ ing master and a hero of the world war, but whose legal oppon­ ents term a ladies’ underwear saleman with a Romeo complex, offered himself as exhibit A at Quartette With Willamette Glee 'Club Local • Rnsiness in K. F.— From Twin Fall»— \ J. H. Nye, * resident of Twin W. H. Perkins of the Ashland Falls, Idgho, spent ■ yesterday in Daily Tidings force is spending this city looking after business the day in Klamath Palis looking after business affaire. affairs. 1 Cliff Payne makes book racks. » Two pants suits, smart twist suits, business golf shits, kt Paul- ■Hava a fit at Orres tailors, 73 serud’s? We sell for leas. Oak St, new location. l f l- t f 170-tf ¡u ■ • <, * -^ a , a Went Through Ashland- - •» Word has been received by Leslie Hear, son of Mrs. L. J. Mrs. L. J. Heer of this city i Heer on High street, of Duns- that her son James, who is in inuir, Cal., passed through this the U. S. Navy, is now in Cuba. city today on his way to Med­ ford where he is delivering an Cemetery Lota automobile. Now is the time to clean up, cemetery lots. Those who want Let the UNION write your full Ashland cemetery lots cared for coverage automobile Insurance. let me know soon. M. J. Olson, Veo, of course. 83-tf Sexton. 169-1* Jam es Heer in Cuba— THE VARSITY QUARTETTE The Varsity Qu&rette appears in concert with the Wlllainette University Glee Club on Saturday evening, March 26. The concert will be given at the M. E. church, and will begin promptly a eight o’clock. The quartette has a wide selec­ tion of enjoyable songs, and sings each number well. The following men compose the quarette: Mr. Ronald Craven,, first Jegor; Mr. William Wright, aectad tenor; Mr. Willis Hathaway, baritone, and Mr. Walter Kaufman, bass. Each of these men is an accom­ plished soloist, and the voices of the four blend In wonderful har­ mony. Miss Margaret Lewis, the pianist of the club, assists at the A dandy plate lunch Including Underwent Operation— J. N. Dennis of this city un­ coffee every noon and night, 35c. derwent an operation at the com At the Plaxa. 106-tf munity hospital yesterday morn­ ing and is getting along nicely. Former R esident H S. J. Chaney of Eugene,. Ore., Mrs. J. L. Oskar and son of who was formerly minister of the Applegate came to Ashland Fri­ local Methodist Episcopal church, day morning to be with Mrs. is in Ashland today visiting with Oskar’s father during his opera­ friends and looking after business tion. affairs. We can make that old suit I’a for Able to bo Out Normal text books and Supplies look like new. Paulserud’g Raymond McGee, son of Mr. 170-tf — Eihart’s book store. > cleaning. and Mrs. J. H. McGee on Vista les. 175-2 street, is able to be out today Expected to Pa«. _____ __ after beiflg confined to bia home Have yonr screens mude nt Mr. and lira. Lee Sutton, who for several days with illness. Jordan’s mill. have been spending the winter months in Huntington Deach and From Washington D. C«—- Driving Union Track— Venice, Cal., were expected to Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutter and Henry Homes, son of Mr. and pass through Ashland yester­ Ross* Stutter of Washington, D. Mrs. Charles Homes of this city, day or today enroute to their C., were in Ashland yesterday is now drivin a Union Oil tank ranch home *uear Klamath Falls. visiting the city and drinking truck. He has been employed Mr. Sutton was formerly a resi­ Lithia water. by the company for several dent of this city, having been months, both here and in Med­ raised here. ford. Oregon shipped 16,881 cars NOTICE fruit and vegetables during 192C. Dance I. O. O. F. Hall Tuesday On and after March 25, 1927, evening, March 28, for Odd Fel­ I will not be responsible for any lows, Rebekahs, and their famil- debts contracted for by my wife, FREE METHODIST CHURCH Avellna Martinbc. Wlll go to Merrill— The regular services for the Theodore Martinez. Lord’s Day, March 27 will be The local Modern Woodmen 174-«* Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Drill team will go to Merrill, Preaching at 11:00 A. M. and Ore., today where they will put 6 0 Cars Regintere«!__ 7:80 P. M. on the work at a Bataillon meet­ Sixty out-of-state cars were ing this evening. Regular weekly prayer meet­ registered .at the local Chamber ing on Thursday evefalng at 7:30. of Commerce yesterday, which is Bible study Tuesday evening at Easter goods. windo the most that have been reg­ 7:30. The Rose. istered in the year 1927. Among EMMA R. THOMPSON, Paston. those who stopped this morning were E. H. VanPatten of Day- Panned Through Asbfcnd— Mrs. May Austin p a s s e d ton, Wash., B. M. Turner of San through Ashland this “»morning Diego, Cal., and Glenn McLain on the Shastg, enroute to Se­ of Hickman, California. attle, Wash., where she will make her future home. Word R eceived - Word was received here yester Normal text books, art sup­ day from Mrs, Lillian Greer, who plies, school stationery— Elhart's. is spending a few days in Port­ land,’ that Mrs. George Scott passed away in that city Wed R. O. Littler and Oeorge D. nesday, March 23 of heart Norris of Portland, Oregon, were trouble. The* deceased lived in in Ashland yesterday looking Ashland several years ago and her after business affairs and visiting two daughters Helen and Naomi, with friends. attended the local high school Ì I* your host friends won’t tall yon rested showing bribery and allep* treaty, It wa» pointed oat. bout,” he admitted, nay, he even ed "protection” from the Mexican luslBied. . ♦ ¿ « I officers. , • ’ . Local officials freely admit anx­ iety - over the growing feeling among guardians of the border on AMERICANS AHSUHE» OF SHOOTING OVER LINR b^th sldee o f «he river. This feel­ ing has run stIU higher since the (Continued VTom Page One) cancellation of the antl-smnggltng FLU~sg?£ ■n to the reports of American offic­ ers who engaged in a skirmish across the river several days ago, when ope Mexican was killed. Americans maintain they have affidavits signed by suspects ar- l Pleasing Menu Used Cars You will appreciate the well cooked food, the splendid service, the air of refinement which combine to make 1923 Chev M a n . . $200 LITHIA' SPRINGS HOTEL 1923 Ohev Touring, $150 A Real Pleasure Sunday Dinner at the 1923 Ohev Coupe, .. $250 ,1921 Chev. Tourilg, $ 7 5 - 1923 Pord Coupe, .. $150 The ’ Automotive Shop FENCING MASTER IS WITNESS FOR HIMSELF Chevrolet Lithia Springs Hotel Dealers COME! and Varnishes A paint and varnish for every need T O, RIGG Bost Paint,—Best Workmen Phone 172 For quality, purity and flavor, always ask your grocer for A sh lan d C ream ery BUTTER HEAR! EVANGELIST On Busy Spring Days Fuller Paints $1.00 PER PLATE L. N. FOGG House-Cleaning Demands You. Carden- and Yard Calls Yon. The Highway Entices You. —And ÀT THE Ashland Laundry Service helps you find time for s p r i p g activities. I t ’s economy. I t ’s satisfaction. SPECIAL REVIVAL j ? MEETINGS Held at the Church of The Nazarene - JUST CALL, FOURTH AND C STREETS THA,T’S ALL. March 27 to April 10 JUST PHONE .... 165 (Inclusive) Service* Every Night at 7:30 Sundays: 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Ashland Laundry Co. Inspiring Song Service and Special Singing Don't Fail to Hear Him * Lithia Fountain! Industries! Sanatorium! Water! Dam! Taxes! TODAY OHLY «LONE HAND SANDERS” 5-.;,,?.^: / ' * with FRED THOMPSON AND SILVER KING___ SUNDAY ONLY TRY IT TODAY! - IT S EASY TO REMEMBER THE FLAVOR and NAME OF- A light comedy of love and marriage—against a back- ground of Parisian society and back-stage. 1E0U LA R ADMISSION , ■ ’ t 7 -7 . \ ' DON’T 'LET THESE MATTERS OVERWHELM YOU So That You Forget to P urchase That NIFTY NEW Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit Miller’s Toggery MHab-a-dash Inn” Ì